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Everything posted by TheGodlyME
I like this anime, in fact I own it. However, now I think there may be a sequel or second season or something. The set that I have contains episodes 1-12, but this other one, one that I see being called season 2, claims to have 14 episodes. Is this second season a sequel to the first Mahoromatic. I can't tell if this is a completely different 14 episodes, or just the 12 that I have with 2 more added on. Can someone help me with this dillemma? Also, if this is a sequel to the first one(i.e. there are 26 different episodes spanning 2 series') then are there going to be more series coming out?
Does anybody else read anime magazines. There's so many that there has to be others. Which ones do you read/have read, and which do you think are the best. I read the Newtype magazine and I just today got one called Anime Play. The former is a huge text magazine, and the latter is a small 50pg book with the rest of the content on a dvd(I havn't watched the dvd yet, but the small magazine looks pretty cool).
Why is it that there are going to be a couple of final fantasy games coming out for the nintendo systems? I thought that ff was a sony thing?
Has anybody seen the anime called Kiddy Grade...I've heard from different internet sources a mix of things. They say that it's a pretty good show, but there's a lot of fanservice and the characters that give it are a little childish in the body aspect. This kinda throws me off...can anyone tell me a little more about it and whether you liked it or not?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i] [B]I have the DVDs, so I've heard both versions. Points 1 to 4 (which were the exact same thing)" It's obvious you don't like the voices, and that's an opinion in the purest sense. I obviously can't argue with that part, but I find the voices to fit the characters very well. However, I wholeheartedly disagree with you "americanizing" comment. Those purist comments are ignorant and close-minded. What does it matter were the anime is from? Will hearing someone say "Atashi wa atashi" instead of "I am me" suddenly change the story to a point where it becomes impossible to understand? Geez, you purists bash a show for the silliest things... [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not bashin' the show...I LOVE the show...I HATE the dub...and what's with the close-minded stuff...I am the furthest from having a closed mind as is possible(almost to the point of insanity). If anyone can't realize things because they choose not to (and is thereby closed mind)It's you. You can't realize that america does things to that which the general public sees that some other places wouldn't..when people in the union of the United States(or Canada, N/S America) do something with something, no matter what it is, it has been americanized. Censoring is the first thing that comes to mind, and not just the vulgar stuff and nudity either. I'm talkin' about getting rid of some of the character development AND the original personality of the character, (the original voice actor put the words to mouths a lot differently than the english one in most instances) which is itself a small part of the voice actor/actress who is the original character voice. And with the dub stuff...yeah, I know I said I didn't like dubs; but some are actually pretty good(but the majority isn't), it's not that i have a problem with language or something, it's just that I like to see what was originally there before I let someone else tell me what's there.
As a God, I felt obligated to answer this post....if you want to talk about a God being one that others worship, then I and my 52348 followers that bow to me daily and lick my feet would be a good start to becoming omnipotent...wouldn't it... As for HUMANS being Gods themselves to lesser beasts, I would have to say that I don't think that's how it works. I believe that all it takes for a human to be god-like is to do what they think is right, not to try and convince others of their opinions(unless you are a real god, like me), and do what makes you feel happiest while following that which you think is right. (okay, FINE..if you want to get technical, those 52348 followers boils down to 1 dog and 2 cats..the bowing is more like sitting, and the feet-licking...well that's true:therock: ...the cats don't really listen, though. However, I follow the rules that I have set(along with others) and I am a God in my own happiness!)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i] [B]Don't worry, I love you too.;) Look, if you are a purist, good for you. The dub was in no way damaged. Hell, if it is, I want some examples. [/B][/QUOTE] You want examples? here's a few: 1.) the voices of Excel, Ilpalazzo, and many, many other characters are wrong for the roles that they play. Excel's voice in particular...it sounds like gravel rubbing against a bag of annoyed cats... the voices are supposed to sound normal not completely obnoxious! That's one of the big jokes...the people are dignified in speech, and morons in action.(the only one I have no problem with, strictly tone-speaking, is Hyatt) 2.) The american voice actors try to make the characters sound too stupid by using different words...Pufu constantly says "Poopey"...ha funny...if I were to get a full frontal lobotomy... In most(all)anime that I have seen, "poopey" is not used, therefore should not be used in a spoof...what they say is supposed to be parodied, not remade into something that is alienating and at the level of a 3 year old. 3.) Dubbing is also a bad thing in itself... It's called anime over here because it's from Japan. By removing the Japanese dialogue, you remove one of the things that make it japanese, thereby americanizing it. When things are americanized, they lose most of what was originally meant. 4.) Seriousness was also lacking...everything sounded like a joke...nobody could keep a straight voice. (Yes, I know that The ES was a completely non-sensical thing, however, there is supposed to be a level of seriousness in order for that which is not serious to be distinguished by comparison...this is how we tell a joke from normal conversation, boys and girls...) --Mind you, this is just the stuff off the top of my head...I could very well watch both again and add to this list...easily...I havn't watched either version for about 3 months...-- NOW, I suggest that you watch the subbed version as well, so you can understand the simple matters of which I am speaking...and remember;how they talk is also part of the comedy. OH YEAH!!--to all of you that just came it to talk about one of your favorite animes and mine, the Excel Saga, sorry for the essay-length messages.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey [/i] [B]They didn't damage the dub, they just made it better. Unless you live in Japan (or are a REAL hardcore Otaku) most of the jokes would fly over your head. And don't get the started on the stupid Japanese wordplay jokes. ;) One thing I don't get is the complaints about the voices sounding cheesy. HELLO, the show is as cheesy as you can get! Pedro's dub is a masterpiece. [/B][/QUOTE] Sure....they didn't damage the dub...and the stock market crash of 1929 didn't TOUCH the economy...It's not like the CIVIL WAR changed anything either...NOW lets all go to unrealistic idealist land and be happy, where there is no racism or poverty in our world! Fool! the jokes, and wordplay are what make it Japanese, thereby making it ANIME! Without it, the show is on par with such "greats" as Gigli, and Friends! You have no idea what you're talking about...watch the subbed version before you pass judgement, you clod. It's fools that judge like that that make me hate most others that are too complacent in their way of life to try anything different, that will probably be better!
I want an anime club at my school so badly; unfortunately for me, I live on the wrong coast(It's a 50/50 chance...guess which one). Only about 9 or 10 people are even remotely into anime around my school, and we need a teacher to start any new clubs(sadly there are none familiar with anime, except ones like gigantor, astro boy, and transformers...they don't really count). I am plaid with envy...
I have seen this anime; the Excel Saga; multiple times. A word of advice: only watch the subbed version. They ruin a lot of the comedy, jokes, and voices in the dubbed version. Another thing is that this is pretty much nothing like FLCL(I own 'em both, and watched 'em both more than twice). Excel Saga plays on anime stereotypes so much stronger than FLCL. Also, the stereotypes in ES are about content of anime, while FLCL places the spotlight more on those who watch anime(the father knows a LOT of anime). OH! and if you have a problem with the first 3 episodes, I caution you about watching the 26th episode; wherein the jokes become more graphically adult in nature(...not gonna even try to explain...) Poor Menchi...I'm hungry...
In the end of FLCL, I was sort of confused as to what happened with Naota, Haruko, Canti, Mamimi, the giant hand, and the iron. Can anyone help me to understand the strange occurances? OH, and why did the space bass that Haruko always had have a chainsaw like engine in it, what is the significance of the double-necked guitar Naota had in the fight, and, finally, what was with that bracelet Haruko had?
It's really a double-edged sword. If one person can do it, then so can the other; everything comes down to raw skill. The one who is less skilled in all the aspects of the game, such as geography, will be eliminated. I support screen looking by all involved parties; however, the only thing that I hate is camping, just staying in one well-fortified spot. But screen-looking is okay by me, because it's not cheating, it's using knowledge of game geography in a win/lose situation.
Sorry to be the only dissenter, and throw out a few game spoilers, but a FFVII-2 would be a most horrible occurrence(a really bad thing). First, they finished the storyline in FF7, there was no where to go. [spoiler]Sephiroth was killed, Aeris was killed, meteor was stopped, and the evil guys were defeated(this is all to my recollection).[/spoiler] This leaves no room for a sequel, and since the whole thing was one complete story, there could be no room for a side story, featuring the relationship between Aeris and Cloud, being that they met for the first time DURING THE GAME. The only thing that they could make would be a prequel to the game, but since we all already know Cloud's past along with Tifa and Barrett, there would be no point. I would personally hate to see a second final fantasy 7 because the only reason it could possibly be made is to coerce those that don't understand the first story to drop $50 on something that could only be a money-making venture. Thereby, the whole story would lose it's appeal and become a horrible joke just used to make money, AND THAT WOULD BE A SACRELIG. I think that they should leave the game alone and let it go through the ages as the one of the greatest games ever created.
Yeah, I saw it too...during the first five minutes I was thinking "this is gonna be a LOOOOONG 2 hours." It did get pretty good, though. I think the music was quite appropriate at the points that they put it in(both the style and timing). I'm not sure what to think of the ending...it was a little open ended, and it seemed like the kid was supposed to have the hope that he would find what's-her-name if he stayed. Eh...it's a pretty good movie.
My favorite minor character is more of an entire race. I like the martians from the Excel Saga(if anybody can't tell, I'm kinda hooked on it right now). They're there, and they sereve a purpose, while not serving any purpose whatsoever(believe me, for this anime, that's possible). They take on a myriad of different minor roles, from invaders to random Gundam Pilots to monsters in the sewers...they're so great...
Anime Something interesting about InuYasha...
TheGodlyME replied to Dan Rugh's topic in Otaku Central
First, why would it take SO long just for one girl with a jem to be reincarnated for the purpose of going BACK in time. It seems kinda pointless. Why not give it to the 'next in line' to be reincarnated as this one person? Then we get the question(of my own design); 'if she went back in time to help the future, then the future she lived in was only created because she went back into the past and saved humanity, therefore she had to have succeded or she wouldn't have existed to succeed'....yeah, I'm confused too... -
I like most anime themes...I can't really decide on a favorite, so I just lumped the ones I like the most onto a custom cd and listen to that. There's Cruel Angel's Thesis(eva theme), Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 beginning theme, Orphen theme(I don't know why I like it), Ride on a Shooting Star(FLCL opening), and one of the great classics, the Excel Saga opening theme(you can even HEAR Hyatt dying!) I don't know how the different styles all got stuck in my head...all I know is that I can't get them out...so I go with the flow...and burned them onto a cd...NOW I CAN'T STOP LISTENING....HELP!!!
Yeah..I have heard of it... in fact I have the whole series, and the predecessor, Bubblegum Crisis(sadly dubbed, for the sake of my brother). I don't, however, have Bubblegum Crash, nor have I seen it..I'm having a little trouble finding it. Back to the subject... It is okay, I like to watch the original to see what it was before they re-did the whole thing. It is just a different animation style, with the same basic story. The interesting thing is that 2040 was more popular, even though the original was one of the first "babe in battle-suit" animes(I think that I heard that somewhere...check for yourself). The difference is that the first was broken into two series, Bubblegum Crisis and Bubblegum Crash, and the longer episodes, meant for an hour timeslot. That's probably what made it more popular. I'm betting that alot more people have heard of the series, being that it is somewhat popular. I think that maybe you should watch the original Crisis and Crash, and see what you think of THEM. **sorry for flexing the mind...**
Anime has definitely had a mind-expanding effect on me and most of my friends; sort of like some drugs, but without the drugs...But seriously, it has made me more knowledgeable about another culture(I guess). Also, it has made me lazier in a good way. Now, instead of arguing, I just say: "forget it," then I go and watch some anime, and reflect on that person's point of view. In addition, I now am less uptight(a LOT less), and am now able to realize the comedy in the things I do and that others do; and am embarrassed, surprised, etc... a lot less.
Has anybody recently noticed the large amount of american animation that seems to be trying to copy anime... Some that look, in lieu of a better phrase, anime-esque. I think that there is a chance it could get out of hand. Cartoon network has most of them, I think; like Totally Spies, Teen Titans, and other, 'newer' ones. Now, I'm not sure if they're not genuine anime, but the dubbing matches exactly to the mouth movements(suspicious). The first thing I noticed was the big eyes, and(not to be cruel)over-exaggerated expressions. Also, they are teenagers, a popular main character for anime, and they have super powers, robots, and 'tricked-out gadgets.' It looks like an attempt to cash in on the growing anime phenomenon. I think that we, the Americans, should stick with the super hero, and we should leave the anime to the Japanese. WAIT!! DON'T YELL AT ME YET!...*shields head and groin with hands*...There are a couple of okay shows, though, that seem to be making somewhat of a bridge between japanese and american animation, but we won't get into that because I am supporting the extermination of the ones made just to rake in a quick buck...DON'T HIT ME!!...
Sorry if this has already been beaten brutally, thrown in a burlap sack, and flushed down the toilet, but which do you prefer? I have to say that I have become quite accustomed to subbed anime, being that it's easier on the wallet(i can almost speak a little japanese as well!). But once-in-a-while, a well-dubbed anime can make my day. However if I had to make a choice, I'd say: "sub it; if I hear one word of modified dialogue...DEATH WILL BE YOUR BEDFELLOW!" Pretty much, my reason for goin' subbed is that it's cheaper, and there is less editing to the storyline, plot, etc...(hopefully) Anyway, which do you prefer and why?
Anime so many live action movies from anime..
TheGodlyME replied to kiddy_phenil's topic in Otaku Central
I had no idea that there were going to be so many made; but it does make sense. American film and media people are all about destroying the comic book genre here in america with The Hulk, Spiderman, X-Men, etc... It seems to be catching on...let's just hope it won't spread like a wildfire and destroy the anime genre for the newer generations coming down the pipe....cross your fingers people, this may be a hard road ahead... -
I saw one of the eppy's from the Newtype USA preview disc...It looked like it had some potential, but it didn't inspire me to buy the whole series. This is one anime that is gonna have some lovers and haters.(I think they'll be prettey evenly distributed)
I really HATE that show. I couldn't stomache the animation style and clothing...er...lack thereof. Those CN people look like they are starting to need help...Has anybody noticed that they only seem to be playing leftovers from other networks nowadays. The only other ones they could get were not that nice. Lupin and Kikaider have okay storylines, but some of the character designs are horrible. For example, in Kikaider, the detective guy or whatever looks like popeye with down syndrome. It looks like they need some help over there, or at least a hiatus(God I hope I spelled that right)...
When will this game be coming out!? The website offers no help whatsoever, and I can't find anything else about when it will come out. Can someone please tell me a release date.