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Mr. Blonde

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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde

  1. [SIZE="1"](Vicky's going down)[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]to china town[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]If the church disapproves of technology so much, I'm not so sure they'd be so quick to mine the earth for the materials needed to create so much armor for their guards. That seems to be hypocritical of the minimalist approach that they would take in my opinion. Where simple yet elegant clothing and slim blades seems more reasonable and would fit the church image better in my opinion. It would give them protection and yet fit neatly within the views they seek to uphold.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I like that image, SunfallE, nice choice. We should go with the musketeer angle, it's smooth. How about leather armor instead of heavy mail? Leather is lighter, wouldn't require mining and could be concealed easily under their outfits. Also we can assume the church would raise livestock, and the most holistic thing to do would be to use all of the animal, including the skin for leather armor, and possibly the bone for buttons and sword hilts. In fact bone could replace a lot of items that would regularily be made from metal, thus reducing mining significantly. (Are the hulls of the zeppelins made of metal? How about wood, like a brig?) We can elimate the scarf. I like the idea of it, but it seems mysterious to me and might clash with the musketeer look. Perhaps we can incorporate the scarves somewhere else. Also a yataghan bayonet is actually very similiar to the sword in the image, if not exactly that. [list][SIZE="1"]The Citadel Guard: Throughout Anova and Czenovia the Citadel Guard is recognized as the legion of the Church of the Phoenix. They are hand picked by the church’s Cardinals throughout the world for their dedication to their faith, and skill in battle. The Citadel Guard was established when it became evident that the church may be under attack for its outspoken opposition to war and its call for the impeachment of many high ranking officials within the Anovan and Czenovian governments. The Guard soon found itself useful in many other fields, including rescue and recovery, and the personal protection of High Priests and the Sief. Service in the Citadel Guard is always until old age, death, or sickness prevents otherwise, the honor of service is too great to expect any less. [/SIZE][/LIST] Edit as you see fit, Shy. I left out much about appearance since I believe the picture would cover it (if that's the one you plan on using).
  3. [SIZE="1"][list]The Citadel Guard: Throughout Anova and Czenovia the Citadel Guard is recognized as the legion of the Church of the Phoenix. They are hand picked by the church’s Cardinals throughout the world for their dedication to their faith, and skill in battle. Only the most gifted of soldiers will be fortunate enough to become a Legionnaire of the White Fire. For some it is a life’s goal, for others it is life itself. The Citadel Guard was established when it became evident that the church may be under attack for its outspoken opposition to war and its call for the impeachment of many high ranking officials within the Anovan and Czenovian governments. The Guard soon found itself useful in many other fields, including rescue and recovery, and the personal protection of High Priests (some of whom act as Generals to the guards) and the Sief, who of course is their commander in chief. The Guard carries yatagans sheathed in scabbards, and are always adorned in heavy mail armor beneath red hooded robes. The identity of all members of the Citadel Guard is kept secret for their protection, and that of the church, hence a white scarf embroidered with the church’s symbol (the sacred firebird) is worn over their mouth and nose. Service in the Citadel Guard is always until old age, death, or sickness prevents otherwise, the honor of service is too great to expect any less.[/list][/SIZE] So, Shy, only the High Priests and Clerics vote? Wouldn't that kind of fix the elections considering the Sief appoints the high priests? Or is that what you were going for?
  4. I'll just rewrite the positions a bit, Drizzt. It'll work out.
  5. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] So it has me wondering who actually voted against the impeachment.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=MSNBC.com] Silent defense During the House's 90-minute debate, no one spoke up to defend the governor. But Rep. Milton Patterson, D-Chicago, voted against impeachment. Rep. Elga Jefferies, D-Chicago, voted "present." Patterson said he wasn't defending anyone, but that he read the impeachment committee's report and wasn't comfortable voting against the governor. "I went by my own gut feeling, it's as simple as that," he said. "I read the report. If the government is going to indict him, let them go ahead and do that. That's their job and I'm doing my job." [/QUOTE] I'm sick of this Russian bastard and his haircut. The always arrogant Roland Burris should have turned down the position because now he's tainted in the eyes of the Senate. But he didn't because he's greedy and self righteous; the man has erected a mausoleum in his honor ingraved with his life accomplishments. The man has build a monument to himself! I would go into further detail but as I've said I'm sick of hearing and talking about this.
  6. Shy, what were you thinking in regards to a hierachy of the Church of the Phoenix? For example, after Sief what would follow down to the lowerest ranks? If you haven't put much time into it I could put something together for you or we could work on it together. Also, I could flesh out the exact role of the citadel guards, down to their assignment to every cleric of the church, how they are equipped, and their recruitment and tour of duty. If you think this is too much detail I understand. Anyway, if you want me to put something together, just give me all the info you've compiled in regards to the church and I'll work off of that. Thanks.
  7. [quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Hmm... what about [b]The Media Lounge[/b] (or Music & Media Lounge)? I know we already have two lounges but it seems to work. :P[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] This is pretty good. How about: The Silver Screen eh? Media Lounge is probably the most upfront.
  8. [quote name='Shy'][size=1] Having a corrupt church official is perfectly in-line with what I hope to establish about the organization, but I just don't want to portray the Church of the Phoenix as one-note or EVIL. Hopefully we'll see various types of characters affiliated with the church once we have sign-ups started. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] This is what I was hoping to establish. Not the corruption of the church, but the corruption of this individual within the system, a character that wishes to use the church's power for personal gain. I'll keep the stuff about Edith Grimoire in mind, and won't feature her.
  9. [quote name='Shy'][size=1] If someone is interested in creating a character affiliated with the church, whether they be a priest/priestess or just a devout follower, let me know. Nothing is set in stone, though; if someone has an idea for the organization please feel free to run it by me. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] I'm in. I'd like a little more detail on the church but I'm thinking of creating a character along the lines of a bishop, but a corrupt character. He pledges his undying allegiance to Sief Davos Frost, but he is much too devious to be as loyal as he claims. He's always plotting and scheming in the shadows waiting for his chance to grab hold of the reigns of the church and turn it into his vision. I'm seeing the church as sort of the Vatican's doppleganger in a way. Since they look down on alchemy and the breaking down of precious stones they attire would probably we quite simple and plain, not lavish like the Pope for instance. I'm thinking sort of a Shaolin Monk simplicity, yet an underlining flair: long white, priest like coats and round 'john lennon' type sunglasses. Maybe they even walk with with their arms crossed, hands in their sleeves like monks do, in single order, almost like clones of each other. Even my character's clothing could point to his misdeads and underhanded ways. Possibly his wardrobe isn't the drab outfit wore by the rest of his peers, but perhaps a more stylish, escentric version designed by Edith Grimoire. I'll obviously have to put more thought into this but this is just what I'm thinking at the moment.
  10. Trial and error, Voltemand, that is how we perfect our works. Keep on keeping on, buddy, you'll be just fine. You do what you do better than most people, but we really improve our skills by comparing ourselves with others that do what we do as good or better than we do it.
  11. Take a read over the kkk's website. That's some good old fashion christian based american hate right there. Scary, scary stuff. [QUOTE=GODHATESRETARDS] Many of these retards are nothing more than brute beasts that shamelessly consume their own mucous the way vile dogs eat their own vomit. Their mind is of such a reprobate nature they are given to sexually gratifying themselves in public while their physically disabled cohorts take exorbitantly long periods of time to walk down narrow hallways, slowing the progress of those not despised by God and impeding their holy endeavors. Then you have their hearing-impaired cousins who talk in some foreign language that sounds like dolphin-speak. You think this is normal? They use some sort of hand-code to talk, and who knows what these dumb animals are signing? They could be saying '***** Jesus', 'Worship Lucifer' or just about anything, and we can't hear a word of it. These retards are very devious. [/QUOTE] I chuckled, I have to admit. This is so ridiculous it has to be a joke; "dolphin-speak".
  12. I'm going to be honest with you because as a fellow artist I would want someone to do the same for me. I don't mean to offend you with the following comments. Your images lack contrast and a clear sense of space. I'd try working on your detailing a lot more, and not rely on the computer to give your pieces an emotional value. Your attempt to hide the fourth piece's lack of detail with dark spaces and heavy coloring is evident. Also the proportions of certain objects are off, including eyes and some bodily parts. Precision is key, so make sure you have the same direction of light and shadow throughout the entire image, and the point of view of the image must not shift; this effect appears muffled in your works, some of characters appearing to be in different plains of view. Also the creature's eyes in the first image appear to be looking in two different directions. Eyes are always tricky because we recognize an individual by their eyes, it is the first place we usually look. I've always found eyes to be quite challenging. Your third image of the various buildings is by far the best. I'd like to see some of your work with paper and pencil. A lot of people use computer image editing programs as a crutch and lose touch with some of their abilities because those programs sort of 'fill in the gaps'. I've never used photoshop myself, but I'm aware of what it does, and I am sure it is quite handy. If you ever feel like you're losing focus pick up a pencil and paper, you might surprise yourself. Good luck.
  13. [quote name='Sabre']Rational discussion benefits us religious types too, since we can freely discuss difficulties and apparent contradictions in the Bible. You have to be able to handle objections and criticism without getting tempered, and this is where you get problems with the shouty-down types, because either they're not ready or their faith is weak and easily shaken . [/QUOTE] I agree with you that getting tempered on either side does not help their case. Becoming angry because someone doesn't believe what you believe undermines the individual's point. However... because there is much more data of all types in favor of the scientifc argument whenever I've discussed religion with anyone I've had the conversation end one of two ways: 1. The conversation hits a wall. This usually happens when the conversation has lasted well into its second hour and I've laid out all of my reasoning for my athiesm, and they've done the same for their beliefs. When there is nothing left to lay on the table the other individual says: "I just believe". 2. I convince them within 20 minutes and we go eat ice cream. (these people were on the fence anyway) My point is I understand how it can become frustrating for people on either side. One person doesn't understand how someone can believe what they do, and they other person doesn't understand how they can't. When someone truly believes in something it is almost impossible to convince them otherwise.
  14. Sight and Sound? Why? Amphitheater was such a better name... It was original and clever. Redeem yourselves and bring amphitheater back.
  15. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I'm just amused that this obvious statement of confidence and initiative has our resident atheist members still as bitter about the issue as ever, even though the only responder so far who has had a problem with the slogans is an acknowledged atheist himself. [/FONT][/QUOTE] I haven't seen anyone that is bitter. Why would athiests be bitter about these ads? It doesn't make sense. I don't particularly find the ads humorous though, as some people do, but they don't make me feel bitter, though perhaps a little hopeful that a second age of reason may be on the way. a swing and a miss
  16. [quote name='Tophel'] At least that is the only reason to me to explain why 95%+ of the world's population, even today with all the advances in science and communications and travel, are religious in some way even if they are not devout. [/QUOTE] Because it's easy to say you're religious. Most people who claim to believe in God only say so because it's politically incorrect to be an athiest. These are the people that dread going to church once a year. If you're going to be lazy about religion, what's the point? Do we give brownie points to people who just claim to believe in something, or just don't care enough to believe in anything else? Of this 95% number, the number of true believers is I'm sure much lower. I'm not saying there aren't people who do believe in God, and I can respect those people who are devout, because they care about their faith enough to actually practice what they preach, but these part time christians... pathetic. [quote name='Tophel'] By the way, is it just me or does Richard Dawkins have some massive chip on his shoulder about religions? He comes across to me as a smug mean and grumpy guy. I love the South Park episodes. Heheh.[/QUOTE] The man believes there is no God, so because he insists it he has a chip of his shoulder? What of someone who insists there is a God, do they as well? If so the catholic church is rocking mt everest. If someone believes in something that you do not it's easy to think they are arrogant or foolish for believing it, it's easier than to actually understand their point of view and acknowledge it. If you haven't read Dawkin's works, Tophel, I suggest you do. I've read the bible, the torah, and the qur'an. I've studied Buddhism and Hinduism (not bragging). In order to say you don't believe in something you have to fully understand it first. Spoon fed belief is unfortunate and ignorant. (Why are these religious threads always Timechaser and I against the world? Though I do see we have somemore folks on our side this time, cheers.)
  17. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]In my experience, Atheists are some of the unhappiest people I've ever met in my entire life.[/size][/QUOTE] I'm quite content, and I'm an athiest. So, I don't know who you've been talking to, but they sound like kill joys. A lot of emo highschool kids claim to be athiests to get themselves attention... they're losers. There are some athiests that give us all a bad name, just like some religious groups give people of faith a bad name. There's no one unified voice that speaks for the ideals of a people. Some of the spokesman are good, and some we wish would just stop talking. One thing that doesn't work is using the same shameless tactics that some religious groups have used in the past. Stooping to the level of those people doesn't make athiests look very good, though the bitterness and frustration is understandable. If athiesm is going to be embraced it must be seen in a positive light, not as another greedy organization that'll do anything to get your membership. I don't think anyone should advertise (we're not selling vacuum cleaners here); not athiests, not christians, no one. But that's just not going to happen. People want you to believe what they believe, it's the way of the world. [quote name='Sangome'][SIZE="1"] But upon closer inspection and reading the other posts, yeah, the ad itself seems kinda like a shot towards people with faith...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] The problem with any ad by any group of differing ideals is that you're going to offend someone. I don't particularly enjoy seeing christian advertisements, but I realize it's the way things are right now, so if believers are going to advertise, I can't blame athiests for doing the same. The ad isn't even that harsh: "God [I]probably[/I] doesn't exist".
  18. [QUOTE] “I think it’s dreadful,” said Sandra Lafaire, 76, a tourist from Los Angeles, who said she believed in God and still enjoyed her life, thank you very much. “Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I don’t like it in my face.” [/QUOTE] Churches advertise all of the time, it's only fair that the other team gets a chance to as well. Unfortunately we still look down on non-believers in this country as soulless and wrong. The church even goes as far as saying we'll be tortured for eternity in fire and brimstone. Being without faith does not make you a bad person. We no longer need the threat of God to keep in line and maintain order as we did 5,000 years ago. We don't need to threaten people with eternal damnation anymore, not with organized law and order. Times have changed and it's only natural people's minds have changed as well. Athiests aren't deceivers and they're sick of being told they are by the "righteous". If I can live my life in a good and moral fashion without believing I'm going to be rewarded or punished in the afterlife... if I can live a good life without thinking there's something in it for me at the end, doesn't that make me a good person? I think so.
  19. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Quiet you, I'm trying to make an army here. You do realise, being Mr [i]Blonde[/i] (Blond is for men!) you're now the Drag Queen DJ. Your name suits it and everything. Don't fight it, boy.[/size][/QUOTE] my next username is going to be: Priscilla Queen of the Desert Blonde with an 'e' just looks better.
  20. tomorrow or the day after [SIZE="1"]also my 'the chasers' thread is dying *cough*[/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1] Haha don't worry, I didn't just ignore everything else you posted, I'm just working on being more friendly =3. [/size][/QUOTE] The new members thread has just become the lesbian forum. Way to go Vicky.:wow: Ha. So I just found this, and I've been in here for months... so I'm saying hello I suppose... though I'm sure most of you are aware of my hijinks. I don't think I've ever used that word in a sentence before.
  22. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] You may thank me by procuring one of the aforementioned leather jackets for me.[/FONT][/QUOTE] not bad Ace, but I was thinking of something more along the lines of this: [url]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/5343/unsavedproject600x600fx6.jpg[/url] Did my actions just spark the creation of a rival gang? I think so...
  23. I was watching msnbc earlier today and they were discussing as to whether the US was going to force a cease fire. *Sigh* Really? I think we've learned after getting involved in middle eastern affairs since 1983(ish) that this 2,000 year old war is never going to end (sad to say) until the Israeli's blow the Palestinians up or vice versa. Neither side is going to give up Gaza, and both will die for it. War is always obsurd, but a religious war is altogether pointless.
  24. [CENTER][URL=http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sigrg8.png][IMG]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/6061/sigrg8.png[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] a shiny buffalo nickel for whomever can name this film it shouldn't be difficult
  25. [quote name='Doc Holliday']My gang is going to be called the Tunnel Snakes. And thanks for the warning. I tend to step over the line in regards to humor when I don't know what the lines are.[/QUOTE] Yes, I feel your plight. Maybe now I have someone else on here to stand against the machine with me. Viva la revolucion! If we're starting a gang we need a cool insignia that is stylishly embroidered on our black leather jackets.
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