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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. Maybe about 2 or 4 months till they show the end of DBZ. I don't know when Dragonball shows the end. Sorry about that.
  2. Just like Sephiroth. Why do people need rulers? I aks myself everyday that question. But I never seem to find the answer. I know that Presidents tell you what to do, but without them the world would go mad...But in the UK, why can't they have it the same? I never doubt the 10 vommaments, and the laws...But why do we have to have a ruler.
  3. Spikey


    i am also passionat about posting. i love to post. i always post so i can get a higher post count. i just love these boards. i love to post. it is so easy cause so many memebers, and threads. i am also passionat about talking. i love to talk. there is not a day that i dont get on aim and talk to someone. i do it all the time.
  4. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    me too. you have 20 hp.
  5. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    1. Sowrd 2.--------- 3. Sowrd slash 4. head.
  6. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    1.duck cane 2.------ 3. shoots duck out of duck cane 4. head
  7. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]uhh, sorry DW, I got grounded, I'll be happy to duel you again once I duel some smaller ppl so I can catch up. I can't duel right now, II don't have much time. [/B][/QUOTE] Well I will, but make this short. 1.sowrd 2. -------- 3. sowrd slash 4. chest
  8. Perfect, just perfect. That poem is one of the best I have ever read. I love it.
  9. I know that place. I can't sign up though. I am on to many boards, sorry. I have been there a couple of times to look around, but it wasn't my type I guess you could say. But I am on to many boards though.
  10. Name: Thrasher Slarer Codename: Carnel Orange Age: 25 Height: 6'5" Organazation: Ground Ait force in the army. Location: The Depths of the earth, which is a desert. Bio: Thrasher Slarer grew up all by himself. His momma and poppa left him at the age of 2. He had to grow up strongley and be all he could be. Once he finally got out of the desert, he was used to all that walking in the desert. So he joined a special team, that was ready for an operation. Blue Hair that just goes up and down. He has a army vest, and a little black T-shirt under the Army vest. He has black khiaks, and he is tan. Two earings, and one pistol by his side (also a knife for back up.) There I have submited mine.
  11. That's really good. Eh.....I'll rate a poem. 9/10. BRAVO!
  12. Follow me, Wherever I rhome, Take my hand, Let's go unalone. It's too dark, Do you have a light? Maybe we can fix it, And not get into a fight.
  13. There mgiht be other living creatrues, but I don'tknow. P.S Chck the other threads there has been already a thread like this.
  14. Yes, I also hate that. I used to have a pokemon that could kill one of the Elite to beat the game in one hit. I forgot his name though.
  15. WOW, those both are really good. I like the second one best.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] 1. What's worse (oh joy): being greedy or spoiled?? 2. Say Adam retired from Otaku (like that's ever going happen). Who would inherit the sites: Seph or James 3. Which do you think is paradise: Land of Money, Land of Food, or Land of Anime (and this isn't Japan..lol)??? 4. What's worse: yourself (physically) or yourself (mentally) It's a shrink question. 5. Let's say $1 million just dropped out of nowhere and landed at your front door....literally. Are you going to give it to charity or go on a spending spree of your life. 6. What would you pilot: A Gundam, Zoid, or EVA??? 7. And for the closing question.......Are you a vegetable, straight or just mentally insane?? [/B][/QUOTE] 1. I think greedy. 2. James, I would think. 3. Land of money. 4. Mentally. 5. I think I'd give it to charity. 6. A Gundam. 7. Mentally Insane.
  17. Yes, I am having the worst day. So I made a thread in RPG's and no one signs up. I have three people and one of them did it just because they wanted to (Shy Guy), and the other is my friend, and I asked him to. I try and try to have people do it. But no one will. So I make this thread in General Discussion, Just because I messed up the topic name It got closed. Non- other than kuja. So I try to make this new friend and she keeps saying "Leave me alone." I meen no one is her friend. She won't let me be my friend, and that is just weird. I try the next day, she has all new friends. And I ask her again, she says "Leave me alone." The next day she had more friends. I ask her she says "no." Isn't that just weird?
  18. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    How about this Bobba? 1.Duck Cane 2.----------- 3. Shoots ducks out of Duck Cane. 4. Head Thats' 30 Damage left, right?
  19. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    I'll battle you Herman. Let's go! 1. Sword 2. --------- 3. Attack: Sword Slash 4. Chest Go ahead Herman. Let's see what you can do.
  20. Name: Thrasher Weapons: Machine Gun, Laser, Pistol Age: 20 Bio: He has loved the army since he was a kid. His favorite sport is Footbal. And he loves his guns. Apperance: An Army Vest and pants. Sun glasses, And yellow hair.
  21. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Hey Spikey, you can only use a potion if you have one. If you don't wanna use an item, then set it up like this: 1. sword 2. -------- 3. Attack 4. Aims for head Plus, you can't just cut off their head. Don't wrry about it, tho. I had trouble with battles when I first started myself. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh ok. S how do you know if you win or not. Thanks for the advice. So someone tell me if I won. Does Bobba fett have to go? I hope I win.
  22. Spikey


    [B]What is my favorite Godzilla movie?[/B] Godzilla vs King Kong [B]What is your favorite quote?[/B]"GODZILLA" [B] Have you seen Godzilla X Megagirius yet[/B] No [B]How long have you been a Godzilla fan?[/B] 5 years [B]What is your Kaiju out of the Godzilla movies?[/B] Don't have one. I love Godzilla. I hardly ever watch it now. I just saw one of the Godzilla movies. It wasn't very good. I forgot what It was called. But it wasn't very good.
  23. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B] [COLOR=orange][B]I'll fight you. And I'll try not to lose. Let's battle. 1. Sword Slash 2. -- 3. Laser Beem from sword 4. *hits he's robo with duck cane* Have I won???????!!!!!!!!??[/COLOR][/B] [/B][/QUOTE] 1.sword 2. potion 3.attack : Sword slash 4.cuts head off
  24. [SIZE=1][B]The only time I saw it, it wasn't my type of anime. I didn't watch much of it though. It was a little funny, but I can't say it Was Hillarious. I watched it and I guess Gluko is my favorite.[/SIZE][/B]
  25. [SIZE=1][B]I have heard of it before. Can't say that I have seen it. I have seen stuff about it. But not much.[/SIZE][/B]
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