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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. My friend says Sericey. She is trying to say serecly. I think.
  2. The worst anime I ever watched is Sailor moon. I hate that.
  3. Stong 1. I am very fast for my age. 2. I 'm 9 and I'm on otakuboards. 3. I have so much energy. Weak 1. I'm scared of spiders. 2. I go swimming way to much. 3. I never sleep past 11:00.
  4. I want to be Altron Gundam, becaus ehe knows so much about Gundam. He knows about 2x as much as me.
  5. [SIZE=1][B]This season I hope the Packers when there sweat.[/size][/b]
  6. [SIZE=1][B]I have seen a aligator, and a bear.[/size][/b]
  7. [SIZE=1][B]That is pretty goood. But it gets to bright I think. When he is getting to use the attak you cant even see what he looks like. But I give it a 6.5/10.[/size][/b]
  8. [SIZE=1][B]Mine is The Blue Eyes White Dragon. He has an awsome attack power of 3000 and defense power of 2500.[/size][/b]
  9. [SIZE=1][B]1.Blue Eyes White Dragon. 2. Change of heart. 3. Dark Magician. 4. Judge Man. 5. Black Hole.[/size][/b]
  10. [SIZE=1][B]I Whatch it every once and awhile. My favorite Quote is: Hey dad whatch ya doin. Dad: Ah nothin' just downloading something off the timmy internet. Sorry about the trophy. Dad: Ah why don't you give it to someone you love. Gee thanks dad.[/size][/b]
  11. [SIZE=1][B]Yeah I have a lot of freaky moments, but this is the freakiest. When ever I'm asleep.Mydog is blaack so, When ever I'm asleep at night she comes in and jumps on me, so I think it is some trying to kidnap me. But every time I relisse after a minute I figure it out thaat it is jst my dog.It's freaky.[/size][/b]
  12. I am afraid of being afraid.
  13. Today at 5:30 CT (Central Time) 4:30 ET (Eastern time). Toonami is going to show Gundam G. That is all I now for now.
  14. Rap is ok. It does have to have a little talent. It might be hard to think of what you should sing though. It might be hard to think of the words. My favorite artist is Ludicris.
  15. Wish I was. It's just that there is no one at my school that would be my girlfriend. I do like somebody though. But I cannot let her know, that would be, I'm shy. I think.
  16. Name: Alex Amanjan Age: 18 Height: 6'3" Super Power: Superman Bio: He was born deferently then everbody he knows. He has super powers. He's as strong as... well you know what I meen. He is as fast as lightning. He could benchpress over 540 pounds. He knew his city and town was in danger and that he had to help him. So he went out and went on a journey. He was 16 when he started. After 1 year he found a group of friends. And journeyed with them. He was pleased that they would journey with him. They all had super powers. He liked them all. So they journeyed together. Descrption: He has pointy yellow. Long arms and legs. Baggy brown jeans. A blue shirt. and white shoes. Personality: He talks a lot. He is nice with nice people.
  17. I think the movie was just plain horrible. It was nothing like the Cartoon.It wasn't scary at all, and it was plain stupid. I don't mean to be a copier person but, I hated how they had they vocies.
  18. I would wish for a power level of 7,000. Then I would be very strong.
  19. Long ago, when it was just a card game, they battled for freedom. But now they have the real live things. The monsters come to life. They all have a different type of deck. They all battled for there loved ones. Each dueling year came. Each dueling year they fought. They had the dueling decks to win. There loved ones got trapped by a person named Pegesis. He was the ruler. You had to save your loved ones. It was up to you to win. You ahd to save them. They were counting on you. You can't let them down. You have to save there very souls. Try to defeat every duelest you can. You can't give up. You must play to win. Faith hope and love shall guide you to win. Trust in your cards. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Deck Type: Zombie mix stuff like that Apperance: Bio: Favorite Card: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Spikey Age: 13 Deck Type: Mix Apperance: White T-Shirt, Blue jeans, blonde spikey hair, and White shoes. Bio: He just bagan his journey for his little brother. He has faith and heart. He never gives up. He fights to the end. He will never Give up. No matter what. He won't. I shall allow up to 9 people.
  20. Spikey


    [COLOR=darkblue]I like those two songs. But the other ones the lead singer just can rap. I have there CD. I think you should get it. I only like 3 songs though.[/color]
  21. Spikey


    [COLOR=darkblue]I think that life as a lot of meaning to it. You can do amazing stuff sometimes. You don't just live and die. You live, do a lot of cool stuff. You might even become a hero while you're alive. And that's a good thing. There might e some pointless, and wasteless times. Like when you do something that is not that big, but you'll never do it again. That's a little pointless. But I think life has a lot of meaning to it. When you put it like that, it doesn't sound right. You a part and time in your life where you have some fun. You can't leave that part out. And where you get on the computer. That ain't pointless at all. You have to have a job too. You make, help, or even do somegood stuff in your work. Like if you where a policemen. You could save someone. That's good. And making stuff, work on stuff, build stuff, help people. That's not a pointless. I hope you get what I am saying.[/color]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]I have never seen that movie. Laugh if you want but I'm only 9. Oh don't laugh that I'm 9, laugh that I haven't seen the movie. 1.I feel more comfortable on the edge of the crowd. I don't care where I sit. But I would like to have some person to keep me company. Not some person that's annoying as heck. I would talk to him/her. A little that is. Not about gross stuff. But like how old she/he is. And have they had a good day. Maybe some stuff like that. I might even want to know if there a boy, well I would know they were a boy, but if it was a boy, could I come over or something. If he's cool. 2.I would probally be a fireman. Because I might be famous, and a hero. I would like to be famous. 'Cause then I could have a lot of money, and buy a lot of valuebal stuff. Maybe a cool computer. 3. I wear 5's. Now I am 9. But it's big for a 9 year old. 4. I HAVE NO CLUE![/color]
  23. [COLOR=orange]I have a couple annoying people in mind. I am a little annoying myself. I talk a lot. I cannot shut the heck up. I just really like to talk. But sometimes I am not. There's this kid at school. He is so stupid. Kid: Can I play? Me: No. Kid: Why? Me: Because you won't shut up. Kid: Why? Me: Shush. Go away. Kid: No. Me: *Runs away* I just think that sometimes people can just be so weird. I can tell people to stop as much as I want, they never do. But I well.. sometimes.. just maybe sometimes, I stop. But I like to talk a lot.[/color]
  24. Monoply because I never win, and people take the stuff I want. It really stinks. I also hate it because it is so dang long!
  25. I think there might be a such thing as the Locc Noss Monster. But Bif Foot is to far.
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