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Everything posted by TheGodlyME

  1. Just read the signature. If you don't understand where it came from then, I joyously regret to inform you that you're an idiot.
  2. hehe..it's fun to beat the shadow boss too! Just so you know, his name is: Bongobongo...or something like that.
  3. erm...well... I guess it's a sport. It's in the olympics, right? Anything there is a sport...I think...
  4. Best Anime: Tenchi Universe Second Best: Evangelion Third Best: Trigun Best Quote: "Did you actually shoot me?!"-Knives Best Male Anime Character: Tenchi Masaki Best Female Anime Character: Misato (Evangelion) Best Plot in an Anime: Evangelion Best Anime when it's DUBBED: Tenchi Universe (got to stick with Tenchi!!) Best Anime when it's SUBBED: Gundam X (Only one I've seen)
  5. 2 favorites... the zora mask and the Fierce Dietys' mask.
  6. First off, how is the ending sad? Watch the credits, and... IF YOU HAVN'T SEEN THE MOVIE, STOP READING! ...you see that they bring her back as a baby. Also, she's only in the movie, none of the series'.
  7. I love beating the heck out of him! I do it whenever I get the chance(on my brother's files and mine...over and over)! If you really are having trouble, use Faores Wind in the room, then save. If you die, then reset and just use the Wind(in the temple), and you go straight to the room he's in...I think. I know it works, so if it doesn't, just keep trying in different places. I just run at him slashing,(don't use swirl attack, you'll just get hurt) but it is great fun killing him. If it's your first time at him, bring some bottled fairies(when you die, they automatically revive you!):demon:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emma [/i] [B]The main characters' gundams are not indestructable. There are newtypes in the story as well[/B][/QUOTE] I like the different types of Gundam, like the... uhhh... flying one and the machine gun one on Garoad's side(its been long enough since I've seen it to forget their names). I especially like the satellite cannon and microwave!
  9. Has anyone seen the series "Gundam X"? I saw it a while ago on a loan from my gundam-fanatic friend, and it seems better than Gundam Wing.
  10. Yuffie must die! She took all my materia and ran away. I'm luckily able to keep from using profanity, but it REALLY makes me mad. I mean, most of the materia is level three! I found her three times and the cage already fell, but what happens after that? AHHHHHHH, I WANT TO [I]KILL[/I] HER!!!
  11. Sorry for the brain-dead question, but what's the episode count for Tenchi Muyo and in Tokyo? I just can't seem to remember. *NO PUT IT DOWN, PUT THE ASSAULT WEAPON AWAY...*:blackeye:
  12. Has anyone here ever played the tabletop game called Warhammer or Warhammer 40k? If so, please respond, unless your the worthless, weak, and cowardly High Elf player. I as the ultimate Dark Elf player will crush you and spread your remains on the Chaos wastes. :devil: Really, though, if you play, respond, I can't be the only one on the site who does! *Looks around in disbelief as the Godly Person is left alone and cold...*
  13. Anime is just better. There's better story lines, the characters have more depth, the girls look better:D, and the animators aren't as restricted with the blood and gore, making it more bloody than any publicly exhibited show in the good 'ol USA. The characters obviously act more like real people(while not destroying a planet or some such thing) and the hero can be hurt, brought to the brink of death, or go over it and die. The villan has more of a chance, therefore giving the story more suspense. Another reason that anime is so easy to like is the fact that it's harder to get. Usually things harder to attain attract more attention. Staying with that reasoning, the kind of content is also hard to find in American programming, due to the different senses of values. Someone being shot through the head is a perfect example. It's more common in anime, where it's sometimes shown, rather than the taboo in America. If you want to put it a simple way, how could you hate it?!!!!
  14. I sadly just got this great game about a week ago, and have been avidly playing it for the past three days. I don't know if I've gotten very far, but I know that I've encountered hinderances. The point of this topic being, that I've finally exacted my revenge on one of them. That is; I went back with the sole purpose of destroying the annoying giant snake in the marshes, and that's what I did. This thirst for revenge is something that I don't normally feel while playing these sort of games. I would like to know if there will be anymore situations in which this sort of thing occur, and if so, will the thing keep coming back? :demon:
  15. I've heard all this at least once, and it seems to me, from all that I've heard, that it is going to be heavily edited. The prostitutes will be taken out, and the language softened. The worst thing, though, is that they may take out the blood when someone is shot with a high power weapon, they won't gush blood as they do. If the game is banned, the ONLY good I can see that comes from it is that it will be REALLY COOL to own a banned game from one of the greatest and violent nations in the world (when I say violent, I mean they enjoy the violent games).
  16. Recently, I bought Tenchi the Movie 1&2. The first one is Tenchi Muyo in Love, and the second is Daughter of Darkness. Is there a Tenchi in Love 2?! I've seen it advertised on e-bay, but the picture always comes up the same as the first one. This is the purpose of the question. Off the topic, has anyone seen Tenchi the Movie 2: Daughter of Darkness? I like it more than the first one, but that's just me. Mayuka is great. The last question I have for now is: Is there a sequel movie or series with her in it? They re-clone her as a baby in the ending credits, so does she appear elsewhere?
  17. I like the Banshee. However, i just got the game, and am only in Staunton. My favorite staition is chatterbox because of Pogo the Monkey! HA THOSE SCIENTISTS DESERVE TO DIE!
  18. I think the end of Evangelion is Shinji's realization that all the people like him for who he is and that he breaks the shell he put himself in to block out the others. The last angel is the one who helps him to come to this conclusion. Also, Asuka may be trying to make sense of the past and get over it, but because she kept it inside so long that it drives her to the brink of insanity. I'm not sure if this is right, though. It's only how I interpreted it.
  19. Has anyone seen the anime, Haunted Junction? If so, how is it, because I'm thinking of getting it for $136 and would like to know if I'm getting ripped off or not. Thanks.
  20. First and foremost, I'd like to thank whoever started this site because there's finally a place that I've found that is just about anime! Second, this site is great because it has pictures, chat, and a forum! Third, I know of another site that kind of makes fun of anime and video games, but it's still good. It's called: [url]www.somerandomguy.com,[/url] go there, it's funny!
  21. I am a BIG fan of the Tenchi series, but have yet to get it on tape. I do owe my discovering it to Toonami, but also, I don't like good anime to be hacked up and the dialogue butchered. If they put it on at midnight without editing it in any way, then I'd like it to be put back on. However, I don't want it back on now because of the editing. Just becoming popular while edited is a great accomplishment. That's just how good it is, but I don't want it back on.
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