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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. I used to read it. But now I just read penny-arcade mostly. It was really good. I loved how it was funny. It was great!
  2. I don't play college ball, but I do play b-ball sometimes. I also run Cross Country, but that's about it. All other sports aren't that fun. But I'm not in college yet, no way. I don't plan on playing it in college, I just plan on running Cross-Country.
  3. Well, I have no clue. But sometimes I dream something, and it happenes. It's pretty weird, ans sometimes good. 'cept when they are bad dreams. Any way, I kinda belive in being phcycic, adn all that other stuff. But sometimes people just make it up for intention. So never call a phsicic reading.lol
  4. Ok thanks, now I can understand. Those both are very good. Both hard to undestand, but really good. ^.^
  5. I don't believein anything like that. If in the future, some idiot tries to pull something like that, then that same idiot will be in a jail cell. If we didn't have a destiny, why live, why be on this earth. We're put on this earth for who knows what. But if we were put on this earth for fate, no point in being put on this earth. So of course I think we have a destiny. We live our own life, no one can live it for us. If they are, then there some sycotic person.
  6. Mine is well where they go to Venus. And Spike meats this guy that wants to be able to fight like him and stuff, and then he dies. That was my favorite. I think it was because of how you got to see Spike fight and stuff. I don't think you got to see Ed in it though.
  7. Yeah....the library I go to carries manga.
  8. I don't think that they are going to quit for a good while. If they do, the cards and the games would be worth a lot. But I doubt they are going to quit. The anime store I go to, well people play the card game there. It's really poular there. Also, they are still sending out the magezines, so. There also doing tournaments. So I think it might be a very good while before they give up. I'm sure they won't though. They said that there also were goign to be 100 more new pokemon.
  9. It was kinda easy at the beganing, but when you fight [spoiler]Seymour[/spoiler], and his two gaurds it gets real hard. I just don't think it's that simple.
  10. Spikey

    When Animals Attack

    I used to watch this show all the time, even at like 3:00. No reason, I just think it's funny. Really funny. Seeing the animals, attck the people.
  11. I love it. I watch it more than any other anime. The only bad thing about it, is the end song. For some reason I just don't like it. But all the animation is great. The story line is superb. I love this anime.
  12. Mine would have to be, underwear. That's only because I got it infront of everybody. Underwear, can you believe it. Underwear....
  13. This happened to my friend at a park. They jumped him, stole his wallet, and then he got like a broken arm, and all that other stuff. Although, he called the police, after the beating, and they came to the park. But the person who jumped him, was not there. So he toled him there names, and then they found him. But the problem is, they had no charges. Man those police. This hasn't ever happened to me, but I am sure that it won't. That's because my school doesn't have that many people there, and they don't have many poeple there that would do it. From what I have heard, people at my school, only two people got jumped.
  14. Yeah, like RT said. Rent it first, see how good it is, and see if you like it or not. If you don't, just don't buy it. If your in madly love with the game, danget buy it. I have played this game at a friends house, and it had ok graphics, superb gameplay, and nice charcters. Although the begging does start off a little boring, man after that I think you'll love it. The reason it has great gameplay is because when you are at a cutscene or something, and you get bored, something amazing happens, and you have to complete the mission from the cutscene. So never get up during a cutscene. Also, the graphics are ok. It does look like there a little thinner on the other Star Wars games. But not this one, the graphics just flow every which way. Though at the cutscene's it looks like it's 3D. I recomend buying this game if you have a history with Star Wars.
  15. I know what I'm getting from my relitives. Like my grandma, she's getting me comics, and Pokemon Trading Card Game for the gameboy color. My other grandma is getting me like, cmics, a load of 'em. Also, maybe some video games. That's pretty much it that I know what I am getting.
  16. Spikey

    Bon Jovi

    I'm not to fond of him. Nor his songs. They could be so much better, like you said. My lil' brother loves him though, both him, and his songs. Weird.
  17. Now that's just crazy. You know, I think that you just shouldn't go to school that day. It's Christmas, a day to celebrate Christ's birthday. Now who in such a morid person would do that. He woships the Devil. *cuts guy's head off* It's CHIRSTmas. Not SCHOOLmas. Sorry, I just can't control myself.
  18. No, I hate it. I know we have to go, but the good part is that you get to see your friends. That, and on the bus. Now that's fun. Anyway, umm.. I voted No. Because if the teachers would make school a little more fun, and teach with more inthuzeasum, I would love school. Like that'll ever happen.
  19. I'd have to say Baseball 2000. That game was amazingy stupid. Now, I don't like many sports, none if all, but this game, even for a person that loves "baseball" is poor. Horrid graphics. No such gameplay, just hit, and catch. No championship, or whatever they do in baseball. Just a submission. My little brother rented this for the Sony Playstation. It was about a week ago, then I started playing. Even though I hate sports, I thought that it would be somewhat of a challenge. Nope. I won againts a team, like 100 to 3. It was amazing. No cheats, nothing. I just had great timing. They give you the easist chance to hit, and catch the ball. No challenge.
  20. It's not really a quite, but hey. I like it when Homer is asleep on the couch, and eating his donut. And then the donut gets stuck in his nose. Homer: 8screams* Where'd he go. Man I just cracked up dying.
  21. So I see that a lot of people like this anime too. Well this is my story. My little brother said that it was really funny. But I said it was just another one of those animes full of crap. Somewhat like Beyblade. No offense to anyone who likes BB. So he made me sit down and watch it. So I did, then it started to get interesting. I made a couple of avatars for it, and now I'm a fan. It really is a kid anime, aimed for kids. But you got to admit, it sure is funny. For no particuler reason, I wonder if they had any where Spencer cussed. Doubtfully, but hey. Also, what it this about smoking. I've never seen them smoke in it before? Hmph...weird if they did.
  22. I'm in, but wait. I'm not old enough to drive, so it might take me buy, oh say, about by Saturday before I get it. So, I'm just a little lazy. Srry, but I'll watch some. Also, do we have to watch anything like Akira. I can't watch it when my lil' brother, and other stuff. So I ask if you can keep those kind of animes down for awhile. Thanks. -Spikey
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I think that legal gaurdins are moral in charge of a kids responsibility. Your parents are responseible for whatever you do. Like if you playdrise a story, and your just a kid, your parents are responsible for it. It's kinda compicated.[/size][/color]
  24. [SIZE=1]But was Jim Hawkins really an outlaw. He wasn't really, I believe. But at the begging he is. See, there are a lot of stuff the same between them, and yet a lot of stuff different. Weird though how they are the same in wyas. -Spikey[/color]
  25. [SIZE=1]I've been waiting for one of these. The only thing that is wrong, I heard somewhere that sometimes it can mess your GC up. But that's just what I've heard. -Spikey[/size]
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