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Everything posted by Spikey
Hopefully this is the game I'm getting from my mom for my birthay on March 18th. I want this game because I loved the .hack//SIGN series, and I'm pretty sure this game will be just as good as the anime. I think from reading other posts, I think you know when there released. Since this game has three volumes, I should get all three, then beat 'em. And if they don't come out the same time, which I know they don't. I'll have to buy one at a time. Just a little hint on the release date. Hopefully this game'll be a big hit. I'm sure not a lot of kids will get it, due to the Mature Sexual Themes, so there's a cut-off. As well as the Volumes, I'm sure people will buy it and get not even half-way and they'll say it's to long. Those are the two things I'm worrying about. Anime's not a big thing where I live. Mostly it's the sports games that rule. Some RPG Zelda games, and Final Fantasy X. What's ruling now where I live is NBa: Street, and stuff. I don't see a lot of people buy LOTR: The Fellowship of the Rings since the game is so long. These are the cons, and the pros are... THe charcter design. They are plainly amazing, and the gameplay. From what I read, this game has the most and longest gameplay, but the best, ever. I'm sure there are more on other games, but that's what they said. I'm just saying what I've read. I'm not doing playdrisim though, there not even close to word by word. This is what I think for how it's going to be. I'm sure the Battle-System is going to be new and great. I know two or three people that'll buy this because of the .hack//SIGN series, and there's another pro, anime makes big hit on Cartoon Network, and that makes people buy .hack Infection. Now I think this game'll be interesting because your inside the game world. It sounds cool. Let's hope it is. Wooh, I'm out. That is all of the information I have right now, hopefully I'll read more and give you some more information. I'll check to see if it's in stores here. I hope it is by March 16th or 17th. This is what I want for my birthday. Kinda sliding off-topic. So, I'll check around for more information. Right now like I said this is all I have, so I hope you liked it, and if you just want to read it out of a magazine you can get Gamepro, or GamingNetwork. So, there's the magazines I get my information from.
I like turn-based RPG's better. They make you think a lot, and sometimes they are very long. Like you said. Kingdom Hearts was kinda easy, but yet long. I don't play many Zelda games, and if I have, they don't appeal to me. I'm looking forward to the Wind Waker, to see if it appeals to me. I don't think the Zelda games are that long though. If any, I think at least 10 to 15 hours in it. So I think I'm going to have to go with turn-based. The action don't seem right, with the action jumping at you all the time. I like the strategic games, that make you think. Not games that do the story for you. Those RPG's are to easy. And they seem like demos.
[B]Name:[/B] Akira Suriam [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Description:[/B] He is a Samurai warrior that wears all read, has a sword, on his waist, and armor inside the red cape. He's a Japanese Samurai soldier. He has those kind of Japanese sandles, and stuff. With grey socks. He's fair size, about 6'0 feet. His General's taller than him though. He has black, not very long, but long hair, not real real long hair though. That's about the best I can do. [B]Personality[/B] Akira is a Samurai who's in an army. He's been in 10 wars, and he hasn't been killed yet, but injured. His father taught him how to fight as a Samurai, and the way of the Samurai. WHen he was about 6 he learned. Then after a while he surpassed his father. His father died, in a war. Akira was very said, rage and hate filled inside him. That was when he decided to join the army. He didn't change his suit, or anything, he fought in it as a Samurai. Now, his mother died when he was a baby, so he never got to meat her truly. He's very strong, but now something strange happened to him.
I'm late, as always... Ok, I have a PlayStation 2, as well as a N64, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo. Those are the consoles at my house. I won't mention the consoles at my Big Bro's house, just way to many. I would have to say that the XBox wins by Machinery, but the games aren't any good. Maybe one or tweo games simply appeal to me, but none of the others seem to have a plot and a good story-line. Such as Meccha-Warrior 4, they never told you what the heck you were fighting for, you just fought. Now, moving on to Gamecube. I know GameCube didn't come backed up with much machinery, but the games made for this console were better than the Sega Saturn. The Idea of the games is what got my attention. When I saw the size of the games, since I was little that there was going to be little gameplay to it. I was an idiot back then. But those games were amazing. Like SSBM had a great I idea. Nintendo's good. Ps2. Ahhh...My favorite Game Console. This Console had medium-sized machinery backing it up. You could play DvD's on it, and other stuff. Noe=w the games were off-the-chart for me. They got my attention before I could even buy a PlayStation. But I don't need that now. Anyway, the games such as Suikoden III, and many others were great. Tekken 4, Tekken Tag, Mortal Kombat, those games were just great. And the plot, and great story-lines they had were great. So I'm gonna have to say that this console's the best from my opinion. As for the other thing, systems dying out, I would think it would be GameCube. A lot of people love the PS2, and the XBox, if not that the XBox. Sorry for my inconveniance, for all you GameCube fans, and XBox fans, it's just my opinion. Or it could be PS2 who knows. But whenever I go to the store they have more PS2 games than any console. Maybe customers want more PS2 games. ::shrugs:: Again I apoligize for all you GameCube and XBox fans. Again, just my opinion.
I'm looking for a good game. Something that I know will get my attention. Which is Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Vexx, and Marvel vs Capcom. I've heard many reviews, and they say these three games are really really amazing. Then again, I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, but I read the Bounty Hunter books, and I like them. So I saw it at the store and thought of buying it. Vexx I saw in one of my Gamepro magazines. It looked really really cool. The review wasn't very good at all, but how he said the game was completely awesome, and he didn't say that often, got my attention. Now Marvel vs Capcom. Since my first fighting game I played, Street Fighter, I have always been interested in fighting games. I thought that I should get SNK vs Capcom, but then again, I don't like SNK. Marvel's okay, but my main focus is the company Capcom. So there are the tree games that I want. I think they are out, at least I know two are, I don't know about Vexx. I'm still looking. I don't think it's out here because I saw it was under Sneak Previews in the Gamepro magazine. ::shrugs::
Semjaza, I had a cheat to delete the cutscenes. After I saw the first cutscene I thought this game's really gonna bite. So I went on the internet and got a cheat that disables the cut scenes of course. When I was at then end of the game, since I had played much much longer games, I thought it was the middle. I didn't believe myself either when I put onew hour to beat. I get my head screwed up with ohter video games. Mystic Quest was for him to beat, so he could get the hang of battle systems and other stuff. The way the Storyline works. I think it was hard to understand with my LMAO post. This is why I'm clearing it up. Moving on, I thought for awhile and then I remembered a pretty easy rpg. If you want an easy rpg, and a good storyline, get Legend of Dragoon. It takes a long long time to beat, but the game is easy. It's like an easy game, but long. The battle system you can pick up pretty fast. There was one charcter that bugged me though. I can't remember who. I'll check it out in two weeks. It's at my big bro's house. So this post was to clear some stuff up. I hope it did, and I apoligize for my lame mistakes. So if you didn't like my other post, here is one to replace it!
Wild arms 2 took me 5 hours to beat. I think it might be a little to easy. Unless your an ultra-begginer. If so you want a good beginner get Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. First Final Fantasy game I beat. The game isn't hard at all. The battle system is a pick-up on the first battle. Your first quest is a lot easier than Wild Arms II, but then again, it does get harder, Mystic Quest that is. Wild arms III stays easy. I forgot to mention that Mystic Quest is for the Super Nintendo,not the PS, or PS2. Sorry. Umm.. maybe you should try something like FF8, or FF9. FF9 is pretty easy. I hope you use my information, if you have a Super Nintendo. If you don't, read the other posts.
Well, well, well my favorite game. This game you open a book, and in that book there are three files. You choose one of those files and you look at a little cut scene. I started out with Hugo. I think that's who your supposed to start out with. I've only beat Hugo's thing, but I haven't started on anybody else's. Anywho, I haven't played Suikoden II, or Suikoden I, but I'm sure they are pretty good. SO I don't know about the replay value. I think you'll enjoy this game.Charles stole all the stuff I could've said. I left for awhile so I'm late to this thread.
I just learned how to juggle real good a couple of days ago. It took me 25 times to actually get the whole thing right. I then beat my little brother like 20 times in a row. Then again he's not very god. Anywho, I tried my hand at Tekken Tag at my friends. The game is completely off the market fighting. The charcters are weird in Tekken Tag though. The game is still kick butt, but I don't like the charcter much. Then again I only played it for 30 minutes. Now I just hope I can get my hands on the original Tekken. I haven't even played that one yet, and I've played Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken 4, and Tekken Tag.
I needed to test an avatar, so I'll put it up here. It's from Suikoden II.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Spikey replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=red]The man turned to look, Without his heart, he felt no hatred, Nor any love. He had gone so far, To look at someone, But he fell, Fell fast away. Nothing was won, Nothing accomplished, He lost everything, But yet lost nothing. For now, He was the loser, And the other person the, Winner.[/color] -
Writing Heres a new one since I've been gone so long.
Spikey replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=red]Our heart will blend There are many worlds But the all share the same sky- One Sky , One Destiney There is one key that unlocks it all That shows it all But who will find that key first Me or You or The others ALERT: Lines from a Kingdom Hearts poem. I wouldn't put that anywhere. The rest is nice. Good job.[/color] -
[COLOR=red]-Chapter 1- Deadly walked along the railing at 1:23 a.m. His father had just went to war with the Vampires. His father hunted vampires. He was afraid his father would never come back. Jumping onto the railing, he jumped down to the water and started walking on it. Deadly was an outstanding kid, he was half human half Vampire. He had cam from the Vampires, but rased with human looks, and manners. He had on a big red cap, and black long sleeve shirt, and black pants. He always wore those cetain clothes. Just when he got home, he opened the door, and yelled: "Mom, I'm going out somewhere". Of course she was asleep and said okay, she didn't ask where he was going. Deadly was going to look for his father, and fight the Vampires with him. But not kill them, hurt them. He had a big gun that shot knives out. He was going to shoot them in the legs, so they would all remeber that Vampires, were a great race, but no need to kill the humans. He would do the same to the humans, for the same reason. He wanted the two to join forces, and defeat the Goblins. He had amazing skill so this shouldn't be to hard he though. He traveled east, to where the battle was. Voices were screaming, and Vampire screeches, he knew he was near. He shot off a knive, and the next thing he knew, he heard a screech. He started to run towards the battle. He saw five Vampires right in a row. He spun around once, then shot of three at once, hit three then spun again started running, jumped up and shot the other two. His plan was proceeding. Then all of a sudden he saw nine humans going to kill eight Vampires. He quickly shot of six knives, jumped up to catch them, load them with others and shoot so he could shoot off nine knives at once. He got all the humans, then quickly shot the Vampires. Now keep in mind that he wasn't killing the humans and Vampires, he was just stunning them so they couldn't fight anymore. He was doing what he thought was best. The Goblins were more of a threat to them both. Then out of the blue a Goblin appeared. Just one big huge one though. He jumped onto the Goblin, without the it noticing, he shot him through the ear. The Goblin was to big to notice, so it felt like a little bee sting to us. The Goblin screeched, then started to twirl. He tried to get Deadly off of him. He suceeded, and Deadly shot him in the eye. It fell down screeching, and spitting out blood, then Vampire shot him square in the head. The Goblin died. Then he started off again, with the Goblin dead, and all the Vampires and humans in the area stunned unable to fight. He had met his goal in that place. Now it was time to move on to the next battlefield. One of the most deadliest. -End of Chapter 1- -Sam[/color]
[COLOR=red]This banner is made for AHboards, that JCbagge made. I'm going to put it in my sig, and link it to AH. So coments please.[/color] Edit: I made the banner Chris made the boards.lol
[COLOR=red]It had been some time after Gokou had fought Cell and Frieza. Frieza wasn't much of a match for him anymore, but Cell was still hard. He got some training, if I am correct, plus a little battling before that. Pkhaun was much stronger than he expected, but he was still not as strong as Gokou could be at that time. Gokou didn't try much to defeat them, and he restrained himself from going Super-Saiyi-jin. There are a lot of answeres to this guestion. -Sam[/color]
This is my newly designed banner, that I just made. It was made in PSP6. So comments please.
Very very good. I must say, you have very good talent. I don't know who that is, but he looks very cool. Very nice job Shaun.
This is going to be very very simple. It took me awhile. I had to erase all the crap around the edges of Auron, but I got it done. So, here you go.
Yeah, Rhys, It's on Saturdays at 7:00 and like 8:30 eastern time. Go to [url]www.medabots.com for more information.[/url]
I go there during school. My mind wanders and I find myself thinking of someone and what it would be like if she liked, and watched anime. It's pretty weird. Also, I go to this zone where I think about OB. I think about what I'm going to post, where, and how. It's weirder. To be straight with you, I'm down right weird. ><
There all very very nice. You did a great job SPX. I like the first one.
I was wandering if anybody else watches Medabots, or used to. *looks at avatar* I like it a lot. I was wandering if you do orif you don't. Oh my favorite's Phantom Renegade, but I couldn't find any pictures on him, so I chose Ikki. ^_^
They should be allowed to. Accepting to some rules, such as must get permission to watch certain animes, and stuff like that. I'm hoping that I can join a club here, soon. I know one, and it's runned by this get. They just gotta finish the anime there watching...
[COLOR=blue][b][size=1]I also have an exchange student in my school from Korea. He's in the 6th grade, and I've never met him. I don't think he knows much about anime and manga. He sits at lunch with some kids that are just let's say jerks. I don't know how to help you out my friend. Just don't be mean to him, spend time with him, and make him feel good in his new home. Oh and go slow on the english, don't teach him huge words. I'm sure he's learned it, I can't remember if Korea is freeor not. Well that's all the help I have for now. Good luck.[/size][/b][/color]
I can access OB but not theotaku. Theotaku is blocked because of the guru thing. Where it is under NERV Child. The last time I tried to get on OB at my school was 2 years ago. I don't know if they blocked it there, or if they still let it. I haven't even used a computer there for awhile now. -Spikey