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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [SIZE=1][B]Name: Thrasher Age: 9 Hight: 5'0" Weight: &5 Weapon(s): Two sowrds Attack(s): Slices people, Shoots balsts from his sowrds, and does kung-fu on them. Race: Ninja Looks: Dressed all in black. Two sowrds criss-crossed on his back. And a belt. Okay the people that sign up make their own story from what I have typed. You carry it on. Okay?[/SIZE][/B]
  2. [SIZE=1][B]Pretty good. I like how you used the flow of the poem. You thought it, and said it out loud. Well you know what I meen. That was a nice poem. I give it 9/10.[/B][/SIZE]
  3. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Spikey, you cant have 20 points per section you can only have ten. I would like to also buy a right and left arm armor plates and body armor plate. This will cost 200 dollars and will bost by defence to 60 (10 starting defence,30 for arm armor and 20 for armor body plate!) I now have these stats attack 10 defence 60 agility 10 accuracy 10 If you want to battle me thrasher i will accept your offer and you can attack first.:demon: :mrt: I pity da fool who's robobo is WEAK!! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=orange][B]I'll fight you. And I'll try not to lose. Let's battle. 1. Sword Slash 2. -- 3. Laser Beem from sword 4. *hits he's robo with duck cane* Have I won???????!!!!!!!!??[/COLOR][/B]
  4. [COLOR=royalblue][B]She's little, She's big, She's old, She's new, She's here, She's gone, She's cool, She's bad, She helps She delts, She falls, I catch her, We are in love, Forever.[/COLOR][/B]
  5. [COLOR=royalblue][B]I once had a deam that I was falling of this great HUGE cliff. I didn't stop until the dream was over, and I got my guts rushed out. When I landed rocks had went through my body. I had been dead. Then I had a dream that I was old and married to the fatest girl in the world. My babies weighed more than me. No that one was kinda funny you have to admit. I also had one were I was turned into a Robot. And my creator told me to rule the world, and destroy everyone. So I did it. I jad secreat powers.[/COLOR][/B] :demon: :naughty: :devil:
  6. [COLOR=royalblue][B]Well, I don't really beleive in love at first sight. You could see the fatest person in the world, and that could be love at first sight. But just think about it. Wait in that case don't. How you know who to marry I think that you just talk to her/him well. Get to know each other really good. Him/her I think should be a little like you. I think that you should just be the best of friends your whole life of being friends. Although the people who find out that I like this sertan stuff such as : Dragonball z/GT, Pokemon, Digimon, Tenchi, Gundam, and other anime. I don't get much Girl friends (or whatever you want to call them) when they figure out what I like. I also lose some of my dearest friends for that. I think the marrige should be just that you both shall care about though, no matter what. That is my theory. ehh.. Kinda boring.[/COLOR][/B]
  7. Spikey


    [COLOR=royalblue][B]Every day I wake up thinking what it is going to be like when I am dead. Death scares me, I don't want to be away from my friends and stuff. I won't be able to talk to you guys anymore. So I guess Death REALLY scares me.[/COLOR][/B]
  8. [COLOR=deeppink]Yes, I have a brother. He's the smartest, best looking, nerdiest member on the boads. He owns my life. I worship him. He's an Otaku Legend.[/COLOR] [size=1][COLOR=silver]This is Nerdsy. I can't log out of his account. o.0[/COLOR][/size]
  9. Spikey

    Robobo 2!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho [/i] [B] Here's the old and new stats; Name of owner: Name of Robobo: Robobo's appearance (in the shape of objects or animals): Split 40 points between these stats; Accuracy: Defense: Agility: Offense: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue][B]Owner's name: Thrasher Name of Robobo: Sayai-jin Robobo's Appearance: Looks like an Angel that is mteal with swords. Accuracy: 20 Defense: 20 Agility: 20 Offense: 20 I really want to battle someone, how do I do this?[/COLOR][/B]
  10. [COLOR=royalblue][B]I like the poem. You better listen to Raiha. I like the poem, just seperate your lines more. They need to be seperate like this: I watch the sky, It flows fast by. And such like that. Also you lack grammer, and punctuation. Punctuation will be a great help in poems.[/COLOR] [/B]
  11. [COLOR=royalblue][B]I like Star Wars the best. Second would have to be Star Treck, third Star Gate. ( I haven't even seen Star Gate.)[/COLOR][/B]
  12. [COLOR=royalblue][B]I can't wait 'till I get to see the end of Dragonball Z. Finally I will get to see GT. I heard GT wasn't to good, but from the looks of it I think it is going to be awsome. Thanks for the information. I knew little from which you stated. I knew that there was going to be new Dragonball z episodes, also Dragonball. But anyhow thanks for the information. [/COLOR] [/B]
  13. [B][COLOR=royalblue]You can use tons of my poetry. Just go to todays poems and use them. Here I even made a new one: I love my Family, They are dear, They are mine, We all are free. They know I care, They love me, I love them, We are a happy family. Today, tomorow, I love them, Forever. We are free, Free as a bird, We can Fly, Fly as we please. That is my latest one. You can use any I don't care. I would defently use Raihia's but if you want to use mine feel free to. Man I want to work for Otakupoetry.com. Well I'll find out if I do.[/COLOR] [/B]
  14. [COLOR=royalblue][B]Name: Thrasher Crest: Warlock Digivice Color: orange Age: 9 Type: Angel Partner: Angelsworddramon Bio: He loves his digimon, and he loves to fight evil. He doesn't like people who are evil. His Digimon looks like a Angel with two swords. Not very bigg, shorter than Thrasher. Apperance: Short, orange shorts that are real low, khiaks,plain blue t-shirt, sneekers, and a neckalce. He has blonde hair, and tan skin. Height: 4'5" Weight: 75[/B] [/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]I like to play Basketball football, baseball soccer, and football. I don't really play soccer, i just like to ply it qith my family, and my big bro he loves soccer.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=courier new]Deep in the Fallen Cave the Warrios lurked. They tried to find the evil Warlock whom has stole there magic. They want to destroy Sama (Evil Warlcok.) They finally find him but they have to go through a lot of matches. Name: Age: Height: Weight: wepeon(s): attacks: Special Move(s): Race: Looks: You can sign up, but you have to be able to write some stories. In this I will have you write your own story. Have fun!!![/FONT]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] 1. You're part of an invasion force and your commander is a total nutcase (aka trigger-happy) about war. Would you rather follow his orders and die or just run??? 2. Your in a room filled with hydrogen tanks and you hear one of the tanks leak. Would you try to find the leak and patch it up or would you light up a match (if you're a pyromaniac that is) 3. What's worse: an all-out assualt by the Gundams or the Valkyrie series from Macross/Robotech??? 4. If you want to get rid the worlds from all the dictators, who would you get rid off first and why?? 5. What's worse: being persistent or being arrogant??? 6. Another what's worse question :rolleyes: and it's my last one. So what's worse: getting nuked or getting firebombed?? Yea, I'm a little crazed about dying today. :demon: I think this is the death version of the Choice and Opinion Survey.....LOL [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new]1. I think I would just run away. If I had another choice, I would follow my own ideas. Which would be Fight the war! 2. I think I would patch it up. If I had the choice I would just run away, if the doors were locked I would patch it up. 3. Macross, Gundams would just be so freaky. 4. I would get rid of anyone who is evil. Or whom does not fight evil. I just can't stand people who are veil. I hate evil! 5. Being presistent. If I was arrogent, I think I would get made fun of more. I wouldn't have as much of friends as I do. 6. Getting nuked. (Don't ask Why, or I'll kill you myself.)[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=courier new]You're dang good. I can't right story's like that. I just like to write spooky stories. P.S. Do you know how long that was, message lenght?[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=courier new]That's great. Although, you might want to put a little more story to it. It would make it more interesting.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=courier new]Name: Thrasher Age: 9 Race: Super Warlock Sayai-jin Height: 4'5" Weight: 75 pounds Element: Any Black Magic, and White Magic Weopons: Spear, Sowrd, Magic, Blasts (like on dbz) Attacks: Super Flash Final Slash Threw the Belly Super Wave Any blk Magic/wht Magic attacks Spear Flare/Sword Flare Char Bio: Short Orange Spikey Hair, skinny, white skin, skinny mucles. Can I still join?[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=courier new]NickName: Thrasher Real Name: ??? Age: Beyond Dinasuars Height: 5'7 Power Level: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Speed: Way Faster Than lightniing Personality: No one knows Gender: Male[/FONT]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]O_O *hyperventilates* no.. noo noo it can't be true.. *cries and shakes head furiously* no no no I don't believe it! I WON'T BELIEVE IT! NO!!!!!!!! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: *falls apart and tries to salvage the kanaka memory* You can't do this to me.. you can't leave me.. Okay your actually leaving in general but.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *dies*[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new]Umm... sorry to ask, but who is Gakt? Sorry.....[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=century gothic]You're gone, Where are you? I need you're help, Please come now. Don't be scared, I am here, I will help you, my little dear.[/FONT]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink]You can't join the Otaku Triad, because then it wouldn't be a triad anymore. You can form your own group if you want, but you can't use the name Otaku Triad. That's taken.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new]Well in that case I'll make my own team: Spiker Triad. Tell me if you want to join. I like your diary N-man. Oh and is that all that can join O taku Triad?[/FONT]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I think she means the kid goku from dragonball not dragonball gt.:D [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=courier new]Danget I am a boy. What the heck are you talking about. Yes I am talking abou the Dragonball Goku[/FONT]
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