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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde
I'll be beginning to put this idea together more early next week and get it on here within the next couple weeks hopefully. If you have any ideas feel free to PM me with them. And that goes for anyone, I won't promise I'll use them but I'll certainly take a look. I think I will make this furturistic and that way I will be able to fabricate certain organizations (law enforcement and terrorist). I'm thinking the role of the terrorist leader (the Escobar) will be a role in the RP as well. Nothing is certain and I'm just spitballing at this point, so we'll see. Also... maybe it takes place in space? There could be a jungle type planet that manufactures the drug, like a "forest moon of endor" kind of thing, but with cocaine... We'll see.
[quote name='Sabre']I await the connection between making toys in line with ones beliefs and brainwashing children, a serious allegation. [/QUOTE] And I don't see a difference between the two. Of course they don't have actual hypnotic abilities. But they are a device of the cult that is organized religion. I'm awaiting the angry replies to this. I'm ready.
It's appreciated, Drizzt. I think the most fasinating Sci-Fi has always been that which could be Science Fact. That to me is scarier then any horror movie.
Well as far as the psychological aspects go; the poster wouldn't have to explain those neccesarily but I believe there would be psyhological repercussions to such an event unfolding all around that person. But I too believe James is probably right and this is far too realistic to take off. Maybe if I set this RP in the future and gave it a HALO sort of twist, that would eliminate the chance of any historical inaccuracies. However it seems that people shy away from these heavy RPs... My next RP will be about a team of carebears that duels with lollypops on top of a gumdrop mountain.. right.
Who Will Win the Presidential Election?
Mr. Blonde replied to Mr. Blonde's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Kenso'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]OK, while I don't like Palin at all, I'm curious what's up with your bolded statement here.[/SIZE][/FONT] [/QUOTE] My "bolded" statement is show how out of touch the woman is with american politics. The VP is not in charge of the senate, the Majority and Minority leaders or "Floor Leaders" head the senate. Though no one is technically in charge (democracy). The VP casts the tying vote, but other than that they have no senatorial powers; none. In an interview in august she said she, "Didn't even know what the vice president did". Scary. washingtonpost.com — When Palin was mayor (of Wasilla, AK), the population was just 5,500... Palin limited her duties further by hiring a deputy administrator to handle much of the town's day-to-day management. Her top achievement as mayor was the construction of an ice rink, a project that landed in the courts and cost the city more than expected. Wasilla doesn't handle a fire department, a police department or a public school system. I'm wondering what this woman actually did do. -
[quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]...that chick from the Phantom of the Opera. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Emily Rossum, yes. And as far as my "bang list" for you people... I'm quite picky, so I'm going to need graphs, charts, all of that jazz before I commit to anything. However I have some friends that are totally sluts and would do every single one of you. PM me and I'll give you all of their phone numbers. What I really need is a bang maid. If anyone's ever seen "It's always sunny in philadelphia" they'll get that, if not you'll think I'm a horrible person. Either way is okay.
[quote name='Nathan'][FONT="Arial"]I imagine it's based on being goofy and not serious at all. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Obviously. [quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]For some reason i have the impression that Lunox is a real hotty... and i'm fairly certain she's a girl. So, you better watch your back, Lunox, or i'll rape you!!!! WHOA WHOA, i did not mean to say that! Silly me, i always take things too far. But seriously.... watch yourself. Aha! I kid. ...Isn't she half asian? I am too! If we had kids... why, they'd be like 3 quarters asian! ...? As for celebs... i've pretty much already decided that Scarlet Johansson, Natalie Portman, and Jessica Alba are all extremely beautiful women i'd be willing to give a testacle to sleep with. Plus, if i were gay, i'd have sex with the lead guitarist from The Mars Volta. Random? Ci. [/FONT][/QUOTE] I found all of that extremely disturbing...
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]The legislation of California is pushing an ammendment that'll make parental notification either legal or illegal depending on how the public decides to vote. That to me, is government involvement. Furthermore, leave the sarcasm to me. I make it look much prettier. And I could think you were a dick if I really wanted to. I suppose you'll have to be nice to me to make it all better.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well like I said government involvement of any kind I believe is wrong, and I never disputed that case wasn't government involvement. On either side; for or against abortion government involvement is pushing socialism. And as far as me being nicer to you... Its really all your fault because you make it much more fun to argue with you.
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Do you really want your future daughter to be able to get an abortion at the age of 13 without you knowing it? [FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Um... And what does that have to do with government involvement? I absolutely think that parents of an underage girl should be notified but the government doesn't have to get involved in the actual process. And I was being sarcastic about the throat ripping. You can't actually think I'm that big of a dick?
So what are we basing this "bang factor" on? The person's words? Words are dandy, I love em', but I'd need a little more info then that to commit to a bang. And I'm pretty sure 3/4 of the chicks on here are off limits anyway. I don't need "To Catch a Predator" unfolding on otaku.
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]You know normally I would bang my head off my desk several times in horror this thread has reappeared, proceed to quote several people and then engage in the pointless debate. This time around I'll skip the second part like most other people and just make my point and watch the drama unfold. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] I couldn't have said it better myself. And I'm sure I won't even get the chance to hit the "submit reply' button before Raiha will have my throat ripped out, but here we go: I'm not going to discuss pro life or pro choice. I do have an opinion on one but my side has already been discussed in this thread and if I were to continue to argue it I would just be reiterating the same point. So instead I will briefly discuss this worship of human life we all seem to suffer from. Most humans wouldn't think twice about taking the life of another creature because we consider all other creatures to be inferior to us, but the human life is sacred? I hardly agree. I've known some squirrels that have done more good for this world than some humans. The fact is that most of us just take up space on this planet. Most of us don't do anything to benefit society, advance technology or help human kind. We just take up space. This planet is overcrowded. People are getting dumber because darwinism is failing. It's failing because unlike other animals where only the strong, the smart, and the intuitive survive, the idiots and know-nothing humans continue to breed with each other and are steadily watering down the human gene pool. Do I believe human life is sacred? It depends on the life. I think most of our society could be sterilized and it would only benefit us in the long run. The world doesn't need another 'Joe Six Pack." We need more teachers, scientists and doctors. We need intelligence, which we are sorely lacking. Now you may say this is off subject, but I say it comes down to the root of the subject: the value of human life. I say that is a loaded question because that depends upon the value of the human. This obviously does not apply to unborn children who have had no opportunity to prove their worth. Sterilize the stupid and abortion rates will plummet. If I ever run for Senate that will be my platform. Oh and regardless of your stance on abortion... the government has no right to get involved in the matter. It's none of Uncle Sam's business.
Who Will Win the Presidential Election?
Mr. Blonde replied to Mr. Blonde's topic in General Discussion
This just in: "A vice president has a really great job because not only are they there to support the president?s agenda, they?re like the team member, the teammate to that president, [B]but also they?re in charge of the United State Senate[/B]." -Sarah "Caribou Barbie" Palin I'm not even sure I have the strength to point out all of the things wrong with this statement. The woman doesn't even know what her job would entail! I'm moving to Canada. -
I'm currently working on an idea for a spy RPG set in Colombia in the mid 1980's concerning the cocaine trade. The characters will be attempting to bring down Pablo Escobar's notorious terrorist group M-19. We'll exam the casing and raiding of terrorist safe houses, the mental and physical ramifications of an agent delving into the criminal underworld and attempting to infiltrate a terrorist organization, and the dangers and unfamiliarity of urban warfare. The characters will be from a wide background, including: C.I.A D.I.A (Colombian Defense Intelligence Agency) INTERPOL 1st SFOD-D (a.k.a Delta Force) Quero-El (A rival Bolivian terrorist group) Among others.. I know this is vague but I'd enjoy feedback and to know if that sounds like something people could get on board for.
Who Will Win the Presidential Election?
Mr. Blonde replied to Mr. Blonde's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Vicky'][size=1] I may want more than anything for the British government to grow a bloody backbone, but strong allies are a must have and allies are much better if the leaders get on like best friends. [/size][/QUOTE] Tony Blair let a 80 year old woman drag him around by the ear like a kid who snuck a cookie before dinner. And the relationship with Bush wasn't much better. Maybe Gordon Brown (I can't help but think of of the song Golden Brown by the Strangelers every time I hear his name) won't let America bend him over and stick it up his 'arse'. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1] Obviously there's little point in me having an opinion here because I'm not [i]entirely[/i] 'in it for America'. Granted I would miss you guys if your President turned out to be a maniac who blew you out of the ocean =p.[/size][/QUOTE] I knew the rest of the world felt this way. *Hangs head in shame* Bush has single handedly made the entire Eastern Hemisphere hate us. I can tell you that I honestly don't feel entirely safe being an American right now. But you Brits shouldn't get comfortable either 'cause if we go down you're coming with us. Oh yeah and Australia, yeah we see you down there hiding out, you too, buddy. -
Well I agree with the first part of your argument. I think this will have a mediocre turnout at the box office because of the reasons we both have listed. But I'm hardly loosing sleep over this. I'm not one of those 'crazed Youtubers', but I do have an opinion on this, which apparently you do too. As someone preparing for film school and a current screenwriter I'm more than familiar with the aspects of film and the film process, so that combined with this being one of my favorite shows growing up, its just a shame seeing it taken in this typical direction
That is my exact problem with this movie. Dragoball is over the top and ridiculous in such a classic anime way, but this film (from the small amount I've seen and read about) has missed that mark. The american audience has become so stupid that anything with explosions and a little cleavage does well at the box office. Your point of view, my friend, is the problem with american cinema.
I've made a couple for Bunny in his banner request thread, if you like those, hit me up with the details and I'll bust it out for ya.
Here's a couple for you, Bunny. Hope you dig em'. If you want another just let me know. [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/9291/alchemistbannergn2.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/2823/knightbannersl8.png[/IMG][/URL]
I immediately got a 'power rangers' feel from it. They shouldn't have wasted everyone's time and just premiered this on the sci fi channel. Apparently the director has signed a three picture deal that will extend the films deep into Dragonball Z. This is the classic problem when the studio thinks something will fail, so they put a half-*** effort into it and surprise... it sucks. Even the actors look like they're just going through the motions. This was not a children's cartoon in japan; I know it came off that way more in America, but clearly this is a children's movie.
[center][IMG]http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/7942/shogun1kf4.png[/IMG] [SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=darkred]Honshū, Japan[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=darkred]The Heian Period[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/center] [FONT=Book Antiqua]In the late 8th and early 9th centuries Japan's Emperor Kammu sought to expand Japanese rule into the Honshū, a land inhabited by numerous nomatic clans. His unrivaled expansion of the Japanese Empire was nearly complete, however the Emishi tribes of the Northern Honshū opposed Emperor Kammu's rule and brought the fires of war down upon the Japanese Empiire. [/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]The Emishi led strong cavalry attacks which desimated Japanese strongholds throughout the Honshū. Emperor Kammu quickly responded, however the previously unchallenged Japanese Army lacked motivation and discipline, and were easily dispatched by the Emishi. The Japanese soldiers which were primarily infantryman were swiftly cut down. Emperor Kammu was desperate and turned to the nomatic clans he despised to help him save his empire. [/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]In 781 A.D the Emperor bestowed the title of Seiitaishogun (Shogun) to the leaders of powerful regional clans and paid these clans handsomely to conquer the Emishi for the Japanese Empire. These Shogun Generals showed fearless valor in battle. Their warriors excelled in mounted combat and archery. Their long swords and thick plated armor were like nothing no one had ever seen, not even the previously unbeatable Emishi. The Emperor was proud of his Shogun Warriors, rewarding the clans with land and harvest. For a time all was good. [/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]But Emperor Kammu could not stomach his distain for these "barbarians" for long. And when the Emishi had been all but elimated and Kammu's need for the Shogun was no more, he attempted to dispatch them. Kammu sent the full might of the Imperial Army into the Honshū plains waving the banner of peace. He called the Shogun Generals to an unarmed meeting, and in cold blood had every last one of them executed. His armies set the country side ablaze. Thousands of men were slaughtered, women raped and children bled out and left for dead. The Honshū burned, and all memory of the valor of the Shogun was erased... nearly.[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Emperor Kammu, confident in the erradication of any that could oppose him, began arrogantly reffering to his Imperial Generals as Shoguns and adopted heavy cavalry into the Japanese Army. Control over the whole of his Empire was realized and soon the Honshū clans drifted from the Emperor's mind.[/FONT] [center][SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=darkred]805 A.D[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=darkred]24 years later[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/center] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Years have passed without challenge and the Imperial Army has forgotten the feel of battle, the sting the defeat, and the taste of blood. For 24 years not a word has been spoken of rebellion in the Honshū... but all is not as it seems. There is a second rebellion brewing, but not by the Emishi, by the very Shogun Warriors Kammu thinks he has eliminated. The Bushido Warrior Code has kept the way of the Shogun alive and in the shadows, hidden from the Emperor and his armies. But now the clans have called a secret meeting, a war is brewing and the Shogun shall have their revenge.[/FONT] Your character is one of the Shogun Warriors called to the meeting. [B]EDIT:[/B] The meeting will be a gathering of the most gifted warriors in the Honshū. An assasination is being planned on the Emperor and a small band of assasins is being put together to carry out the dangerous mission. Name: Age: Appearance: Weapon(s): Bio: Here's a list of some clans: Akahoshi clan (赤星氏) Akamatsu clan (赤松氏) Akita clan (秋田氏) Akiyama clan (秋山氏) Chiba clan (千葉氏) Chōsokabe clan (長宗我部氏) Doi clan (土井氏) Hosokawa clan (細川氏) Itō clan (伊東氏) Kitajō clan (北条氏) Nagao clan (長尾氏) Ōta clan Rokkaku clan (六角氏) Saitō clan (斉藤氏) Sō clan (宗氏) Utsunomiya clan (宇都宮氏) Yagyū clan (柳生氏) Enjoy. Like always I'll post if and when this takes off.
[url]http://screenrant.com/new-dragonball-trailer-rob-3864/[/url] Well there it is... I think I might cry.
[quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]David Bowie, for me anyway, was relatively uninteresting in the four albums he did in the '80s. So he doesn't count for the '80s =p... except for the song Blue Jean and Absolute Beginners, but that's it.[/size][/QUOTE] Under Pressure Excellent song, and actually features both of them. It's a shame Vanilla Ice decided to be a dick and steal the bass line. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtrEN-YKLBM[/url]
Hall and Oates. I'd listen to them just for John Oates' mustache. Heart, Pat Benatar, the Eurthymics (yes) And has no one mentioned David Bowie or Queen? Blasphemers! "The guy from Labyrinth just turned into a bird!" -Hank Venture
I doubt fisher price has an Islamic agenda, but it does sound eeriely like "islam is the light" but like drizzt said I wish I would have just heard the doll before I heard anyone's opinion because I expected to hear it. What happened to being upfront about brainwashing children? Oh wait here we are, talking bible dolls. And yes I have seen these in the store and they're even more ridiculous then they appear here: [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/1739/mofgrouprev710x374el6.jpg[/IMG][/URL]