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Deus Dog

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About Deus Dog

  • Birthday 09/15/1993

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    Failing Student.

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  1. [quote name='Eclipsed Dreamer'][COLOR="Indigo"]What's a mitzvot? Wasn't Christianity branched from Judaism?(don't kill me if i"m wrong, I'm more interested in medical stuff). When you say "guidance" isn't that like leading you to a good place in their standards? I shouldn't have said law(big mistake) perhaps the Ten Commandments are a guidance, but should really be taken as a law, but they don't have to be taken as a law, but are good to follow so they lead you to a right place? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I would notake my word on this as law (heh) because I'm still working on a so-called degree, but anyway... A mitzvot is the 613 (?) commandments given in the Torah to Moses. Christianity only seems to refer to the ten. The word itself pretty much means commandment. I suppose you can pretty much say there are 10 Commandments in Christianity and a whole 613 in Judaism. Christianity was pretty technically branched from Judaism. It began as a Jewish sect ad all I know is that it was very, very small. Early Christianity was pretty much Judaism with the belief that Jesus was the Messiah. Guidance can be interpretated I think. It normally refers to social standards among a community, how to treat people (ironic?) etc etc. Following guidance will, according to the majority of the religions we're referring to, 'get you into a better place'. Although I'm only assuming that. I don't know this part all too well.
  2. The 'Ten Commandments' are present in Judaism, only they have 613 (?) mitzvots, but still the same commandments within them. Again, the Commandments came from Judaism (they were there first) and appeared in the Torah - first. The Torah is guidance. What Christianity took from 'guidance' became law which seems like losing the original meaning. And, also note, the Torah is also referred to as 'the Law' but is misleading as there is no punishment (except divine) for the breaking of the Laws and it is also stated over and over that it is guidance. Therefore it can also be the same for Christianity - what is referred to as 'Laws' is merely an expression and could very well be misleading.
  3. The Bible does not have laws as such as far as I'm aware. The part of the Bible as far as I'm aware that states homomsexuality is wrong is Leviticus which is present in the Torah (Five books of Moses or the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). The Torah is 'guidance', not laws. This should not be disputed as Christianity evolved from Judaism - therefore, the Bible is not law and would probably be best used as guidance. I find there is nothing wrong with any kind of homosexuality. The normal argument against it is religion, in which the 'correct path' was laid out thousands of years ago when being gay (at least in many monotheistic religions rather than among the pagans) was a major 'no'. Many people ignore parts of the Bible but seem rooted in the few statements against homosexuality - why? I don't know. It just seems to have little place in society. There is an argument I heard of that many monotheistic religions were very much against pagans, especially because the main super powers in the ancient world were pagan empires, and that there are a few passages that themselves are simply an attack against paganism (rightly so some would state). Whether or not this is true is beyond my knowledge and I just thought it was worth the mention because it was interesting.
  4. [size=1]I live in a city centre close to a Cyberdog shop. Although it happens to be beyond ridiculously expensive I tend to buy my clothes there. The trousers fit me because I am tall and the t-shirts look better on me because I seem to have no weight on me. The good thing is that I don't need to spend too much too often since the clothes from there seem to last for a rather long time and are also incredibly creative. I don't too much mind wearing other things and I don't too much fit into a catergory, despite all the labels thrown in my general direction. I do quite like my bright neon clothing.[/size]
  5. Hey. I'm Deus Dog. I'm a little apprehensive about posting here but my friend told me to join so I thought 'what the hell' :catgirl:.
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