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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [B][SIZE=1]Sometimes I read, play the nintindo or go outside. I don't get grouned much anymore. I am young though. But I just don't get in trouble except when my brother is anoyying me and I ask to stop but he doesn't So I push him down and he starts crying then I get in trouble. This is my little brother too. But I either read draw, or go outside.[/b][/size]
  2. [B][SIZE=1]Mine is probaly having to stay awake when a friend comes over. One time my friend spent the night, I went asleep on the couch while he plyed a game on the computer.[/b][/size]
  3. Spikey


    [B][SIZE=1]I have been sunburned plenty of times. When I was in Florida I got a bad sunburn on my shoulders. I couldn't even get in the hot tub. When I was 4 or so, I got this big big sunburn all over my body. I could barely move. It hurt real bad.[/b][/size]
  4. [SIZE=1][B][FONT=arial]In 2 grade I had to learn some spanish words. It was really hard. We had to study Mexico. I had to use a spanis dictrinary. Heck that was last year. I don't even rememeber some words. lol[/b][/size][/font]
  5. As I watch you, You pass on, Through a deep dark world, For thou is gone. You are gone, Gone from me, No one else, Can be like you.
  6. Spikey

    Bad songs

    Man I like afroman. I think that: 1. Nsync: pop 2. Any Nsync songs 3. Any backstreet boy songs
  7. [I]It was the year of 2069. Everybody was full of joy. The town of Joy hadn't had a bad guy some and destroy there town in a long time. But some people still trained, just in case. Most people there were really strong, and full of joy. Everyone was happy. But everyone trained. After a year they got news from some villians. They were big and bad. More people trained. Two years later, They got mor reports of momsters. This time more feacer. Now more people started training in the villiage of Joy. More people. Two more years later, everyone in the town started training. They trained and traiend and trained. Even the girls. People became stronger and stronger. People started turning forms that no one has ever seen before. Now three years later, even the girls had turn defferent forms. They were stronger than heck. They could run 190 mph. Except for one person. This person was magic. He lived at the back of the villiage. he didn't punch and kick and all of that stuff. He used his magic. He could lift every house up at once. He was practicly the strongest person anyone had seen. But more and more people started to train harder and harder.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: Name: Age: Height: Weight: Apperance: Race: Bio: Weapons: Strength: Speed: Acuarry: Defense: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Stats: Name: Linc Johnsan Age: 22 Height: 6'5" Weight: 299 pounds Apperance: Orange shirt, Black belt, Blue pants, Black spikey hair. Race: Flari-jin [Orange and blue Spikey hair] Bio: He came from a planet called Flare. Then he came to earth, with his brother. His parents had left him and his brother when they were both 2. Linc got lost once when he was 5. he had great new power. He was able to survive and find his way home. It was a long hard journey for him. But he passed. He was a strong little man. He wondered all around Flare. Then he landed on earth. He didn't even noticed he was on earth. He came to the town. He started to train because he saweverybody else train. Weapons: Legs, feet, fists, blasts. Strength: 100,000,000 Speed: 90,000,000 Acuarry: 90,000,000 Defense: 80,000,000 I wil allow up to 9 people to join. Maybe 10 if I get enough people.
  8. Spikey

    wierd al

    He's rather funny. I don't have any of his CD's. My brother does though. My brother used to download his music. I listned to them a lot. Mostly "Amish Paridise", it was my favorite. I don't listen to the much anymore though. yes I love Weird Al.
  9. I personally like it because Nintindo made it. I also like it because of the graphocs too. They are really good. I also like it because of the games.
  10. This is a story. Chapter 1 Trouble with the bad guy A long time ago. The year was 199. People ruled most of the worl. But dinosaursruled the other half. But now this story begins 2076....... "Honey get up. It's your good day," Leisha said. "Ah mom But...," Eric said. It was a big day because there was a festival going on. All we could here was yells and shouts. But today was a day fo celebration. " Mom do I have to," Eric asked. "No you do have to," Leisha cried. But Eric just got right up went outside and found his friend. "Whassup," Asked Larry. "Nothing," Eric told. They went to a house where no one lived. it was a spooky house. it was just desserted. They went inside. they couldn't believe their eyes. There were about 500 people dead on the ground. " Whos do you think caused this," Eric said shaking. "I d...unn..o" said Larry. They stepped inside. Out of mid air I person jumped. he fell to the ground got up and said "What do you think your doing here," he said. "uhh. nothing" they both said in a hurry. The charcter drew his sword. Tried to slash one, then eric dodged. Then he jumped up and tried to kick him in the leg. He succieded. The charcter fell to his feet. He couldn't get back up. Eric took his gun. He aid" Stay away from us," They ran off. Theywent back home. They were all dirty. Larry had to stay the night. " Where were you boys," Leisha cried. " And why are you so dirty," she said. They had to go to bed for the night. Eric had a bad dream. He dreamt that the figure had payed a little visit. The charcter was fighting Eric. Eric was tossing and turning in his bed. He had no clue what was going to happen. He got up and was sleep walking. Only like fighting. Larry didn't get up. His mom came in. She stopped him and put him back to bed. Then Lary had a bad dream.He dreamed the same thing, only didn't sleep walk. He fell out of his bed. Eric'smom put him back. They fellasleap the rest of the night. Eric woke up. "What where you doing," his mom asked. "huh..," he asked. " Nevermind," his mom said. You guys get washed up and play outside. They went outsdie. But surley enough they found Gary. Gary was Eric's little brother that annoyed him all the time. They had to take him to the Park. He played on the jungle gym, until he said he saw something scary. Eric and Laryy listend. "Big scary black person, me see him me see him," he said. They looked all around til they found him... They started to fight him. Eric grabbed his gun got on top of the jungle gym. He Shot some, and hit him. But he was stil alive. It wasn't a robot though. How could he be alive. Eric kicked him in the leg he fell. Larry gave him a body slam. The guy was hurt. They started to jump on him and stuff until he dissapeared. They wondered and wondered where he was. They couldn't find him att all. They went hom and washed up for dinner. In the bathrom Eric told Gary "now keep your mouth shut about what you saw," he cried. "OK," he yelled. The went and ate turlky and ham for dinner. It was delicious. They went and played again. They played for hours and hours. They couldn't do anything now. They were sorounded by girls. They had to fight them off and run. But they weren't any ordinary girls. They were hard to fight. Eric punced most of the, and larry tried to kick all of them it was hard but they still came out. They had to go to sleep for the day. They had good dreams, about killing the bad guy. They destroyed him. They got up and went outside. They found the bad guy... End of chapter one. Tell me if you want to more...
  11. I try to defeat, I try to, All you want me to be, But no longer strong. I listen to the radio, Every night after night, I listen to your voice, From somewhere around. Ever since I was small, You held me in your arms, Now I am to tall, For it all.
  12. [B][COLOR=orangered]Obi-Wan: I shal fight you mace. [I]I draw my sword again. He put it in fighting position. Ready to fight Mace. I attack. I jump high into the airwhile he trys to hurt me. I dodge from the air quikly and go straight at him. I hit his lifesaber with enough energy to push him back. He gets up and comes at me. I block his attck,and I try to hit him but he blocks with his lifesaber. I jump back up to attck him. But he dodges.[/i] Yoda: Enough! Stop now. Obi-Wan: Yes master. Mace: Yes master. Yoda: Lets wait for some more people to join in. We have to get training going with some other people. While were waiting, we can practice using the force.[/b][/color] P.S Hey Son goten can you get on aim. I need to talk to you.
  13. [COLOR=coral]I think the new games are going to rock. I have read in about them in some magizeenes. They sound really cool. I can't wait til they come out.[/color]
  14. I think Adam Sandler sings the funniest songs. Those are really funny. lol
  15. I have two to three game you should get. I suggest you get Goldan Sun. This is a really good game for the GBA. It is like a RPG, like Final Fantasy, but different story lines. The charcters are really cool. The beginning kinda gets you confused. You have to find your way to some place, oh man it's hard. It took me a while just to figure it out. There is another one you should get. I think you should get Super Mario 2, I think it is. The game is really cool. It does look a little like paper mario (if you look closely). You can pick from two people. I haven't beaten the game yet though. My big brother has it and it's really good. But it does get a little tough. Also, You should get a Spyro game. My friend has the game, and I went over (a little while ago) and the game was sweet. Of course I just watched him.lol. But the game was really cool. And any Spyro game I see, it is cool. I love Spyro. Ecspecially the first one. It's really cool. Anyway those are the games I can think of for yah.
  16. I think that they should have more pokémon. Also New gym leaders. More ways to battle would be nice.
  17. Spikey


    I like System of a Down, and other people like that. I think Blink182 is cool, and so is linkin park. I would have to say that I love Punk rock. I would have to say that Drowning Pool is my favoritre "punk" band. Linkin park is my favorite band out of ALL time. They are a really good band. I think that everyone should listen to 'em. There are other people such as Mushroomhead, and Kid Rock. Most are the ones I have listed. Mushroomhead is really good. So there are my favorties, and telling that I do like punk.
  18. I watch to much waves, To many movies, So many clouds, Half have gone. My name, Fits right on the wall, The shape of it, Makes you all. I must know now, What do I have to do? I must know now, I must. I have a minute, And so do you, But why? Why do you not fly? I ask so many questions, Only couple get answeresd, I listen to the answeres, But it's always "no".
  19. [I]Obi-Wan comes to join. He lets is lifesaber float in the air. he waits for some more people....[/i]
  20. Greg walked over and saw who was fighting. He was terrified at first. But after he let out a loud STOP. Everyone stopped. Greg: What are you all doing? Crowd: Ahh... nothing. Greg: hah, nothing sounds like something to me. Greg drew his lifesaber. Greg: Now who has beckoned thy. Seto: I did.. Greg: So Seto what did you want? Seto: well I needed you to break all of this stuff up here. And you came. Greg: I see, thanks. Seto: Uhh.. Greg started walking to a person on the side of the building. He wore a black heveay cloak. Creg walked over. Greg: What is your buisness here? Stranger: Nothing. I am here to ask you some questions. What's your name? Greg: Creg Stranger: Ok, my name is _____. Have you seen Ambika? Greg: Yeah she is right over there. *points* Greg: I wonder what he wants with Ambika? I hope you doesn't kill her, or take her away or anything. *whispers* Greg watched his every move... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S Uhh... if this is okay, if someone wants to be the strange figuar tell me, like PM me, k?
  21. Uhh.. you don't have to type in all caps locks you know. I watch you, You watch back, The night is young, And so are we. You bring back a lot of memories, You laugh in front of me, The way you laugh, You are my sweet angel. I call it, Love by the heart.
  22. [I]800 years, in a deep galexy, on land called Siboni, The droids get data.They need data from every living "odd" creature they find. See-Threepio was a little scared. But Artoo-Detoo was just fine. After a while Luke got tired of waiting he went to look for them. See-Threepio's mask was gone. Luke took him to get a new mask. The mask looked evil, and See-Threepio was not. They were going to get power for there lifesabers. They got a lot, but they were saving it for Darth Maul. People said that He shall return. it had been two to three years since Luke defeated Darth Maul, but now the mission had to be done again. The next morning Luke went out looking for Darth Maul. he looked everywhere he knew, but never found him. He looked more, and more, until he got lost. He was lost, in a deep dark woods. Stuck by himself...[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data: Charcter: Weapon: Jedis have to have lifesabers and guns) (Ehh.. not much) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charcter: Luke Skywalker Weapon: Laser, Lifesaber [I]The journey continues..............[/i]
  23. Spikey

    Censorship ok????

    No, I think there should be no such thing. I meen, why couldn't they sing with out the badwords. But I don't think that they should have a censord, and an uncensord Cd. It is just stupid. If there going to have a censord one, why not just be a "good" band? You know? For instance, POD. I can understand if they do have 1 o 2 cuss words, but Limp Bizkit had about 100 cuss words in one song. That's just plain horrible. Now I know some of you think I am just plain weird, yes I am. But that is what my mom syas. I'm gonna be getting a stained "censord" CD here soon. I do have a censord CD. Puddle of Mudd. It still has cuus words. I am a little ticked at the time, but I WAS in a good mood. But hey, we all get ticked. But there is my theory on censord.
  24. [COLOR=royalblue]Ahh.. no problem. I love poetry. I study it everyday.[/color]
  25. Spikey

    Ica Age!

    [COLOR=royalblue]I would like to see it again.[/color]
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