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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. [FONT="Arial"]I am not quite sure where you wish me to go with it once they arrive back home, but I am at least caught up with all of the current posts. Since Cole asked Fredrick to attempt to retrieve the artifact, I assume he would have further directions for him. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial"]I'd need more than five years if I were to tell myself that playing with matches in the old barn is not a bright idea. Other than that, not much else I'd want to say. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Indi][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Indigo"]I'm getting married that weekend. [/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]That. Everyone is going to be meeting up that weekend though so we're still going to have Thanksgiving. It's going to be mad crazy fun with my family, hers and some of my relatives getting together for the traditional feast and then for our wedding on Saturday. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Arial"]As Crystia said, the groups now know that the artifact is gone and will have gone back to their respective ships and left the area. I trust that post works, though if anyone wants me to fix something, just let me know and I'll edit it for you. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Frederic_Achard.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Macey_Ellen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Harrison_Almagest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Ivan_Almagest.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Frederic honestly wondered how they managed to survive the night without further incident. Neither side seemed to trust the other and most of the night, those keeping watch spent their time wary of the other party instead of the surrounding terrain. Probably the only one who didn't seem to care was the one called Ivan. When morning finally came and they broke camp to leave for the location on their map, it was clear that neither side was willing to go their seperate ways, casting glances at the others as they proceeded. With most conversation being confined to whispers, there was no telling how long the uneasy truce would last. [I]There's gonna be trouble when we finally find the artifact.[/I] Frederic wondered if he would be able to prevent them from taking it based on it being located in Anovia. This thought was foremost on his mind as they finally came to the location where the artifact was located, according to the map. "[B]I still think you should have let me stay with Natalia instead of Bella.[/B]" Jack told him. "[B]And I still think it would be best if we wait until after we've left to get her out of the ship. Asking them for a ride out of here,[/B]" he motioned to the others with a jerk of his chin, "[B]would be like asking for a one way ticket to prison for you.[/B]" Frederic turned his attention to the valley below. There was something odd about it and he wondered what it was. "[B]You really should sit down and rest, Lady Bavaria.[/B]" Ivan said in hushed tones. "[B]I'm fine,[/B]" She tried to protest, but stumbled slightly and gave in, allowing Ivan to help her find a spot to rest. "[B]How long does it take to get used to higher elevations?[/B]" "[B]Sometimes, the only way to fix it is to leave.[/B]" Ivan explained. Macey smirked slightly. "[B]We'll be leaving immediately.[/B]" "[B]Don't you want to recover the artifact first?[/B]" Harrison looked puzzled. "[B]It's no longer here.[/B]" Macey said, as if it should be obvious. Lady Bavaria frowned. "[B]How can you be sure?[/B]" "[B]It doesn't take much to notice that the valley has undergone massive changes recently. That kind of vegetation doesn't grow at this altitude and even if it had at one point, it certainly wouldn't be in the process of dying from being frozen.[/B]" So that was what it was, now that she mentioned it, Fredric knew she was right. Even if palm trees had once existed at this level, they wouldn't be exposed like this or still half dead and nearly frozen. "[B]So until recently, something was maintaining a tropical climate here.[/B]" He mused outloud. Macey smiled. "[B]Precisely. You can see how the giant blocks of ice and snow around most of the edge of this valley broke off recently as well. Also, the only thing capable of supporting that kind of climate up here, is Xear technology.[/B]" She turned to mount her Chimera and leave. "[B]The valley is highly unstable and I've no interest in hunting through the ruins for something that is either gone or no longer functional.[/B]" "[B]Don't you think you're being a bit hasty?[/B]" Lady Bavaria said a bit crossly. "[B]We did come all this way so it would be foolish to leave without checking.[/B]" "[B]She's right,[/B]" Fredric spoke up. He pointed to some of the ruins when the others looked at him. "[B]You can see them sinking even as we speak. I've already seen two structures collapse since we got here. It's far to dangerous to continue.[/B]" Macey offered him a tiny sardonic smile before climbing up on her Chimera. Moments later, the others had done so as well. Once they got back to their ship, he would return to Anovia and contact Cole to see what he'd like him to do next. And of course, there was the matter of freeing Natalia from that strange ship.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Arial"]I'm game to continue and can even see how to wrap up the group coming to the realization that the artifact has already been retrieved, leading to them heading back to their respective homes. The only thing I am not clear on how to approach is the deal with Natalia, since I don't know what Malkav and Hinata had in mind with that paticular deal. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Arial"][I]*looks at the previous post* [/I] :therock: I think someone needs to read up a bit before making inaccurate statements like that. Here's a little something to get you started too. [URL="http://www.newsweek.com/id/214254?tid=relatedcl"][U]The Five Biggest Lies in the Health Care Debate[/U][/URL][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]If you prefer real life stories all you have to do is look at my local news (rochester New York) two years ago when five recent high school graduates died because the driver of one of the SUVs they were in was texting while driving. New York State is making texting while driving illegal as of the first of October of this year. But the problem with the state wide law is that the officer has to spot another traffic violation before issuing a ticket for texting while driving. This however isn't the case statewide and in Wayne County all the officer has to do is see you texting while driving.[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE]I don't need to watch the news, I work as a paramedic and often see it first hand. Accidents caused by carelessness and irresponsibly behavior, texting being one of those behaviors. There was one last month, close to where I live, where two people died in a head on collision since one driver was texting at the time and didn't realize that she was in the wrong lane. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR="#004a6f"]This may seem overdramatic, but it gets the point across. The fact of the matter is, serious car crashes like this can happen, especially when the driver is impaired. Some people only have minor car crashes, or no one gets hurt, but something worse can happen, and that is what the main concern is. [I]Texting impairs a driver even more than drinking[/I']. People need to understand how serious the consequences can be.[/COLOR][/quote]You don't need theatrics or drama to get the point across. Real life stories work better because it's not a case of 'this [U]might[/U] happen' but rather one of 'this [B][U]DID[/U][/B] happen' I don't need to understand it myself, since responding to accidents is what I do for a living. However for others, I feel it's important to keep the advice and warnings grounded in reality. Fake melodramatic videos lack the impact of those true stories or videos where people really [I]did[/I] die or get hurt on account of someone's careless behavior. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='John]My prof showed that to my typography class a few days ago. I think that kind of advertising, well-meaning as it certainly is, is inappropriate, insulting, and maybe even morally questionable. Still, if some people really find it meaningful then far be it from me to condemn them for it. So needless to say, when the car crash turned into a pileup and I unthinkingly said "You've got to be kidding me" loud enough for at least a few people to hear, I felt like an *** for a while afterward. [spoiler']Seriously though, when the third car slammed into the other two I figured they may as well top it off by having a flaming helicopter smash into the wreckage from above. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TEXT AND DRIVE.[/spoiler][/quote]Maybe you'd like something like this a little better? [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M74j8LvX6k[/url] I can see the point in the other, but at the same time, I prefer it to be realistic instead of being unnecessarily melodramatic to get a point across. Real life stories have better impact, in my opinion.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Arial"]If this was a hospital or some other such place, then I could understand and even support the precautions. But for a school, I just don't see it making a huge difference. They'd be better off reminding people to pay more attention to proper hand washing and other means of improving sanitation. That would most likely have better results than attempting to ban physical contact. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Arial"]Ah, I haven't been on in a little bit. I hadn't noticed the titles so I assume it's fairly recent. Gotta say, I kind of like the other better. Though at the same time, I'm kind of indifferent about it. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Arial"]I do not text while I drive and other than to have my phone set so I can see who called, I don't answer it either. If it's important, I prefer to pull over if possible. The only thing I do is drink. I have one of those holders for soda or bottled water. I didn't think much of it initially, but after working as a paramedic for well over five years now, I've responded first hand to accidents caused by such carelessness. It's the same with wrecks caused by drunk driving. It's just not worth risking the consequences. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='chibi-master']I had better not have a virus on my computer... *stream of curses*[/quote][I]*washes your mouth out with soap*[/I] You're a bit young for that, aren't you? :smirk:[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Arial"]Just to offer another side of the story since it seems like it's being overlooked a bit: [URL="http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/17/potter.health.insurance/"][U]Commentary: How insurance firms drive debate[/U][/URL] The key point is summed up at the end:[quote][FONT="Arial"]The industry goes to great lengths to keep its involvement in these campaigns hidden from public view. I know from having served on numerous trade group committees and industry-funded front groups, however, that industry leaders are always full partners in developing strategies to derail any reform that might interfere with insurers' ability to increase profits. So the next time you hear someone warning against a "government takeover" of our health care system, or that the creation of a public health insurance option would send us down the "slippery slope toward socialism," know that someone like I used to be wrote those terms, knowing it might turn many of the very people who would benefit most from meaningful reform into unwitting spokespeople for the industry.[/FONT][/quote]I fully agree that people should be concerned, but at the same time, I wonder why they're not[I] more[/I] concerned over the continual rise in prices and increase of people who can't afford insurance at all. There is nothing that bothers me more than seeing someone, when I'm at work, who needs critical care, turn around and refuse it because they have no means to pay for it. [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]Besides has [B]PETA [/B]stopped to think of the people they'd be putting out of work if everyone stopped eatting meat (and riding horses, owning pets ect ect ect)? I think not[/color][/font'][/size][/quote]Now, now. If they did that, it would mean they [I]might[/I] have some common sense, which by the look of their recent campaigns... they clearly lack. I agree with what John was saying though, nothing has been as outright absurd and hilarious as the 'sea kittens' deal... yet. [/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='chibi-master'].......Nice try, you two. But neither of you can compare to Allamorph's frightening presence. At all, really. Still, nice try.:animesigh[/quote]You two? I don't use the invisible mode. lol[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='chibi-master']Okay, another question, who thinks it's creepy when Allamorph signs in as invisible and posts out of nowhere... Seriously, Allamorph, you keep doing that and it makes my skin crawl...:animedepr[/quote]He's not the only one who uses the invisible mode and posts. So why is he the only one who's actually creepy for doing so? Or do you think everyone who does that is creepy? :whoops:[/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Arial"]The quote fits and the intent isn't to insult but rather to inform. So whether or not it's a swear word, is irrelevant in my opinion. [/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Arial"]I call rule 20. That aside, I hadn't even noticed it was down until someone told me. But if you wish to ignore rule 20, then here's some more news on it. [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/article/169803/twitter_ddos_attack.html"][U]Twitter DDoS Attack Reminds Us to Reinforce Safe Web Habits[/U][/URL][/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Arial"]I fail to see how having an opinion is an abuse of power. Nothing is going to happen to Gates or Crowley, and if not for Obama's comments, it would have probably been forgotten already. So to say that him answering a question with his opnion is an 'abuse of power' is completely inaccurate. Also, Obama is the president so naturally anything he says is going to be cross examined and torn apart to find meaning that isn't there. [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Arial"]Interesting, they can't drive, can't legally buy a gun, but their parents can just drop them off in the woods and say... have fun. o_O [I]*shakes head*[/I] I'm with Beth on this one. I question [I]any[/I] adult who drops their kids off to go hunting by themselves. Supervised yes, on their own... No way in hell. [/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Arial"]And here I'm thinking I've seen something that talked about some kids, somewhere in the age range of about ten to fourteen, who sniffed lighter fluid to the point of exhilaration and intoxication. I can't recall if it was an article, or in a medical textbook. I don't think they actually drank it though. Anyway, it's a shame that the kid did it to the point of causing serious health issues. [/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]Secondly, the debate about bottled versus tap water is fundamentally different in Australia, where the quality of our tap water is of a very high standard. In fact, in most places, the quality of tap water is [i]better[/i] than what you'd get in a bottle. So for us, the question of water quality isn't so much a factor (and it's probably even less of a factor in NZ, which I believe has the world's highest quality tap water).[/font][/QUOTE]Here in the US, it depends on where you live, literally. Part of what makes it so fundamentally stupid here in Utah, especially where I live, which is in SLC, Utah... Is one of the companies that provides water for the government offices, gets it from the mountains here, which is the [I]exact same place[/I] where the city gets it from. We have excellent water here so it's beyond stupid to pay for some company to bottle it and bring it into the buildings when the same water comes straight out of the tap. There might be a small difference, but not enough to justify the expense. It's a complete and total waste of money. I can't speak for other states, since I'd need to look into their quality of water and so forth, but I can for where I live. It's an unnecessary and pointless expense.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']So my fault for being vague, but I do think that the single phrase set a tone of a condesending post by a person whose ability to google numbers apparently gives him a license to do so based on previous posts.[/quote]Casually dismissing it as a mere $20 a month was equally as condescending, in the other direction of... it's no big deal. It spoke of ignorance towards the topic at hand. However, if you felt one of my phrases was condescending, then by all means, just ask and I'll reword it. Also, you're now putting me down by implying that all I did was google the information when you know nothing about me at all. I'm quite active in local politics and I googled the information for your benefit, not mine. I'm already aware of the situation and why it's being seriously considered. I have no problem pulling back a little if you think I'm being snarky, but in return I ask that you not assume I just 'googled' things in order to respond to this topic. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Drizzt Do'urden]First we aren't talking about a state per the article, we're talking about 1 city. So based on the average amount of times a city council/government meets (since I said for their MEETINGS in my post) that is the number I was using. You're talking about a state government that is supplying bottled water to all State workers including the government officials. Of course the number is going to be horrendous. Please READ posts before you try to break them apart.[/QUOTE]The point is that it adds up. And I did read BOTH articles and posts before replying. The first one doesn't give any figures, it only states this: [quote][FONT="Arial"]Over the past few years, at least 60 cities in the United States and a handful of others in Canada and the United Kingdom have agreed to stop spending taxpayer dollars on bottled water, which is often [B]consumed during city meetings[/B][/FONT][/quote]I included a link to a more in depth article for my state, which if you had bothered to read, broke it down as to what areas in the state of Utah spent what on bottled water. It also gave some expamples for single cities in the US.[quote][FONT="Arial"]San Francisco canceled its city spending on bottled water in 2007, saving nearly $500,000 annually. Seattle, which stopped buying bottled water last year, is saving up to $57,000 annually.[/FONT][/quote]So you pretty much just came up with the arbitrary figure of $20 all on your own. Darren and the article didn't say for only one meeting. It just said so many cities opted to do away with bottled water paid for by tax money. Unfortunately, that doesn't really explain the reason or cost savings behind the idea in the first place. You dismissed it without even bothering to consider if it would actually save significant amounts of money. This is why I said you should actually do some research before you replied.[/FONT]
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