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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde
Well the newspapers end in May in 2018, (date at top) but the story will begin in Jaunary of 2019.
Closing Time - Tom Waits Well I hope that I don't fall in love with you 'Cause falling in love just makes me blue, Well the music plays and you display your heart for me to see, I had a beer and now I hear you calling out for me And I hope that I don't fall in love with you. Well the room is crowded, people everywhere And I wonder, should I offer you a chair? Well if you sit down with this old clown, take that frown and break it, Before the evening's gone away, I think that we could make it, And I hope that I don't fall in love with you. Well the night does funny things inside a man These old tom-cat feelings you don't understand, Well I turn around to look at you, you light a cigarette, I wish I had the guts to bum one, but we've never met, And I hope that I don't fall in love with you. I can see that you are lonesome just like me, and it being late, You'd like some some company, Well I turn around to look at you, and you look back at me, The guy you're with has up and split, the chair next to you's free, And I hope that you don't fall in love with me. Now it's closing time, the music's fading out Last call for drinks, I'll have another stout. Well I turn around to look at you, you're nowhere to be found, I search the place for your lost face, guess I'll have another round And I think that I just fell in love with you. We've all looked at someone from across the room and have had feelings of this nature. This song takes us through the spectrum of love in under 3 minutes and I believe we can all relate to it. The girl that got away... that you never even knew.
[quote name='Darren'][SIZE="1"] So, have you ever experienced something like this? If so, talk about it so I know I'm not the only one.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Oh yes, my friend. It just seems like everything happens all at once doesn't it? But these are the times that will test you and determine what kind of person you are. Don't let it break you down. And what I'm about to say is corny but true: If the people in your life are hurting you, then they aren't your friends and aren't worth getting upset over. I find that 99% of your friends are only your friends as far as it doesn't inconvenience them. True friends are rare. That's how it is for everyone, Darren, so don't think there's something wrong with you personally; people are selfish and self centered, it's just how the world is. We've all been ditched or what not before, and it feels bad at the time, but the sting fades. Sometimes people just have falling outs, friendships fade and new one's begin. In high school I thought those friends would be my friends for the rest of my life, and while I still talk to them, we're far from close anymore. People grow up and apart. Don't feel bad, it happens to everyone. Don't focus on the negative things and people in your life, focus on the positive. I know thats easy to say, but its all you really can do. There's always a silver lining, no matter how much you have to squint to see it.
I remember the Rocketeer, ha, nice. I actually just saw that movie again for the first time in like ten years the other day. Lady Luck, good name. As far as her being "extra lucky" that doesn't neccesarily have to be a special ability. I'll allow you to work out your character's back story obviously, but maybe... she was raised by Gypsies that told her she was destined for good fortune and that it would guide her for her entire life. Just throwing an idea out there, work it however you see fit. [url]http://gypsymagicspells.blogspot.com/2007/11/lucky-leaf.html[/url] That site has some gypsy lucky charms and signs of good fortune. Maybe this has given her an ere of confidence, making her try riskier things because she believes she is luckier then the average person, and it's almost always paid off in her favor. Just a thought; the whole scientifically engineered luck thing kind of seems a bit silly, no offense, but I like the potential for the character and enjoy the name. Of course do whatever you thinks works the best, its all about how the material is presented. I'm sure you'll come up with something interesting.
I've created this thread to display various actors/actresses I feel are worth noting, and who sometimes may be overlooked. Perhaps this will spur discussion. I hope so. Enjoy. For the first one I've decided to showcase the actor Michael Parks whom is far from a household name. In fact I bet very few of you even know whom I'm speaking of. Parks is one of the finest character actors of his day, but unfortunately he has been overlooked by a majority of hollywood producers and directors. Quentin Tarantino calls Parks, "The most underrated actor alive today". Parks as SeƱor Esteban Vihaio in Kill Bill Vol 2. [CENTER][YOUTUBE=Kill Bill Vol 2]"][/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] Michael Parks also played as Sheriff Earl McGraw in the same film. He first played that same roll in From Dusk til Dawn and reprised it again in Planet Terror and Death Proof. Tarantino and Rodriguez discuss Parks as Sheriff McGraw in From Dusk til Dawn. [CENTER][YOUTUBE=From Dusk Til Dawn]"][/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] The man has incredible range and versatility; it's a real shame people are mostly unware of his work.
Darren Vicky Take them out quickly and without mercy, because they will show you none. Look at the votes and that will prove what I have said. Last gasp over. :beer: Cheers.
One time I waltzed into a swimming pool full of babies with cleats on... by mistake of course.
[IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/21/w1kspidersquirreldn1.jpg[/IMG] spidermunk Vicky knows about these devious creatures. I was also thinking this story would take an extraterrestial twist at some point.
You british are always throwing extra "ph's" and "u's" into words. Silly... I think the first person narrative worked, Neko. It added a certain intensity to the text.
Nicely done, Neko, very nicely done.
O-I-C I think the spidermunk should make an appearance. :bdance:
Maybe I missed something here, but isn't it Vicky's turn to post? I mean we've all posted since she did. Or have you ladies worked something else out that I'm unaware of? Just wondered.
Dun Dun Dun! I-am-good. Two left and I think we know who they are. [CENTER][IMG]http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/1299/20000522targetxv2.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] There it is... in case you didn't see it.
I'm not counting your smooth talking against you, buddy. It's your paws and love of milk bones that I'm suspicious of. If it makes you feel any better I'll probably be joining you.
The Monster Mash The only Christmas song I really like is the only one I know how to play on the guitar: A Christmas Song by Dave Matthews Band, so it wins by default, being a DMB song. I'll agree with Vicky on this one. Christmas should just be replaced by a second Halloween. or another St. Patty's Day. Yes.
There's only seven of us left, so aren't only 4 votes required for a lynch? Ace only has 4.
Any weapons would be up to you. As far as super powers... no "Superman" stuff but if a reasonable idea regarding super powers is put forward we'll discuss it. I'm trying to keep this as much in the realm of reality as costumed crime fighters can be.
[quote name='Vicky'][size=1]But, I must also point out, you're no expert in observation (unless you are a real private investigator or one of those occupations in real life) and you're also observing people over the [i]internet[/i], which would also make any 'skill' you have in observation pretty void. I doubt you're an expert on behaviour =p I still doubt you because if you had any constructive proof or evidence then you would have posted it by now after making such accusations - therefore I believe you're simply throwing out names, now, and not providing the evidence because you have none. And the spidermunk is cute XD Anyway, this is all a big twisted web. I don't trust any of you ¬_¬[/size][/QUOTE] Well I am taking into consideration what I can with what information I have. I'm going to wait and see what happens to Ace, because that has a lot to do with how I feel about you and Darren's K-9 conundrum. So I don't want to be "that guy" who ends up being wrong after throwing out all of this information. But right now I don't have any evidence, only hunches. I'm merely planting the seed at the moment, and if it begins to grow... I'll water the plant. Did everone enjoy those gardening references? I did.
[quote name='Darren'] And actually, I'm curious as to how you came to your conclusion that we're the three werewolves... As far as I can tell, the only thing we have in common is that we voted the same way, and if that's the extent of your deductive logic, than I can easily call any combination of the four of you that voted for Ace. :animesigh Explain yourself!!! Please? :animesmil[/QUOTE] It was the spidermunk, wasn't it, Darren? Werewolves hate spidermunks... it gets them nervous. Ha... sorry to "paint a big target" on your back, buddy. And I'm pretty sure Sephiroth said there were three werewolves at the beginning of this game, so that's how I came to that (but you knew that already didn't you, teen wolf). I've come to my conclusion by observing the various behavior that I believe contitututes guilty parties, but like I said this is not 100%. I believe Lrb is the detective, and I don't believe Tetra is a werewolf, so I've based a lot of my deductions around those points. I won't quite hang you out to dry yet, Darren, but if I die my 'last gasp' will contain all of the information I believe is needed to bring you down. Until then I will keep my mouth shut. Once again, sorry. :animesmil
[quote name='Vicky'][size=1] Mr. Blonde may very well be playing a clever werewolf tactic on you.[/size][/QUOTE] I could... but I'm not. We'll see here and now if Vicky is a werewolf. How do you feel about spidermunks? Your response will be your undoing. [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/21/w1kspidersquirreldn1.jpg[/IMG]
What is your opinion on emo people?
Mr. Blonde replied to HelloKittyLover's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] So more than anything, I think the whole emo thing cheapens the real plight of people with various degrees of [i]actual[/i] depression.[/font][/QUOTE] Nail-on-head. Most of these "emo" kids (and I say kids because I've yet to meet anyone older then 17 who calls themselves emo) aren't actually depressed at all. I understand high school can be hard for some kids and being a teenager is "the worst thing in the world" *cough* but once you grow up a bit you realize when you were in high school and you still lived with your parents... you had it made, no bills, no debt, no (real) worry, what a time... what a time... The problem with being a teenager though is that you're so self absorbed you don't realize how good you have it, and how much harder life outside of the high school bubble actually is. Suburban teens driving around in their mom's toyota corolla aren't emo, a 45 year old who works in a factory 60 hours a week to support his family is emo, only they're not. "[I]My name is Gordon, this is my cat, I like the Cure. Mehh[/I]. Who gives a f**k?!" -Ricky Gervais -
Thanks, Nessaja. And Skedar? Blonde will do. I don't get ten points because I googled it. Too bad for me.
Up. And then some words down here to meet character minimum.