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Anime Favorite Anime Phrase/Saying and why??
TheGodlyME replied to Hayashi Hansuke's topic in Otaku Central
hehe... "Look here comes a twister!! OH NO!! IT BROUGHT JAWS" (picture a shark menacingly flying around a huge tornado) "QUICK THROW OXYGEN CANISTERS" (shark becomes so full of canisters that the shape of its body is distorted) **BOOM!!** I like Hollywood Shotengai...thank you Abenobashi...I like this quote just because of the lack of rationalism, and the extreme amount of comedy. -
Anime why dont people put anime movies in theatre!!!
TheGodlyME replied to mr dude guy's topic in Otaku Central
Well, aside from the fact that the movies wouldn't make enough money...most of the movies are based off of a particular series, and so the people that didn't watch the anime and DID go to see the movie would be somewhat lost. That doesn't make for good marketing. The live action movies that are coming out sooner or later (sadly) are going to try to make a quick recap and re-introduction of the characters, and will be geared towards the actual movie market...and so they would work better. But having series-based movies in american theaters really has no point due to the sheer number and background that would make them work. Now...movies that are one-movie deals would probably not fly...in the American psyche, when anyone mentions 'animated' in a public place, most would immediately think 'for kids.' Trying to advertise something that isn't geared toward the younger set (i.e. Pokemon, Spirited Away), like Akira, when that came out in some theaters, would not really do to well. It may be a possibility that there will be anime movies in theaters in the future, because it is slowly getting into position to become a fad...but if it's just gonna be a fad...then I don't want it to happen. -
First: Disney did NOT MAKE Spirited Away. [U]Studio Ghibli [/U] made Spirited Away. Disney just BOUGHT IT. Second: IF american artists start to make 'anime' as you say, then, by definition, it would not BE anime. All that anybody would have to do is realize that, and BINGO! A new sub-culture is born: anime rip-off series (ex: Code LYOKO). WHY I'm against american animation is as follows: it is far too censored. I'm not one to only watch anime for the nudity ;) , but I mean that the way the characters act is far too restricted. There are no love interests allowed outside of 'first crush' situations. And the character development on a more psychological level is hindered. The characters are shallow representations of propaganda, and leave no room for a personal attachment from the viewer. American animations are more like a drug; with no end in site until the anticlimactic 'last episode' that still leaves a whole load of loose ends, and their only real achievement as far as enjoyment goes is temporary, due to the fact that all the problems are resolved within at most 4 episodes. Whereas in anime, there are many underlying themes; some of which are propaganda and stereotyping, whilst others are of a more personal level, and are able to intertwine the viewer with a stronger connection to the show. Ok...now that I have vented, I will move on...I fear that the future of anime may be a grim one. With the recent takover by the CN Otaku, anime has nowhere to go but to the genre of 'pop culture fad.' I fear that there will be hundreds of thousands of people that have only seen dubbed, edited for US Television Anime who will litter the schools and streets. Instances of this can already be seen through the sale of anime paraphernalia in big-name stores. In other words...for the CN Otaku that will no doubt read this: anime is on the backside of a really steep hill, in a mountain range. It will go FAR downhill, soon, but will then lose it's 'fadability' around the year 2015, and the quality will then, hopefully, return.
He dies...run through nicely...that is because he would only die at the hand of Vicious, and vice versa. So...Vicious being dead, Spyke has to die as well. And it is not a 'short anime.' It is of average length. Usually anime comes in 12-13, 26, and 52 episodes per year. If you don't see a pattern, that's one episode every month, one every 2 weeks, or 1 every week. A short anime is about 6-13 episodes (reference FLCL, Golden Boy, etc...) In these there is no real time for character development, and the judgement of the show should depend heavily on how well the characters are developed. An average length show is about 26-52 episodes, with a 1 season run. These are the most common; sometimes sequels are made(Ex: Mahoromatic). A long anime, like Ranma 1/2 or Pokemon, can still be seen on Japanese television, and are still going into the 200 and 300 episode count. BLAH,BLAH,BLAH!
I've seen about the first 4/5 episodes. IT'S AWESOME! I can't watch the rest until I get a new tv, because mine broke down...boo...I have watched a couple episodes on the PS2, but I'm afraid for the discs...
How about watching Cowboy Bebop the right way...uncut? When on CN, it was most likely (definitely) edited to be significantly different than what it was originally meant to be...
HAHAHA!!--You could use the Excel Saga...That way, you could go any friggin' way with it and the others would have to believe you, or you could threaten to show them more!! But more seriously, I would go with the Escaflowne movie...It's pretty interesting, and it doesn't have some of the things that are so stereotypical of anime, such as all the characters having huge eyes(not all of them, anyway); although it does take in the somewhat modified Neko concept(human/animal mix), and it has to do with mecha, and it's still stimulating in both the sound and visuals. In addition, there's a movie, so you can explain the backstory in a way that is to your liking, rather than the uninformed view of the others. --I wouldn't use 'Teen Titans' as anime...it is based on American Characters, and could throw the rest of the class, and the teacher, way off. (Personally I don't think it's anime at all, and that it's actually insulting to the otaku, or myself for it to be considered anime.)
I will spend all my money until I hit the blackest point of poverty...Which is what I'm gonna have to go and do because my tv just broke down :( (See ya later little Buddy...) Let me put it another way: I will buy it or acquire it in some way until there is nothing left that I haven't seen...
Heh...my friends and I are pretty much just outside our social standing...we can move around to get what we want... we have our own slang, too...mostly from various sources. 1.) "SAVE ME JEBUS!" We all yell this when asking from assistance from one of our more religious friends. 2.) "GRRARRGSNARL!" - Used to express displeasure or anger. 3.) We call upon eachother by the acronym of our internet alias. (I'm TGM, one of my friends is BTM, etc...) 4.) Random Thoughts - Usually these are in some sort of context, but it's just random blather spewing from our mouths, that the rest of us somehow understand--usually it's one use only. 5.) GAY, GAY, GAY!! (no offense)-- When stuff doesn't go our way. 6.) I swear that I'll eat your children!-- means: "no" or "don't do it" 7.) General disregard for grammar = low on time. That's all that I can think of right now...
I've seen Bakuretsu Tenshi in a few places and it looks pretty good...Right now, though, I'm following [B]Maburaho[/B]. It's one of those wussy-guy-gets-girl, things, but there is some magic involved and 3 girls...blah, blah, blah :babble: ...It still looks pretty good, and with the reviews I've seen so far, it should be worth my speculation.
A few years ago, there was a site called somerandomguy.com it is now gone, sadly enough. For it had some of the greatest Gundam Wing and Dragonball Z spoofs I have seen. They were called the re-writes, and now they are gone. I have searched for them all over the internet, but cannot find them. I was wondering, recently, if I should put back up the Gundam Wing re-writes for the next wave of lifeless internet thrill-seekers. Sadly enough I did not make a copy of the DBZ rewrites, but I did 'liberate' the Gundam ones before they were deleted into oblivion. This is a question for the mods as well. They do have some undesireably vulgar language contained within them, and are quite long. First: should I somehow re-post them upon the internet, and second: should I make a post and do it in this forum? --Sorry if I have over-stepped my bounds.
JeeZ!!! buy the imports!! I have the whole series done the right way...fansubbed...I frown on you all.
If you think that that is bad, go to [url]www.eatbabies.com[/url] if you dare...It will probably disturb you(i don't suggest going if under the age of 15)(the animations are awesome...)
I just hope that they'll be asian-looking people (to make sure that everyone understands that evangelion is anime-based), and not any of the "super," "mega," "whatever-the-heck-they-call-those-haughty-****-********-******-actor/actresses" movie stars we have around here! I just have a HORRIBLE feeling that KEANEAU REEVES will be playing a major part in the move(NOT SHINJI!!). If that is the case............fire...............lots of fire.................... I say that because I have seen the projected cast for the live action dragonball movies on the internet....I don't even like the show and I feel ashamed for it (the only character they got right was napa, played by Goldberg, the wrestler).
Okay...I've heard that the eyes are so big to show expression better, like most of the others have been saying. I also have heard that the hair colors are different to more easily distinguish certain characters. Since there are really only 4 natural hair colors(Black, Blond, Brown, and Red), they would probably have to make some blue, purple, etc. so it is easier to tell the difference(or single out) between each of the characters. Personally, I think that the differet colored hair is just cool!!:tasty: