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Mr. Blonde

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Everything posted by Mr. Blonde

  1. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]The wild rumbled with hunger. Lon and Echota made their way back to the laboratory where he had first encountered the others. He could feel countless prowling eyes on him. He was used to living out here, but this was different. He knew better then to come out at night. What had he gotten himself into? With his hand on his Bowie, and his faithful companion by his side the old hunter inched closer to the lab. “I think it’s time to use that Indian Cigar, boy.” Lon reached into his bow quiver and pulled out a small bundle of brush wrapped in dried bark, tied together with long grass. He knelt on the ground and struck a small piece of flint off of his knife. It sparked and in a matter of moments the bundle was glowing like a torch. The old man held it high and continued on his path. He made his way to the clearing, where they had encountered the mountain lion just hours before. With the sigh before him his heart began beating out his chest, his palms sweating and his nerves jumping high. “Oh dear God no…” Lon stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the pack of feral dogs circling around the statue, and Chase, Ilya, and Chiyoko holding on for dear life atop the stone base. The dogs growled and nipped at each other as they furiously jumped at the stone, at our survivors, trying to pull them down. The old man knew he had to do something. Every instinct in his body told him to turn back, go home, just leave, but he didn’t… he couldn’t, not this time. “It’s time to see what kind of man I really am, boy.” Lon reached back and with all of his might threw his bundle of burning grass and wood into the air. It hit the ground among the dogs and burst open, throwing sparks and flames in every direction. The sparse, yet tall grass around the statue began to catch fire and soon the dogs were forced into smaller groups, divided by the growing flames. Lon then removed his quiver and bow, and slid an arrow into the string. He pulled it tightly back, but then… PAIN! A crushing pain overtook the old man and he dropped to his knees, crying out in agony. This noise was enough to catch the attention of the already distressed dogs. Their quest for the prey atop the statue had proved too dangerous, but this old, dying man would be a much easier target. Lon gripped his chest tightly; tears welled in his eyes. Then he noticed the dogs making their way quickly in his direction. The fire began to spread as well; the flames were now wild, taking over the brush, and licking the edges of the tall trees. “Echota, go home, boy” The wolf just whimpered and nudged at his master’s arm, while the dogs closed in by the second. “Echota… Go home!” His faithful companion did not heed him, and now the entire pack of ravenous dogs was upon the old hunter. Echota growled and snapped, keeping the dogs off of the old man for a few moments, just long enough for the beasts to circle both of them; all the while the flames crawled ever closer. If Lon didn’t get his strength back, even if the dogs didn’t get him, the fire would. The dogs tightened the perimeter by the second, moving in for the kill, their mouths foaming, eyes wild, and minds gone mad from the evils of this unnatural apocalyptic world. The dogs on the outside of the circle began to be consumed in the growing fires. Their cries pierced the night air as their fellow pack members feasted on their burning flesh. The fire blurred Lon’s vision, a fact of which Lon was now thankful for , the death cries of Echota were too much for the old man to bear, he took solace in not seeing them tear apart his K-9 friend . When they had finished with his fallen companion they would move on to him. It wouldn’t be long now. Death was upon him.[/FONT]
  2. [URL=http://img98.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kitty2lv7.jpg][IMG]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/953/kitty2lv7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Andy Warhol(ish)
  3. That was rather tricksy hobbit magic, well done, Neko. I think we (or at least I) have had enough of Lon "saving the day" so my next post will reflect a darker tone and a more somber realization of the declining health of this aging man. Up today or early tomorrow. (and Nessaja, feel free to post before me, it won't mess me up or anything)
  4. [quote name='Darren']I'm just saying that strategies are too hard to dissect and I certainly wouldn't want to come forward at the [I]very beginning[/I] if I were the detective. It just seems a little fishy.[/QUOTE] Well I agree this is a very shady situation all around, but like I said I would agree with you if someone else had claimed to be the detective as well (and considering I have a hunch you're a werewolf yourself). It doesn't seem a very wise strategy to not make yourself known and risk lynching (assuming the priest will save the detective). I understand the priest may have doubts, but I would suggest they continue to protect Lrb... for the time being at least. So here's who I believe are werewolves so far (and as I said before if I get killed the civilians should know I was on the right path). Ace Darren Vicky I could be completely wrong, if I am the werewolves should kill one of the three to refute me, if not I'm sure I'm next on the chopping block. It's for the greater good, but my "last gasp" will be a doozy. And, Tetra... Johnny Cochran was a famous defense attorney.
  5. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] I agree with Lrb's dead-end investigation being a little too convenient, plus the fact that he outed himslf so willingly. [/FONT][/QUOTE] I would agree with you if someone has come out almost immediately to refute his claim to be the detective. You would think this person would want to make themselves known to get protectiion, however the werewolves know that the detective is always going to get protected so they're just going to kill someone besides the detective every night, or so I imagine. Right now... Lrb is the only one I trust. I think everyone should vote one more time, because people seem to be changing their minds quite often. I stand by this: Lynch: Ace
  6. [quote name='Darren'] I'm willing to bet money that she's a werewolf in disguise as a lynch crazy civilian... [/QUOTE] You seem awful desperate yourself to get us to vote for her. Protecting your werewolf buddy there, Darren? Truth is I think we're all equally lost at the moment. Tetra just seems a bit too crazy to be a werewolf (no offense), though I'm not ruling her out as a suspect. Did you ever have someone accuse you of something you didn't do? Most of the time you'll react by becoming very offended that they are accusing you, maybe if she was a little more calm about her denial I would suspect her more. But honestly... who knows.
  7. [quote name='Tetra of sound']IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, JUST WASTE LRB'S INVESTIGATIONS ON ME!!!!! [/QUOTE] I would have to question your sanity, Lrb, if you waste your investigation on someone we've already voted to lynch. I hope you're not considering this, my friend. But I do want to add one last thing. The civilians should start looking at the votes and how they're stacking up. I'm changing my vote. And if I get killed tonight the rest of you will know I was on to something. Or they won't kill me because it would then be obvious. It's a tangled web. Lynch: Ace
  8. LYNCH: TETRA I didn't want to point fingers until I heard what Lrb had to say. But this was my suspicion for some time, however it is obvious that some werewolves have voted for her, so either we're completely wrong, they're "throwing her to the wolves" or deception is the name of the game.
  9. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden'][B]Edit:[/B] Thanks for the update about the "last gasp" That's okay, before I went I brought the strategy that hopefully worked out. I'd look into Mr. Blonde if you haven't....cough cough....done...............sooooooooooo[/QUOTE] wow... I thought you were my boy, Drizzt... that's cold... real cold. I actually thought you were a werewolf, so I'm shocked frankly. I want to hear what Lrb found out before I make a lynch decision
  10. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1] Also, beaming up isn't actually [i]that[/i] farfetched because, rumour has it, the theory is already being worked on (except it's not beaming up, it's something dodgy about matter transfer).[/size][/QUOTE] I actually watched a documentary about space age techonology and they said that "beeming up" or out or down or whatever is scientifically impossible for living creatures because of the complexity of reorganizing the matter. However they can "beam" light and sound waves I believe, but as far as humans go... "For the love of God, don't beem me up, Scotty" At least for now.
  11. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Lon looks out into the fading light, and then at Chiyoko. ”The darkness is not a safe place. Where did they go?” Lon asks her. “I don’t know, but we should go and find them,” Chiyoko blurts out. “That son of a bitch will get us all killed with his antics…” Lon clenches his fist. ”Let’s go and find them!” Chiyoko insists. “…No… it’ll be dark in a matter of minutes, and I can’t risk my life for them. But if he comes back alive without that little girl he’ll wish he was still in that freezer,” Lon grits his teeth and storms back into the hut. This answer does not satisfy Chiyoko and she follows Lon back inside. ”We have to go after them; the four of us is all that’s left!” Chiyoko screams. Lon doesn’t answer and just stares into the fire. Echota nuzzles up against his arm, and a look of despair washes over the old hunter’s face. ”Leave,” Lon mutters nearly under his breath. ”What?” Chiyoko is unsure of what Lon means. “I want you to leave… now,” Lon stands up, towering over Chiyoko, the light of the fire bathing both of them in shadows. ”You… you can’t mean that! I’ll die out there!” Chiyoko backs away from Lon slowly. ”Not my problem… None of this was my problem. I knew I should have just left all of you alone,” Lon says nearly under his breath. “At least let me wait until morning, please! I’ll leave in the morning!” Chiyoko pleads with Lon. Lon grabs the girl’s arm and drags her out of the hut. Chiyoko kicks and screams along the way. ”Do you hear that?” Lon covers Chiyoko’s mouth. The eerie growls and grumbles of countless beasts surround them, in the darkness of the jungle. ”Your fear, your noise, your presence… has drawn the entire wilderness to my doorstep. If you stay here until morning we’ll both be dead.” Lon releases Chiyoko’s arm and turns to walk inside. Chiyoko attempts to run back inside of the hut. ”Echota!” Lon calls out the name of his faithful companion. Echota bolts for the doorway just as Lon passes inside. Suddenly this wolf isn’t the harmless pet Chiyoko knew before. Echota bares his teeth, growling between them, snapping at the air. He’s not going to let this girl inside. Chiyoko now feels more alone then she thought she could. She slowly backs away from Echota and the hut; she backs away into the jungle, into the darkness… Lon sits back down by the fire in silence; Echota lies down next to him. The old man thinks over what he’s done. He thinks about how things were easier when he was alone… but he [I]was[/I] alone. He had forgotten the sound of someone else’s voice, the feel of someone else’s skin, the pain of someone else’s tears. Yes… it was easier to be alone… easier for the old hunter to be the only one. And when time and old age have forsaken him and he can no longer hunt, run, survive, live… no one will mourn him, no one will cry over him or miss him when he’s gone. It’s easier this way… ”No…” Lon rises to his feet and rushes out of the hut. ”Hello?! Hello!? Are you out there?!” Silence… Lon darts back inside and returns a moment later with his accessories. He slings his bow and quiver over his shoulder, slides his bowie knife into its sheath and tightens the sash made of hide around his waist. He looks down at Echota. ”I’m an old fool, boy. But now we’re going to remedy that.” Lon steps into the night with his wolf… into the wild, and to certain death.[/FONT]
  12. I do recall "warp speed" but I wasn't sure of the details behind it. Thanks for enlightening me, Nerdsy. Yeah, TC, I think this is one of those things where we just have to bite the bullet and be like, okay... this is impossible, and just enjoy it. ...like artificial gravity without centripetal force and the rotating space craft, but alas... These kind of things will never bother most people.
  13. Sorry about the delay, guys. I've been swamped the past couple of days. I'll definitely post today though.
  14. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]You're fine with them going several hundred times the speed of light, but [I]that[/I] bothers you? I say if they can produce the energy to travel 765,000 times the speed of light, I imagine they can break escape velocity purdy easily.[/color][/QUOTE] I didn't want to go on a star trek rant, but I do have other issues with the series. Beeming down for instance... but we won't get into that. However I'm not sure they go over the speed of light. I could be wrong though, as I'm not a big star trek fan.
  15. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] I believe in a non progressive tax. In a phrase? The Fair Tax. A tax that doesn't come from paychecks, which means no FICA, no Medicare, no Medicaid, no government programs taxing you based on your income.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I actually agree with you on this, however the people in the lower income tax brackets will have to pay more to offset the reduction in taxes being received from the people in the top tax bracket. That's always been one of the draw backs of a flat tax. Unfortunately our dimishing middle class cannot afford a hike in the tax rate at the moment. And as far as rolling all of payroll taxation into sales tax... The sales tax in some states is already obsenely high (Tennessee 9.4%, Louisiana 8.7%, Washington 8.5%, New York, 8%) The price of goods is already going through the roof with the cost of oil (though lower at the moment) and manufacturing rising. A flat tax sounds good on paper, but we've written ourselves into a corner with a progressive tax and it's going to be nearly impossible to get ourselves out for some time. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']My case in this matter would be to tell you to look around and read up on things instead of asking others here to explain it to you. The problem with going to someone else is that no matter how hard they try, their view will be skewered to some extent.[/QUOTE] I'll avoid my usual rant that will result in my receiving a warning or someone crying and just say that I agree with Aaryanna. Check out the Tax Policy Center Website and other non-bias sources. Anything you get from a media source is going to have some amount of liberal or conservative slant to it.
  16. Hmm.. Well that [I]is[/I] an explanation, though not a very good one. I enjoy my science fiction movies to have a great deal of science fact in them. We'll see about this one...
  17. It seems they're pumping new blood into a film series that has been stale for quite a while. I've never seen Lost or any other of J.J Abrams stuff so [I]he's[/I] not drawing me to this, but I will probably go see it because it does look interesting. One thing though... they're building the Enterprise on Earth? Gene Rodenberry (creator of Star Trek) knew what he was doing when he had the Enterprise in the original series built in space. There is no way you could launch something that large out of Earth's orbit. Damn you Abrams! *shakes fist at sky*
  18. I'll be posting later day. I'm quite busy.
  19. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden'] And unless whoever the priest is protects the right person we're just going to lose somebody.[/QUOTE] well the right person would obviously be the undercover cop, but no one has come out
  20. You guys are harsh, and keep in mind who is telling you this. Nice sunshine smiley face though, Korey.
  21. [quote name='Darren']I'll take Mr. Blonde's cue and go with "No Lynch for now" (BTW, I'm assuming you got that from Reservoir Dogs... Thought I'd point out that I love that movie)[/QUOTE] It's the movie that made me want to me a film maker. I'm glad you enjoy it. So where's this undercover cop at? I expected to hear someone throw that out there right off of the bat.
  22. [quote name='Neko'][SIZE="1"]Mr. Blonde, please let me know if I made Lon act in a way you don't think he would've. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] It looks fine, Neko. Don't bother changing anything. He's perhaps a little more gruff then I would have made him towards Ilya. But I thought you handled it well overall.
  23. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Actually he brings up a good point here. Not personally against you, Mr. Blonde, but for the whole charade that's going on right now. None of this would have been an issue had the prop been voted down.[/FONT][/QUOTE] It is quite a charade now isn't it? You're quite right, Korey, I most likely would not have posted this thread if the vote had gone in the other direction, but that would have been my error, because this issue deserves equal attention either way. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]If we could get the economy straight, get the war issue settled, and fix some of the problems that were caused by the current administration, then perhaps we can focus on these domestic issues and give the homosexual people the rights they deserve as Americans.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Well said, and when it comes down to it... that's what we all want. We may differ on how to go about it, but in the end the recognition of equal rights is a sentiment we all share. All of this hot air (including my own) is giving me a headache. I need a soothing melody. Where's Rach with his cello when you need him?
  24. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']The reason I "don't care what people think" regarding the matter simply means I don't think a vote should be cast regarding this matter, something you seem to agree with. I never said I don't approve of the system, I said I disapprove of the system being used in this manner. Somewhere along the line my point of view may have gotten misinterpreted.[/QUOTE] [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Which means that as long as the proposition had been voted [I]down[/I], you would have said nothing about voting whatsoever. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Now you're just nitpicking on the manner on which I state things, really, Allamorph? I believe you knew what I meant. Apparently there is nothing more to add to this conversation except off the cuff remarks. Perhaps we should all take a breather, this is going no where.
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