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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [SIZE=1]I'd wish for a power level of 300,000. You wanna know why? I could become a super sayain. And the ebility to travel back in time. Like other people, I wish I could fly. And that I could shoot energy blasts.[/size]
  2. I cry, You fly, I might, Die. But in a long time, I shalt die now, Niether shall you, But it is to be born. I must know why, Why people die, Twas I shalt die, Niether shal you and I. I fly threw the air, Know you are there, Your heart is all the pain, I take it all away.
  3. Spikey


    They are ok sometimes. Those beer commercials are really funny. I like the commercial were that guy jumps out of the semi. Here it goes. Guy gets into the semi. Guy: Thanks for the ride. Driver: .... Dummy: *loks at guy* ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Guyn jumps out of the semi. People: you jump out of the car? Guy: yeah I jump out. Dummy: are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet...? That's really funny. Some commercials are funny, some are stupid and pointless.
  4. It can't I am only 9. And I am a little Cristian. I don't know if the world is ever gonna come to an end. i meen people must live! But I'm not all that worried.
  5. Well we don't have much people in our svhool with "style". Some older High Schoolers might wear all black, nd baggy jeans that cover there shoes. They also might keep a hood up.But were I am at, well no one gets real fancy. There are some people that wear shorts under snap of pants in the winter. So they take them off when they get to school. Me, you ask, I am plain and simple. Whatever i can find in my dresser that fits will do. But I'm not a fasion person. And our school is a regular school.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dukeofshowdown [/i] [B]When are we gonna start!?! [/B][/QUOTE] When I get 8 people to join.
  7. Jeson eners the battle. He looks around curiosly. Then he flies towards one of the slugs. The slug dodoges it. Jeson flies back. He hits him and the slug falls to the ground. Jeson gives him a power blast. The slug is hurt badly. But the slug gets back up. He warns: Slug: I'm warning you, go away. Jeson does not do what he orders. He gives a hard punch to the stomach. The slug falls to the ground. Then Jeson gives him a big kick. The slug flies back. He can't get up. Then Jeson gives him another blast. Now the slug his really brused. But he still gets back up. Jeson: Give, Give up now. Slug: never They start to fight more and more. Jeson gets punched right in the head. Then the slug gives him a kick. After that the Slug gives him a energy blast. Jeson is hurt bad. They keep fighting for a long time. Jeson tries to kill him with an energy blast. But he gets up again. Jeson: Stay Down! Slug: NEVER They keep fighting. The slug tries to get up and attck. But he falls back to the ground. Jeson goes away... Jeson: Hello Cruiz Cruiz: Hello Jeson...
  8. [COLOR=indigo]I don't think he is a crybaby at all. If I get hurt, really bad or something in that addition, I might cry. But it really depends on what happens to me. Vegeta might cry, but he's a heck of a lot stronger than you. So I wouldn't be calling him a crybaby. He is more powerful, and stronger than you think. I would not dare to call him a crybaby. I know I might sound a little weird but still he is not a crybaby. I know what he does. He odesn't cheat at all. He might just play a trick, or fight evil, but he doesn't vheat 1 bit. He mightfight with hate inside him, but no cheating goes on when he fights. Like for example: when he fought Goku during the Buu saga, he plaued a trick on him. He just said: "Yeah your right." Goku tried to convince him to fight Buu together. He saya "Ok," or something like that. When Goku is not looking he elbows Goku right in that back. See that's just fighting dirty and playing a trick. Not cheating at all.[/color]
  9. That's weird We don't have those "gangs" at our school. Atleast I don't think.. hmm..
  10. Spikey


    The pokémon trainers walked down training there pokémon. They had been training there pokémon all year round. They were training for the Jhoto league championship. It happened almost every 4 years. They had to train and train and train. ! year away from the tournament. They had to keep training. Except for one cocky person, Lance. Lance just thought he would win. But the results may very. They had to train, but Lance never did. Only 1 month away from the tournament. They ahd to train harder and harder. All the ladies loved Lance. But who cares, he's just a rich snob. They trained for the Jhoto tournament. One day 'til it started. now only 5 hours. All of the people went down to the tournament. But they couldn't find there pokémon. All they had were there main pokémon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stats: Name: Age: Main Pokémon: Other pokémon: Apperance: Bio: Pokémon's Level: must be cut through 90 and 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My stats: Name: Hunter Mav Age: 15 Main Pokémon: Hitmonchamp Other Pokémon: Pichu Pickachu Riachu Hitmonlee Mew Ho-oh Zapdos Charmander Charmeleon Charzard Apperance: Black baggy pants. Black shirt, gold neckalce, yellow hair, and white shoes. With a watch on his left hand. Bio: He is a young trainer. He just got interested in pokémon. He always had a dog for a pet, he played with it a lot. He taught it special tricks. But now, he found out about the pokémon. So he got one from a kid named alex. He wasn't a good kid. But he raised it all of the time. He loved is pokémon... Pokémon's level: 82
  11. Spikey

    Gundam Wing

    General and Technical Data Model number: RB-79 Code name: Ball Unit type: combat support mobile pod Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in body Dimensions: overall height 12.8 meters Weight: empty 17.2 metric tons; max gross 25.0 metric tons Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 400 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 24000 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.96 G Equipment and design features: sensors, range 4000 meters Fixed armaments: 1 x 180 mm recoilless cannon, mounted on body Technical and Historical Notes With the Federation on the offensive and taking the war to the Principality of Zeon's home territory, the Earth Federal Forces needed to field more guns to support its somewhat limited number of RGM-79 GM mobile suit units. Their answer was to refit approximately 1200 civilian-model SP-W03 space construction pods with armor plating and a 180 mm recoilless cannon. Despite their limited firepower and low maneuverability, the Federal Forces would deploy this RB-79 Ball as mobile fleet defense units, protecting the Federation's ships while the GM mobile suits went on the attack. Miscellaneous Information Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam; Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory/The Last Blitz of Zeon; Gundam Tactics Mobility Fleet 0079; Side Story of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Blue Destiny (game); Gundam: The Battle Master/Gundam Battle Assault Original mechanical designer: Kunio OkawaraGeneral and Technical Data Model number: RGM-79 Code name: GM Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters Weight: empty 41.2 metric tons; max gross 58.8 metric tons Construction: titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 24000 kg, 4 x 1870 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.94 G; 180-degree turn time 1.6 seconds; maximum ground running speed 102 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 1 x beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: beam spray gun, powered by rechargable energy cap; 100 mm machinegun, clip-fed; shield Technical and Historical Notes "There's lots of them!" - Letz Cofan "It's a little different from the Gundam." - Kikka Kitamoto "Now that you mention it, they're a LOT different." - Katz Hawin Not initially taking the threat of "mobile suits" seriously, the Earth Federation was a latecomer during the One Year War when it came to development and production of its own mobile suits to counter the Principality of Zeon. Based on combat data from the RX-78-2 Gundam's "learning computer" system and experimental GM-type units such as the RGM-79[E], the Federation's first true mass-production unit was simply named the RGM-79 GM. Though the first GM units weren't available until UC November 0079, the Federation's material and manufacturing superiority allowed it to quickly catch up, fielding enough units in time to retake contested areas on Earth and to participate in the Federation's Operation Star One offensive on Zeon's space front. The production-model GM was basically a simplified version of the original Gundam, eliminating some of the more complex and expensive features - such as the Core Block System and using normal titanium alloy armor instead of lunar titanium - to make it production faster and more economical. The GM only carried one beam saber instead of two, and had optional hand armaments of either a 100 mm machinegun or a short-range - but highly effective - beam spray gun. With the Federal Forces already on the offensive, the introduction of the GM units to the front lines assured the Federation's victory... and descendants of the GM line would continue to serve the Federation military for at least the next fifteen years. General and Technical Data Model number: RX-78-2 Code name: Gundam Unit type: prototype close combat mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces "Project V" Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: July UC 0079 First deployment: UC 18 September 0079 Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso with Core Block System using FF-X7 Core Fighter Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters Weight: empty 43.4 metric tons; max gross 60.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 24000 kg, 4 x 1870 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.93 G; 180-degree turn time 1.5 seconds (1.1 seconds after magnetic coating upgrade); maximum ground running speed 165 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 5700 meters; "learning computer" system; re-entry coolant system; magnetic coated joints (subsequent field upgrade) Fixed armaments: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge racks in backpack, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargable energy cap; 380 mm hyper bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip plus 1 round in chamber; beam javelin; hyper hammer; Gundam hammer; shield, can be optionally stored on backpack Technical and Historical Notes "The Federal Forces have built a mobile suit that powerful?!" - Denim The third mobile suit developed under the Earth Federation's top-secret "Project V," the RX-78 Gundam series saw final assembly and rollout at the Side 7 colony under the supervision of engineer Lieutenant Tem Ray. Three prototypes were constructed, although only one unit, the RX-78-2, survived a Zeon attack on Side 7 when Project V was discovered by Zeon Lieutenant Commander Char Aznable. The RX-78-2, having been commandeered by Ray's young son Amuro, fended off the attack and was transferred to the assault carrier White Base. Amuro Ray would continue to serve as the Gundam's pilot for the remainder of the One Year War, being White Base's mobile front line of defense. The Gundam was designed as a fast, close-combat mobile suit and was the first to feature several new technologies, including the energy cap-based beam rifle (making the Gundam the first mobile suit to pack the firepower of a battleship) and beam saber. Although designed with "high performance" in mind, the Gundam was simply outmatched by its own pilot: Amuro's emerging Newtype abilities would increasingly allow him to push the Gundam beyond its design limits. This had the often-annoying result of the Gundam's motors and joints getting burned-out or overloaded simply because it couldn't keep up with Amuro's reflexes. A later field upgrade which involved coating the joints with an electromagnetic solution, thus reducing the motors' and joints' friction, increased the Gundam's performance to a point where it could keep up with Amuro's reaction time. Another factor that contributed to the Gundam's success was its "learning computer" system, which allowed the mobile suit to "learn" from - and adapt to - the pilot's input. The data from the learning computer system would later be incorporated into the Federation's first mass-production model mobile suit, the RGM-79 GM. The Gundam's service record - and that of Amuro Ray - would continually draw the attention of the Zeon forces - and particularly Char Aznable - until the end of the war... thus providing the distraction the Federation military needed to complete construction of its GM units at its Jaburo base on Earth. The Gundam was finally destroyed at the Battle of A Bao A Qu in a fight against Char Aznable, piloting the MSN-02 Zeong mobile suit, although Amuro survived. As fate would have it, of course, the Gundam itself would become the most famous mobile suit of the One Year War - even more famous than its young pilot, Amuro Ray, whose own abilities were the keys to the Gundam's performance, perhaps more so than the abilities of the Gundam itself. General and Technical Data Model number: RX-75-4 Code name: Guntank Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces "Project V" Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0075 First deployment: September UC 0079 Accomodation: pilot/driver in standard cockpit in torso with Core Block System using FF-X7 Core Fighter; co-pilot/gunner in canopy-style cockpit in head Dimensions: overall height 15.6 meters; head height 15.0 meters Weight: empty 56.0 metric tons; max gross 80.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 878 kW Propulsion: engine-driven caterpillar treads: 2; rocket thrusters: 88000 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.10 G; maximum ground driving speed 70 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: 2 x 180 mm cannon, fire-linked, 30 round magazine each, mounted over shoulders; 2 x 4-tube 40 mm rocket launcher, mounted on arms Technical and Historical Notes "Here we go, Hayato! Take the cannons' safeties off once we clear the ship!" - Ryu Jose The first Earth Federation mobile suit developed under their top-secret "Project V", the RX-75 Guntank was hardly a mobile suit at all. Developed four years prior to the outbreak of the One Year War, the Guntank was nothing more than a fusion of a tank with the upper torso and arms of a mobile suit, and was originally intended to serve as an anti-MS unit when rumors of Zeon's first mobile suits reached the Federation. Despite this apparently faltering first step, the Guntank packed a serious punch as a heavy fire support and artillery unit. The Guntank was also somewhat unique in that its piloting and gunnery requirements were originally split up between two cockpits: a gunner's station in the head, and a standard cockpit in the torso. The Guntank, like its Project V brethren RX-77-2 Guncannon and RX-78-2 Gundam, featured the core block system, which allowed the Guntank's upper torso to be ejected to continue operating as a fixed gun emplacement while the torso pilot ejected the core block to keep fighting in a FF-X7 Core Fighter. The first RX-75s were deployed for testing and trials at the Federation's research base on the Side 6 colony. However, only one unit - the RX-75-4 - survived an attack when Project V was discovered by Zeon forces in September UC 0079. This last unit was transferred to the assault carrier White Base, where it operated as a support/defensive unit until it was decommissioned at the Federation's Jaburo military headquarters in November UC 0079. During its service aboard White Base, the Guntank was upgraded so that one pilot could handle both piloting and gunnery functions from the head cockpit. General and Technical Data Model number: RX-77-2 Code name: Guncannon Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces "Project V" Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: September UC 0079 Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso with Core Block System using FF-X7 Core Fighter Dimensions: overall height 18.1 meters; head height 17.5 meters Weight: empty 51.0 metric tons; max gross 70.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 22600 kg, 4 x 1650 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.74 G; 180-degree turn time 2.0 seconds; maximum ground running speed 78 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x 240 mm cannon, variable independent-fire/fire-linked, 20 round magazine each, mounted over shoulders Optional fixed armaments: 2 x spray missile launcher, mounted over shoulders in place of 240 mm cannons Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargable energy cap Technical and Historical Notes "Guncannon, stand by for launch on Deck 2!" - Job John The second of three mobile suit prototypes built under the Earth Federation's "Project V" during the One Year War, the RX-77-2 Guncannon was a step above the RX-75 Guntank in that it was a true mobile suit and not just a "mobile suit body on a tank." Like its brethren Guntank and RX-78-2 Gundam, the Guncannon used the same FF-X7 Core Fighter as an escape system for the pilot. Also like the Gundam, the Guncannon was one of the first mobile suits to use the energy cap-based beam rifle, as well as head-mounted vulcan guns for close range defense. However, the Guncannon was designed as a mid-range fire support unit, and its primary armament was its shoulder-mounted 240 mm cannons. The main drawback to this was the cannons' limited ammunition supply, but an experienced pilot learned to use the ammo conservatively and effectively to stay in battle longer (as Guncannon pilot Kai Shiden had to learn the hard way). Initially, only one RX-77-2 survived a Zeon attack on the Side 6 colony when Project V was uncovered, and this unit was transferred to the Federation assault carrier White Base, where it continued to serve until the end of the war. A second Guncannon unit was later pieced together and added to White Base's mobile suit complement, with the two units designated "C-108" and "C-109". Hope that helps some. Oh and It's Heero, not Hero.
  12. Heh... I have only made one. It was level 3. It took me awhile, 'cause a peace broke of and i had to super glue it back on. So I got on the computer then. But yeah. I have 1.
  13. [COLOR=coral]That was good. But you need to post your poetry in Todays Poetry. That is where you post your poetry. That was really good. Keep it going.[/color]
  14. [COLOR=coral]I usually get A's and B's. But if you count math. Ehh.. I stink at math. I get like F's, D's and C's. But I still have a couple of weeks to bring the grade upp, and I plan on doing it. I hope. My mom gets really mad if I get F's. So does my dad. They get mad. I ain't old enough to make the honer role. Next year I will be able to.[/color]
  15. [COLOR=coral]This is so exciting. I love it. Now I get to see the Frieza saga again. It was my favorite saga, I've seen atleast. I have read about a lot of saga's, that's where I get my information on the up coming saga's. Today it as Raditz. I can't wait 'til I see it again. I've only read about the old saga's. Now I get to see them. I am really happy.[/color]
  16. That's really good. Nice ryming with it. One thing when your writing a poem, unsted of putting periods, put commas. Like this: And I can be your helping hand, The one you trust in this cursed land, And you can be the soul I saved, The one life I truly changed... Like that. I hope that helped some. Oh and make it smaller before you submit on anything. ;)
  17. Ok, Gohan defeated Cell. Vegeta didn't. Cell killed Goku with this attack. I forget what it is called. But Goku was defeated wih a big bomb thing blast. Gohan gets really mad, and that's when he goess SSJ 2. Gohan fights a little. Then he just can't take it anymore. He powers up a little. He is all bloody, and half of his shirt and stuff are ripped off. Gohan uses the Kamehameha wave. Cell goes down, Cell could regenarate as long as he had a cell in his body. Piccilo didn't know that. So Gohan destroyed every living Cell in Cell's body. See, Cell was made up of most of the powerful Z warriors. Like Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks. I don't rememeber if you had a little of Piccilo in him. Anyway, Gohan uses the Kamehameha wave to destroy him.Hope that helps some.:)
  18. Yeah, I do have pets. I have two dogs, Ones a black lab, and one is a mix I guess you would say. My black lab is real lazy. When I come home from school it is slpeeping on my bed. Speeking of pets, which is really sad, my Aunt's dog died. It was very sad. He dided in he's sleep. I also have a cat. It's a calico cat. I love cats a bunch. I usually sleep with it. It's so soft and cute. I used to have another black and white spotted cat. But it was my little brothers. It didn't die, we just sold it because it was using the restroom all over the house. When I was like 1month or so, I don't know I think I wasn't even alive, anyway, my mom had a black cat named moonlight. It got run over though. When I was real little I had a basset hound. So you can tell I like them, and that I have some.:)
  19. I watch the road, Your story, The way of life, I see your horrer. The pain you take, besides me, I can't take much more, I have to be.:box:
  20. :babble:I might not be that hard of a Hardcore Otaku. But DBZ, I know a lot. I get most of my information, watching and reading. I know a lot. I can name every SuperSayain Sayain, and Half Sayain. Oh yeah. I better be quiet. I have seen a lot of the Gundam series, and I know a lot about Gundam. I love well known animé. I also watch Tenchi every chance I get. I don't get to watch it a lot anymore. I used to watch Outlaw Star. But I got bored with it. I love Digimon. I watch it every sunday. Digimon I know a lot about. I used to watch a lot of pokémon. I just mostly watch the movies now. There really cool. That's all I watch and know of. I might read about other animé too.:)
  21. Spikey

    Eminem Coming Back?

    I hate Eminem. He is just plain stupid. He tries to be a good singer. His music, even though it isn't music, is just plain bad. He has been in jail so many times, he can't rap. I hate him, my mom hates him, I am never going to get his new cd. He might be a little famous, but I hate how he raps. He can't even rap. This is the worst person on Earth. I hope he goes to prisin forever. All of his songs are just plain stupid. I think my friend, wel maybe y friend, was singing one of his new songs. It sounded pretty stupid.:mad:
  22. Uhh thanks. You cry, Loud, From the heart, To the lungs, sometimes you say I fly, But I really don't Your better, Faster, Stronger, I can't keep up, You are liked better, I am not. This is a poem from my heart. It is about a kid at school.:shifty:
  23. Spikey

    Fav Scary Movie!

    I would have to say that Jurasicc Park III is the scariest one I've seen. Now to be honest with you, I do like scary movies, and that is a little scary. You all might think I'm a baby, I am 9. But that is scary how the people get eatin and stuff. it just sends chills up my spine. I hate when that happens. But I liked the movie, it was a little on the scary side though.:worried:
  24. Spikey

    Kid Rock

    [B][SIZE=1]I used to like him, but now he's just outta whack.[/b][/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]My lungs are a bee hive, brewing the honey of life My brain is a archive of experiance,curiosity, and knowledge My vains are ant tunnels, always bussy, always working, never stopping my heart is my power plant, fueling my body with power for the day ahead my soul is a wandering bird searching for awnsers to existance my surroundings are my insperation telling me to write this poem... not bad for a 11 year old huh? [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah not bad at all. Uhh.. I am 9. Here when your writing a poem you do most of the lines lik this: Look at the tree, and see your future, Jump in time, And go far. Ok? Here's my poem. [B][SIZE=1]I watch the clouds, They shape some shapes, On looks like you, No I miss you. I can't take it anymore, I must know where you are, How, far.[/B][/size]
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