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Everything posted by skaterjto

  1. Ive got a problem and thoght ide bring it up in here to see if anyones got a solution. You know how you can change the text size on the browser, is there any way you can get the text to stay the same size no matter what? Because I just made a new layout but if you change the text size to anything besides medium everything gets screwy. Sooooooo thanks!
  2. Hey i have some fanart too so i thoght i would post it. Later :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon:
  3. you see the thing im trying to avoid here is searching for one, I post a question and people reply with a site, Im having trouble searching for one so i asked here...
  4. Hey does anyone know where I could view some high resolution pics? Alright thats about all, talk to ya later.
  5. If youve got some time check out the backgrounds, i made em myself. ~~Also i have an attachment of a little banner I made for another thing but thoght i would show you.~~ Tell me what you think
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