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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [COLOR=indigo]I have heard of it, and it looks really cool. What is the story line like, if I like the story line, then it just might be one of the games I am going to get.[/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=arial]I've played this game a couple of times, I can really do great on that thing! I love the game, I never got a Meowth though. Man I can really win on that game! The only thing I hate about it, I don't have the game.[/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=sienna]Oh gosh, I don't want to think about that. That's just plain stupid, I mean, there is no reson to do that. The little boy never did a thing to him. That just gets me so mad. They should sentence him to DEATH. In Jail you never know what anyone could do. I hope you have good officers in England. I mean if one of those guys fall asleep he could get the keys in anyway. Here where I live, we don't really have much crimanils around. But, just the other day my little brothers frined, his brothers bank got robbed. He almost got a gun point at him. That just makes me, just so mad.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=indigo]I saw it yesterday. It was just haliraus. Yep, Sid is still my favorite. I liked the Tiger too, the baby was reallt cute. The tiger was a little cool, but he set the guys up, that is what I hate about him. It's too bad Scrat never talked. He would be REALLY funny then. Oh man, I could just dream about it![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=indigo]Where are you? I can't find you, where have you gone, I need your help. You have gone away, I miss you, where are you? But you helped me. You used to be there, by my side, but now, you are gone. I wish you where here, by my side, when I needyou the most, but you are gone. I pleed for you, but your not here, no where in site, gone. You vanished, right into thin air, you should, you should be there, I swear. I miss you again, but now I cry, but then you apear, just in thin air.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=indigo]Once I had a dream that Piccilo fired the Special Beam Canon at me, and killed me but I came back alive. Then I had one where I met Grand Ki at the White House. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=indigo]I've heard of them. But my mom won't let me see the movie till it comes out on Paper Veiw or something like TV, or we could rent it.They won't let a 9 year old in a movie theater to see a rated R movie. I haven't read the book thoguh. I have seen it in the library once thoguh, but I was 7 then, and now I am 9. So I'll try to see it as soon as I can.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=indigo]Theres nothing to watch, Everyone is down, but the war is not over, not until we hear the sound. The sound of waves, crashing, slamming, trashing. But we will stand strong, We won't give up, we will fight to the death, what ever it takes. We will win, no one can defeat us, we will stand strong, we are the champions. everyone, nobody, someone, but no one. everyone is gone, but me, I stayed alive, I fought better than he. We won the war, we won it so fast, we won, but now its the past.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=indigo]Tidus might just need a haircut, the only person that I know said he was a girl was my lttle brother, at first, but then he saw the hole body. I say that tidus would need to get his act together then I think that people wouldn't think he was a girl anymore. He does act like a girl in some parts, but I say that he doesn't look like a girl, at all. I am getting my hair a little long, and i ma going to dy it yellow, but I won't look like a Tidus. If someone calls me a girl then, oooo there gonna need a new hair cut when I get through with them. I'll hit them so hard oh just wait till they see. If Tidus was real then I think he would kill a lot of people. But he isn't, and who cares what the people say? I meen it doesn't hurt anything. People believe in a lot of diffrent stuff. I think somehow, someway it wou;d be possible to turn itnto something similar as a super sayain. Somehow I would think it would be possible. But I think that you should ignore the people who say that. They are just stupid idiots![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=indigo]Theres rain in stories, there are people in a war, there is a thing that I hate, and it won't happen anymore. Everyday, everyknight, fell own to the floor, like it didn't matter anymore,. there are wars, there are fights, but there is nothing, as knights. They spin they fly, they slash, people die, then I cry. I still feel cold, I still feel cold, I hurt, I ache but I don't give up.[/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1]As I walked down the hallway, I heard three people talking. I couldn't make out what they were saying. It just sounded like a mumble. I walked in the library, because I forgot to check my boooks out. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you my name, Johnathon Micheal Lex is my full name. I am short a little chubby, but I am a little tall to, my mom says, well anyway, I walked down the hall back to the exit of the school. I got my books checked out, and now it was time to go home. But wait, I forgot one of my books. I noticed it about to the exit, so I went back to the library. I got my book, but as soon as I pulled it I heard screams, of three people, but I had no clue to who they were. They were saying HELP! I couldn't waste anytime so I ran to where I heard the vocies, annd there-there it was. Three people, my friends Billy Jane and Carlos, they were getting eaten my a monster. I couldn't do anything, but I threw my books at it. I knocked it over, but it got back up and came after me. I saved my friends, but not me. I looked for anything I could use and I found a disk. I cut the fiend, as hard as I could. He struck back a little, but it barely fased him. I grabbed my friends and we ran away as fast as we could, but sure enoguh the monster caught us again. I struck at him a second time. It gave us just enough time to run. We ran as fast as we could to the exit door, it was locked. There was a front exit that we went to, it was locked. We went to the middle exit it was locked. All we could do was run to a window and jump to a balconoy. We got there, and we had to climb a ladder down. I was afraid of hights and, I couldn't climd ladders to good. But I faced my fears that day, I did what I had to do. The monster tried to climb down but he was stuck. I threw the disk, and it stuck him. He was destroyed, and we had to get home. Billy Jane and Carlos, had to eat at my house, then we drove them home. We were gladwe got out of that school, but who knows, the monster could be watching anybody! [/SIZE]
  12. This is actullay from a song but here: Last day of the rest of my life, I wish I wouldve know, cause i'd a kissed my moma goodbye, i didn't tell her that i loived, how much i cared, I thank my pops for all the talks, and the wisdom he shared. That is a real short one, but I just cut it out from a song, so..
  13. I don't know who George Michal is. Now that you minchend it I think he has a video. Wait I remember, he is yeah. I know. My mom doesn't even know who he is.
  14. It's pretty good. What you need to do is put a little more story to it. I like the story to it, just tell a little more.
  15. Nothings gone wrong, every thing went right, untill late one night. When I heard your vocie, I sweat pretty one, that it didn't last to long, but I saw you my son. You were big, you were tall, you were strong, you were all, You were so big, you grew to much, you were whereing a wig. you just grew such. You were so old, I didn't want you to grow at all, but you did, and you couldn't fall, I wish you were cute again, not so big, a little smaller, really that is all That is what my mom says a lot but I made the poem up.
  16. I am a guy but I am strechy: Try to do the yoga thing. You know with the meditating. Sit down and bend your leg up as far as you can. Do the splits. Learn how to not be afraid of hights. Learn how to jump REALLY high. That is as mutch as I could do considering I am a boy.
  17. This year our class is studing out of this world. It's cool I like it, but it does get kinda boring sometimes.
  18. [COLOR=indigo]Pretty good. Really nice peoms of art. One thing wrong, think your thoughts not your mind.[/COLOR]
  19. There is clouds in the sky, but none of them will make me cry, it just is a hateful thought, but as you tought, I fell to the ground, unheard with a sound Then i cried even more, as I fell to the floor, I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, with a heart of another guy, I slowly rose from my grave, and I saw your face once more, but you just ran away My sighlent thoguhts up in my head, they hurt so bad, you with your pretty eyes, and your soft skin, but then, all of a sudden, I can't see your face anymore. My poems aren't as good as anyone elses, but I tried.
  20. [COLOR=indigo]Well there is a thing such as a computer that has all kinds of information, it will talk to you on AIM. It is just a mchine that people made so other people on the internet can have a guide with a computer. It's buddy name is SmarterChild. I suggest you talk to it Apokrons. That is kinda weird what you thought up. I think the internet is just a big place of fun and info. It is fun to get on and talk to your friends and stuff like that. So I think that was a pretty weird thing you thought of there.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=indigo]Yes I know I am very sorry but you can't just give up on them.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=indigo]I remeber watching some of it. Then I got kinda bored with it. It was real funny but it was time to move on to a new funny show.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=indigo]I like some of it, Washuu's the best in it. Seems like a lot of people don't like Sakuya.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]I don't even know why they edit out such words. We adults use that often (I'm 32), and such words as 'damn' is not even very string language; it is, in fact, the shortened form of 'condemned'. It has even found its way to legitimate usage for a long time now. I would censor strong language such as the 'f' word, but not this one. Anyway, to be on topic, I hope that Toonami will continue on, and that they show more anime. It is good to know that anime has become more regular now, and that even American cartoons are starting to copy the style of anime.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]They would think that a 32 year old would not watch Toonami. I couldn't watch all of the movie but the some of it that I saw was real good. I didn't know it was Toonami's birthday 5 days ago, but late Happy B-Day. I like Toonami except that they had to have not shown all the Buu saga episodes.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=indigo]What you should really do is, tell a gaurdian, or someone, or just learn how do beat the crap out of people. I don't have good advice but just try to listen to TN and try to be able to hold in, and just learn self defense. I know that fighting is not the way to go but it might be in a situation like this. I have found that most of bad times, self defense is probaly the best. I rather don't have good information but that is the best I could do for now. My school has never had this. Most of the kids in my school are from America. There are such only two eople that I know of that are from a diffrent country. One was from Mexico and the other from Germeny. That is the best info I could do for you, but just try to stay safe.[/COLOR]
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