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About Tsu-chan

  • Birthday 09/07/1990

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  1. [quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] I actually really don't like it when girls pull back their hair into a ponytail with no bangs. Ponytail + bangs is alright. No bangs and you just look like a freaky freak person. I've very rarely seen a girl able to pull off that look. For the majority of girls out there, just don't do it. That's my opinion,anyways. =D[/FONT][/QUOTE] I definatly agree with that. Most girls do look weird with no bangs and a ponytail. I didn't have bangs for a while and I would rarely pull my hair back in a ponytail cause it looked weird. Though I'd always have little wispy bangs hanging around...I don't think I could ever not have some form of bangs. @Vicky...wow that is alot of colors...Hahaha they're fun colors too!!! I used to want to dye a few streaks of hair blue when I was in 2nd grade or so...my mom wouldn't let me.......~_~
  2. So what's the October line-up for Sci-fye. I used to watch it all the time but I've fallen behind lately. I stopped watching it a while back mostly because I got fios and the funimation channel....
  3. My hair color is a super dark brown...it pretty much looks black. Though currently from it being dyed it's a lightbrown-ish color with some leftover blonde. Yes I started dying my hair a while back, only highlights though. Unfortunatly to highlight my hair I have to bleach the streaks first otherwise no die will stick (though I'unno now). I have always gotten some form of a red highlight and then when it fades I have a golden blonde color leftover from the bleach. Which eventually fades into a light brown. Length: Long hair. I prefer long hair though about a year ago I randomly decided to chop it all off to make it short and with a bright red highlight. It was fun. I had about 2 feet of hair. I've only had hair short about twice though so I'd say my hair is always long. Right now it's about at my elbows. Style. I liked layers for a little bit but eventually my hair gets too long. I usually keep it angled in the front and I have the sidebangs sorta...my style is hard to describe...cause while I cut my bangs to have the sidebangs ....they kinda just don't wanna do what they should...~_~ stupid hair. Here's a pic...: [COLOR="Blue"] [url]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i171/Stafal-chan/me-2.jpg[/url][/COLOR] ^see even though I have sidebangs that I can style to sweep back a little...they also kinda just mush into my normal hair.... I like to wear my hair wavy too ^_^ As for guys, I like 'em with short hair...like the typical guy hair cut. Not like buzz cut or anything though just like short like a little long but not like past their shoulders long....not even too their shoulders...I dunno. But I tend to go for blondes as well...well blonde dirty blonde color. ^_^
  4. Recently I started catching episodes of this on the Funimation channel. I really enjoy it so far. Basically (from what I've seen) there are Mushi these weird spirit like things that in habit everything and they can be good or bad. The bad ones tend to harm people so Mushi Masters go around "slaying" them. The main character is the Mushi Master Genko. I've only caught a few episodes here and there and I can't really get a handle on what's going on. Genko is the only consistent character from what I've seen. (course I have been watching them at random) In each episode there is a Mushi problem and Genko goes and solves it. I'm wondering if this anime actually has a storyline or not... It almost seemed like it might in the one episode but then the next episode just continued on with random Mushi encounters.
  5. Aww...I used to watch Toonami all the time....though I stopped a while back...they seemed to start showing less and less anime for a while and I dunno what they've done as of late. I wasn't overly fond of the newest Tom either...liked the one just before the new one in that video clip.
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