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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [COLOR=#808080]I'm gonna do nothing. Except maybe send some cards to the people in my family, and recive some from people in my family. I usually, never get anything from people outside of family. I plain on going to school, and coming home, and not call anybody, because nobody calls me, get on OB and watch anime. Just like every other day sometimes.[/color]
  2. [COLOR=indigo]The hardest thing I've ever done was to bare my 2nd cousin's death. I loved her so much, she was fun, and we got along just fine. One day something happened, and well she died. I got the bad news at night and cried in my sleep. It was just plain horrible. She only lived 3 hours away.[/color]
  3. In dubbed they leave out many scenes to fit the time period. I agree with you, Subbed is hard to focus on two things at once, but it doesn't leave out scenes at all. I prefer dubbed because I can focus on both of the two things, but they leave out scenes. I'm going to have to go with subbed, the voices are better.
  4. I'm with you guys. Jim is such a shadowy character. His parents is what I would be focused on. But I still want to learn more about him. It gave much more information on Gene Starwind, but nothing heavy on Jim. That's who's past I would like to see.
  5. [SIZE=1]I don't know the release dates. Sorry, but I do know that it is a great series. As James said, buy 3 when you do get some. That way, you don't get bored with the first 9 eps. It's a great series though. I was going to say that there was something fishy in the first episode. I don't know if toonami edited it out, or if it never told you: that he told the girl (Masato) that he couldn't log-out. But I was wandering about that from when I saw it. I know the answer now. For some reason, when I thought of Sukasa, I thought of Elk from .hack//INFECTION. Maybe because of there face, and there hat. But elk has blu-ish dark-ish hair. It's cool.[/size]
  6. [SIZE=1]I' a little happy. I couldn't remember them becasue there was nothing going on in them, so I completely forgot. So thank you, they are clutter, and I joined 1.[/size]
  7. Spikey


    [SIZE=1]Incubus. Not mush to say. They have a wide variety of songs. There songs are good, but I don't like there looks. But who am I to judeg that. I'm a boy too.>
  8. [SIZE=1]I checked, and I din't find any threads on the first to pages subjected to Princess Mononoke. I was wondering if anybody else has seen it and thought it was good. I thought it was great, amazing. The charcter designs were just great. Especially the charcter designs. Sawn's was amazing. The whole plot was. I was wondering if any of you would answer a couple questions: [B][center]1. Who do you think had the best charcter design? Why?[/b][/center] I think Sawn did. Her mask was so cool, and the fur that lay on her back. She had such a good design, and amazing abbilities. Her past was a great story too. She wore unexpected, adn very wolf-like clothes. Which makes her fit in with the wolf clan. [B][center]2. What do you think was so good about the plot?Why?[/B][/center] I liked it because Ashitaka sets out on a journey to find the forest-spirit to heal his demon wound. In the middle of his journey, [spoiler]there is a war with flesh-and-blood, and animals. During that, Lady Eboshi killed the Forest-Spirit, then they focused on that.[/spoiler] I just like the way the plot changed so much. It was cool. [B][center]3. What was unique about the weapons?[/B][/center] The time plot was what made the weapons unique. It was olden times, and they didn't have like triggers for their guns, the had to lite a switch and it blew out fire through the barrel. Also the didn't have any thing like shot-guns and stuff, the time period is what made the weapons unique is my opnion.[/size]
  9. [SIZE=1]I don't really think it matters, but when a guy that's like 50 marries a 20 year old, there's a problem. So I guess as long as your night like 25 to 30 years apart, it's okay. My parents are only 6 years apart. So there doing good![/size]
  10. [SIZE=1]* remembers what Nerdsy said. Not to be shy* Uhh.. thanks everyone that voted on me for Most Improved. This really does mean so much to me. I've never been noticed so much. *cries* Oh yah. Thank you All!!!![/size]
  11. [SIZE=1]My first job? Comics. I make them, sell them at school. It's not a good job, but I get paid real money.lol. I also work at my Grandpa's in the summer. I get a lot there. I do all this so I can get anime.[/size]
  12. [SIZE=1]I really don't like any. I don't really care. Unless you call Laser Tag a sport.[/size]
  13. I'm never getting a tatoo. It will make me have horrid skin, and it will tear my body. My answer is no. Besides, I wouldn't want a person toying with my body. Also, it hurts so bad. I don't even want to think about it. It just gives me the chills.
  14. Well It's kind of hard to choose. But I've narrowed it down to two slim chocies. A monkey, and a lazy dog that can type to people on the internet. I've chose the dog. Reason being a stupid one. I never want to leave ob. My dog's lazy but stupid, so I wouldn't want to be her. She watches T.V. though.lol Monkey was one of my stupid choices because I alwas wanted to swing from trees, and make loud screeches, and do all sorts of stuff humans can't do. But the dog sounds suitibal for me. Then I'll never leave this place.
  15. Somebody at an anime store said I looked like the manga artist, Osamu Tezuka. But I don't have the Japanese skin, plus I'm not 60 years old, and he's dead. So, I don't think I look like him though. To bad, he's my favorite manga/anime artist.
  16. I have a little brother that is seven years old. He is so annoying, gets everything, It just feels like I don't want him there half of the time. But he's there. I have a big brother, which I bet you all know, Nerdsy. He's nice half of the time, but he doesn't answer my questions. >
  17. [COLOR=blue]With no heart, There is no life. With no athletics, There's no wife. Does anyone like me, Will they care. Ye who owns the, thy whom owns thou. Life doesn't make since, Just like those lines. Nothing is fair, Not even dream time. So remember to grasp, All in your hands, Don't let go, For you are the one to weld the sword.[/color]
  18. [COLOR=blue]Depends. If the love was just some love in school, some small love then I wouldn't. It just wouldn't be right. But if it was a big love, I'd probably do it. If they would die for me, then I shall die for them. If they didn't really like me, and they were just there for me to save them, I wouldn't. But if they really did care about me, then I would save them. But if they were just using me to save them, and use me, then I'd probably do it. It all depends.[/color]
  19. [COLOR=blue]Well I just thought they had no face, it was just shadow from the hat. It could be something else, I think the theory about the mist sounds resonable. I've never really thougt about it. It could be the shoadow, it could be the mist thing. But I just play the game, I don't think about it much.[/color]
  20. [COLOR=blue]Lose Yourself: Eminem. Where I live, they play it like 30 times a day. I think they should play more Linkin_Park, and other Hard Rock bands.[/color]
  21. [COLOR=blue]I have a dog that sits up on a chair and whatches TV. When something bad happens she barks. She also like to whatch me play video games. She's lazy though. She lays and snores.[/color]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]I've only heard one of there songs, I think it was Repair. It was okay, but I don't listen to them. I think my friend has their CD, but I'm not sure. I think it was one of their latests.[/color]
  23. [COLOR=firebrick]The longest time on and off was about 10 months. I think it was on Kingdom Hearts.[/color]
  24. [COLOR=firebrick]Well I don't get picked on that much, sometimes I just walk away. But when something gets serious, for instance like when they do it every day, I usually tell. But that doesn't happen to often. I have only been in a fight once, and that was a while back. I can't remember exactly how it got started but the other guy wouldn't leave me alone so I just started hitting him. Then I got sent to the principles office, and yadda yadda. I've seen a lot of people get in fights, but never anything gun needed. Nothing like people on drugs and going wack like hitting each other. Nothing like that, just little fights over tiny things. I have only been in a fight once, but I sure have seen many. I hope I don't get in many fights in the future, I'll be moving up to 12th , and collage. Let's just hope some people have learned stuff by then.[/color]
  25. [COLOR=red]I know for a fact that people talk about me with my back turned. Mostly none of my friends, but I know other people that aren't my friends do. I can trust my friends. The only time when I did here a friend talk around my back was when they were very made at me. I don't remember exactly what they did, but they were pretty mad. This has only happened to me once, with my friends. But my non-friends talk about me behind my back a lot![/color]
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