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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. I do not believe in magic nor psycics. I believe in plain life where everybody does not have special powers. I mean come on how stupid does it sound when someebody yells "THAT GUY MOVED A SPOON WITH HIS BRAIN!". I don't see how it is possible or could be. I just don't believe that could happen. Talking with the dead. The brain stops when the body dies, therefore I don't see how the brain could talk to the dead. Is it possible? I mean there is no way somebody talks to the dead like that it just doesn't appeal to me at all. I tdoesn't seem like it could happen. There is my opinion.
  2. Yes, I got scared out of my pants when I played the old SNES residant evil. I must say that is one of the scariest 32 bit pixel character game I have ever played. It's just the fear when the zombies just jump out at you. That's the scariest "old graphic" game I have ever played.
  3. Hmm I think I will look foward to it too. I haven't played a mario game in forever. I didn't like paper mario all that well but I did like Mario 64, that one was good. I also played a Mario with a huge amount of levels on the Snes, I don't remember the name,. That game was always pleasing. But yes I think I will look for this game. From what I've heard I think it will be pretty good. Although I didn't like Paper Mario.
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]That was very nice Mitch. If I do say so myself. [SIZE=1][center]Red, Crimson, Black, Sad, Light, Insanity.[/center][/SIZE][/color]
  5. [COLOR=#707875]*jaw drops* Just amazing. I think that is one of the best pictures of just pencil I have seen in awhile. Great job 10/10[/color]
  6. [COLOR=#707875]Wow that is very very good. Although I don't know Kanji it sounds interesting. The art is nice, escpecially the girl that doesn't have a mouth. I love her eyes. Great job, maybe you could atleast tell us what they said. Oh how I wish I could read kanji.[/color]
  7. [COLOR=#707875]Very nice. I think for the first time the banner is just amazing. If I could do that I would be so very happy. Also the image of Tsukasa is very good and clear. What program do you use?[/color]
  8. Spikey

    Fav vid game

    [COLOR=#707875] My favorite game is the .hack series. I think it is one of the best games I have ever played. The plot and the Gameplay is off the charts. Also the character design is great and interesting. Also the desktop screen when you load your file is very unique. I have never seen a game like it, I think it is one of the coolest ever. And the fact that the anime character designer of Evangelion making the character desing is just very exciting. If your an anime lover like myself. So yes the .hack series are my favorite video games.[/color]
  9. [COLOR=#707875]I have never been depressed bye divorce. But I have been depressed and I have been in therapy. Infact I'm in it right now. But It's not for depression. I've been depressed a little because my granfather dying, but other than that I haven't been depressed in a while. I was once depressed because I didn't score a goal in any soccer game for one whole year. It made me mad, but I got better and over it so yeah. I'm not depressed anymore.[/color]
  10. [size=1][center]These hands of crimson, Fill my heart with you, Your dark blood is nothing to you[/center][/size]
  11. [SIZE=1]It's actually pretty good. I thought that was his hair dripping. One problem I see, aurons hair is mainly more like sticking up and silky wile thats just like a round part. Other than that very very nice. EDIT: Woah didn't see that coloured one. Just amazing, I think it looks much better colourd. *thumns up*[/size]
  12. Spikey


    [SIZE=1]Let's just say sometimes I hit my brother hard because the computer screws up. That's my rage.[/size]
  13. [SIZE=1]I have a friend who once spent the night over at my house, and got up and went into my mom and dad's room and asked them where I was, and they said in my room. So he went back to my room. I don't sleep walk but I do talk in my sleep all the time. Once I was assleep and I fell off the bed so my dad picked me up and put me back and I said "Thank you." I was just asleep.[/size]
  14. [SIZE=1]One time I was swinging my bamboo stick and he just came up and said stop and it hit him really hard. But he didn't have to go to the doctor or anything like that. I didn't get grounded but I got yelled at.[/size]
  15. [SIZE=1]One time our school tried to wear uniforms. But that was before I went there. It stopped quick my dad said. But no I don't want to wear uniforms, where we are it's hot a lot and you'd get hot. So yeah.[/size]
  16. I bid you farewell, I bid you good-bye, I bid you my life, My crimson blood. I give you life, You give me nothing, I give you food, But I get nothing in return. So this time, I will see, If you have, what it gots to make me happy. You better give them up, I given everything to you, Don't cry, I'll still be there by your side.
  17. Don't you dare walk away. Like you have nothing to say, I'll prove you wrong, You got something to say. Go ahead tell it to my face, Don't turn your back like you always do, stand here and say it, Just say it.
  18. [Size=1]I like yours Phantom, You wanna get divorced and marry meh? jk. lol. Onto the poem: [Size=1][center]Don't you dare, Turn away, Don't you dare go...[/center][/size]
  19. I don''t like rain. For some reason things get wet. And another reason I dunno but I don't like it. rain is like bunch of squirt guns shooting you, and I hate when people shoot me with squirt guns. ...
  20. [center][SIZE=1]Done go into the abyss You don't know what awaits you, beind the darkness.[/size][/center]
  21. I find role-playing on boards much easier. One reason is because when you post you can actually Edit what you did, or you can add something to that. But in chat room rping, if your like me and you look down at the keyboard but type really fast typos acure, and people might not know what you did. So I like to RP on boards better. Sometimes I go to the red Dragon Inn official site and I spar, and I like sparring there better but Role Playing like adventures I just enjoy it on the boards better.
  22. Well that's an interesting thing to take up. I think that you could be able to beat heavyweight boxers. I hope you go far in your career, and good luck to you.
  23. There is one thing you can do. Learn how do use Kendo, then you can get a kendo bamboo sword and whenever he tries to steal something kill him. He'll learn. Eaither that or you could just try to reason with him. Though words never work...
  24. [center][size=1]All hope is lost All faith is gone, All life is pointless, The day is dark. The sky's as black as night now, No time to run and hide, No time to Go away, No time on my side. So. run, run and hide, Go, We don't nee you anymore.[/size][/center]
  25. I'm not afraid of blood. It makes me happy, knowing that someone has flesh and is not a robot. o0
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