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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [COLOR=crimson]Ok thanks. Seems that I can't get that though, I used up the trial version, and I can't get another because my Dad won't let me. Also if I could buy it, I don't have enough money. Thanks anyway.[/color]
  2. [COLOR=crimson]Thanks for the card. There was one thing I was wandering. How did you write the white on the black? You might have a different program, what do you have? Thanks.[/color]
  3. [COLOR=crimson]We all have life, That is why were here. But nothing would be life, If there were no peer. Life is short, Keep hold of it. Don't let it go, Nothing can break it.[/color]
  4. Very silly. I think it could be a rap like that Limp Bizkit song.
  5. I've been asked out many times, just it's that no one then stays with me. Nobody askes me out anymore, just because of what I like. I don't kno, but that shouldn't get you down, I'm sure you'll find that special someone someday. Just keep looking! -Greg
  6. Did you uhh... make mine? I can't find it...
  7. I can name how many anime's and all that stuff. People think that's odd. I can stare at a TV for 3 hours without looking at anything else. My mom think's [B]that's[/b] weird. You should see my friend.
  8. I think that is a cool little rap. Usually I hate rap, but anything about Ob is good. I think you have done a great job. I like the hall thing part. I also like at the end.
  9. I love Malcom in the Middle. That is probaly one of my favorite of animr shows. I don't know any other T.V. shows that I would choose over it, besides anime of course. Maybe something like Smallville I liked that, but I don't whatch it anymore.
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I don't whatch them anymore. I don't like the evolution one. I used to whatch them, and Gambit was my favorite. I have two games for the SNES, which are pretty good. I also like Psylocke, she was cool. A little oldie, but cool. I just don't like all the new charcters. So bassicaly I used to whatch it, and now I don't.[/size][/color]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I thought Gundam Wing had the best charcters. G Gundam was good, true, but the charcters in Gundam Wing just amazed me. The animation was good. I've seen a couple of 08 MS Team was pretty good. I just like Gundam Wing better. The Wing Zero was a very cool Gundam. I also like the scenes, and a lot of other stuff. I could talk for hours about how much I like Gundam Wing, but I don't want too. But I think Gundam Wing was my favorite, and the best.[/size][/color]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Sorry I'm late. I kinda missed the thread. Anywho: Name: Spikey Magic Type: Dark Type: Warrior Effect 1: Kusami blade Effect 2: Shield Rise Bio: A long pat, set infront of this warrior. Some say he's a skilled assaisin, others say he's out to kill. Some think, but dare not say, that he will kill all in his path. He goes from town to town, killing iniscente lives. He leaves them without a trace, he just chops the heads, and there bones. One by one, the each fall. Second time around, he has not lost. He has fought many good sorcers, but they then bowed to him. He was the most evil thing, yet disgusting, and mad. No one could resist him, for his name was Spikey. Picture: Avatar (heh)[/size][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I like all of them. But if I were to choose my favorite, Wet Dawn. That one is very good. Keep 'em coming, I want to see more.[/size][/color]
  14. I haven't had anything this whole year. Reason being I don't go outside, or eat any nasty foods. But I do get headache's every now and then. But nothing serious, just some minor setbacks. I usually just play a game, and why the cutscenes I rub my head. My brother, awhile back had the flu. Then it lead to a horrid flu. Then it lead to surgery. They had to take his appendex out. Too bad nobody gave me attention at that time. Anyway, I didn't catch it, and I hope I don't. But if I do, so long for a week or two.
  15. [COLOR=crimson][B]Whom am I in my mind?[/b] I am what you would refer to as the laziest man alive. Either that or you could refer to me as the Prince of nerds. But enough about what you would refer. I think of myself as a nerd. I play video games for 6 hours. I get on the computer 5 hours the most, and I watch T.V. for about another 6 hours. My life is based on a nerd. But I'm really okay with that, because that is whom I am, and that is what I like. But a lot of people ask me why would I want to be one? I say to them that I am. I think that because I do all of the stuff that I've already told you. I hope a lot of people can understand that, and why is it that I am. Now for what my friend refers to me as. [B]Who am I to others?[/b] To a lot of people that understand me, I'm the same thing, but to a lot of other people, such as my relitives, bad friends, etc. I am a big superstar. That is only because of my relitives. They have gone down a path which leads to sport superstar history. But I don't care. Sometimes people make fun of me, but what the heck. They want my relitives. That is all. But I alwas have my best friend, whom is a nerd too, thus he is tied with me at the Prince rating. Anyway, I guess most people think of me like I think of me. Even my teacher. [B]How would I like others to see me[/b] Exactly what I posted above. I want them to think of me as a nerd. One who sits around all-day and does nothing. Why, because that is who I am. I do all that stuff, and I don't care. I just do it because that is what I like, and who cares if other people make fun of me, I can like what I like. That has always been my belief. Follow your own path. What I think it's leading to is making video games, or testing them.[/color]
  16. I'd probaly give sports. I don't like them. I think I could do with out them I would love to have those powers. What I would do: I dunno, probaly use it for good. Maybe just a little evil. Probaly not much though. I am a nice guy.j/k. The only problem, I'd probaly be to muscular to sit in my chair at school. I'd probaly eat all of the food that my mom puts out for dinner. See there's the pro's and the cons.
  17. Don't stay here, Run away, This is danger, Don't stay. Life is so unfair, But you must go, Time is fast, And you are slow.
  18. Run, What does it mean Anything Nothing I guess Nothing means Anything Tell me I'm right?
  19. General Awards Overall Member of the Year:Final_Flash Honorable Mention:James Male Otaku of the Year:ShyGuy Honorable Mention:Deathknight Female Otaku of the Year:Sara Honorable Mention:BabyGirl Most improved Member of the Year:Ajeh Honorable Mention:Cyke Thread of the Year:"Which memeber would u like 2 meat in life?" Honorable Mention:"Save this. You'll never see it again" Silliest Thread of the Year:"Which memeber would u like 2 meat in life?" Honorable Mention: Funniest Member:Medra Honorable Mention:James Silliest Username:Username Honorable Mention:The Vampire:Ed Member most likely to be here in two years:Nerdsy(Of course) Honorable Mention: Spikey Avatar of the Year:Final_Flash Honorable Mention: Signature of the Year:Mitch Honorable Mention:Juuthena Best Otaku Couple:Queen Asuka&PiroMunkie Honorable Mention: Best looking Otaku:Ginny Honorable Mention:SARA Otaku clique of the Year: Honorable Mention: Best Newbie:Cyke Honorable Mention:S@betooth Best Oldie:Nerdsy Honorable Mention:SARA Best Otaku-Related site:theOtake.com Honorable Mention: Most likely to become a Staff Member:I dunno. Honorable Mention:I dunno. Otaku Writers Poet Laureate:Raihia Honorable Mention:RicoTranzrig Writer of the Year:CWB Honorable Mention:Mitch Role-Player of the Year:Merda Honorable Mention: Brawler of the Year (sparring):Merda Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year:? Honorable Mention: Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year:SARA Honorable Mention:Nerdsy Entertainment Otaku of the Year:James Honorable Mention: Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall)ShyGuy Honorable Mention: DragonBall Guru:Jinzougen17 Honorable Mention: Digipeep of the Year:SARA Honorable Mention: Gundam Member of the Year:Domon Honorable Mention: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:Altron Gundam Honorable Mention: Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year:RicoTranzrig Honorable Mention:CWB Nintendo "Mario" Award:James Honorable Mention: The Sony Award:CWB Honorable Mention: Xbox Gamer of the Year:DK Honorable Mention: PC Gamer of the Year:DK Honorable Mention: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):Kenji Honorable Mention: Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Honorable Mention: Best Spriter:DragonballZman Honorable Mention: Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year:I dunno Honorable Mention: The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy):Tasis Honorable Mention: Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto):Neo_Cactur Honorable Mention: Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario):James Honorable Mention: PokéPlaque (Pokemon):Nerdsy Honorable Mention:Lady Katana The Triforce Award (Zelda):James Honorable Mention:
  20. I'm not going to meat anybody. Unless you call meating my brother meating a memeber from OB. There is one person that I could. He lives about 30 min. away, but I doubt I'll be meating him.
  21. What is this life for anything anything at all? I don't see anything nothing at all...
  22. Mostly the net, games, and anime. I like to draw , and do other stuff, make websites. But that's pretty much it. Unless you call running from do to door an asing for a Kenshin avatar....?^.^
  23. Quatra: I...can't, read...many *zzzzzzzzzzz* Guy: Master Quatra?
  24. "Buu turn you into cookie"-Buu. I completely forgot about all the good quotes in the Buu saga.
  25. [SIZE=1]I think they did a great job on the charcter design for this anime. But I don't like Maril's clothes. I guess you could just say there out of style. I think that Vash has the most detailed clothing. I haven't seen all the episodes with Wolfwood, and Knives, so I don't know how I can judge them. When I do though, I'll inform you. -Spikey[/size]
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