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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. [FONT="Arial"]I guess this is the place where you say you're new and all that jazz. I completely missed it until Crystia pointed it out to me. Sorry, I mean Indi. So, my name is Nathan, literally. I live in SLC, Utah and work as a paramedic. I can't really say I'm into anime since other than to see movies like Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away, I don't really bother to follow anything. You could say I'm more into reading and occasional gaming. I use to be more hard core, but work and other things come first now. I guess that about covers it. Nice to meet all of you. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial"]Household cleaning is fine. Dishes, laundry, whatever needs to be done. I cheat on the ironing though, by having clothing that doesn't really wrinkle a lot. So far, I haven't really run into a cleaning job at home that I hate. What I really dislike is cleaning up at work. I work as a paramedic and the chemicals and smell of blood, depending on what type of calls I've answered during my shift, can get interesting at times. I still haven't gotten use to that. So though it's not difficult to do, sometimes, it's just very unpleasant to deal with.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Eclipsed Dreamer][COLOR="Indigo"]Dude, I just said that I don't mind them getting married. I never said that banning them from certain things will help them not go to Hell. They'll still do it, no matter what the law says. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Yes you did, the bit on laws prohibiting same sex marriages is an example, not a statement that you personally vote for said laws. Unless I'm mistaken, you aren't even old enough to vote correct? Also, they'll still do it? What are you referring to? Unless the law changes they can't get married legally. Unless you're referring to the physical side of the relationship, in which case you are correct, they will do it regardless. [QUOTE=Eclipsed Dreamer][COLOR="Indigo"]I've said previously, that the U.S. shouldn't ban same sex marriage, because they are Americans. As for the illusion thing, why are jumping to conculsions??? Never said they were second class citizens. Never said I treat them like crap. And I definetly never said I didn't like them. Clearly, I'm not hiding behind the illusion that I'm being nice by considering them friends. If one them's dying and they're gay and not my friends, would I leave them to die? No. Just because I don't agree with their way of life doesn't make me inhuman. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Slow down a little and stop getting angry. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you and a few other Christians here, but I'm 100% positive that certain faiths actually send out statements for their leaders at a local level to read to the members, telling them to vote against any law that would allow same sex marriage. This is the hypocritical illusion I speak of. They think they are being kind and helping someone out while voting to deny them rights and stripping them of the right to chose if they get married or not. It was not meant as a direct statement towards you though I can see how you took it that way and for that I'm sorry.[QUOTE=Eclipsed Dreamer][COLOR="Indigo"'] When people try to testify, they're not forcing others to be the way they are. They are spreading the word on what they think is right. Certain people try to do that, but some of us don't. It's no one's right force their views on someone else, it'll cause them to rebel more so. And just because someone tries to tell someone something's wrong doesn't mean they don't accept or addrss that other ways of life exist.:animeangr[/COLOR][/quote]I'm afraid that in this respect I think perhaps you are a bit unaware of the practices and money spent by churches to make sure people who are gay continue to be deprived of the same civil rights. In this I disagree, if their really was acceptance, they would offer the chance to change and simply leave it alone when the person refused, but they do not. One other thing, this is only my second day at the forum here, if I'm annoying you that much, just ask for clarification instead of getting furious. I assure you I don't bite. I suspect it will take me time to get use to discussions where people can't see my face or hear my voice. So if I come off the wrong way, just tell me, don't get mad though. ;)[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Arial"]I haven't watched most of the debates. The timing often conflicts with my schedule. I suppose I could have recorded it to watch later but I didn't really feel like it. Not this late into the game since I've already decided who I will be voting for. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Eclipsed Dreamer][COLOR="Indigo"]I don't really think of it as Christians being intolerant. We mind, but that doesn't mean we agree and as I've said before, we're trying to help people not go to Hell[/COLOR][/QUOTE]You don't help someone not go to hell by backing laws to deny them the same rights as straight couples, or by discharging them from the military when it's found out they aren't straight. That's what being intolerant is all about, continual insistence that another's way of life is wrong and trying to save them from something that may or may not even exist, in this instance hell. [QUOTE=Eclipsed Dreamer][COLOR="Indigo"]as for the judging thing, saying someone's way of life is wrong, that's not judging. Judging is when you say that someone who's ways are wrong(in your mind) makes them either disgusting or not to be treated like you would treat someone else who's ways are right(in your mind). Thinking someone is wrong and categorizing them as bad people are totally different things. i have friends who curse like crazy, are bisexual and think that writing on the ceilings of buses is funny. but guess what? they're [I]still[/I] my friends, and i think they're awesome. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]Judging is the act of declaring someone's actions to be wrong. An example in this case would be the ban on same sex marriages. It has nothing to do with them being your friends. That's a cop out to willingly deny them the same civil rights that straight people have while at the same time brushing it aside with the "they're awesome" statement. Don't hide behind the illusion that your being nice by considering them your friends if you turn around and treat them like second class citizens in the same breath. [QUOTE=Eclipsed Dreamer][COLOR="Indigo"'] When you say worrying over what others are doing and not getting your own lives in order, no one's perfect and isn't it a very big chance that someone does have their own lives in order or are trying to get their lives in order by testifying?[/COLOR][/quote]No it's not a big chance. Everyone has their hang ups so and thinking it's their duty to pass laws and force others to conform to their 'views' of morality is unnecessary and intolerant. It fails to accept or even address that other practices and ways of life exist. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff]So persistance pays off? So maybe if I keep bringing it up and continue to mention that maybe just maybe he can get some more advice (which he never hesitates to give- seriously never call him when you just want to vent) on dealing with college professors or who knows what and meet more people who are into drawing design and computer animation since our group of friends doesn't do that. Maybe then he'll start reposting again eh?[/color][/QUOTE]Lack of persistence would be more accurate. It was more like casual conversation and bits about the stories she's a part of at this place. Stuff like that would come up in the standard, [I]what have you been up to[/I], conversations that tend to crop up when you haven't seen one another for a day or two. There was never any real push to get me to join. Which is probably why it took over six months for me to get around to it.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Arial"]I don't even know where to begin with this thread so I'm not going to go there. Especially since some statements [spoiler]you may read that as A LOT[/spoiler] lead me to believe that there is quite a bit of ignorance about certain aspects of religion in the first place. So moving along to what I think instead... A few have hit it exactly in my opinion, and that is, what others do behind closed doors is none of your business. With all the different religions and practices out there, I think a very important factor is being overlooked here, and that is tolerance. Whether or not you think it's wrong is irrelevant. Judge not least ye be judged, is how it goes if I remember correctly. If there is a price to paid, then that will be their problem not yours. And making that choice, if it is a choice, is also theirs to make. Instead of worrying over what others may or may not being doing, get your own lives in order instead. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial][URL="http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/129/8/c/Pokemon__Gen_by_SilentReaper.jpg"][COLOR="Blue"]Uhh.[/COLOR][/URL'] Something like that. Also, he's down below there....[/FONT][/quote]That is a lot of blue. I also see that the banner links to what I assume is the thread/story in question. I'll have to come back to that when I have more time to actually read it. Also... Aha! I finally put the connection together. You're the one responsible for that white cat plushie right? The one the others got for her back in July at a fellow member's request, when she was in that accident. Though if you're not, I'm going to feel kind of stupid. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Arial"]There isn't much to tell really. The title, which I assume refers to what you put in there speaks for itself. Action is eloquence by William Shakespeare. I don't even know which of his works it's from, I just know that I agree with it. No matter how pretty your words may be, if there is no action to back them up, they are far from being eloquent. Though the same can be said of one's actions. I put it there since I've always liked that saying ever since I first heard it. The avatar is one that was here already, I just chose it because that's what I'm currently playing (Tales of Symphonia) and I like that character. I can do fairly basic graphics, but I'm too lazy to be bothered at the moment. There is no signature since I don't know if I want to stuff anything in there or not, we'll see. For now it can just stay empty. However since it is empty, I'll explain something else instead. My user name is my real name. I'm a little surprised that it was actually available for use. [/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff]Well welcome to the group... boards... eh yeah. Hey how did your girlfriend manage to make you post? I'm trying to get my boyfriend to particpate and I haven't had much luck yet. She didn't hog tie ya did she? [/color][/QUOTE]Ehh? I think this probably answers that question for you: [quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Surprisingly, no. I was asking her about it earlier, and she was actually startled at the news, so it was probably just a spur-o'-th'-moment deal.[/FONT][/QUOTE]Pretty much. She's brought it up on occasion over the past six months and today was a "why not" moment. So here I am.[QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial'] I have a project or two going in the Theater....[/FONT][/quote]That I do know about, though I've never bothered to visit this place and actually read it. I am curious about one thing she's mentioned though, about a certain character... [I]blue? [/I][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Second, if a company is going bankrupt, let it go bankrupt. Chances are the other competing companies will swoop in and vie for the leftovers, and that'll be good for competition [I]and[/I'] provide job opportunities for those ousted by the dead company.[/FONT][/quote]The problem with allowing them to just go bankrupt is at this point, the problem is big enough that the fall out will affect thousands of Americans both money and job wise who had nothing to do with it. I strongly dislike bail outs in any form, however I think it has become a necessary evil at this point. Those who are higher up certainly need to be put out of the picture for good though. I've read enough that it's clear many of them knew they were digging themselves into the ground and yet they continued to do so anyway. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff']As for the bail out- I'm glad that congress vetoed it today. I don't see why the general public should have to pay for something that these companies knew was going to happen years ago. The banks don't pay you off for forgetting to keep up with your payments, so why should we have to pay for their screw ups? [/color][/quote]Paying for their screw up isn't so much the issue as keeping that screw up from spiraling out and dragging a lot of people along with it. It's a little too easy and far too pat to think they deserved it, and then turn around and forget all the people who will be caught in the collateral damage if a total collapse is allowed. Hmmm, there are far too many posts for me to really address them, so I'll just wrap up at this point. Sabrina provided a link that talked about past bail outs, I'd suggest reading it since it shows what happened after a bail out went through. I think people might be surprised to see that they worked out better than anticipated. In my opinion, in some respects[I] it is[/I] the government's duty to step in and stabilize things when they get out of control. Obviously the private sector was unable or unwilling to do so. It is also their duty to tighten up regulations to prevent the same kind of misuse of funds in the first place. I do agree that the original bill did need to be shot down, Rachmaninoff listed some of the reasons as to why. But it does need to be done, no matter how distasteful it may seem. In the long run, the ones who will benefit the most from it will be you and me and every other American who depends on a stable economy to make ends meet. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I know we have an area for new people to introduce themselves already, but I'm wondering what draws you to Otakuboards. Not just what drew you to start posting, but what keeps you coming back?[/quote]Not entirely sure since I just signed up today. So if anything will keep me around, it's yet to be seen. The initial draw is one of curiosity. My girlfriend is a member here so I finally got around to joining like she suggested. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Arial"]Right now I'm listening to [B]Stargazers[/B] by[B] Nightwish[/B]. It seems more like classical hard rock than metal to me. No offense to metal, but I've heard very few groups as solidly put together as this one is (at least out of what I've heard so far, which isn't a whole lot to be honest). I'm sure someone could correct me if they so chose. I'm far to lazy to bother and hunt for good ones since I'm not into the scream side of metal so I tend to avoid it. I'm mainly checking this out since my girlfriend is really into this group so I got curious about it. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Arial"]I'm currently playing [B]Tales of Symphonia[/B]. I've beaten the game on normal and hard so I'm trying to work my way through the Mania setting. I'm not very far along though since I keep getting my butt kicked. Just that tiny bit of extra difficulty is proving to be interesting to overcome. It would probably help if I actually played the game more often. I really need to level up a bit.[/FONT]
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