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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. Hey guys, remember were in the year 2002 here. We could take a seal and of some of the smartest people in the whole world come to turn it into a dogung. Or mybe a dog. See our science these years are spectacular. I highly doubt that the scientest are going to do it. But maybe in the year 2005, I don't doubt that year. I also doubt that there are going to be wild pokemon. There might be like some that look like pokemon. But I higly doubt that there are some wild pokemon. I can believe that a mad scientest would make some pokemon out of regular animals. You know it could be possible. But on the other side I highly doubt that it is going to happen, that tehre are wild animals. People could send in postcards and stuff to mad scientest and the could make the pokemon. But beleive me, if there happens to be any pokemon I am going to catch it and train it. I'm weird ain't I. Well anyways that is my theory. Hope you enjoy it.
  2. That's really good. I like how you used the flow. That is great, keep up the good work.
  3. Thanks, now I got it. By the way, can someone tell me which saga Hero is in? I hvae just started for a Gundam life. Now I will get all the information I need. Here soon.
  4. I don't like much dance music, but I do perfer trance as a better style.
  5. What does your room look like. Mines just normal kinda plain. But I am working in it that so wehn I people come in there going to be scared. You ask why? Becasue I am going to buy some scary stuff ine then put them into my room. I have a drop from my door that when someone comes in the see a bloody scary mask. And then I laugh. *Grins evily* So what yours look like?
  6. It's both basiccly. Now we can start to begin'. I want everyone to write there stories of there journey. After we get all those done we can start the battling. So were going to have to get to work.
  7. My mom said that I snored and fell of my bed, started to sleap talk, and I was asleap the whole time. That is the weirdest thing that has happend to me!
  8. Basicly yes. About your journey to this Far away place.About how you got here. What you have learned. Tell us if it was hard. So you like make up a past story of your journey to this far place. Question 1. answered. Yes. You coose who you want to battle. (You will battle Warlock first like you said.)Question 2. answered. Yes. You get experience for how good you do in the battle basiccly. But if you win you wil get higher experience points. I will judge how good you do in the battle. Then you get experience points. The first person to 100 will face me.Question 3 answered. When you (if you) win you get almighty king. When you are all mighty king your attck accury defense speed and ability goes up. Then the battles start all over again, and so on. Question 4 answered. Hope that helps a little.
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]We need one more memeber then we'll start. Let's just hope that someone signs up. What you do is you make up your own story, and then you contain a battle with the person you want to face. Then after you face them you get experience points. When you get 100 you get to face the all mighty king, me. If you beat me you are now the all mighty king. So when we get one more memeber we'll start.[/color]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]I don't use default. I use V.4. It's really cool. I used to use default, then I looked at my brothers and that was really cool.[/color]
  11. [COLOR=purple]Thanks, heres some more: Raging I rage back, I rage back to the darkness, But head blows, it leans into the wind, What had happened? I had fell, I had died, but how? What was thy desire? I'm.....Dead How about that one?[/color]
  12. [COLOR=purple]The dust, It swept by, right through my arms, it flew right by. I jumed to catch it, but I fell, got back up an embaresment, they all laughed. What, you think this thread shoould stop. Never, this thread shall LIVE.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ4BROLLI [/i] [B] they're not going to do that because they said that both the women's and the men's champion will be available to both shows. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=deeppink]I meant from Tough Enough.[/color]
  14. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]That is a really nice story you have wrote there. Keep up the good work.[/color][/size][/font]
  15. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]I beleive that love hurts sometimes. But at sometimes it can be heart warming. I think if you really like the guy you have found the person you should be with. But love can really hurt sometimes.[/size][/font][/color]
  16. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue] It's that time of year again. You know when there is a war, anywho's it was called The Frequent War. In the year 2034, there have been a lot of technolegy that people disagree that they should have that stuff. But all the brave soldries (whoch is you0 sign up to fight the war. But make sure you beat the bad guys! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Weapon(s): Bio: Code name: Unit: Bad Guy ( there will be some tell me if you want to be one) Commander Fighter Or Hopitality ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Thrasher Saler Age: 21 Weapons: Sowrd (of course) machine gun, and kendo stick. Bio: H ecame from a distance part of the earth. He grew up with is older brother. They journied, but one day is older brother died. Now he is on his own. Unit: Commander --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch you have to do is fight the bad guys whenever you get the chance. There will be 10 bad guys. The people that want to be bad guys will say so. The battle will go like this Weapon wht/blk magic attck where you are going to hit then you keep the battle going.[/size][/font][/color]
  17. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]I will after I beat silver. When I beat silver I will only breed Fighting styles. And I think I will have to have a couple extra for the gym masters and train them in my spare time.[/size][/color][/font]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]There is a lot of somke, and it kinda does get old. But if there was no smoke every time they hit the ground it just doesn't do anything real alike.[/size][/color][/font]
  19. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue] Earth Earth, It's such fun, You can be, As high as your highest dreams. Earth if you beleive, You can see, Everything, You can fly. Play Hard Hard, You play hard, Don't hesitate, Just play. Be all you can be, Watch the midnight sun, You can do it, You can have fun. Those are just two I'll post more after some people make their comments.[/size][/font][/color]
  20. [SIZE=1][FONT=centurygothic] [COLOR=darkblue]Either 10 or $15.[/font][/color][/size]
  21. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]Cloud strife00: 1. sowrd 2. ------------ 3. sowrd slash 4. across body I'll face you Herman, after I win this battle.[/size][/color][/font]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]Well it's not actually on T.V, I've just seen a lot of stuff on it. Such as information on sites ( go to either yahoo, or dogpile and type Rourouni Kenshin Information in) and I've seen a lot of pictuares. You might want to keep your eye out if you want to see some stuff on it.[/size][/color][/font]
  23. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue] Commanders name: Thrasher Slarer Team: Core Metel: 1,000,000,000 Energy: 1,000,000,000 Construction K-Bot [/SIZE][/font][/color]
  24. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue] The drakness it scares me I'm alone all by myself no one by my side I fall I trip but no one is there to catch me where are you you have to help I can't bare to drop please help me [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Wow!:eek: I don't think I have, well I went to this place and we were going to get Marvin Harriosons Autograph... so I start to stare at him, he stares back with a sturn look on his face. So when it was our turn to get his autograph he wrote it as fast as he could...like I was bad or something. But I came close to a famous person. If you count the cheerleaders, I came to walk by them. Other than that I haven't been face to face with many famous people. [/FONT][/color][/size]
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