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Everything posted by TheGodlyME

  1. Well, I think that putting sex and other lude activities in video games will make the game more real, but there should be a limit to how far developers can go with it. I mean that they can't just have a whole game about sex. However, they should be allowed to show brief nudity where appropriate. And should make the games have higher ratings and warnings that such things are contained within the games.
  2. Well, the normal things that I'm "addicted" to are: 1) Playing and Painting Warhammer Fantasy 2) Playing Nintendo and Playstation 3) Anime 4)and Watchin TV The abnormal things(probably related to a low self-esteem and slight insanity) are: 1) Fire 2) First person shooters 3) Horror novels (Preferably Steven King) 4)and TENCHI series'!!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_monkey [/i] [B] Not another year! I love the Simpsons, its my fav show ever, but i have to admit it seems to be losing its funniness(i think i just made a word up). Theyre running out of good storylines. Honestly, in the past two seasons there havent been any episodes that are as good as the old ones. Maybe they should have quit while they were ahead. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, the Simpsons are running out of steam. The lack of good material and having to compete with all the other primetime or whatever shows could also be draining the comedy. I've seen most of the simpsons episodes at least twice (and am now sadly considered a walking encyclopedia of details to my friends) and it has gone far down hill. Also, with the plot holes and all...they never show homer at work in the reactor anymore. They never show Bart and Lisa at school anymore. Bart and Lisa have both graduated their respective school levels more than once. They have been kicked out of every state, except the one they live in, and have had to resort to traveling out of country. And, you never see any of the old folks anymore, or most of the kids. Radioactive man is gone, the comic book guy is dead, and there are many other things missing from the general plot. Geez...I watch this show too much...
  4. Well, I hear tell that the third ova is coming out in Japan right now. I'm pretty sure that Toonami will put that on, and will probably show the other series' like they do when they translate the (forgive the analogy) Dragonball *cough crap cough* series'.
  5. Bought it, watched it, loved it. It had everything that I'd expect from the Tenchi series'. I could understand the story pretty well too. What I don't understand is: what is special about the 2 disc set I've seen on E-bay? The movie only takes one, so what's the other for?
  6. Well, I have the non-40K version. My friends and I all started that, and making 2 armies was way too expensive. It seems all of the younger people are starting the 40K. It gets really annoying to play, and crush, the same people over and over. It should be more popular, though, and the pieces are really expensive. A good site to go to would be artsbargains.com. They sell warhammer and 40K at 20%off with free shipping. I've bought from them before, and they just a little slow with the shipping. Another site is: Hobbyworkshop.com. They have both at 30% off, but charge shipping. The drawback here is that the pages take a little while to load. Power to Khaine! Long live Malekith!
  7. It's by far the best comedy on the Fox network, ever since the Simpsons started to go downhill. My favorite part is how random the jokes are. Peter is easily a replacement of Homer, and Stewie is a murderous improvement to Maggie. I say Hurrah! for Family Guy!
  8. I hate the exams that I have to take. It takes such a long time,and my teachers this year have been particularly boring. Each test is 2 HOURS long, but at least I can go home after I finish all the ones I need to, because my school doesn't require that we stay if we have no exams. Also, this year, I'm not as worried about them because I only have 5 to take. I HATE exams with vengeance.
  9. All the Dragonball series' are getting pretty tired. Especially after how it's being pushed on everyone over here(US). There's action figures, plush toys, Happy Meal toys, and in most of the stores that carry animes have at least three mini-shelves devoted to the series'. It's quite bothersome too, that people can actually think that they are seasoned veterans on the subject of anime if all they get is what's shown on the TV. This is especially the case with the Dragonball Z series. Not only is it mindless fighting, but it has a weak and repetitive plot. It takes like 4 half-hour shows to let one person explain their reason to be evil, and most of the time it's a really bad reason. Now I'm not saying that I have the complete right to judge, but these people can't just watch one show, that is as easily accessible as turning on the cable tv at the right time, and say they understand the being that is anime. If they would just try to watch another anime without comparing it to a mild one like DBZ, then they could say that they understand the other animes with more confidence. The Dragonball series' are also quite predictable, because a dead person can be easily brought back. Making it extremely easy to predict outcomes. In short, it is really annoying that people that don't watch other animes, say they know about animes.
  10. TheGodlyME


    I'm currently watching it for the second or third time, and I know what everyone is talking about. I like it, but it isn't the best anime. It does get better, once it starts to get serious. It is worth watching and buying, but it is fairly goofy. The end isn't that great, but it does leave room for a sequel if ever one was to be made.
  11. I recently looked into this, and was just wondering if it's worth buying. Or is it just extremely boring and a waste of money. Before I make a mistake, is it a good anime or just a waste of time?
  12. Again, I owe something to the Tenchi series'. :D I first saw it on Toonami, and it was the only show that I liked. I enjoyed it so much that I just had to watch other animes. Now, I've enjoyed it and several others for as long as Tenchi has been on Toonami(which actually isn't that long.)
  13. What is so bad about the series, Tenchi in Tokyo. All of the posed arguments so far have been farily valid. However; I believe that the Tokyo series is, to use an analogy, like an acquired tasete. If it is watched enough the detractor can easily get used to the animation. Also, after enough viewing of the series, I grew to understand Sakuya, and not hate her at all. Of course, I'm a hardcore Tenchi fan, and it took me about 3 times of watching the entire series through, buy I got used to it and started to overcome the steriotypical view of Sakuya. Maybe I have something wrong with me, but I just had to voice my mind. I have started to love the series as much as either of the other two, and hope that reading this post will encourage others to give the series a second or third chance, before giving up and just saying that they hate it. Please respond if anyone feels the same way.
  14. Hehe... the biggest fish I caught was 19 pounds. I did not use the sinking lure, but it took me 25+ minutes to reel the thing in. I was too far on the land and was restling the fish for so long. It took only about 5 min to get it out of the water, the rest of the time, I spent trying to drag it to me over the land. It was really annoying.
  15. Well, being that the entire series was already shown on the television, many people would know how it happens. I believe that Toonami needs, direly, to update their site if they still have "wait to find out" sections in shows that have already aired. To explain the answer to the question would mean that most of the storyline would be given away, thereby ruining the series for you if you havn't seen it. If you still wish to know, pm me and I shall send you an answer, so as not to ruin the plot for others who may not have seen the show yet.
  16. Just tell me where to sign up! I will support the cause, because I believe that anime is best in it's pure, unedited form. :smirk:
  17. This is where I tell the latest, and greatest news, never heard 'round the world! This is just a spinoff of my friends idea, who you can find on [url]www.clancfh.com[/url] ! -Germans need naked stroll; fly enough and be hurled into orbit; inteligence related gum; squirrel anyone?; female condoms-need I say more?; sinking countries, all today in breakfast with God! -The German capital, home to the famous Love Parade dance party, is no stranger to bare-chested rallies. But now, hundreds of nudist activists are planning to storm Berlin's largest park for a rally in the summer. from: [url]http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=humannews&StoryID=695845[/url] -A free flight to a palm-fringed isle might seem a bit tame compared to US Airways' latest award for frequent fliers: a trip aboard a sub-orbital passenger space ship. from: [url]http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=humannews&StoryID=691048[/url] -The often-maligned act of chewing gum could in fact make us smarter, according to British research. from: [url]http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=humannews&StoryID=695974[/url] -A leading London chef known for his love of offal dishes is offering the capital's gourmets a new -- bushy-tailed -- eating experience. from: [url]http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=humannews&StoryID=695972[/url] -President Jacques Chirac's campaign spokeswoman Roselyne Bachelot marked International Women's Day by inaugurating France's first female condom machine. from: [url]http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=humannews&StoryID=691000[/url] - Satellite images show that parts of central London are sinking by up to five millimeters a year, experts say. from: [url]http://reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=humannews&StoryID=690990[/url] TELL ME HOW YOU LIKE THE THREAD, AND MORE MAY FOLLOW! :demon:
  18. I like the Tenchi in Tokyo series. It's not my favorite, though. Sakuya is a pest, sometimes, but without her, there would be no storyline.
  19. My favorite is Mercury...don't ask why. Even if I wanted I couldn't tell you why!:D
  20. If we are the only living beings in the universe, then it's a pretty big waste of space, right?
  21. You could go onto e-bay, and try to get it for $50. Or you could search other places like half dot com, or hobbyworkshop dot com has some anime, but I don't know if GX is there or not; and I've never gotten anything from there. But $75? That seems like it's only the price to pay if you have a lot of money and no patience.
  22. I've got a lot of places to get it. There's Sam Goody, Hero Town, E-bay, half dot com , and I can watch some for free, because I have a contact who will give me any anime he has for three days for free! He would charge money, but due to the situation he's giving it out in, it's illegal. So far I've gotten: Evangelion, Trigun, and both Bubblegum Crisis series' from him!:D
  23. Anyone seen it? I've seen some of the previews, and it looks pretty good. All the blood and violence, it looks good. However, I'm not sure if I should buy it. Also, I would have to split it with my 12 year old brother, so could you say if it's appropriate for his age group.
  24. What!? Is it different if you get it on dvd and switch it between dubbed and subtitled or in Japanese? I have some dvd's that have come straight from Japan and they don't seem cut to me. I don't understand how the dubbed version is different on a dvd with both on it.
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