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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [Size=1]Wow my friend. That is very nice. I love the letters. I think you should make more banners like that. Amazing job. The animation is probably the best I have ever seen. All in all it is one of the best banners from you. I will igve it a wealthy. 9.9/10 :P[/size]
  2. [SIZE=1]Can I use this avatar?[img]http://www.boomspeed.com/mega_mecha/zim3.JPG[/img] These avatars are very nice. I think the one I want to use is my favorite out of the avatars. Also the best banner is the rave one. My god that's amazing. Great job. *hands banner and avatar making degree* *claps*[/size]
  3. [Size=1]*waits* Oh well anyway,I am not lonely. I have a little brother that I'm with all the time, and I have a cat that craves for attention. Infact right now she's on the computer stand. Heh. Anyway, I am lonely when I am all by myself at school which happens rarely cause I have one good friend, but sometimes I'm lonely. I don't really want a girlfriend anyway. What I do when I'm lonely is get on OB or probably watch anime or play video games. After awhile I forget about being lonely and vwala I'm not lonely anymore. So lonelyiness is not something that consumes me so. I don't really have a big glob of friends on the internet, but quite a few. So sometimes I feel loneliness but very rarely. And no I do not want a girlfriend.[/size]
  4. I'm pretty sure you have to write more than that my friend. Anyway, yes I have seen Ultimate Muscle and I must say I don't like it at all. The game is horrible, and the animation on the anime is not all that great either. Now the dubbing, good god that's one of the worst dubbings I have ever seen. On the main characters voice I thought he was somebody being choked. Hands down this is probably one of the worst animes I have ever seen. Nothing to the people who like it, because remember, opinions opions opinions.
  5. Spikey


    If you would like to cisit mine it's under the username of Spikey. I think that's only the second time I have used Spikey for some reason. But oh well. For all you people who are like meh, lazy here's the link: [url]www.myotaku.com/users/Spikey[/url] P.S. OtakuSennen I thought your AIM SN was PappyCallie?
  6. Gah! Sounds like one of those I want to suck your blood Dracula type qoutes. Heh. On to the banner. I think the way you did the fading text in the background is great. Also I think the background is plain, I just hate all these screwy backgrounds. Heh they hurt my eyes. XD Very nice job on the banner, I love it like that. 8/10.
  7. Yeah I get stressed a lot. But usually I just get over it, I tlak to people on aol and post on OB, then when I go to bed and awake I feel so much better. That's all I do, and maybe all you need to do.
  8. Heh, well it's a pretty thick book. I can get a picture of it if you would like, but yeah, it's pretty big. Though I just didn't think it was any good, at all, I am not a fan. I just got done reading Dreadstar and must say that it's one of the best comics ever. The Drawings look like manga drawings but with color. And the lines are so smooth. It's such a good classic, I recomend you guys to read it. I'm pretty sure this one was made by epic comics marvel, I think.
  9. I really would like to see a game with decent graphics withought the pixels showing in it, and a role-playing game that isn't sure, but is like Dungeons and Drugeons type thing. And I would also like to see a game that has no glitches, I just hate glitches, they make me so mad. And I would like to see a good qualitied plot to it. That would be very nice. What makes me buy a game, is the reviews on the game and if it's my type of genre. I also like to buy games because it gives me something to do. And Also temptation to see if I can beat the game. I love that challenge, half of the time is no, and half of the time it's yes I can beat it. :) Before a buy a game, I just hope that it never has glitches, cause in most reviews they don't tell you if the game has possible glitches, that's why that is the only thing I hope it has when I buy it. Because if I didn't know that the game was good I probably wouldn't buy it.
  10. Well I think it's called Ultimate Spider man volume 1. I'll have to check when I get home, but that's what I think it is. Today I finished the Team 7 series, it wasn't good at all. I got bored easily, image comics aren't that good of creators in my opinion. I just don't think that they are. I hated the He-man comics, and I didn't like the Team 7. Now I am gonna try to read the Dreadstar series If I can find any more comics from them.
  11. [COLOR=seagreen][I]Itosku sat at was apearantely his home. It was under a healthy tree. The sky was black as night now. He could barely see, but dark elves good see a face infront of them in the dark, just not all that good. He laid his head back on the tree. He could hear the squarles and snakes his and chip on nuts. He went to sleep. He then woke. And got up.[/I] Itsoku: Awwwwwhh man it's so buetiful today. [I]He got up and walked down the path in the forest. The path was just made of dirt, and it was very soft and smooth. He could hear some talking, and fighting in the distance but ignored it. He kept walking. Nothing he could find except stones. He had his sword at his side. He never left that thing. He didn't know what to do now. He was very poor and broke. he said you needed to be a body gaurd but didn't know where to go to ask, or how to ask.[/color][/I]
  12. I have read the 1st and 2nd volume of the manga and saw like the 3rd episode. I thought it was pretty good. The manga is amazing, and I love the artwork. I think everybody should read it. I guess you could say it's about someones life. [spoiler]A girl who likes to sing or something get's bullied around[/spoiler] That's all I know so far. I have to go catch up on the manga.
  13. I just read the full version of Marvel Comics Spirederman, and I must say that I was kind of dissapointed. I thought that the art would be much much better, although it wasn't. It was kind of low quality, and sort of just a lot of short little boxed drawings. Though when I read older comics, such as Dreadstar I think to myself, this is nnot just a comic, it's a comic that is a work of art. I just finally got finished reading my Shonen Jump issue, but that's Japanese. Anyway, I must say that the first time I looked at manga, I wanted to pick it up so bad. So I did, I never got back into American comics. Now I look a this thread and I am now back into American comics. I like that. Right now I am reading the Team 7 series, and I also just finished the Batman series but that isn't marvel. Anyway, so far I am addicted to Team 7. It is probably one of the best comics I have picked up yet. I haven't picked up the ultimates yet but I look foward to doing so. I hope I can read it and enjoy the series. From what you guys are telling me it sounds like The Ultimates is a pretty good comic, so I might as well go pick it up. When I get done reading it I will tell you what I think.
  14. Good day to you. I would like to buy a little potion, I'm kind of weak on health. Okay. So he looked in his bag to see if he had the amount of gold he needed. He pulled it out, and watched Ultra pull the little potion out of the bag.
  15. Family guy is one of those shows, that you look at and you could think it's something like Simpsons. But it's not. Futurama is more like Simpson. But anyway, I love the family guy. That is one of the best shows. My favorite one is where it's Steuwy's birthday and he remembers the man and white, that is so funny. Though Simpsons is my favorite comedy cartoon.
  16. I get stomach aches every once in awhile, at least about 3 to 5 times a day. Just where it rumbles, and I feel fine and all that so I guess it's no getting sick. My stomach just hurts a lot so. Nothing I can do really. But I do take some motrian for growing pains a lot, but I am sure growing pains arent consider having you sick. ><
  17. Good bye forever, Mate na again, I will remember you, As long as you remember me. If I give, You a hug goodbye, Would you cherish it, Until I die? Or would you forget, all the good times we had, You help me, It wasn't such a big fad. But now I remember, and I hope you do to, Good bye forever, I will forever remember you.
  18. Yes I have seen this anime. It is very good, but I think that the idea is better than anything else I have ever seen. The animation is quite good, and using acient china by [spoiler]saying that they turned into zodiac animals[/spoiler] was brilliant. When I first saw it, the character design caught my eyes. I thought the way they made the big bishie eyes was very nice. I'm not real interested in the kind of anime it is, but I think if you exclude that for me I think it is one of the best animes I have ever seen. Even though that it looks like Bishounen it is still a very good anime. Though I am not sure if it's Bishounen, lemme go check. But anyway I think it is an amazing anime and the plot is probably the best thing about it. Coming in a close second is the Character design, then the voices. Such pretty Japanese voices. All in all I think this is one of the best animes I have ever seen, and probably the best plotted anime ever. If they could I would like them to sell all of the episodes on DvD at the anime store near me. >
  19. OOC: *laughs* Ryan tried to catch it really face, maybe he could get a pet by catching it. Because he thought that maybe if hw got a pet it might help him be a better theif. So then he couldn't catch him, so he went on down the path.
  20. When I was about 6 I remember seeing the science fair. I remember asking my mom if we had Vinegar and other stuff that they would mix in. So I got out a good sized cup, and a spoon, poured them in the cup, and all of a sudden they exploded, and started pouring out, so I took a towel and put it over the cup, and it kept going, so I started to make my dog eat it all. That's probably one of the stupidist, and weirdist things I have ever done. the weird part was because I made my dog eat it, and I put a towel over it. The stupid part was trying to do it.
  21. Hmm... I guess I do tend to read some closed threads because I like to see why they're closed. I usually don't look at them all that much anymore, but I do like to see what happened. So I guess you could say I like to look at closed threads, and I like to see what happens. Yes I do.
  22. Uhh.. that was kind of funny. Then again sad. Very nice job. Now let's see a poem from you that doesn't ryme. :)
  23. I have a lot of graphic novels, escpecially Tokyopop. I have Dragon Knights, which is okay. Though it is not my favorite. My favorite of all time is Tokyo Pig. Yahh I love Tokyo Pig. so funny.
  24. The face kind of looks like a cat. Very nice job. I think it should have red dots, like the flag but thats me. And I would kind of make it look like an anime eye, then it owuld look like a japanese mask. Good job. 8/10 Oh and thanks Sara.
  25. Spikey


    My mom loves Train. They have pretty good songs, I just don't like the band and there songs as much as others. There not my kind of band I guess. But yes my mom loves train.
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