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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I don't really agree with the banning it at government meetings either, just for the simple fact that they're not spending enough money on the bottled water they drink to really affect much. 20$ on bottled water once a month really isn't anything to worry about, wouldn't even pay to put a sign-up that says "pothole".[/quote]Not to burst your bubble or anything, but you might want to actually read up on what your state spends on bottled water before you make that statement. This ought to help you understand why states and cities are opting to ban it from government funded offices. Article Here --> [URL="http://www.heraldextra.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/article_3e7d1ca5-d651-5c9a-9a79-7ff485d2ad06.html"][U][B]Gulp! State spends $220K on bottled water[/B][/U][/URL] Keep in mind, that's only accounting for up to July, the year isn't over yet. So it's a hell of a lot more than just $20 a month on bottled water. So removing a frivolous expense like that is something I'm in favor of since it's our tax money that pays for it. The other I don't agree with. Sure I think it's important to increase awareness and perhaps cut back on waste (as in the plastic bottles) but I think the consumer should be able to choose for themselves. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial"]After enjoying the evening with my fiancée. Which included dinner and watching some fireworks later, I then got the fun of going into work and dealing with all the mayhem created by those who don't know when they've had enough. It was still an enjoyable day. Much better than last year. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=chibi-master]Remember the old wivestale: Death happens in threes... And old wivestales like that don't get to be old because they're not often right.[/QUOTE]Funny you should mention that: [IMG]http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/128907273678313084.jpg[/IMG] No disrespect intended btw. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]I don't have a problem with Communism . . . or rather, the principle. The problem isn't the theory of them. Everything works in theory. And the Federal Government has assumed the debt of the masses before; it can still function in massive amounts of debt, so offering bailout money was a legitimate move. I was opposed to the bailout not because it was bad in theory, but because it was impossible to keep uncorrupted in practice. And, well....[/FONT][/QUOTE]Of course. It's society and the attempt to put it into practice that gets horribly messed up. However, that doesn't change my stance of not being opposed to it. SunfallE already linked to a site showing what has happened with bailouts in the past and it's also clear that this one is far from over. When I say worst offenders should be strung out, I mean those people who see no problem with allowing the money to be used for personal jet use or to pay for elaborate parties. I gave the wrong impression with my earlier post. I'm not saying let the entire company fail, I'm saying weed out those incompetent people who are still in the mindset of being irresponsible and thinking they are above accountability. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Arial"]I don't have a problem with bailouts, or rather the principle. But I do find the lack of accountability a bit disheartening. I don't agree with the sentiment that it was a total waste and did no good at all. However, I do agree with the sentiment that the worst offenders, should have been strung up by their toes and left to dry, or whatever. People like that clearly haven't learned a thing. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Arial"]Every time I hear about this kind of thing, I am reminded of little children who don't accept responsiblity for their own actions. They instead, find other things to blame for all the troubles in the world. Pretty sad and pathetic really, to see grown adults behaving in this fashion.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Arial"]Any time people balk over the notion of universal health care, I am reminded of all the people who can't even afford care when faced with a life threatening condition. There is nothing more frustrating than being sent on a call only to see someone you know [I]needs[/I] treatment, refuse it because they can't pay for it. In my opinion, that shouldn't be happening, period. I am slightly comforted by the knowledge that we do have a certain amount of what's considered charity funds that pay for people who have no insurance. However, with all the economic issues, they've been tightened to only include those who are literally the most poor in our city. So those who are in between are still being left out since they make enough to not qualify and yet no where near enough to pay for care. It's pretty disheartening really. Last time I read up on it, the number of people without insurance was close to 50 million. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']I'd be more concerned if the President could change something that easily. [/quote]Same here. There is quite a bit of opposition to granting the same rights so I don't expect it to happen quickly either. It would be nice to see more, but realistically, I know it's not going to be that easy to do. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='John']Jeez, where do I start? The post wasn't meant to be inflammatory, and you interpreted it completely wrong anyway. The point was that a lot of people shouldn't put the government on the same pedestal as their religion. I don't care if anyone carries a gun, regardless of their faith. Indi seemed to get my point alright, so it couldn't have been that badly-conveyed.[/quote]I got it just fine and I agree. I don't have any issues with doing something like that, but at the same time, I agree with the sentiment John is talking about here. I don't think people should put government on the same level as their religious beliefs either. However, learning more about gun safety and proper handling is something I'm always for. Too many people don't have a clue what they're doing when they go and purchase a gun. And I'm not just saying that, all one has to do is go and look up leading causes of accidental death in the US and you'll find accidental discharge of a firearm on that list. [/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Arial"]So based on what Desbreko just said, it sounds like a more interactive version of a walk through instead of a real bypass. Either way, if it makes the game experience more fun and accessible to people, I'm all for it. And I would say that even if it really did let you skip it and save the file. Because if a game's not fun anymore, you just put it down and don't bother to play it again anyway.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Arial"]If anything, the comments about lack of quality and corruption, only indicate the need for someone with strong business skills and a lack of car expertise. Someone like that won't be shackled or inclined to stick with auto industry norms since clearly, those have failed. So instead of being alarmed that he has no knowledge of cars, I think it's better that way.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]Keh you can easily go to school when you have kids. You just need the right baby sitters and the correct support groups *glares at Nathan* [/color][/font'][/size][/quote]No need to glare in my direction. I agree with her. It's really stupid to have put that much work into something only to give up. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']On the other hand, one's moral beliefs tend to guide their choice of profession. But you're right in that the correlation does not exist in the other direction.[/FONT][/quote]That is what I was getting at. We don't know why this man choose to perform abortions. But based on the article here: [quote][FONT="Arial"]Tiller had in the past endured threats and violence. A protester shot Tiller in both arms in 1993, and his clinic was bombed in 1985.[/FONT][/quote]I think it takes a great deal of courage to continue to provide a service in spite of being terrorized by people who disagree. So though in general I'm not really for abortions, I think it's sad someone took their protest of it into the realm of terrorism. @Raiha: I know you weren't saying it was okay. Since Crystia already covered that pretty well, I'm not going to repeat what she just said in her post. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="times new roman"]My occupation doesn't involve the termination of viable fetuses already in the third trimester.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]One's occupation doesn't determine their morals/beliefs. [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Arial"]I find the entire affair sad. Also:[quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][RIGHT][FONT="Times New Roman"]Call me crazy, but I'm somehow summoning up difficulty feeling sorry for such a morally bankrupt individual. Not that I think killing him was the right idea, but testicle crushing might've been.[/FONT][/RIGHT'][/COLOR][/quote]Still using that sledgehammer when you debate with others I see. Can't say I agree since calling them morally bankrupt, takes the higher ground of assuming that your moral beliefs are superior. I don't buy it. =P[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Arial"]I'm not entirely sure where to go with a post here. Mainly because I get the impression that the church's group retrieving the artifact will have caused certain [I]tangible[/I] ripples. Oh like [spoiler]the tropical warmth suddenly ending since the ancient technology, which the crystal was a part of, was creating the unusual weather to begin with.[/spoiler] Things like that. =P I'm guessing we're now waiting on a landmark to go up, to help give us direction. Though I get the feeling, it's going to spell even more trouble. lol[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Arial"]I don't blame you for wanting your own car Darren, I don't like things to be messy either. I keep mine pretty clean since I like knowing where everything is. So lets see, other than the basic manual and stuff in the glove compartment, I've got a phone charger and random change. I also have some CDs in there. Mainly ones I've made myself with a mix of the stuff I like to listen too. So naturally I have a holder for them. It fits neatly under the passenger seat. I've got one of those maps for the states, not sure why since I never use the thing. I also have some emergency blankets and a change of clothes in there. But by far the biggest thing I have in the car is a first responder kit. It's got a lot of stuff in it so I'm not going to bother to list the contents. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Arial"]I remember the food as being fine. Not the best, but still fine. Obviously some things were better than others, but overall it was pretty decent. The people running it kept the place pretty clean as well, I don't recall it ever being nasty or disgusting. I may have rarely eaten the food, but I still made use of the tables provided to eat what I brought with me.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Arial"]I was just thinking that's a shame since the kid did try to be responsible and now it has become an even more painful mess. [/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Arial"]I may be done with college, but I'd definitely vote against any attempt to pass a tax like that. Those guys need to stop looking for ways to charge people, who don't need to be charged in the first place, and quit spending recklessly instead. [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Frederic_Achard.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Belmonda_Achard.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Natalia_Lockmere.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Harrison_Almagest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Frederic hung on tightly as the ship crashed though the mountain and tossed them about the small interior where Natalia was encased in crystal. He saw the hatch open and managed to catch onto part of the ship as it tilted out of control. He had only a split second to decide and he instinctively grabbed a hold of Bella, preventing her from following Jack, who was unable to stop himself from being dropped through the open hatchway. The ship righted itself and he helped Bella back up on her knees. He wasn?t sure how, but he could hear the conversation outside. The odd ship had to be picking up on it somehow and transmitting it inside to where they could hear it. He had his hands on Bella?s shoulders, steadying her and he felt her tense at the mention of Macey Almagest?s name. [I]Oh for the love of?[/I] what were the chances of running into her of all people? He stifled a groan. This was the very last thing they needed right now. Bella started to struggle and he held on tightly. ?[B]No Bella.[/B]? She turned and shot a glare at him. ?[B]I know that! We have to help Natalia.[/B]? She pulled free and reached out, placing her hands on the crystal. ?[B]Just do as Jack says Natalia. Please, I promise we?ll do everything thing we can to get you out of there.[/B]? ?[B]Please Natalia, land the ship as close to Jack as possible?[/B]? he halted at what came next, groaning in exasperation at the conversation outside. ?[B]I?d better do something about that.[/B]? He stood up. Bella looked incredulously at him. ?[B]What?s the matter with you? That fool is the one who got us into this mess, you?d better not be thinking of helping him.[/B]? ?[B]That fool,[/B]? Frederic said calmly, ?[B]Is also the same one who kept us from being trapped in the ice. I may not like him, but we will need his help if we?re going to get Natalia out of there.[/B]? ?[B]Fine.[/B]? Bella shot back. ?[B]I?m staying here.[/B]? ?[B]Natalia, try to land the ship once I leave, okay?[/B]? [I]I? I?ll try?[/I] He could hear the fear in her voice and he cringed as he dropped from the open hatch into the snow. Frederic just hoped it wasn?t a mistake to leave the two alone in the ship. If Natalia panicked again, there was no telling what could happen. But he still needed the pirate?s help, even if he didn?t like it. He took a deep breath and approached the group. ?[B]On what grounds do you arrest this man,[/B]? he challenged the one holding the gun. [I]Wait, isn?t that Harrison Almagest? [/I]It certainly looked like him. [I]Great, just great, Bella?s gonna love that. More Almagests.[/I] He ignored Jack?s startled glance in his direction. ?[B]Are you trying to tell me that you?re unaware of the crimes that Jack Deacon is wanted for?[/B]? Harrison shot back. ?[B]Of course not, however, that is in Czenovia and Mt. Vosper is in Anovia. No matter what this man is wanted for, you have no jurisdiction or authority here.[/B]? He replied firmly. ?[B]I order you to lower your weapon or I will have to charge and arrest you.[/B]? Harrison looked slightly less sure of himself and his gun lowered slightly. He glanced over at another man there in a military uniform, who nodded, and then at another woman who looked oddly familiar. ?[B]He?s quite correct Harrison,[/B]? Bavaria confirmed, she turned her head and looked directly at Frederic. ?[B]I see no need to turn this into an incident. I?m quite sure that Harrison means no disrespect to Anovian authority and was merely acting upon what otherwise, would have been his duty.[/B]? ?[B]How do you fit into this?[/B]? Harrison asked him. ?[B]I mean no disrespect, but I am not well acquainted with Anovia.[/B]? ?[B]I?m first lieutenant Archard, of the Special Security Force. Jack Deacon is currently in my employ on a private trip.[/B]? He explained. ?[B]If you wish to have him arrested, you will need to file a request for our country to extradite him to Czenovia.[/B]? ?[B]What the hell are you trying to do?[/B]? Jack muttered just loud enough for him to hear. ?[B]What does it look like?[/B]? Frederic muttered back. ?[B]He has no authority to arrest you here and I still need your help with Natalia.[/B]? Harrison finally nodded and put his gun away. ?[B]Fine, I?ll do that.[/B]? He shot a look of disgust at Jack before stalking off to check on Macey. ?[B]And here I figured you?d be happy to let them drag me off.?[/B] Jack finally said, giving him an odd look. ?[B]I?m not so stupid as to turn down help.[/B]? Frederic said sharply. ?[B]Just as you know more about ships than I do, dealing with issues like that is my job.[/B]? He gestured towards Harrison?s retreating back. ?[B]Make no mistake though, I expect you to [I]think[/I] before you just instantly try something. We don?t need another stupid stunt like the one that got Natalia trapped in the first place.[/B]? Jack grimaced. ?[B]Fair enough.[/B]?[/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Arial"]Vicky, your entry had a very odd and unique take on death. It was oddly dark and memorizing since it made you glad you weren't there. Anomaly, though your piece was a pretty common take on loss and change, it still drew me in with how the setting seemed so realistic. For this challenge I will be giving my vote to Anomaly. [/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Arial"]It's already where I live so other than to do what I normally do anyway, I don't plan on changing my habits. I've never been one to catch the flu so I'm not worried about it. I tend to catch colds instead for some reason. [/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Arial"]All of my recent purchases have included meds for a stupid cold that I've had for the past three weeks. But for regular stuff, the only thing I've picked up recently is some socks since I've been meaning to do that for a while. It's nice to have ones that don't have holes in them. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Arial"]I'm all for a dessert day. =P [/FONT]
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