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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde
What is your opinion on emo people?
Mr. Blonde replied to HelloKittyLover's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Doc Holliday']Ooh big tough guy now! A razorblade, oh boy, better leave this guy alone, he means business...[/QUOTE] Ha. Sarcasm doesn't fly here (if you're not the right person). Otaku is where dry, "racy" humor comes to die. I've been scolded many times so I know. But cheers, buddy. I'm sure somehow I'll get a warning for saying that to you as well. [quote name='Doc Holliday'] What do you bet in 10 years all the cool kids are going to be greasers?[/QUOTE] I already have my leather jacket and comb ready, go grease lighting. Some of the kids thought to be "cool" in my HS were dorks, like really big nerds. But they wore Abercrombie and Fitch so they were cool... Ah... nothing like peaking when you're 17... -
[U][URL=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071517/][B]FOXY BROWN[/B][/URL][/U] Blackspoiltation at its finest.
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] Reminds me of a guy I knew who tried to sell drugs to one of his high-school teachers during class.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Yeah 'cause that's exactly the same thing that I did... I'm not trying to raz you, I'm just saying I would appreciate an opportunity to go head to head with you in this little contest. This is a challenge. Accept? EDIT: Allamorph has made it clear to me he wishes not to accept. Challenge withdrawn. Too bad...
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I'm going to be sitting this contest out. (I won the last contest hosted in here, and I don't think that's really right. :p) [/FONT][/QUOTE] Scared of losing this time? Don't think you're too high and mighty to write with the common folk, allamorph. This is me calling you out. (gasping crowd reaction):eek:
I've edited the Boardwalk I entry a bit. I just added a bit more detail I felt it needed. Get those logs in. I appreciate the interest. [quote name='Nessaja'] LOG NOT FOUND - PLEASE CONTACT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR[/FONT][/QUOTE] clever [quote name='Mykul']No physical descriptions needed for the sign-up, Blonde?[/QUOTE] I'm not too concerned about it. If you'd like to slip some sort of physical description into one of your posts that's fine, but otherwise we can let imagination handle that. I also just wanted to throw in (as I'm sure some of you have deduced) there will be an onboard computer which any of the crew can access. I've decided however not to go the HAL 9000 route and just have the computer give text responses on a number of screens in the ELPIS II. The crew can also communicate with the computer and receive live feedback from the ship's processes via a personal hand held electronic device that each crew member will possess. If there are any questions regarding anything please direct it to the backstage.
Vicky=Drunk. -------------
this is dying, guys. If no one posts by tomorrow I'll throw something up to keep this going, and hopefully give everyone else a better spring board.
I'll have a list of the positions in the auditions thread.
I'm going to have the story begin five years into the mission to find a new star, instead of at the beginning of it as I've previously said. A lot of anger and frustration will have been built up after five years cooped up with the same people, and I figure it should make for interesting story telling. I'll be giving a detailed description of the Epis II, seeing as a majority of the story will take place on board of it. We'll will be doing a few flashbacks to the Hubris now and then though. Also for anyone that is a science buff: this story will be as realistic as possible, no light speed, no warp drive, nothing too out there. I'll have a scientific explanation to every happening in the story.
I'll post again if it floats your boat, but I was giving neko or nessaja a chance to get something in.
I'm so down for this. this is me signing up
i will be changing the story slightly for the audition to anyone interested
...getting hammered and fighting my chimpanzee, Colonel Frederick Xavier Pepperidge III. or just getting hammered
EDIT: [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][I][CENTER]How countlessly they congregate O'er our tumultuous snow, Which flows in shapes as tall as trees When wintry winds do blow-- As if with keenness for our fate, Our faltering few steps on To white rest, and a place of rest Invisible at dawn,-- And yet with neither love nor hate, Those stars like some snow-white Minerva's snow-white marble eyes Without the gift of sight.[/I] [/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/259/project1jp2.png[/IMG][/CENTER][COLOR="White"][FONT="Courier New"] CAPTAIN’S LOG ELPIS II – DAY 1 My name is Icarus Scott; I am Captain of the ship, Elpis II. My crew and I are departing from the last remaining refuge for mankind, a space colony orbiting the neutron star, Sion… the last known star. We are to be the final mission sent out into the darkness to scour the far reaches of our galaxy for another star system to call home. Sion is fading into the shadows, we are running out of time, but so has been our fate for years on end… After Earth was swallowed up by the swelling death of its own star so very long ago humankind was forced to move on, deep into the Galaxy to search for a new home. Colonies were established on alien worlds, while others were constructed in space, orbiting healthy stars; for a time all was good. But in the countless years since then we have lost every last colony, all of the planets are now frozen in the cold dark, all of the stars… dead, extinct. Alpha Centauri, Rigil Kentaurus, Alpha Cen B, Epsilon Eri… thirty two star systems, forty nine stars; over one thousand colonies now left in the blackness. There is no light left to find. We have lived out our time. Our universe is dying. Now we cling to our last colony, the Hubris, haloed tightly around the withering star Sion within twenty thousand kilometers of its surface, like the rings of a planet. The Hubris takes in the last of the dwarf star's sputtering energy, giving us just enough solar resource to stay alive. Without Sion there is nothing, only the empty dark, where everything dies. For far too long we have stared out into the starless night of space, into the void lit only by our black star. I yearn to feel things I have only read about: blue skies, clouds, warm sunshine… daylight, but I dare not to hope.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="White"] CAPTAIN'S LOG ELPIS II - DAY 1825 It’s frighteningly beautiful out here in the dark. We shine our spotlights out on the black void looking for the last remains of human existence, looking for anything. It’s quite eerie seeing the frozen planets floating through the dead sea of space, no longer bound to a star, no orbit to give them days or time. The sight is almost sad. While surrounded with the empty splendor of nothing I can’t help but think about how we shouldn’t even be here. We’ve cheated our own deaths for far too long. And now on at the end of it all we continue to blindly search for salvation, for an answer, for hope… and the last star. We are now venturing deep into what was once the NGC 7856 cluster. My crew has discovered traces of electromagnetic radiation carried on stellar wind, but this means little to us; this is a fool’s errand. Sixty months into our journey we are chasing ghosts, shadows of stars that died long ago. It’s a shame machines weren’t trusted with this job, the mere arrogance of this task sickens me. All the while my thoughts drift to the Elpis I, which never returned to the Hubris. I now have the creeping suspicion our fate will be the same. I should care… if only I cared. We will lose radio transmission with the colony in three days. I welcome the release.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="White"] Crew Positions Onboard Elpis II[/CENTER][/B] 1. Mission Specialist 1 -The MS 1 is a physicist that monitors the onboard nuclear reactor and cooling systems. 2. Missions Specialist 2 - MS2 will be responsible for the manual repair of damage on the inside and outside of the Elpis II. They are essentially an engineer. 3. Navigator (Second in Command) - The Navigator's primary duty is to be aware of ship position at all times. Responsibilities include: advising the Captain of estimated timing to destinations while en route, and ensuring hazards are avoided. The navigator is in charge of maintaining the ship's navigational equipment, and generally has responsibility for the Elpis II’s meteorological equipment (the detection of cosmic storms). 4. Mission Specialist 3 - MS3 is charged with maintaining the health of the flight crew and performing minor medical precedures when required. This individual will also work as the resident psychologist. The duties for this position require it to be held by a medical doctor with psychiatric training. 5. Flight Engineer 1 6. Flight Engineer 2 - FE 1 and FE 2 are responsible for monitoring and controlling the Elpis II’s systems during flight. They are essentially pilots. 7. Communications Officer - The CO directs and monitors activities to ensure seamless integration of communications and information to and from the Elpis II. They also monitor communication and information activities, ensure command and control, secure and non-secure voice, data, messaging, and video systems and services are available. [/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/8282/project2ko9.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="White"][B][SIZE=3] THE ELPIS II[/B][/SIZE] The Elpis II is the second of its design. The ship is divided into three sectors, the command center/living quarters (the Habitat), the nuclear reactor, and the center cylinder (the Tank). The rings of Elpis II rotate clockwise around the Tank, which operates as a gigantic piston. This motion creates centrifugal force, which in turn creates artificial gravity, without this effect the crew would experience muscle atrophy and a loss of bone density due to the extended time in a weightless environment. [B][U]THE HABITAT[/U][/B] The Habitat is located in the first ring of the ELPIS II. [U][B]Command Center[/B][/U] The Bridge (Command Room) -The bridge contains the pilot’s stations and the Captain’s helm. Infirmary -The ship’s Doctor (MS3) performs a majority of his/her tasks here. Crows Nest (Navigational Station) -The Crow’s Nest as it’s called is merely the Navigators station. The name is simply a call back to the nautical term. Engineering Depot -The storage and repair department for the MS2. Communications Station -The communication officer monitors information and communication activities from this station. Glovebox -The Glovebox is an airlocked room that is used for EVA missions: exploration or repair outside of the Elpis II. The crew will suit up in space suits and exit the ship from the Glovebox. The airlock prevents materials from exiting or entering the Elpis II Habitat. [U][B]Living Quarters[/B][/U] Crew Quarters -Each crew member receives his/her own room. The space is cramped, contaning a a single bunk and a storage compartment for personal effects. Exercise station Bathrooms -The living quarters contain three bathrooms. Cafeteria Kitchen Greenhouse/ Oxygen Garden -The greenhouse contains all of the vegetables and fruits required for the crew’s dietary needs. All crew members will be responsible for the upkeep of the greenhouse. The meals on board the Elpis II are strictly vegetarian. The transporation of meat product on this mission is not economically sound. [U][B]The Boardwalk I [/B][/U] The Boardwalk is the four arms or spokes connecting the Habitat to the center Tank. It’s purpose is expediated travel between various portions of the Habitat. The crew doesn’t actually walk in the Boardwalk, but instead strap themselves into one of four rovers which propels up to all seven crew members on one of four railways across the fifteen hundred foot span in a matter of seconds. Attached on the outside of the Boardwalk, on the exterior of the ship is a series of highly powerful spotlights which can be used in reconnaissance. [B][U]The Boardwalk II[/U][/B] The Boardwalk II is the four spokes connecting the nuclear reactor to the center Tank. It functions in fundamentally the same way, except there are only two rovers and two railways. Each rover has two seats. [B][U]NUCLEAR REACTOR[/U][/B] The half kilometer wide space craft is driven by a Nuclear Pulse Propulsion reactor, powered by the highly volatile substance U-235, mined directly from the surface of our star, Sion. This propels the ship at sixty two percent the speed of light. The reactor along with the its ‘liquid metal’ cooling system (a sodium, gallium mixture) are located in the second ring of the Elpis II. General maintaince and observation of the reactor’s systems is required. The MS1 and MS2 will use his/her key card to enter to the reactor from the Tank. They will be the only members on board aside from the Captain that are allowed to enter the reactor. There are oxygen stations in the reactor where a crew member can plug their suit in to feed off of the ship's oxygen supply, instead of depleting their suit's limited reserves. [U][B]THE TANK[/B][/U] This is another section of the ship that only the MS1/MS2 and the Captain have clearance into. The MS1/MS2 will use his/her key card to enter the Tank. Upon entering they will step into an airlocked room. In this small room the MS1/MS2 will suit up in an EVA suit. Him/her will strap themselves into a rover similar to those featured in the Boardwalk. This rover however has only two seats (for both Mission Specialists or one MS and the Captain when needed). The MS1/MS2 will swipe his/her key card into the rover which will in turn open the airlocked door leading into the Tank. Neither the Tank nor the reactor have an oxygen supply, and (unlike the rings) the Tank will not possess artificial gravity. At the other side of the Tank is a airlocked door going into the reactor. Though there is no oxygen in the reactor, the airlock is neccesary for radiation protection. The Mission Specialists can control the speed and movement of the rover, unlike in the Boardwalk. If maintainace is required on the inner workings of the Tank, the MS2 will tether him/herself to the rover for safety. The distance between the Habitat and the reactor is seven hundred and eighty two feet. Located in the Tank as was in the reactor are oxygen stations for crew to feed off of. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="White"] [CENTER][IMG]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/3963/project3lu8.png[/IMG] [B] EVA SUIT-13458762- B LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM[/CENTER][/B] The EVA suit is equipped with a thirty minute remote oxygen supply. The suit is divided into sixty separate pieces to allow for optimal range of motion, the hard armor protecting against cosmic radiation. The drawback to this feature however is the extended time that is required to don the suit: just under forty five minutes. Under the suit a skin tight pressure suit is worn, the under suit uses mechanial counter pressure wrapping the astronaut in several tight layers of nylon. The pattern designs provide a “stiff” kind of exoskeleton that accomplishes the same protective goal as gas pressurization, but also provides maximum flexibility. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="White"][SIZE=3][B] THE HUBRIS[/B][/SIZE] Circumference: 39,065.23 km Diameter: 11,553.1 km Distance to Sion: 19,823.1 km Population: 23,123,631 people Gravity from Sion: 94% Earth gravity The Hubris is powered by fourteen nuclear reactors which are fueled by the substance U-235, which is mined directly from the surface of Sion. The colony is completely enclosed, with minimal windows looking out onto Sion or the blackness of space. The life support of the Hubris is directly linked to its greenhouse oxygen gardens, which are grown under UV lamps; being as the light from Sion is insufficient for the growth of plants. These greenhouses are the only wide open spaces of the Hubris, each covering one hundred square yards. The rest of the colony is a series of hallways and stairwells, elevators and cramped living quarters. The interior has a cold, steel feeling to it; the resident homes are not more than bunks in a colossal asylum. The Hubris is divided into numerous sectors, each able to be accessed by many railway trains which connect the whole of the colony. Getting around the individual sectors is made easier by moving walkways. Everyone has a purpose on the Hubris, everyone works for the colony. No unnecessary jobs are performed, if such is discovered, punishment is swift. Even breeding and reproduction is controlled by the colony to prevent overpopulation. Upon birth ninety five percent of all males are sterilized. The remaining five percent become mandatory donors of their seed when they reach sexual maturity, after which they too are sterilized. Colony designated females are then impregnated with the donor’s seed. Schooling and education are conducted in bi-monthly sessions, as which time an auditory and visual device known as a ‘learning bed’ pumps the student with vast amounts of knowledge at lightning speed. When the child is not at these sessions they are working for the colony, beginning at age nine. Martial law is a constant on the Hubris. Officers patrol the hallways on a constant basis. Even the Hubris’ Senate despises these actions, but they feel they are necessary for the good of the colony, for the survival of everyone. Many within the Senate have proposed more humanity in the Hubris, but fear is quickly stricken into the hearts of its citizens. Surviving has become more important than living on the Hubris. [/COLOR][/FONT] positions available: 7 crew members
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'] He could have chosen better (in my opinion), but at the same time, I'm sure he could have chosen someone even worse.[/QUOTE] Jeremiah Wright. Though I personally don't find Rick Warren any less offensive.
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]”Enough of this…” Lon picked up Chiyoko and threw her over his shoulder. He rose slowly and began walking in the direction he had seen Ilya and Chase venture off in, but he ran into Ilya a few steps along the way. “Mr. Chase wanted me to fetch you two,” Ilya said, nearly under her breath. ”On our way, young lady.” The old man moved slowly with Chiyoko slung over his shoulder; she wasn’t heavy but Lon just didn’t have the wherewithal he used to. His old bones were tiring. “We’re going to keep moving,” Chase said; his hand still clenched tightly around the pistol in his pocket. “Who put you in charge, sonny-jim?” Lon blurted out, leaning back against a pile of rubble. “I don't need your shit.” Chase looked over to Lon. “Why are you here? What do you hope to accomplish in this city?” "Research; I want to know what the Hell happened here!" Chase raised his voice. “Research? There’s nothing here. We shouldn’t be here either. Whatever caused everyone to leave or die might still be around, virus or whatever.” ”It wasn’t a virus,” Chase spoke softly now, seemingly dazed, as if the gravity of the situation was just beginning to dawn on him. “We need to fix this… I need to fix this…” “There’s nothing to fix, everything is gone. No more talk shows, no more money, and no more people to kiss your ass and tell you how great you are. It’s only us; we’re all you have now. “There’s people, there has to be!” Anger overtook Chase; he clenched his fists accordingly. “Don’t do this to yourself, Chase.” Lon sat Chiyoko down, leaning her up against the pile of rubble. She tossed back and forth, still seemingly unaware of her surroundings. “Scientific reasoning will explain this. There has to be something around here that will give us answers.” Chase now began to pace uncomfortably. “I’ll help you look, Mr. Chase.” Ilya said, pulling lightly on Chase’s shirt sleeve. Chase pulled his arm away from Ilya, staring down at her with disdain. “What do you really want out of this, boy? What are you going to do when you find your answers… your people? Will you treat [I]them[/I] with such contempt?” “I’m not doing this for them… I’m doing this because I have to, because… I don’t have to explain myself to you. I’m not the only one who wants answers; you’d be out of your mind not to want to know what happened here!” Chase snapped at Lon. “Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle crazy...” ”I’ve had it with you, old man.” Chase slowly stepped in Lon’s direction. Chase pulled his pistol from his pocket and raised it in the air, pointing it directly at Lon. He cocked the gun and tightened his fist, his hand shaking just slightly. ”You gonna use that gun, boy? ‘Cause if you’re not, you better stick it back in your pocket.” ”Mr. Chase, put it down!” Ilya screamed. ”We’ve had enough killing, Galileo, put it down. We’ll make it through this…” Lon tried to reason with Chase. ”Don’t do it, Mr. Chase, all we have is each other. I don’t want to be anymore alone then I already am.” Ilya began to sob quietly, looking up at Chase. Even Chiyoko managed to look over at Galileo, her face stricken with pain and distress, but a deeper sadness growing from within. ”Please…” The only word the young woman was able to utter seemed to hang on the still air. Just then tears begin to well in the young man’s eyes. They weren’t tears of fear, or tears of sadness. He wasn’t particularly upset about any of this; he had always been quite successful at burying anything that resembled an emotion deep in the blackness where no one could know its existence, no these tears were of a more unusual brand. They could only be described as tears of humanity; never before had people spoken to him with anything but restrained contempt... until now. He wasn’t necessarily moved by these emotions, but what he instead seemed to suffer from was a system overload, sometimes we’re only as cold as those around us, and in the face of such adversity and unmotivated compassion he had no choice but to break down. He had never remembered crying about anything before, and he would probably never cry again, but right now, at this moment, the tears came easy, almost natural to this man that always pitied the emotional fool. And for [I]that[/I] moment, if only for that moment… our survivors understood one another. [/FONT]
It seems fine, Delarge. I haven't given the Gent an opportunity to use his cane yet, so it's about time such is presented. If anyone is having a hard time following Delarge's post just make it known and I'll throw one up.
Bad decision. Not because he's a pastor, but because of his outspoken opposition to homosexuals. He compared being gay to "incest and bigamy". Unfortunately it's still okay socially to denounce homosexuals. If he had said such slanderous remarks about jewish folks or people of a certain race or creed, this man would be poison. I've said before... don't expect a flood of gay rights during the Obama administration. Bad choice, Barry.
I apologize for the wait; I've had some things going on. I'm not sure when I'll get a post up.
The name marshmallow palace disturbs me...
[FONT="Courier New"]The Prime Minister, Nigel Langley lied in bed, sleeping next to his wife. His cell phone began to vibrate, shaking loudly on the nightstand next to his bed. The Prime Minister slowly opened his eyes and coughed harshly. He shook off the sleep and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. His eyes strained to look down at the phone number on the screen, as his vision cleared he saw it: Gordon Weaver. “What the Hell…” The Prime Minister slowly raised the phone to his ear “…Um, hello…” “Mr. Langley…” the Gent’s voice rang through on the other end. “Who… who is this?! Why do you have Gordon Weaver’s phone?! It’s past bloody midnight!” “You do not know me, sir, but you soon will. I am the one that has murdered Gordon Weaver and I’m calling to tell you I am going to murder you as well.” Silence. “Are you still with me, Mr. Langley?” “Is this a joke? Even if it is you’re dead!” “Oh I assure you this is not a joke, Prime Minister. Your Industrialist Party has not been in rule for so long that the people have forgotten the rights they once had.” “You-are-dead!” “Have you been reading the papers, sir? There is a rebellion in the works. The people have said no, and they are accomplishing what their government could not.” ”I… I… don’t know what you’re talking about. What do I care if the criminals are turning on each other?” Langley uttered, his voice trembling. ”Don’t play coy with me, Mr. Langley, the roots of organized crime stem higher then most know. But you know, sir, don’t you? You know what it feels like to be bought, to sell yourself for self preservation, to be so proud that you are willing to lose your own country to bedlam. You have the sound of tears of your words, Mr. Langley. I know that feeling, the dry pain in the back of your throat, it’s almost unbearable. Don’t hold it, Mr. Langley, cry while you can. I’m organizing something you know? It seems I am not the only one who has decided they have had enough, though I do claim inspirational rights, for it all began with Gordon Weaver. The people just needed to see that the untouchable can be touched, the Gods of London can be killed, and that there are others out there like us.” “You have no idea what you are getting into. They will chase you to the ends of the Earth; they will hunt each one of you down. They will not stand for defiance!” Langley’s words were muffled by tears. “No, Mr. Langley, [I]we[/I] will chase [I]them[/I].” *CLICK* The Gent stood in an empty warehouse with Gordon Weaver’s cell phone in his hand. The screen read “CALL ENDED”. The Gent opened the back of the phone, pulled out the battery and removed the sim card. He threw the card to the ground and crushed it into the cement floor with the butt of his cane. The warehouse was poorly lit, but it was lit. Fluorescent lights hung overhead, giving the entire repository a cold and gray feeling. The warehouse was empty all but for a small metal fold up table, with a haphazardly constructed ham radio sitting on the surface. The Gent sat down at a metal chair in front of the desk, lighting a cigarette. He turned a large black knob on the front of the radio. A pale green light emanated from a small screen on the transceiver. He pulled the microphone close to his mouth and began to speak. “I hope you are listening. My name is not of consequence. I am broadcasting illegally on a pirate station from an undisclosed location, but know that what I have to tell you, you must hear. I will broadcast this message every fifteen minutes for the next twelve hours. Do not be afraid to listen to what I have to say. I have murdered Gilford Cornett. Others, the same as me have taken a stand against the criminality in our fair city, and though some of the methods may be questionable, we may all be united through a single idea. An idea that we can no longer stand by and wait for the collapse of Britain, an idea that we no longer need to live in paralyzing fear, that we will do what our government has refused to do… fight back. The time for negotiations and mercy is over; we must fight these horrifying acts with equal retribution. They must fear us, so that we no longer fear them. If you are with me, my brethren, join me. We must unite if we are to survive. I will be riding the London Underground on the Victoria Line tomorrow at seven PM from the Gray’s Inn Road station. If you choose to be on the train at that time, we will meet. Wear no identifying marks, for if you have heard this message, the villains have as well. And remember… smile.” The green lights went dark on the radio as the Gent turned it off and sat down the transceiver. He puffed heavily on his cigarette and folded his hands on the table in front of him. -- The King’s Cross station of the London Underground bustled with people partaking in their daily activities. Harold, Gilford Cornett’s right hand man, and four hired thugs moved through the crowd. Walking just feet behind Harold was Inspector Mark Rutherford and his partner Benjamin Lewis. Rutherford stepped up to a ticket booth and flashed his badge to the attendant. “Is the train on the Victoria line on time?” ”Oh, umm… officer, that line is down today,” the attendant replies. “What do you mean?” “The track was sabotaged early this morning and they have to repair it. It’ll be down for a couple days. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.” Rutherford walked away, puzzled. “What’d she say?” Lewis asked. “She said the line is down today, it was sabotaged.” ”Harold?” ”No, Cornett's gang were relying on people getting on that train. I'm guessing the man on the radio never wanted anyone to get on the Victoria Line, they would just be sitting ducks after all. I suppose that’s what I thought was so odd about the message. He wanted them to do something else all together.” “But what?” Lewis raised his brow. Rutherford looked around, hoping something will jump out at him, something that will tell him exactly what he wanted to know. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. The underground was flooded with people, spotting anyone in this mob would be nearly impossible. But maybe he wouldn’t have to. Rutherford noticed a large sign plastered on the wall, an abstract advertisement for the Underground. [CENTER][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/8618/project2550x400pf6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ”Smile… clever… There’s an address hand written on here: 1347 Walsh Lane. This guy is really relying on these people to be quite astute.” ”[I]You[/I] noticed it, mate.” Lewis chimed in. ”Yes I did, my friend, yes I did. Let’s just hope Harold and his goons didn’t.” -- Rutherford and his partner pulled up to 1344 Walsh Lane: a vacant former coffee shop. “The place is all boarded up,” said Lewis pulling up to the curb. “There’s a sign on the front door: ‘Service around back.’ Stay in the car, Lewis. I’ll be right back… hopefully.” Rutherford stepped out of the car and made his way down the alley and around the back of the abandoned shop. He walked up the two steps to the back door and rang the buzzer. He waited a few moments, looking around. ”Yes?!” A shrewd woman’s voice called from the other side of the door. ”Yes, um… I’m here about the sign at the Underground.” ”I don’t know what you’re talking about. Goodbye.” ”I heard the message on the radio!” There was no answer from the other side of the door. “Hello, hello!” He hit the buzzer a few more times, but no reply was made. Rutherford stepped down in frustration, looking up at the building. He turned to walk away, but just then the mail slot on the door opened and a business card was shoved out and fell to the steps. -- “Anything?” Lewis asked as Rutherford stepped back into the car. Rutherford handed Lewis the business card. [CENTER][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/8295/businesscard320x167lk2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “Another address?" “Go here, go to 116 Scarborough Lane. We might already be too late.” ”For what?” “Everything.” -- So the Gent sat waiting with the abandoned warehouse at 116 Scarborough Lane in his view. He sat patient in the alley across the street, wondering if anyone would answer his call, wondering if this city actually has a chance, wondering if tonight would be the night he would die. So he waited… for friend or foe, he waited…[/FONT]
I'll have something up today to get us all moving along.
[quote name='DeLarge'][SIZE=1]I feel that if I tried to add anything at this stage, it would basically be a repeat of my original post. I need some kind of direction to go in before I make my next post.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Indeed. The next round of posting will get more into the meat of the story. Vicky informed me she plans on posting today, so as soon as her and Darren have posted I'll put mine up and we'll all move forward.
Alright, I'll probably post again after Darren to tie some more things together. Looks interesting so far.