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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. Well Shadow Gohan got what I needed the first time, thanks, now I just have to play the game.I will face the nebile heim boss later, after I get Cid, because he is my favorite, and I want to kinda be more powerful when I face him. I probaly, ahh naw I will just go back and face that boss again.
  2. Well I don't like harles, but I want a dirt bike. So I guees I like them in a way.
  3. Er..... you:cussing: people why don't you look for a thread like this before you make it. I like heavey metalk, ok.
  4. Ok I skipped the first time you face the boss to get Vincent for the first try. Now I have gone to the back of Neblehiem, in the cave and I got to were I have no clue what to do. I went in that place were Cloud is with Sephiroth in the memory, and a monster pops out of one of the bottle thingys, and I have no clue what to do, am I exposed to do something in the memeory place thing? Please help.
  5. Racing for fun, and like 2nd in football, and 2nd in basketball. I am really fast but I just run for fun.
  6. Well my grate-grandma and great-grandpa are from germany, and I think i am half indian. Oh yeah i am also American.
  7. Hey now is she doing something bad to make her parents do this, be cause I don't think a parent will just lock a kid in his/her room. Okay what you should do ask her some questions about what she does to make her parents be doing this, and I guees you should just tell her to stop being bad, really.:babble:
  8. OF course clint eaztwood. man he the bomb, he got it goin' on man. Chris tucker and jackie chan are okay but i don't expecillay like them.
  9. hah this one is cool=. ohhhhhhh, ahhhhhhahh, what fun *plays with kinda glowish things*.
  10. what he looks like harry pottoer that is weird hahah *gag gag*.
  11. she is crazy and so am i *runs around and then hits a wall*. i am pshico man i just had to say that, but yeah she is nuts.
  12. thanks guys, i rteally like you guys thank you a lot.
  13. Man these boards are cool, if you want a place just search around, but if you don't like it here than leave.
  14. When I watch the people that are mean I see something about them, the bad things they do and say, and think, man there is no reason to make fun of someone because they like pink, the horbille things people do just make me sick, and I ask myself what should I do? Then I asnwer myself with the right thing I should do, but the truth hurts people in this world that disgus me are just dumb and have no mind There is a difrence between good and bad, good goes to heaven, and bad goes to hell, but the best place to go is heaven, with everything is free, no mad clowns, no stupid people no mean people, no mocking god just plain cool, all the way. good people all around. The people that are nice are cool and the people that are bad are just plain bad I think everyone should be good with no bad (repeat 4 times) there is a dffrence between good and bad but the bad are bad and the good are good. The good go to Heaven and the bad go to hell! Who agrees with me. ~the end So what you think?
  15. man that alot, really a lot man, they averge like 10 people a day.
  16. haha, man just plain funny gifs i like, real cool.
  17. ah, i think i would be like a wizard that fights like dbz people with the energy attack.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Bloody idiot... It's really scary to think of what possesses someone to do such an evil thing...Damn it makes me so angry when people think they have a right to end a human life just like that...it's just plain evil...arrrggghhhh:mad: :mad: :mad: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, what weird people. it's kinda just like at my school, only no kids got killed but they coulda. these two kids were selling drugs and i think they beat up a couple people, and the guys got arrested.
  19. woa, sounds real good, but you know online games aren't to good.
  20. Spikey

    Tidus and Yuna

    yuna and tidus are a real good couple. man it doesn't matter about the looks, i mean you think the girls in zanarkand are gonna have suumans and aoens? what about curaga?
  21. eh, Spikey is ok, but i don't like it, really much. if i wanted to change it would be Godsmack:devil: huh, or maybe i would change it to SSJinfenidy God! i like the second one better, though. what about you? my real name i like real much. i won't tell you it but i mite give you a hint, you do something that cantains killing a animal
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Well he appeared in both Final Fantasy Tactics and Ergheiz as hidden characters. As for what happened to him officially in Final Fantasy VII, just beat the game and interpret for yourself. No one can give you an exact answer as the ending is much debated between two possible conclusions. That's my take anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah he pretty much said it right there. he is a hidden character in tactics, i do know that, and the others i really didn't know about. but just really listen to him.
  23. huh never had it on my computer, weird.
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