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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]That would be an opinion and not a summary of said debates. And it would also be mean spirited, unworthy, and based largely on the popular zeitgeist of the day, not on any actual evidence. If you could possibly clarify your stance with: "I think she's unintelligent and unfit to be a vice president" that would be helpful. But since I can already imagine your stance to be the stance so many of the moderately snobbish or otherwise elitist I think I'll spare myself and say this: Sarah Palin just shot Joe Biden between the eyes and made him look a fool on national television. And did he not have it coming?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Didn't you just do what you accused him of doing? Sarah Palin rattled off canned answers that had been shoved down her throat for the past week. She showed that she has had training, not knowledge. [quote name='Crimson Spider'] McCains plan is to encourage competition by paying the people (tax credit) to pay the insurance company, and also tries to lower expenses by focusing on prevention and personal choice. Most of McCains decisions lie in letting a market run, emphasizing competition to reduce prices and giving Consumers more information to choose amongst the competition. [/QUOTE] There's only one problem with that plan. It would essentially eliminate health coverage from your employer, because they just wouldn't be able to buy and charge what they have been because prices would inflate. Employer provided healthcare would die. The average healthcare plan costs $9,000 a year, so that would go back into the employees paycheck, along with the $5,000 McCain tax credit, after taxes about $11,000. Sounds good if I stop there. But... With the deepening pockets of citizens, and no private insurance restrictions whats to stop private insurance companies from jacking the price of policies up to ridiculous levels. On the positive side McCain does support the deregulation of restrictions that would allow Americans to go out of their state for health care, but thats a bit of a hassle. Deregulation is not the answer here. We need government backed insurance that is provided by private insurance companies that have goverment caps on the price of policies. That is the only way to provide universal health care. For someone who doesn't have healthcare at the moment, the McCain health plan would make it that much more difficult to obtain a policy in your area that is affordable.
[quote name='Japan_86']During spring I wear a lot of gypsy type style of clothing with various skirts and loose blouses. I really want to get a corset and a belly dancer's sash to wear around my skirts. So I guess my clothing styles during the day can be considered gothic, gypsy, or prep. This all depends on the weather and my mood. [/QUOTE] This reminds me of a discussion I had with someone about the existance of modern day gypsies. I have had a run in with many a gypsy; crafty folk. But anyway... Nothing but skin tight flesh colored body suits, and chaps, lots and lots of chaps.
[quote name='Crimson Spider'] Each one of the candidates demonstrated a decent capability to run the Executive Branch. The finer points of personality, compared to the great importance of issues and stances, aren't very important. [/QUOTE] You can't get a accurate portrayal of reality from the politicians mouths themselves. Most news is bias (MSNBC is liberal, Fox News is conservative). It's getting harder and harder to get down to what's really going to happen if either one of these candidates is elected president. Sadly most people don't care about the issues and vote according to those finer points of personality. Check out this site. In the end they're all full of it. [url]http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/factchecking_biden-palin_debate.html[/url]
I've watched the debates, and this entire election mess the last year or so. I've been pro Obama for a long time, but now I think he's coming off of his "Jesus" status and becoming more of a real politician with some flawed policies and views just like any other. There's also a reason why Joe Biden didn't get the Democratic nomination. He often votes right wing and that is his downfall with these hardcore democrats. However, having said that... I cannot bring myself to vote for a ticket where Sarah Palin has any chance of being our President. We've had eight years of inadequecy and failure, I'm fed up with it. I think it's also John McCain's rampant lying that also bothers me. Now all politicians lie, Obama and Biden have extended the truth themselves on issues like their tax cut which could actually only cut taxes for 85% of Americans (not the 95% the Obama camp is claiming). But John McCain has been caught on multiple occassions of outright lying. Placating to one crowd and then changing his view 180 degrees while speaking to another. It has been Barack Obama's history of surrounding himselves with educated and qualified people that draws me to vote for him. He has made excellent decisions throughout this campaign, and thats what we need in a president. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in the quality decisions. None of these people are perfect, we just have to ask ourselves who will **** up the country less?
The Warrior by Scandal. Enough said.
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][i]Chibi had always liked cows. Their soulful doleful big brown eyes.[/i][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] -The Matrix Revolutions. That's all I really have to say.
I've created this thread for any questions or comments that people might have concerning the thread I've created in "Auditions" titled "Waterworld Redux".
The battle has been dragging on for hours now. After a full day of pain and death the sun begins to fade and darkness takes over the sky. The full moon creeps over the distant mountains as Kataki, Hidoshi and Tetra are locked in a three way power struggle; trading blows, and spraying blood over the barren Earth. Hidoshi and Tetra land a pair of devastating hits on Kataki and the Saiyan is sent sailing far into the sky. Now with two opponents this battle is proving to be a bit more of a challenge than Kataki inticipated. The Saiyan gets repeatedly plummeted by attack after attack from his foes. He never quite gets his footing before another blow is layed upon him. He's infuriated that his best attempts to stave off the attacks are thwarted. The full moon now shines bright in the black sky. Kataki is panting hard, he's covered in sweat and blood. How did this happen? Something has to be done. The moonlight bathes our warriors. Kataki smiles. A sudden burst of power is unleashed from the Saiyan's body. Hidoshi and Tetra are blow back. Kataki's building laughter seems to change to more of a roar. His muscles bulge and his eyes glow. He drops to his knees in what appears to be horrific pain. He screams and moans as his body swells and grows to epic portions. His hair mats and begins to cover his face, chest and arms. His tale snaps in the wind, his fangs drip blood, and his claws dig into the soil as he clutches the ground beneath him. Kataki is no longer himself. Now our heroes must battle the greatest foe they have ever faced: the Ozaru.
Sign-Ups: Name: Boris "Sheep" Nikitin Age: 43 Job Class: Marksmen Personality: The mad Russian has a regal, even statuesque quality about it. He's solitary most of the time, but after a few beers he'll start to open up, maybe about things he shouldn't open up about; about his past and the KGB. No one seems to know much about Sheep, so rumors began to spread. What exactly was this old Ukrainian doing here? Appearance: Sheep's long past his physical peak, but still as hard as old hickory. His large Fu Manchu mustache accents his wide jaw, and stubbled face. A deep scar goes over his left eye, where a glass eye now replaces it featuring the Badge of the Soviet Union (hammer and sicle). He's got a real rough and tumble quality to him with his deep, bellowing Russian accent and his own version of the 'high and tight' regulation hair cut complete with large mutton chops. Primary weapon: M25 Joint Venture Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon: Bowie Knife (for up close business) Biography: Sheep was born in raised in a small village in Ukraine. He graduated from the Kharkiv Military University and served in the Suhopútnyje vojská Rossíjskoj Federácii (Land Forces of the Russian Federation). After taking shrapnel during a routine operation, he was blinded in his left eye and suffered extensive nerve damage in his left arm. The Federation had no need for a sniper with a twitching left arm and no left eye. He was discharged with honors. He was then recruited by the KGB, but was later linked to the Russian Crimination Organization Dolgoprudnenskaya. Nothing was ever proven but he was asked to resign. He secretly relocated to the United States in 2068, 12 years before the Russian Invasion, at the age of 31. Sheep moved around the country working whatever odd jobs he could come by. After being suspected by authorities to have ties to the Russian mob out of Buffalo, NY and Chicago, IL, a warrant was finally put out for his arrest in Detroit, MI for the double homicide of a police officer and his wife. He fled the city before he was apprehended. Through various unground channels he was able to obtain a new identity. After the draft was instated Sheep volunteered for the United States Armed Forces under the name Boris Nikitin. He was able to conceal his handicap enough during training to get the rank of Marksman. After all he was the best sniper the Russian Federation had. No one knows Sheep's intentions, maybe not even Sheep himself. If he can keep his hand steady and eye open, he might just make it out of this war alive.
I'm killing this thread. If a mod gets around to it, feel free to close it.
I'll be beginning a thread in which I and any partipants will be telling the story of a new saga in the Dragonball world. This saga will be completely disconnected from any of the Dragonball series but could contain some of the same races and locations, but I'm willing to accept completely new races of characters and types of locations as well, a reinvention if you will. So here is what I'm mulling over: Sometime before the Saiyan saga Frieza has dispatched the remaining Saiyan warriors throughout the universe to do his bidding. As we know Vegeta and Nappa tired of this and pursued their own path. But another warrior also chose a different path. While on a mission to destroy an alien world for his master Frieza, Katakidoushi's space craft experiences technical difficulties and crashlands on a mysterious planet. Kataki is severly injured in the crash and is nursed back to health by the inhabitants; powerful warriors known as the Jiyuu Fighters. The Jiyuu know little to nothing about Katakidoushi or who he works for. Frieza's name is poison through the galaxy and the Jiyuu would surely try to kill Kataki if they learned the truth. The Jiyuu agree to repair Katakidoushi's vessel for him if he agrees to help them defend their planet against a great villian plotting devastation of their world. I'm looking for: 3 or more participants to play the part of the Jiyuu Fighters. 1 participant to play the Captain of the Jiyuu Fighters. 3 or more to play the Oujuo Squad: A team of blood thirsty renegades hired by the villian. A villian plotting the desruction of the Jiyuu fighters planet. This one is important. This one has to be good. There is a lot of room for creativity here. If anyone can think of any other characters that might add quality to this story idea, just let me know. Again like I said these parts can be played by characters outside of the dragonball universe if I feel they fit the part. Below please list: Role Desired: Character Name: Weight: Height: Physical Description: Background: Weapons/Attack Type:
[B]We'll see about this order thing, tetra. I'm willing to try your idea but if it gets messy we're going with my original thought. If it rubs you the wrong way we'll continue this without you.[/B] Kataki looks around him. His enemies surrounding him, Hidoshi to his back, Tetra to his front. Once again the meniacal Saiya-Jin lets out a bellowing laughter that echoes in the vacant air. Tetra and Hidoshi don't seem to know quite how to take this... this unbridled enthusiasm towards death and destruction. "This game is over," Kataki wraps his laughter in a malevolent grin. He reaches under his arms and unclips his white armor chest piece. He tosses it to the ground. He removes the scouter from his left eye and lets that drop as well. "Was he wearing..." Hidoshi begins. "...Weighted armor," Tetra finishes the thought. Kataki launches a Ki attack into the air above himself. He teleports in and out of visibility erradically around his opponents. "Why has he wasted an energy attack?" Tetra asks. "He hasn't, brace yourself," Hidoshi warns. But it is too late. Kataki appears before Tetra and with a ground shattering combination of melee attacks she is sent sailing up into the sky. She manages to regain control and halt herself before slamming into the hovering Ki attack. This naturally does not please Kataki as he can see his attack disappear beyond the clouds and flash as it explodes far above the earth. The Saiyan is now enraged. He appears behind Tetra, grabs her arms and as he pulls them back thrusts his knee into her back. A scream of torture escapes her lips, but she recoils. She's not going to let this bastard know he's nearly tearing her in two. Hidoshi watches the horrific display from a distance. He doesn't know quite how to act. Watch Kataki rip Tetra asunder? It would be one less opponent... or stop this monster Kataki from taking another life. What to do?
Alright then. Feel free to reply after Drizzt makes his next post. (I think it could avoid confusion if we keep the posts in that order. Me, Drizzt and then you) I know sometimes two people will post just seconds apart and accidentally mess everything up. Make your introduction and we'll go from there.
"Enough of these games... human." "I agree, let us begin!" Hidoshi snaps back. "So you're ready to die then? Very well." Kataki tightens his fists. He leaps forward in a burst of speed, closing the gap between he and his opponent. Then something strange... Kataki begins to almost appear and reappear in the sky before Hidoshi, everytime appearing closer and closer. Before Hidoshi even knows what happened Kataki is behind him. Kataki unleashes the Kiai Dageki, a brutal ten hit combination of attacks. Hidoshi hasn't a moment to think let alone defend himself as he is baraged again and again. Kataki raises up over Hidoshi and brings his fist down into his back, sending him plummeting towards the scorched Earth. Kataki lands a few feet from the cloud of dust kicked up from Hidoshi's impact. The dust clears by Hidoshi is no were to be seen. Did he run away or is there something greater at work here? Kataki hears a noise behind him and sends a Ki blast sailing into the distance: nothing. It impacts the rolling hills, further scarring the landscape. Kataki can feel his enemy moving around him, but his movement is so erratic Kataki could swear Hidoshi shared a teleportation technique similiar to his. Kataki laughs this off. "Show yourself, coward!!"
Katakidoushi's foreboding smile stretches across his grimicing face. "This will do," he says under his breath. Meanwhile across the field sweat begins to bead down Hidoshi's face. "Is it getting warmer?" he thinks to himself. "We're too far up from the fire, that can't be it." Kataki's eyes glaze over and glow white like beacons. His muscles tighten and the veins in his arms swell, sending blood coursing through them. His aura pulses like a heart beat and begins to swell. He clenches his fists and throws his arms to his sides. In a display of his power Kataki unleashes a hellish scream which pierces through the morning breeze. Kataki's throws his head back and his aura bursts with the strength of a hurricane wind, dousing the fires and stripping the land of any weed or root that remained. Dirt and rock are scattered miles into the distance; this is no longer a farmland, it is a batllefield. Kataki breathes heavily as he regains some composure, his eyes focusing back on his opponent. Hidoshi smiles slightly. Whether its out of humour or fear is not clear. Is he unimpressed with his opponents display? Or is a smile the only reaction he could muster up? Whatever the reason Kataki is not pleased by this reaction. But instead of exploding in a fit of rage, Kataki begins to laugh. "And what have you brought to the table... human?"
[B]On my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat we've met here on this chosen ground.[/B] EXT. RURAL FARMLAND - DAWN The distant rolling hills jump off of the earth like the backs of giants. Farther out snow covered peaks stab the sky and the blood red morning sun runs down into the fields, bathing the swaying wheat in golden umber. A shoddy, run down farm house sits propped up in the middle of the field. The wooden shutters shake and the old boards creak as the light wind passes by. The old screen door nearly breaks off of its hinges as the elderly farmer swings it open and steps out onto the porch. A beagle (looking to be as old as the screen door) ambles out behind him. The farmer sips on his morning coffee, letting his bones settle down in the rocking chair on the porch. The beagle begins to lay down but his joints seem to give out half way through. He collapses with his head on the farmer's mud crusted boots. This'll do. "This'll be a good morning," the farmer says to his dog. Suddenly there is a thunderous BOOM in the distance. The farmer rises to his feet as quickly as he's able and steps off of his porch. A bright light flashes in the sky. An unidentifiable object speeds towards the earth. A tail of fire and smoke consume it and the sky. It's on a collision course for the farmland. Not but a moment passes before the object barrels down and impacts the wheat field not but 50 yards from the farmer's house. Fire quickly spreads and only seconds later the fields as far as the eye can see are consumed in flames. A cloud of black smoke takes over the land. The farmer is bewildered. He coughs and hacks, waving his hand in front of his face to clear the air. He can't see but two feet in front of him. He covers his eyes from the brightly glowing flames but between flickers he notices a shadow. A siloquette of a man walks through the towering inferno. "Who goes there?!" The farmer yells. There is no reply. The shadow moves closer. "Do you know what happened? Who goes there?!" The farmer shakes his head and rushes into his house. He returns a moment later with a rifle and a box of shells. He flips open the shaft and rests the rifle in the crook of his arm, loading shells into the barrel. His flips it closed and cocks the firearm. He points it out in front of him. His old dog retreats back inside. He wants no part of this. "Now I said, 'who goes there?'. I won't ask it again. I'll have to fire on you. Just answer me!" The farmer pauses a moment and then fires a shot. The shadow haults... for but a moment and then continues walking towards the old man. The farmer then hears something strange; what sounds like the hum of an electric generator growing ever closer. The farmer takes a steps back, then another, and another until his stands up against the side of his house. He seems to have been almost pushed there, as if against his will. The man seems to almost be in pain as the hum grows louder and louder until the shadow is before him. Katakidoushi, Saiya-Jin Elite towers over the farmer, whom is petrified. Kataki opens his white glove and reveals the mangled remains of the bullet the farmer fired at him. The farmer falls to the floor of his porch and the rifle goes off again. This time the shell evaporates into a cloud of dust before it even reaches Kataki. He smirks. Kataki reaches back and throws the bullet he holds in his hand straight at the farmer's chest. It pierces through the hand that clutches his heart, and bursts out of hisback, splintering the wood of the porch floor. The man gasps, and he is gone. The beagle makes a break out of the screen door and begins a mad dash into the distance. Kataki raises his arm and a small Ki blast forms in his palm, but something distracts him: a dull beeping in the distance. He pays no more head to the beast and lets the dog escape. Kataki levetates off of the ground and with a burst of energy that blows away the farm house he flies across the burning fields. The gust from his speed blows out some of the flames which are beginning to die down. He reaches his pod, which collided into Earth. The pod door is open and his scouter is blinking. He fits it onto his ear and adjusts it over his eye. A wide smile creeps across his face. "Challenge," he mutters. He bursts off of the ground and rises above the veil of thick, black smoke. The sun has risen above the mountains and is now more golden than red. [I]His challenger is still far away, but moving in his direction. The scouter hasn't quite pinpointed his location yet, but his pace is quickening. Where is the challenger?[/I]
Interesting thought about a sort of player "reencarnation" but at least for this one I'm not feeling it. When you die, you're dead. I'll alter my original post a bit, but not by very much. I ask that you work off of it as best you can. You shouldn't have a problem, it'll be pretty open ended. Let's begin, but like I said anyone may join at any time by just dropping a character profile in here and sending me a pm so I make sure to check it and I know you're coming.
[B]Well I was hoping to keep this loose, but here it goes: I'm looking for any opponent/opponents that possess creativity and fair writing ability and can bring an interesting character of their choosing to the table. My character is of course from the "dragonball" universe but your character does not have to be. Have fun with it, but make sure your character can hold water. Below list a short description. Example. Name: Katakidoushi Race: Saiyan Height: 6' Weight: 230lbs Detail: Kataki wears the classic Saiyan Elite armor complete with scouter for tracking power levels. Like all Saiyans he is arrogant and believes no fighter can match his superiority. Weapons: Like all Saiyans Kataki's attacks are melee and Ki based. He uses no weapons I am not opposed to other fighters joining the fight once it has already commenced. Once one opponent has signed up the thread will begin. JIf you want to join later drop a line in this post and send me a private message so I make sure to look at it, being that once the thread begins I probably won't check back here. Any forum I've been on before has been less formal in the approach, so I may need some time to get used to this. This is just a straight up battle. It should be entertaining. Obviously the character in the distance is a forehshadowing of my opponent so when the thread begins just pick up where I left off.[/B]
EXT. RURAL FARMLAND - DAWN The distant rolling hills jump off of the earth like the backs of giants. Farther out snow covered peaks stab the sky and the blood red morning sun runs down into the fields, bathing the swaying wheat in golden umber. A shoddy, run down farm house sits propped up in the middle of the field. The wooden shutters shake and the old boards creak as the light wind passes by. The old screen door nearly breaks off of its hinges as the elderly farmer swings it open and steps out onto the porch. A beagle (looking to be as old as the screen door) ambles out behind him. The farmer sips on his morning coffee, letting his bones settle down in the rocking chair on the porch. The beagle begins to lay down but his joints seem to give out half way through. He collapses with his head on the farmer's mud crusted boots. This'll do. "This'll be a good morning," the farmer says to his dog. Suddenly there is a thunderous BOOM in the distance. The farmer rises to his feet as quickly as he's able and steps off of his porch. A bright light flashes in the sky. An unidentifiable object speeds towards the earth. A tail of fire and smoke consume it and the sky. It's on a collision course for the farmland. Not but a moment passes before the object barrels down and impacts the wheat field not but 50 yards from the farmer's house. Fire quickly spreads and only seconds later the fields as far as the eye can see are consumed in flames. A cloud of black smoke takes over the land. The farmer is bewildered. He coughs and hacks, waving his hand in front of his face to clear the air. He can't see but two feet in front of him. He covers his eyes from the brightly glowing flames but between flickers he notices a shadow. A siloquette of a man walks through the towering inferno. "Who goes there?!" The farmer yells. There is no reply. The shadow moves closer. "Do you know what happened? Who goes there?!" The farmer shakes his head and rushes into his house. He returns a moment later with a rifle and a box of shells. He flips open the shaft and rests the rifle in the crook of his arm, loading shells into the barrel. His flips it closed and cocks the firearm. He points it out in front of him. His old dog retreats back inside. He wants no part of this. "Now I said, 'who goes there?'. I won't ask it again. I'll have to fire on you. Just answer me!" The farmer pauses a moment and then fires a shot. The shadow haults... for but a moment and then continues walking towards the old man. The farmer then hears something strange; what sounds like the hum of an electric generator growing ever closer. The farmer takes a steps back, then another, and another until his stands up against the side of his house. He seems to have been almost pushed there, as if against his will. The man seems to almost be in pain as the hum grows louder and louder until the shadow is before him. Katakidoushi, Saiya-Jin Elite towers over the farmer, whom is petrified. Kataki opens his white glove and reveals the mangled remains of the bullet the farmer fired at him. The farmer falls to the floor of his porch and the rifle goes off again. This time the shell evaporates into a cloud of dust before it even reaches Kataki. He smirks. Kataki reaches back and throws the bullet he holds in his hand straight at the farmer's chest. It pierces through the hand that clutches his heart, and bursts out of hisback, splintering the wood of the porch floor. The man gasps, and he is gone. The beagle makes a break out of the screen door and begins a mad dash into the distance. Kataki raises his arm and a small Ki blast forms in his palm, but something distracts him: a dull beeping in the distance. He pays no more head to the beast and lets the dog escape. Kataki levetates off of the ground and with a burst of energy that blows away the farm house he flies across the burning fields. The gust from his speed blows out some of the flames which are beginning to die down. He reaches his pod, which collided into Earth. The pod door is open and his scouter is blinking. He fits it onto his ear and adjusts it over his eye. A wide smile creeps across his face. "Challenge," he mutters. He bursts off of the ground and rises above the veil of thick, black smoke. The sun has risen above the mountains and is now more golden than red. The scouter pin-points the energy it's picked up: between the mountain peaks in the distance. The brightening sun siloquettes the mysterious figure as it closes in fast. "Challenge." Kataki menacingly laughs. [B]Looking for an opponent. Type a sample response below.[/B]
[B]One opponent is desired but will consider more than one. Join me if you'd like.[/B] EXT. RURAL FARMLAND - DAWN The distant rolling hills jump off of the earth like the backs of giants. Farther out snow covered peaks stab the sky and the blood red morning sun runs down into the fields, bathing the swaying wheat in golden umber. A shoddy, run down farm house sits propped up in the middle of the field. The wooden shutters shake and the old boards creak as the light wind passes by. The old screen door nearly breaks off of its hinges as the elderly farmer swings it open and steps out onto the porch. A beagle (looking to be as old as the screen door) ambles out behind him. The farmer sips on his morning coffee, letting his bones settle down in the rocking chair on the porch. The beagle begins to lay down but his joints seem to give out half way through. He collapses with his head on the farmer's mud crusted boots. This'll do. "This'll be a good morning," the farmer says to his dog. Suddenly there is a thunderous BOOM in the distance. The farmer rises to his feet as quickly as he's able and steps off of his porch. A bright light flashes in the sky. An unidentifiable object speeds towards the earth. A tail of fire and smoke consume [U]it[/U] and the sky. It's on a collision course for the farmland. Not but a moment passes before the object barrels down and impacts the wheat field not but 50 yards from the farmer's house. Fire quickly spreads and only seconds later the fields as far as the eye can see are consumed in flames. A cloud of black smoke takes over the land. The farmer is bewildered. He coughs and hacks, waving his hand in front of his face to clear the air. He can't see but two feet in front of him. He covers his eyes from the brightly glowing flames but between flickers he notices a shadow. A siloquette of a man walks through the towering inferno. "Who goes there?!" The farmer yells. There is no reply. The shadow moves closer. "Do you know what happened? Who goes there?!" The farmer shakes his head and rushes into his house. He returns a moment later with a rifle and a box of shells. He flips open the shaft and rests the rifle in the crook of his arm, loading shells into the barrel. His flips it closed and cocks the firearm. He points it out in front of him. His old dog retreats back inside. He wants no part of this. "Now I said, 'who goes there?'. I won't ask it again. I'll have to fire on you. Just answer me!" The farmer pauses a moment and then fires a shot. The shadow haults... for but a moment and then continues walking towards the old man. The farmer then hears something strange; what sounds like the hum of an electric generator growing ever closer. The farmer takes a steps back, then another, and another until his stands up against the side of his house. He seems to have been almost pushed there, as if against his will. The man seems to almost be in pain as the hum grows louder and louder until the shadow is before him. Katakidoushi, Saiya-Jin Elite towers over the farmer, whom is petrified. Kataki opens his white glove and reveals the mangled remains of the bullet the farmer fired at him. The farmer falls to the floor of his porch and the rifle goes off again. This time the shell evaporates into a cloud of dust before it even reaches Kataki. He smirks. Kataki reaches back and throws the bullet he holds in his hand straight at the farmer's chest. It pierces through the hand that clutches his heart, and bursts out of hisback, splintering the wood of the porch floor. The man gasps, and he is gone. The beagle makes a break out of the screen door and begins a mad dash into the distance. Kataki raises his arm and a small Ki blast forms in his palm, but something distracts him: a dull beeping in the distance. He pays no more head to the beast and lets the dog escape. Kataki levetates off of the ground and with a burst of energy that blows away the farm house he flies across the burning fields. The gust from his speed blows out some of the flames which are beginning to die down. He reaches his pod, which collided into Earth. The pod door is open and his scouter is blinking. He fits it onto his ear and adjusts it over his eye. A wide smile creeps across his face. "Challenge," he mutters. He bursts off of the ground and rises above the veil of thick, black smoke. The sun has risen above the mountains and is now more golden than red. The scouter pin-points the energy it's picked up: between the mountain peaks in the distance. The brightening sun siloquettes the mysterious figure as it closes in fast. "Challenge." Kataki menacingly laughs.