[quote name='Eclipsed Dreamer'][COLOR="Indigo"]What's a mitzvot? Wasn't Christianity branched from Judaism?(don't kill me if i"m wrong, I'm more interested in medical stuff). When you say "guidance" isn't that like leading you to a good place in their standards? I shouldn't have said law(big mistake) perhaps the Ten Commandments are a guidance, but should really be taken as a law, but they don't have to be taken as a law, but are good to follow so they lead you to a right place? [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I would notake my word on this as law (heh) because I'm still working on a so-called degree, but anyway...
A mitzvot is the 613 (?) commandments given in the Torah to Moses. Christianity only seems to refer to the ten. The word itself pretty much means commandment. I suppose you can pretty much say there are 10 Commandments in Christianity and a whole 613 in Judaism.
Christianity was pretty technically branched from Judaism. It began as a Jewish sect ad all I know is that it was very, very small. Early Christianity was pretty much Judaism with the belief that Jesus was the Messiah.
Guidance can be interpretated I think. It normally refers to social standards among a community, how to treat people (ironic?) etc etc. Following guidance will, according to the majority of the religions we're referring to, 'get you into a better place'. Although I'm only assuming that. I don't know this part all too well.