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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. That's very very good for Paint. It kind of has that paint conver to JPG effect. With the faces kinda funny lookin' with the pixles. bleh. Anyway great job. Amazing for paint, wish I could do that. 7/10
  2. Nah the legs aren't fat. The right foot looks like a hoove because there is no back, or front. I think you should extend the front a little. Other than that it is a very nice picture, and I like it. Good job. 8/10
  3. Spikey


    Oh how I hate Mudvayne. They are just way to meatal. I could listen to them, but I would rather not. They are not the best, and they could be better. I am not a fan, and I can't understand what they are actually saying. I'm not interested in them. I got one of there CD's, listened to it, and then sold it on ebay.
  4. Ryan was ready for whatever would happened. He kind of got down into a stance looking like he was gonna kill it.
  5. Ryan walked to one of the toadstools an examind it. It was kind of funny lookin'. He then walked on along the ruggidy path to Transquee.
  6. I can wait. I could wait forever. I hate class, and school, so boring, so evil. I am kind of glad that I will get to see some of my feinds, because I haven't seen some for the whole summer. But then again I am not ready at all.
  7. Usually I rent it from the video store, but sometimes I buy it. I hardly ever watch it on T.V. because the only channels are Cartoon Network and Action Channel. Sometimes I watch stuff on Tech TV, but I need more than just Science Fiction. Besides those channels I do not know where else to find anime on TV. I know the International Channel but I don't get that. So I usually rent it or buy it, but I rent more anime than watching it on tv and buying it. It's much easier, and I just don't have the money. But I am getting a better job here soon so I might start buying anime. But that's basically what I do.
  8. I have seen about 5 minutes of it at a friends house. He was flipping threw the channels then saw something about it and said, "what a weird name" he watched it for a couple minutes then switched the channel. I was kind of amazing on how good the animation was. It probably has the best animation I have ever seen. the best I have ever seen.
  9. I wonder if I will ever, I wonder if I will ever see you, I wonder, will I ever see you again? How do you know that you will be there, at the edge of the street, waiting for, me? How do you know that you will be there? How?
  10. Spikey


    Hmm... I would have to say I have big-mouthed ones. They do tell that I like such and such. Except I do not vistit Yaoi sites or any of that stuff. But they tell every one I still read comics, or I still play E for Everyone games. I still don't see what's wrong with that, but anyway. The tell everybody that I am a lazy bum and I only play soccer, I am a lazy bum, and I do only play soccer. But anyway, I have a lot of friends like that. I don't know if I have loyal friends or something like that. Sure on the internet, but not in real life. So I would have to say that I have loyal friends on the internet, and big mouthed friends of the internet. I am still wandering why I am still friends with the big mouthed friends. *wonders*...
  11. I see okay thanks. I'm working on the second chapter right now and I'll be down in about an hour or 2. Thank you for your compliments. That really wasn't my intention, I was trying to make a fighting story, but I just decided not to becauseI couldn't form a plot. Thanks everyone.
  12. [SIZE=1]Sorry my friend PoisenToungue. Am I supposed to take that as a compliment, you being bored as hell reading my story?[/size]
  13. [SIZE=1][B][U]A day in the shoes of a ten year old- Chapter 1[/b][/u] Ryan lounged back on the couch where he watches his daily anime showes on various channels. As he flipped the channel to the Action channel he heard his name being called by his mom. "Ryan, come help me unload this food." she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Okay I'm coming." Ryan got up from the couch. He heard Street Fighter going on the TV. He grabbed some of the food and put it all on the table. "Ryan, I don't want you to sit on the computer play games, and watch TV all do." His mom said in kind of a sigh. "Okay mom." He went outside to sit on the front porch watching the speeding cars go by. He lived in the country so no friends came over. He went back in to get some of his drawings and tried to sell them, nobody stopped... Nobody even payed attention. He sighed then went back inside to get on otakuboards. He thought to himself "about 400 350 more posts and I'm a Extreme Otaku. But he remembered that everybody told him that post count dosen't matter. He logged in and then went to the Otaku Lounge. He posted there, then in the music movies and tv forum, then in the Poetry forum then in the adventure forum then in the battle arena. He put a pillow onto the back of his chair ans started talking to some people over aim. He then went to eat. He wasn't ready for school to start at all. He did want to see his friends and all but he still doesn't want to go to school. He wasn't ready for fifth grade. He then logged off the computer and went in his room to play the ps2, and draw. He just beat Enter the Matrix, and just watched Zone of The Enders so he had nothing to do. So he just started drawing. Though they weren't as good as his friends on OB he just kept practicing. He finished his picture of Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. He then went to play the playstation 2. He started a game of .hack and got into a dungeon when his mom yelled that they had to go do some arrons. She went to work out while he waited. then she was done and they were going to come home. He got home and just went to the computer. He posted in some forums on OtakuBoards, and then logged off. He was trying to become a real good poet and writer like his role-model on OB mitch. He then sighed and knew that it might not happen. He then went to the TV to watch some cartoons, and some TechTv stuff. He was kind of bored now. He had nothing to do so he just laid down and watched TV. He was gonna try to draw a Sephiroth picture, but he was to lazy to find a picture of him to draw. Then he just got up and found a picture on the internet and then went to draw it. He so far wasn't vey pleased with the way it was turning out. So he knew when he was done he would have to clean the picture up a little. He was planning on putting it up on his account at myotaku.com. He then fixed up the picture, and it was getting late, he then decide to go fall asleep in the lving room watching TV. He did and sleep good.[/size]
  14. [SIZE=1]I like the first one better, but the Goku one is very cool. I like the lighting effect you did with the blue, making it look like that's the energy he's obsorbing or something like that. Very nice job. First pic: 9/10 Second Pic: 8/10 On the second one I think you should put the blue all round the Goku-san making it look like he's absorbing the energy. But if he's doing something else great job with whatever that is.[/size]
  15. [size=1]Very nice job. I like the one playing the violin in the chair. That one is very nice. Great job, I think you should sketch in eyes though. Eh well... nice job and keep it up. 8/10.[/size]
  16. [Size=1]GAh, darn imp. Ryan touched the little bite. God. He walked on along the path to Transquee. How many steps it was to Transquee he did not now.[/size]
  17. [Size=1]Very nice, I think that is amazing. I love the 1st one and the secongd one is just slightly not as good as the first. But they are both very nice poems keep it up.[/size]
  18. Spikey

    Cover Songs

    [Size=1]Okay I really hate this song, and this artist. I hate rap, but this is the only one I could think of for now so I might post more later. Lil' Bow Wow: Bow wow wow Yipee Yo Yipeee yay I hate rap.[/size]
  19. [Size=1]I have a half brother, which is Nerdsy. His mom and my dad split up before I was born. I don't know if this counts as a parent's divorce, but my dad has been divorced.[/size]
  20. [Size=1]Mitch, umm.. James Justin, Sara and wrist cutter. Yes wrist cutter. *looks around**smackes forehead* Mitch because he is such a good poems and his poems give me fealings. They are so good. Sara because she can really moderate,. :) James because he has taught me so very much. wrist cutter because of him I am a japanese music fanatic. >
  21. [B][U][SIZE=1]when the rain hits[/B][/U] when the rain hits you might see it, when the rain hits, you might feel it. when the rain hits, you might hear it, the sun will shine, another time. I promise you, that the rain his cold, it is why it's good, you can feel it.[/size]
  22. [SIZE=1]Ryan bet the little baby imp on the head. It then ran offf in the oppisite direction that Ryan was going. Ryan then walked on down the path.[/size]
  23. [Size=1]Very god job. I must say that the Cowboy Bebop is my favorite, and in my opinion is the best. Very good job.[/size]
  24. [Size=1]I love it. Very funny. I think it should be your banner on ob. Very good job, it's really cool, but the "is" is kind of hard to see that is says Is. Say I would change the font. God job, I love it. 8/10.[/size]
  25. [SIZE=1]I have 3 pets. 2 dogs, one indoor one outdoor, and a really fat cat. It's a calico. It's very cuddily. and I love it.[/size]
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