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Mr. Blonde

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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde

  1. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] Do not put milk near anything you're drinking. But beer before liquor you'll never be sicker.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] white russians are delicious kaluha vodka milk or cream Just don't drink too many or you'll decorate your home with vomit. And it actually doesn't matter what order you drink beer or liquor in, thats just an old wives tale.
  2. [quote name='Allamorph'] [B]Edit:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Kataki[/COLOR], either lay off or keep remarks like that to PMs. There is no need to degenerate a thread into pointless bickering because someone 'isn't having fun'. If you don't like his sense of humor, ignore it.[/FONT][/QUOTE] If it makes you feel any better I'm not having any fun either. It's quite amazing how these little spats just blow up so unneccesarily. I'm changing my response in this thread from: [quote name='Katakidoushi']No holds barred cage fight with Ryan Seacrest. We could even do it up Rambo style and roll our fists in broken glass. [/QUOTE] To: A candle lit dinner with Allamorph, Rachmaninoff and Nathan. There will be a violinist and possibly some spaghetti.
  3. Dude, the mods are going to close this. You have to post a sign up sheet in the auditions area. I'd check out the rules if I was you, or contact a mod. They helped me when I was new. Good luck.
  4. [quote name='Lonley Fighter'] I'm a little late to this party but I'd love to meet everyone here on the OB and have a 'who can drink the most white-russians party'.[/QUOTE] I would triumph in that battle. That's just a fact. [quote name='Nathan'][FONT="Arial"]Well I did establish that other than one member here, there is no one at OtakuBoards that I know well enough to even joke about doing. However, I think it goes without saying that a nice dinner, flowers and a genuine interest in the person is always a good start. Though movies, concerts and group activities area great too. And if you're serious about them at all, never,[I] ever[/I] forget special occasions or birthdays. Cause to do otherwise, is just lame. As in - I know who's Birthday it is today. =P[/FONT][/QUOTE] You should change your user name to Buzz Killington. Lighten up, dude.
  5. I've put my audition up as I'm sure some of you may have seen, but I recently edited it so check it out again if you'd like. I threw some juicier details in my "bio". Now it even has that new post smell. *sniff* Delicious.
  6. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Name: Lon Grosvenor Age: 54 [2090] Status: Wealthy Big Game Hunter/Tracker [IMG]http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4349/callepmountainmantheda3.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Lon's never taken too kindly to people and it seems people have never taken to Lon either. You won't hear him talk very often, but when he does his voice cuts you like jagged glass, soft but course like sandpaper. A life time of sucking down cigars and living in the wild will have that effect on a man. If he didn't have to deal with these... people, he wouldn't. Biography: Lon Grosvenor aquired his fortune in the early portion of his life. While living in Northern Africa he earned outlandish fees as a tracker for Europian royalty and other well-to-do personalities. However in his early forties Lon abruptly abandoned his career at the height of his fame and fortune. He has said this: "I will always regret letting fools kill those beautiful creatures. They in turn should have been the ones being slaughtered. They were not hunters, they were murderers. There was no art in what they did." Lon has hunted around the world many times over, taking down Elephants in Kenya, Jaguars in Tanzania, Tigers in Siberia. But now many years later Lon lives a simple life deep in the Adirondack Mountains. They say he's become a wild-man, living off of the land, rejecting society and still sitting on his massive fortune. At the end of the twenty-first century big game hunting does not carry with it the glory that it used to. The areas where the sport is still legal are few and far between. Most big game species have either become extinct or endangered, and the slaughter of an endangered animal is a serious crime. A continent wide ban of big game hunting has forced any remaining hunters to cross oceans and move thousands of miles away from what they know. But not Lon, he's staying, and that just might be the end of him. The Beginning of the End The arrow sailed between the trees. Lon held his bow, his fingers pulsing from the release of the string. A female black bear lay on the forest floor, blood pooling around her motionless body. It’s never easy to kill, but… it’s what he does. Everything carried out that afternoon just as it had for years before. He returned to his cabin, gutted and cleaned his kill and settled by the fire for some coffee and a cigar. But something different happened that night. The U.S Fish and Wildlife Office showed up at Lon’s door, slapped handcuffs on his wrists and told him he was coming with them. “Your time is over, old man,” One of the guards whispered in Lon’s ear on their way out of the door. And that’s when Lon Grosvenor realized that he didn’t belong in this world anymore. It was the world that had changed, not him. He didn’t want to spend the remainder of his days waiting to die by the fire; he still had some fight in his bones. After donating a generous amount of his fortune to the National Parks Association he was released from custody. He was banned from hunting and living in the Adirondacks. It didn’t matter; Lon wasn’t planning on staying around here much longer anyway. He had gotten one phone call while in custody and what the man on the other end of the line said gave Lon the hope he was looking for. “Have you ever wanted to live in another time, Mr. Grosvenor? What do you know about cryogenics?” “Freeze myself?” “It’s more complicated than that but yes, that’s the general idea. Freeze yourself and wake up in the future where society’s woes won’t hang over you. Without the threat from hunters animal populations will spike. In forty years or so you’d be able to live the life you enjoy again. Of course with your age there may be complications. You have to be aware of that.” “It’s better than living here; I’m already dead. How much will this all cost?" "Everything you have."[/FONT]
  7. The "Survivorman" is Les Stroud, not that pretty boy Bear Grylls. Which ironically touches on my character a bit. So I'm putting down my audition today, Vicky. How much longer are you planning on keeping them open for?
  8. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Obama has not been a Senator for long and when he became a U.S. Senator, his advisors carefully kept him away from controversial issues. The less history he built up, the less he'd be attacked for his past voting record. This would allow him to quickly and easily change position or to move one way or the other based on what was needed for the campaign. So yeah, again I would just say that it's important to recognize the core strengths of both candidates here. I personally believe either one is qualified to be president and each carries their own pros and cons.[/font][/QUOTE] First of all let me remind you that Obama voted against the war when it wasn't so popular to do so, after which many politicians called it, "the end of his career." Further more I'm fully aware of both candidates core strengths. I suppose not being in the country you have a lot less of the day to day to deal with, but being here and seeing the ads and living with the 24 hour news channels constantly pumping out information about these two... it gives the American audience a different feel for the candidates. It's more than John McCain just adapting his views. It's him twisting himself to be something he clearly at one time despised: "Whatever happened to the guy who once denounced tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans in a time of war as “immoral”? Whatever happened to the guy who wanted to do something about climate change? Not anymore. Senator McCain says he’d vote against a bill he helped to write. When someone running for election changes his views to satisfy the base of the party, that’s not change, that’s just more of the same Washington game. When Senator McCain was subjected to unconscionable, scurrilous attacks in his 2000 campaign, I called him on the phone to ask what I could do. And now, some of the very same people and the tactics he once deplored, his campaign now employs. The same campaign that once called for a town hall a week is now launching a low blow a day." -Ben Smith, Politico "What contortions has this new John McCain twisted himself into in order to win this election? When asked last year about his stance on abortion, he told a group of supporters, "I do not support Roe vs. Wade. It should be overturned." This statement not only sharply contrasts with what he said back in the 2000 election cycle, but is also at odds with a majority of American public opinion, according to the most recent Harris poll on the subject. Further, McCain's decision to put the anti-choice, creationist Sarah Palin on his ticket appears to be motivated completely by a political desire to shore up the radical right evangelical base with whom he's been at odds for so long. This is the same woman who claimed in June "that our national leaders are sending (our soldiers) out on a task that is from God." A part of me is made very sad to write this article. As I've said, my family has followed John's life and career with no absence of pride. If there ever were a Republican we might consider voting for, it would have been my [B]cousin[/B] John. But, as he continually demonstrates in this campaign, my cousin John is long gone. "Straight talk" has been replaced with "flip-flop." Saddest of all, this is the same man who, when campaigning in 2000, told a crowd of supporters, "I don't think Bill Gates needs a tax cut. I think your parents do." My parents, John, need some help after the economic destruction Bush has wrought in the last eight years, but it's clear you're not the one who'll give it to us. America's working families no longer recognize you, nor does your own. -Adam Vaulx Boles It's more than just flip-flopping on some issues, it's completely changing your stance on who you are as a politician. I think McCain has gotten so desperate to be president that he is now using the same shady tactics (smear and robo-calls) that he denounced 8 years ago. The John McCain of 8 years ago was qualified to be president, the John McCain of 2008, I wouldn't trust to make me a grilled cheese.
  9. Niclas peers out of the window through his binoculars; his eyes are fixed upon the watchtower. Everything is still; there is no movement. Niclas chokes the last of the potted meat down and stands up slowly. The sun is setting behind him and the Eastern sky quickly grows dark. He throws back some water from his cantine. "Soon I won't be able to see a thing." He gives one last glance over to the watchtower and then walks from the bedroom. From this height that watchtower was the only place a sniper could reach him, so if he stays clear of that bedroom window he should be safe... for now. He paces around the apartment, unable to stop himself from staring at the dead family around the table. He enters the kitchen and slowly walks up to them. He pulls a chair up next to the little girl, and eases himself into it. The last remaining light masks her in shadow. Her eyes are closed tightly as if still waiting for a chance to open them. Her skin was burned but she didn't look scared. The shock wave killed them, they only burned after they were dead. This wasn't the war Niclas signed up for, the war his countrymen were promised. This was horror, devastation and cruelty. "But that [I]is[/I] war..." Niclas mutters to himself. He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes. He shakes one out of the open soft pack, strikes a match off of the table and lights it up. He unclasps the button on the holster around his waist and pulls out his Bull Pistol. Niclas flips open the barrel: loaded. Six .70 calibar rounds fill the chamber. This gun was more like a hand cannon. Niclas sits at the table, his burning cigarette hanging from his lips, the Bull pistol grasped tightly in his hand, and darkness falling over Dresden. "Are you going to come for me, my friend; have you already begun? Or do I have to come for you?"
  10. Well James the John McCain that Europe and Asia seem to like isn't the John McCain that's running for president. One of two things have happened to the man: 1. His Republican advisors have twisted him to fit the "Republican role". He's completely abandoned most stances he took before 2000. They've forced him into a Republican mold, and inevitably he's attempted to pull away from that mold that he (I'm sure regretably) was forced into. The result is the muddled views and policies laid out by John McCain in this election. In doing so he has successfuly alienated both the Independants and the Republicans (who are jumping ship like rats). His Republican cronies also forbad him from taking his first choice for VP (Joe Lieberman) because of his religion (Judaism) and past as a Democrat. He was hosed into picking Sarah Palin and that has even pushed him farther away from all of the bases. Even Conservative talking head Kathleen Parker is calling for Palin's resignation, deeming her unqualified to hold the office. The point being that John McCain's campaign has been one train wreck after another and if that's any indicator as to how he'll run the country, then that's a shame. Also the campaign has completely abandoned talking about policy and has resorted to calling Obama names to scare the American public. Socialist, Marxist, Communist... These are low blows, are simply inaccurate, and not very presidential. I'll quote Barack Obama in saying, "Hope over fear." 2. He's an old man and he doesn't care anymore. I'd lean towards the first one with a dash of #2.
  11. Perhaps I wasn't clear but I meant three books.
  12. I think what I've typed in response here has been misconstrued. I obviously wouldn't use this prologue as an introduction if I was going to break the story into three books (by the way Raiha a novella is a book). This began as a prologue but after examination (as I've said) I've decided to break this up into three seperate stories. Where one might see unneccesary detail I see the various directions I'm going to take these stories. And as you've mentioned Tolkien, Allamorph, his prologues are huge, so as I've said this former prologue is not excessively large. I agree with this not working as a prologue but as I've said many times I'm no longer looking at this as a prologue but as a guideline for the "to be" novellas. When you think of it in that nature the "humanity" element that you had a problem with Alamorph is crucial. There is obviously going to be horrifc events unfolding. Also I'm aware that unground cultivation is possible, but I have to throw a wrench in this whole life style they have underground. Lack of uv light and cold conditions will inhibit growth. We're basically looking at a lot of mushrooms and not much else. Also, Allamorph, I appreciate your input, and while you may be a good technical writer, a little flare is in order sometimes. The "machine of industry" definitely stays. I have a friend I write with, and you seem just like him. He's always trying to "clean up" my writing. As writers I'm sure you can all understand how ideas change and the decision to expand or consolidate happens in a moment. Where I once saw a smaller story I now see room for a universe of multiple tales. Allamorph, you seem to have your shit together, if you have any ideas regarding this story let me know and I will clue you in on what I plan on doing with this idea in more detail.
  13. Niclas sprints across the city street, his heart pounding out of his chest. His safehouse gets closer by the moment. "Almost there, just stay alive for a few more seconds." He dives into the rubble of the apartment building before him. He throws his rifle over his shoulder and scans the area; his hand shaking just slightly. "I'm getting too old for this shit." He backs into the building slowly and when he's clear from the view of the street he runs up the crumbling steps; loosing his footing a number of times along the way. It's amazing that this building is still standing. It's a skeleton of its former self. Mortar and bricks have been crushed to dust. Plaster and wood lay splintered and still smoking. Niclas swallows his fear and continued to climb until he reaches the 7th and top floor. He kicks in one of the doors to an apartment. The unmistakable smell of death fills the room. Blood covers most of the furniture and carpets, soaked up only by a thick layer of soot spread over the entire home. There still sitting at their kitchen table is a man, his wife and their little girl; dead and bathed in ash. Niclas turns away and conducts a thorough walk through of the entire apartment. He decides the little girl's bedroom will do. He returns to the living and pushes the couch in front of the apartment door. He begins to rummage through the family's cupboards. Niclas hasn't eaten in days. A old can of potted meat will have to do. Brown water runs from the faucet in the kitchen. "At least it's not red." Niclas fills his cantine and returns to the girl's bedroom. What a sad sight this is. Burnt toys are still scattered over the room, her stuffed animals are cinged and her walls charred black from the bombs. The glass from the windows is blow out and covers the floor. Niclas sits in front of the only window in the apartment that looks towards the east; towards the watchtower. "Yes, here we go. Are you over there, my old friend? Are you ready to join your brothers in death?"
  14. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] Unless there is no evil government overlord pulling the strings this story falls dangerously close to exploiting various cliches that are common in science fiction and are often unavoidable.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I exploit no cliches. But if I were to reveal anything that would be revealing the plot of the story, and I don't do that. I will most likely not be adding to this for the foreseeable future. I've recently began work on a screenplay and I have to finish that before I do something of this nature. I do believe however I will try and divide this story into three books. One book describing "The Last Winter", 2nd, the underground survival after most humans have left for Mars, and the third is yet to be decided. That will help break up this massive storyline and extensive timeline in which I have laid out before myself. I've been planning something of that nature since I wrote that prologue and I think that might be the only way to delve into the heart of the story with the detail that I desire.
  15. If you're going to have us traveling we should start in a place that is more mild and less of a threat (concerning animals and weather) and travel through... lets say Africa or possiblly India. The plains or the jungle would provide that "danger around every corner" feel. Shere Khan frightened me severely when I was a child.
  16. That'll do, Vicky, that'll do. How do you feel about corncob pipes? (joking)
  17. I'd be interested to see your audition regarding this RP, because I definitely would like some more detail regarding: The communities. What kind of settlements have these people established and what is their quality of life? The hierachy. Do these people have some sort of established government or is the community ruled by a counsel of elders (Planet of the Apes style)? Dwellings. Have they built their own structures to live in or are they squatting in whats left of buildings erected before the human disappearance? Technology. Weapons? Transportation? I understand most machinary would be rusted away by now, but what has been rebuilt, if anything? I know this may seem like a lot, and you don't have to answers my questions here but it'd be awesome if some of these things were addressed in your audition thread, not exclusively these subjects, but just a scale of the situation so we would know what kind of world we're diving into.
  18. Niclas throws his rifle over his shoulder and tightens the strap hooked to it. He rises to his feet slowly but stays low. Just as he's about to make a break for the watchtower the familiar sound of conversation spikes in the distance. Niclas crouches down and throws his rifle over his shoulder. He clicks the scope three notches clockwise, and then he sees them. Five German soldiers are exiting a bunker and crossing the space between he and the watchtower, laughing and musing along the way. "Out in plane sight... idiots. Now that tower has the attention of any Allied sniper within 1 mile." Niclas slinks back down behind the rubble. What to do now? He crawls along the ground over rocks and debris, looking for another hideout. The only thing he sees is an old apartment complex, barely still standing. He checks the area out through his scope. Everything appears quiet, but that doesn't mean anything. He needs attention to be drawn away from the building. "About 50 yards away. I'll need to sprint, but I need some time." Niclas crawls back over to where he sat before and peers over the top of the burnt bricks and crumbled stone. The German soldiers are haphazardly making their way in Niclas's direction. They'll spot him soon. "Those fools will get me killed along with them." Niclas fishes in his ammo bag, pulls out a clip and slides it into the stock of his rifle. He steadies the rifle on the rubble in front of him. The soldiers are in his sight. "I'm sorry, brothers." Five shots ring out. Five men go down. Niclas lowers his rifle and looks over to the apartment building. "I must go now."
  19. Gilligans island... Drizzt you silly billy... Well, Vicky, this sounds promising. I have seen the documentary being a huge History Channel buff. There was a similiar one on the Discovery Channel too. I watched them both so I'm thoroughly vetted on this idea. So the characters are waking up between 450 and 500, but at what point will the RP begin, in the year 500? So we can assume some sort of culture has been created by those humans that have been "unfrozen" for 50 years? In the documentary they said the Hoover Dam would be the last man made structure to survive because its hundreds of feet of solid concrete. I believe it's supposed to stand for nearly 100,000 years. So maybe there is a human stronghold inside the hoover dam? I'd like a little more clarity on the plot of this RP. Why is it these people's job to find the cause of human extinction? What would they gain from this knowledge? I think there has to be a link between their survival and that information. I'd like to join up whenever you're ready to post an audition. This could be interesting. EDIT: Regarding the timeline, Vicky... the numbers on the right side are what... the year? If so why don't they correlate with the years on the left?
  20. Niclas leans with his back against a pile of rubble, his Karabiner 98 Kurz bolt action rifle propped up next to him. It seemed that the entire city of Dresden was rubble now. He hasn't seen the rest of his brigade in days. Whether they were killed or just deserted, it didn't matter, they were dead men either way. The German's been hunkered down behind the rubble picking off Allied soldiers stupid enough to walk out in the open, but he hasn't seen a soul in nearly two days. Were they really all dead, or are they just cowards? Niclas throws back a mouth full of water from his cantine; digusting. Even the water in Dresden tastes like gun powder. There is no escaping the death. He pulls a light blue cloth from his belt and begins polishing his rifle. Like all German snipers he had to practically build his weapon himself. He modified the Mauser with a 4x telescopic sight, removed the base plate and replaced the stock with a light weight variant. It could only carry a 5 round stripper clip (nothing like the semi-automatic rifles the Allies had) but he wouldn't trade it in for any other weapon. On the stock Niclas has carved his kill count with a bowie knife: 34. Thirty-four men have lost their lives at his hands. It seems almost like murder when you say it out loud like that, thats why he doesn't. The light hum of an aircraft cuts through the still air. Niclas slowly peeks up over the rubble. "Royal Air Force..." he says under his breath. The plane passes the city and flies into the distance. It wasn't an air raid so what why were they here? What did they leave, or maybe... [I]who[/I] did they leave? Niclas huddles back down in the bombed out building he has taken shelter in. This rubble won't hide him for long. He'll have to get to higher ground... and fast. He scans the area. An old watchtower; perfect. Now all that's left is to get there... alive.
  21. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] I'll give your thing a run-through later, Kataki, but for now I want to ask you this: what does your prologue actually do, and do you need it to be a prologue? Judging by the sheer length, it seems that the information contained in it could be revealed as the narrative progresses, instead of throwing everything down all at once. Informing your reader as you go is also a great way to maintain their interest, provided you don't get so bogged down in background-explaining that you lose the plot.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Its actually not that long for a prologue. I've seen much longer. And I'm going to be going into greater detail on everything throughout the story so the reader needed to have a basic understanding of things before the story begins. I hate when writers over explain in their stories. It always seems so fake that one character would go into that much detail with another so I thought I'd handle it through a prologue narration. However this is far from the last draft, so I'm sure many things will change. Even if I obsolve the prologue into the story I needed to write this to give myself a better understanding of the world I'm creating. So if I post more up here the prologue will most certaintly change. After all as any writer knows nothing is done til' its done, and even then... it's not done.
  22. I don't know if people vote for themselves usually or what but I voted for SaiyanPrincess. Its definitely the best one on here. Good luck.
  23. [URL=http://img252.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sigoftheweekpe1.png][IMG]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/2196/sigoftheweekpe1.png[/IMG][/URL] victims of war
  24. No holds barred cage fight with Ryan Seacrest. We could even do it up Rambo style and roll our fists in broken glass. Yes.
  25. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Just like plastic green army men brainwash children into becoming soldiers - like every single boy nowadays that ever played with them! It's a toy. You simply don't buy the toy if you're not religious and you buy the toy if you're a religious family and want your child to grow up being religious - if this is 'brainwashing', then [i]teaching[/i] a child your religion is brainwashing. That and nearly all toys nowadays portray some kind of belief that could be arguably wrong or serious. Bratz, therefore, brainwashes children into becoming band sluts, as does Barbie brainwash children into becoming pregnant vets. They may be an influence but at one point children grow up and think 'lol this is silly' and throw away the toys. Toys aren't the main influence - I hardly see how [i]any[/i] toy is going to brainwash children. If anything, it's all the powerhouses doing the brainwashing... which would be the parents and everything above them. Organised religion is far too devious to start selling brainwashing Noah dolls.[/size][/QUOTE] I agree with everything you just said. That is my point, its not the dolls themselves, its the intent of the people who support the doll's propaganda. I said they are a "device".
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