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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. I have a question. In Tekken 4, do you just fight like all the other games, or do you have story mode. I do think I know the answer to that though.
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I'm with you. I couldn't live without shooting/fighting games. I guess I just grew up playing 'em. I also like strategy, because it makes you think, and it makes you get all mad. And then you throw your controller at the TV because you can't find the gosh darn sword.no.lol I like 'em because they make you think, like I said. I don't like 'em when they make me madder than heck.[/size][/color]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I am going to my aunt and uncles, today acctually. Then on Monday, I'm going to my Grandma and Granpa's. I'm still stayin' in state though! I'm planning to stay up late this whole break. Also, I'm planning on getting a lot of gifts. Ah, the spirit of reciving.lol Well, sometimes people come to my house, but since my aunt and uncle has moved in to a bit larger house, we'll be over there! Yes, my Grandma and Granpa from Florida. On Monday though, I'm not going to their house, I'm going to my other Grandma's and Granpa's. Also, a lot of Relitives I don't even know.lol[/size][/color]
  4. [SIZE=1]I heard it was better than the other Smakdown games. But I'm sure that the graphics aren't going to be all that great. Just since I herd that they made the game really quickly. But it is supposed to be good. My friend is going to get it, so I can't wait to see how the Gameplay is. Also, the championship, and all the new charcters. Also, create a player![/size]
  5. [SIZE=1]That was a great begging. Let's have some more....[/size]
  6. [SIZE=1]I have seen this. It did have a plot, but there are a lot of other movies that do have a plot.[/size]
  7. [SIZE=1]I've lived in my house since I was born. I'm sorry, I can't tell you where. But I have also been to many other states. Mostly because of relitives. Whenever I go to vacation, it's to a reletives house, not to far away. The farthest I've whent away, was to Florida, and we drove the whole way. Though this Christmas, I'm staying in state, but I'm gonna be to the Tip-Top of the state![/size]
  8. [SIZE=1]My teacher likes lighthouses, so I got here a great one. It's about, 8 to 9 inches tall. It was half off though! I have bought a lot of things for my relitives, probaly to many to list right now. Besides, If I did, Nerdsy would know what I got him. What I want, well, just lots of anime/maga/comics Dvd's. The anime is Trigun, eps 5 6 7 8. There is others though. And I also want James Bond ))& Nightfire. Blah, too much things I want for me!^^[/size]
  9. [SIZE=1]Chapter 1 The Demons are Here Tunsuki walked along the side of the bridge, thinking of what it would be like to have amazing powers. Tunsuki was about 13 years old. He was a powerful young Japanese fighting Chapion. Wait. The powers that he had obtained weren't good enough for him. " I need more power! I know that I own more power than most fighters, but it's just not good enough." he thought. All of a sudden, he jumped into the river. No. He flew passed the river. The reason he could fly was because his family were cursed long ago by the Demoms: His father was at war with China. But they weren't aloud to call, or interact in any way with there family. Just because the demons would then put a good curse on them. But his father just couldn't go 2 years without calling his family. So he called his family up, and the Demons had then heard and found out. They put a curse on Tunsuki's father that if they used all there power, then either they would be vancushed, or lose all that power. So that is why Tunsuki wants other, and more power. His dad had died in that war. Only because of the curse. He used all of his power, and then dissapeared. Yet, Tunsuki had ran away because of his father's death, and then found a sword. It was his father's sword. He fought many battles in tournaments, and won mostly all of them because of the power he possesed with that sword. He carry's it with him whereever he goes. One time he was asked to join them with a war to Russia, but he said he didn't have enough power. All of that he though on his way home. Just until he got home. " Mom, do you think dad, with his spirit make me run away, to find his sword, and some day be as powerful as him?" he asked. " Well I geuss so, but why do you guys have to so hooked into fighting, and all that stuff," she asked. " To keep our nation proud. Also to etain great power, and save us from major destruction," he replied with braging. " Well, I guess you do do a good deed. Eh..... I'm proud of ya son!" She said in honor.[/size]
  10. Spikey


    I can't believe I missed this. I have Revenge of Shinobi for the sega genisis, and it's pretty good. Yeah gamepro magizene said it was the best Shinobi game that they have ever made. I'm expecting big things out of this.^^
  11. I think that they have come out with some pretty decent games. My friends owns a lot of games made from that company. Did I hear you mention Capcom? Capcom's practiculy my favorite video game maker. It's just the games that they have made. Thousand Arms was really good. I don't understand why a lot of people think Capcom is horrible. They have came out with really decent games. Back to the subject. I don't think Retro Studios is the best that GC worked with. Some of the games they have made, did get literly poor. But the ideas they got for the games were outstanding.
  12. That was outstanding. *sighs for more*^^
  13. I liked it. But don't you think you could sing some parts over, just to make it sound better? And maybe add on to it. It's not that long. The song itself is pretty good. It's just that a lot of famous songs repeat stuff, and are like 2:45 long. But that's up to you. It's just a suggestion^^
  14. I have been to one festival, but I think all they sang there were just country songs. Unless I feel asleep during one. My mom went to one where Matchbox twenty played there. She told me that they played some pretty sweat songs. And my favortie, Break.
  15. Thyere is one, Die Another Day. I hate the sound, but I just can't resist.lol
  16. "tell me Kiaba, did you like watching cartoons as a little boy?" Pegasus.
  17. My friend has the GBA game, and I have played it. Although it lacks good graphics, it owns good gameplay. So I think the others that are coming out are going to be pretty good.
  18. Man that was cool. Great job^^ And yes, white boys can get jiggy with it!lol
  19. It's okay. But some of it I just didn't understand. It's pretty good though. I like it!^^
  20. That's pretty good. It's really intersting, ecspeccialy the begging. Great job.
  21. It's well done. just needs a couple of punctuation corrections, and there you have it, a complete poem. Great job^^
  22. Now with those last chapters you have impoved, great job though.
  23. In this darkness There's no way out There's no way to hide There's no way to shout I lone farther, and farther But where have you gone I cannot find you Have I gone all wrong Why have you left me here In this darkness I can't see God this darkness Save me from this evil Help me with your love I need a little help From you, above I wrote that a while ago. You know I haven't wrote any poems in here lately. Well, here I go again.
  24. -You gonvince people you own all the pokemon - You get a bike voucher - You ask your little sister to be Misty. That's all I can think of right now.
  25. I dunno...my big bro isn't going to see it, so it's going to be really hard. My mom doesn't like thosekind of movies, and my dad thinks it's stupid. But I would like to see it. I have read the book, and it was pretty good. Although it was kind of confusing at times. The first was okay, not all that special though.
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