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About gamer0080

  • Birthday 05/22/1991

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  • Occupation
    Work at Gamestop

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  1. If what Desbreko recommended doesn't work I'd give Malwarebytes a try. It's a pretty good program to use if conventional means don't work. Here's the link: [URL="http://www.malwarebytes.org/"]Malwarebytes[/URL] Here's another link: [URL="http://www.myantispyware.com/2009/06/08/malwarebytes-wont-install-run-or-update-how-to-fix-it/"]Fix[/URL] That second link has got a tutorial on how to install and run Malwarebytes if the infection is stopping it from installing and/or running.
  2. I think that gears 2 will take off the best for a few reasons. 1.) I work at GameStop and at the moment we have over 200 reserves for gears 2 and less then 100 for COD5. 2.) There are a lot of people who aren't going to buy COD5 because it's being made by the people that made 3 and 3 was, for the most part, a complete failure. 3.) Gears 1 was an awesome game and i've played the multiplayer for gears2 already and its freaking awesome. And there wont be nearly as much lag because they are configuring the way people connect a bit differently this time around. My gamertag is gamer0080 if anybody ever wants to play.
  3. [url=http://profile.mygamercard.net/gamer0080][img]http://card.mygamercard.net/recessed/gamer0080.png[/img][/url]
  4. not me personally but theres a guy i work with that knows everything there possibly is to know about Street Fighter. Even if its the most obscure aspect of it. At his house he has a Street Fighter shrine... [COLOR="White"].[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I play on a joystick, more specifically a Hori EX2. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Right now i play in the ex2 as well but i dont really like the feel to it and since i like doing things the hard way i'm actually building my own arcade stick. Hopefully i'll have it done soon. I personally like the streetfighter 15 anniversary stick for the ps2 and xbox. its got a heavier spring and a circular restrictor plate.
  6. Only 3 1. Gears of War 2. Pokemon Blue Version 3. Earth Defense Force 2017
  7. I'd have to say ikaruga. It was originally made for the dreamcast and was re-released on the xbox live arcade a few months ago
  8. [quote name='Korey']Also I don't like the community on GGPO. It's like 3S is their life and they take it so seriously to talk smack about each other.[/QUOTE] I've noticed this as well and usually i only play with the people from my work because most of the other people take it way too seriously. BTW do you play with a fighting stick or a gamepad?
  9. [quote name='Korey'] 1. Did you like it? Why or Why not? 2. Favorite Character? 3. How does it stack up to other Capcom fighters in your humble opinion? [/QUOTE] 1.) I find this to be one of my favorite games and fighters of all time 2.) I like playing as Ryu but Yun is a fun charater as well 3.) I think this is one of the better capcom fighters because it doesnt have any of the infinite combos that some of the others do (those really ruin the game in my opinion). its also very fluid compared to the alpha series because of the graphics acceleration. I'm trying to stay away from this gave for the time being because SF4 is coming out in February of next year. But i still play it ever now and again, especially on GGPO (awesome program if you havent used it)
  10. gamer0080

    Xbox 360

    By the way the 20gig is actually discontinued at this time, but every so often you can find one that's left over from when they were made amoth or so ago. Theres also a microsoft-refurb which has a 20gig harddrive and i'm not too sure if they have them around where you live but we got them at the gamestop that i work at. Other than that if you really wanted to play some original xbox games then you'd have to but a 60gig, and if you didnt want to be on xbl then you could have to get the update from xbox.com and update your system to make it backwards compatible
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