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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [SIZE=1]Maybe it's not so good. but I like it . I hope you do, can you tell me what you think of it?[/size]
  2. I'd Just spend all my money on video games. Heh, that and anime is what I do, but if I lose both, heh, my life would be sleeping. ;)
  3. My Graphic skills are still horrible. Please tell me what you think. Thanks. I hope sometime in the near future I can atleast make a good avatar and banner. Heh.
  4. I'm gonna have to go with a lot of you guys, with Kenshin. I mean geez, Kenshin Himura Hiddukiri Bouttosi the man Slayer, the name says it all. I also thing Sanosuke Sagara also from Rouruni Kenshin is good too. He is a very skillfull swordsman. And is sword is frickin' huge. I be they are the ones with the best sword skills, atleast from what I can think of.
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][B]Kakashi-Naruto:[/b] I love him because of the way he thinks, his blinding speed, his easy-yet not easy going attitude. He is obviously my favorite anime/manga character. I also like him because he knows how to be a ninja, and is good at doing that. [B]Vash-Trigun:[/B] He is very funny, a doofis, and can weild a gun. I also like it because he always acts stupid, then when something bad happens he gets serious, and really puts his gun to it. He probably has the best charcter design I have ever seen. It is amazing. [B]Ryu-Street Fighter Alpha:[/b] He is just very cool. I like his charcter design, and how he does the martial arts. I also like that he overcomes the darkness and uses the light. He is just very cool. [B]Kenshin Himura (Hitukiri Bouttosi)- Rouruni Kenshin:[/b] I like him because he can weild a sword like there's nothing to it. I also like him because he is a wanderer like me. And he is awesome when he gets serious, and does something amaxzing, out of the blue. I like that about him alot. That's mostly my favorite charcters, not many of them, but they are probably my favorite. [/size][/color]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]I'd have to say Sasuke and Sakura from Naruto. It's a triangle, yes a triangle of love. Because Sakkura is trying to get Sasauke, and Naruto's trying to get Sakura , and Sasake is just in the middle. He doesn't try to get anybody. That's a couple. lol[/color]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]That's your opinion Dark DeatH, but mine is, this show rocks the world. I got a lot of quotes for you. "Hello light, hello light, hello light, hello light, and over and over and over." -Ed "Eddy can we get a chicken please, I LOVE CHICKENS EdDY!." -Ed "I am Mutant man, look at my skin, eddy you can be my aprentice, and Double-D you can be, uhhh Double-D!"-Ed All my quotes are from Ed, yes I know, because Ed just happens to be my favorite. ^^[/color]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Name: I have no Idea X-Name: Collususs Mutant Ability: Can turn into metal. Children: None Good or Bad: Good[/Color] [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:E59NrJpPDI8C:[url]www.bobmcleod.com/colossus.gif[/url][/IMG]
  9. [I]The year is 1867 AD. The Togugawa War is over, and many familys have been slplit apart, or killed. Some familys that made it out, soon died later in the Oniwaban fire. Legend has it, the Oniwaban Group killed themselves in the fire, with 1200 people of Kyoto, Japan. However, one amasing, and deadly spy from the Oniwaban Group lived. He was burnt all over, and was almost dead. By foot he traveld all the way to Honshu. There he found a docter, that healed this spy's wounds. The spy killed everybody there. Then he moved on, and found a dojo. There trained a huge swordsman. The swordsman had no clue what he saw in those shadows, but he trew some shuriken. The spy jumped, dodging the Shuriken, and with a great leap, he was on top of the roof. He set a deadly match, then ran away. Since the spy was gone the swordsman didn't care. Five minutes later the dojo blew up, and burst into flames. Three years later, a new legend came. He was called Bouttsi the Man Slayer. The spy never got equal with him, and it's been fifteen more years. Bouttsi, was just ten when he saw the spy. Now he was twenty-five. He had no friends, and made an oath, to protect the innocent, and never to kill again. Then one day walking across a dirt road, The Bouttsi, or Kenshin Himura, was sent a paper. It flew right in front of him, and with great skill the warrior caught it. Reading it, the spy said that he had kidnapped a girl, and has he hostage. Kenshin made an oath, and the spy knew. The spy wanted to kill Kenshin. That same spy, gave the cross scar across Kenshin's left cheeck. I guess Kenshin need some help to find the spies...[/I] [B]Name:[/b] There will be 4 charcters from the show, and the rest made up. [B]Age:[/b] [B]Weapons:[/b] [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/b] [B]Name:[/B] Sanosuke Sagara [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Weapons:[/B] Shakyasi Big Sword, and A samurai/Ninja Katana. [B]Appearance:[/B] Spikey Black hair, with a red ban-danna, and a white unbuttoned karate suit, with white tape across his stomach. Tape on his heels too. With black shoes. He also carries around a huge Shakyasi Big Sword. [B]Personality:[/B] He kinda thinks he's a big shot, and stuff. But he is very smart, and he can be made friends with easily. He's very nice when you are nice to him, and he can kill without hesatation. He as well doesn't have friends just like Kenshin. That's al I can sum up for now. Good Luck.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]I know, I heard about that. My sister lives in LA and she's going to see what all the fuss is about by watching the movie. She and her husband are Anime fans. I hope we get it out here in Houston, but we probably won't.... [/B][/QUOTE] Since it won an Oscar, I'm sure they're going to ship it to many many states. Heck, people where I live don't even know that it won an Oscar, 'cept me, and they still shipped it here. If you live in Housten, then I bet you'll get it.
  11. I've heard good things about this show. I think I have seen, it, I don't know. I know I've heard about it over a million times, but I think I've seen it. If I have then it would have been a long time ago, and to long for me to remember.
  12. Yes Indeed I do. It comes out in theaters this Friday where I live. That means tomorrow from this post now. Since not a lot of people even know what anime is around here, I'm sure this is going to be a huge, and good, step. I'm going to go see it Sunday, with my mom. I don't recall anytime when I have one to a movie theater to see an anime movie. Back to the Subject: Like I said, yes I do believe this is a big step for Japanese Animmation in the USA. If I like it, I shall tell you. Since it won a reward, I'm sure it's going to be very good.
  13. Yes I read it. I don't like it that much, but I'm sure some people do...
  14. ack >.< I think this anime is like dirt. It makes no since whatsoever, and I don't even think it has it's own plot. The dubbing on FOX, my god was the worst I'd ever seen. I just can't stand this show.
  15. Well I picked it up yesterday. I haven't started it yet, but I hope it'll be great. It cam out March 18th here I think, I don't pay attention to release dates. Here's a quote from gamepro: "...and you thought Everquest was good?" So according to gamepro, it surpassed Everquest. It must be pretty good, because from the reviews I read for Everquest, it was awesome. I'm going to play this game when I get home from school.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]I was actually thinking of buying the DVDs of Kenshin, dubbed. I'll get a taste of it on Cartoon Network, and then if I like it, which I probably will, I'll have to start saving up $100. ^_^;; It isn't too bad considering there are 95 episodes in the series, and if the dub was really [i]that[/i] bad, I could just change it to subbed. Ahh, how I love DVDs. I've never seen a badly dubbed anime on DVD. They keep in all of the original content, and the voice actors arn't that bad, so...I suppose that you just got used to the subbed version, TN? >.< It's just that the series looks so good, but I want to be able to watch it in my language. [/B][/QUOTE] Just forget about the bad dubbing, and sit back and relax, and watch the show. It won't seem so bad, I do that. I don't really pay attention to the dubbing. I just watch it. Since I'm so eager to watch it, I forget about the bad editing, and bad dubbing. I like this anime from the day I saw it. (Yesterday). Anywho, the editing I must say wasn't good, but the plot, and the charcters, and the amazing animation caught my eye fast enough that I fogot about the bad editing, and dubbing. Though the Old man's voice wasn't good, and you could always catch that. So yes, I like it so much, that I watch it on CN.
  17. I am thankful that I have a family that put a roof over my head, and I am glad to have friends. Well...if I have any. Bleh anywho, my family and the guy that created anime and video games to give me something to do.
  18. [COLOR=blue]The real villian. Ah, seeing as I haven't beat FF6 yet, I don't know how good Kefka, so I can't say him. Final Fantasy 7's Sephiroth wasn't much of a threat to Cloud, like the other heroes, and the other villians. Sin could quilify, and so could Sephiroth. I don't think that Sephiroth killed as much people as Sin, and Sin killed like athousand people at a time. Sin wasn't actually a threat at the begining at all. Once you got farther in the game, like Tasis said, [spoiler]it took a while to find out that Sin was human[/spoiler]. I'm saying this because Sin killed the most people, he was scary, and Wakka always told Tidus to stay away from Sin. Because they knew that Sin was strong, and a big threat. He was so big, that when he uprised from the ground he destroyed at least 300 people, and if not that many, a lot of people. That's my opinion. Final Fantasy X, is where Sin is from. I'm sure you all knew that though. Now, me changing Sin's fate. I have no clue. I guess, making him [spoiler]go back to human[/spoiler]. That's all I can say.[/color]
  19. [COLOR=blue]I have looked at it and I must say, you have done very good. I think I'll submit something here soon.[/color]
  20. I bet it will. I'm sure it has gone off the charts with the reserves. I believe, that it will be. The most patient man in the Nintendo business, Shigerea Miyamoto. He spent two years on this game, perfecting so that little Link shined. One, or a half of the year they spent animating. Making his eyes get level. Whereas some people will like the short legged, bif hedded Link, whereas other might not. But I like the animating that they did. Somewhat it's like Wild Arms 3. Since I don't play much Zelda gmaes, I will say when I play this, it'll have to be the best, and if not, heck I know that Shigerea Miyamoto succeded in Master Quest. This man is an amazing person. If this game doesn't shine, then I just won't believe myself. because I know how good Miyamoto is.
  21. Go. There is an oppurtunity lying in your hands. Like James said, chances are you won't stay there forever, you'll evantually come back. And if you don't, and if you can't come down, and they want to see you badly, have them come down. You can go, and come back every other weekened. On that weekened you can spend the night, then go home Sunday, and spend that weekened with your friends. If anything that would help. Just a visit can bring friends back. If your not out of state it's not bad, but if you are, you might have to come home every month. Visiting isn't bad at all. You can write and tell them, and come back. Or you can do that, and all of your vacations, come back home, and spend it there. If your friends don't support this make a deal with them.
  22. Well, the best of my luck goes to you Seph. I hope you do a great job. I don't have much to say in this post, just do a good job, and tell people about OB. Good luck.
  23. My friend let me borrow it, so I've played it. I didn't beat it, I got pretty far though. Graphics, I can't say anything really. There like most GB games. The gameplay was good, I'm still surprised I didn't beat it. The plot I didn't quite understand at first, then my friend told me about it, so I played it more. I hope I can buy the game so I can beat it, and make another file trying the girl. I always do that to these kind of games.
  24. I've never done it. I sleep talk all the time, I don't know why. I usually ask the air about video games. I think one time I called my PS2 a stupid piece of junk. Of course, that's my favorite system, so I didn't mean it. I don't think anybody in my family sleep walks. I have a friend that does it all the time, he gets up, turns on the TV and starts yelling at it. He's very very weird.
  25. I've lied some. I don't think I do it much anymore. Because I didn't like it, sooner or later someone would find out what you did. Then you'd be busted. That's not good. Now to a friend that was mean to me yes. But I don't like it. It makes you feel quivery, and it makes you toss and turn. Like you don't know what's going to happen next. That is why I don't lie, even if someone asks me to. I must admit that I do it once in awhile, but I do get the consequences. And I hate that.
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