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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. [FONT="Arial"]Without someone in advance telling me what it's supposed to be saying, it comes across more as gibberish than as an actual statement. I think the article you linked to Raiha says it all. "Actual sounds may be imprecise due to sound compression played through the very tiny inexpensive toy speakers from the doll." And even taking that into consideration, it still sounds like gibberish, I did a little browsing to find more than just that video you produced, to hear more than one recording of the supposed phrase. Kind of ironic how many of them lack the M at the end of the first word that would be necessary for it to even be saying Islam. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LQTxRIRXN0"][U]Controversy[/U][/URL] [/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Lethargy'][img]http://www.drugs.com/images/pills/mtm/Adderall%20XR%2030%20mg.jpg[/img][/QUOTE]That's the first time I've seen someone refer to Adderall as food. Anyway, what I like to have for breakfast is oatmeal. The instant kind with apple and cinnamon when I'm working and the other kind when I'm not. If I have time I like to add apple slices and cinnamon to it instead of the pre-packaged instant flavor. Sometimes I'll have toast along with bacon and eggs. On rare occasions I'll even have cold cereal. Not very often, I prefer the hot kind since most cold cereal is like having air with milk mixed in. No staying power, I find myself hungry again in no time. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Vicky][size=1']They shouldn't have sent him to jail, though. They should have e-mailed his picture in a massive frenzy to whoever they could find and let the world handle him.[/size][/quote]Now [I]that[/I] would have been amusing, not very pretty, but amusing just the same. The only thing I find a touch sad in regards to them actually catching and dealing with that guy, is it won't make much of a dent in the real problem. There are too many junk and spam e-mails being sent nowadays. I remember when I first started getting them, all the pathetic scams and crap that got sent was fun for a laugh. Now, they're just annoying. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Arial"]This one is too large for posting directly and re-sizing the image in order to re-host it would diminish the effect so... [URL="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/online_communities.png"][U]Online Communities [/U][/URL][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial](Incidentally, I am getting a strong conciliatory vibe from your devil's advocate approach. There is nothing tangible to support the feeling, but it puts me off slightly. [I]*shrug*[/I'] What can ya do.)[/FONT][/quote]I'm not entirely sure if you are talking to me or not, but if you are, I prefer to understand (to the best of my ability) where someone is coming from[I] before[/I] I pass judgment as it were. Perhaps my response to Retribution could be seen as an attempt to head off potential hostility, but my interest in understanding where you come from is genuine. However, perhaps I did you the disservice of thinking the claim of hypocrisy tossed your way could possibly push you away from the conversation as a whole. In which case I apologize for my assumption. I don't know you well enough to say one way or the other. I can say this, it is not a devil's advocate approach (at least not an intentional one) I prefer to know more about someone before I open my mouth and stick my foot into it. And if you were not talking to me, disregard this post. :whoops:[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Calypso][COLOR="Sienna"']You silly! I know what socks are, I'm just a little confused why you're so picky about them. I mean, I don't care if I'm wearing ankle socks or long socks!!! Although I much prefer ankle socks, even in the winter time.:p Or even knee-highs, but only if I can find both of them.................[/COLOR][/quote]For the same reason someone is picky about shirts or pants or shoes. It's a matter of comfort. I have times where my job keeps me on my feet for extended periods of time. I found that poorly made socks (I've tried quite a few brands) resulted in chaffing and blisters on my feet. At a friend's recommendation I tried the socks I mentioned. The issue of chaffing and getting blisters ended. So therefore, I am picky and wear nothing else since I've no desire to go back to the problem I had before. [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Retribution][font=Arial]There have been no [i]explicit[/i] claims to Christianity being nonviolent, but there is certainly the insinuation. Why would he bring up the "tendency" of Islam to be "violent," unless it was a tacit value judgment? He must assume that Christianity is more peaceful if his assertion of Islam's violence can hold any water -- for if he believed Christianity to be just as violent, why would he bring up the point? That'd be even more ridiculous.[/font][/QUOTE]Why would you assume that thinking Islam is violent somehow = the other side thinking Christianity is peaceful? You could say I'm curious to know why you would assume someone is hypocritical instead of seeking clarification as to where they actually stand. As distasteful as the statement [quote']Granted, not everyone who is Muslim is a terrorist. But that does not mean that those who are not would not kill if given the chance.[/quote] is, that still doesn't excuse generalizations on our side either. And since I'm here, to counter what you've been saying about Muslim's Allamorph, just as you know people who have encountered the sentiment of killing those who stray, I have friends currently serving in Iraq who can say otherwise. Now correct me if I'm wrong here, but from what you've said, it sounds like you're applying the principle of random sampling to what your friends encountered in order to form an opinion on how these people behave under given circumstances. By not running into anyone who thought differently, you seem to be saying that information can be used to indicate that they all think like that. That is useful, however, statistics do have a margin of error to consider. Mind you, this is only if I'm understanding what you are doing correctly. If I am not, then I'd appreciate some clarification. But if you are, then the 'random' sample effect for forming an opinion, based on actual interaction with people of that faith is, according to my friends, incorrect. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Calypso][COLOR="Sienna"']Nathan..................................socks? [/COLOR][/quote]Surely you know what socks are correct? It's part of my style when it comes to clothing. Just about everything I wear is practical and comfortable. I don't have labels to list other than perhaps 'EMS' uniform - and even that varies a bit depending on where you live. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Retribution][font=Arial']Additionally, Islam is just as "inherently violent" as Christianity or Judaism. Read Leviticus, look at Christian justification for conquest and destruction, and you'll see that perhaps your critique of the violence of Islam is a bit hypocritical.[/font][/quote]Just to jump in a little here, but perhaps you should re-read Allamorph's posts. There has been no claims to Christianity being 'passive'. In fact he hasn't said anything about his faith at all. So where is this hypocrisy you speak of?[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Arial"]I'm listening to yet another song I found while browsing around online. [B]All Systems Go[/B] by Krypteria. I'm not completely sure what I think of it. So far it seems alright, it makes me think of something you'd hear in a movie during a fight or battle scene. I think I'll forward the link to Crystia since I'm thinking she'd like this song. Or if you see this post here Crystia go and check it out. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Arial"]If you?re not looking for any form of review then by all means skip this post. I found the initial story interesting and it had some fun moments, however, it also had a tendency to rely too much on post pubescent humor to carry the action forward, in my opinion. I?m sure it was intentional, but it also relied a bit too heavily on people recognizing and perhaps understanding the names and nature of fellow members who are in it. I recognize that it?s meant as a fan fiction for this site so that?s to be expected I suppose. The main reason I'm posting is I?m curious to see what you could write without the overkill of slapstick crude humor and use of existing personalities of others here at OtakuBoards. If you have other such works posted here, perhaps you'd be willing to point me in their direction? [/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Kastom]*sigh* Even the title of this thread disappoints me. It's implying the idea that there is such a thing as "right" and "wrong".[/QUOTE]If you truly believe that there is no right or wrong then why are you doing this here:[QUOTE=Kastom]I truly can't believe that there's still so much argument over such a menial topic. Apparently the human race shall live in ignorance until we all become extinct. "GRR. Someone is doing something that I don't like! Sure, it's not affecting me in any way shape or form, as it's not hurting me, it's not hurting others, it's not destroying the environment, or doing anything that could possibly affect me in any way, but I think I'll say it's WRONG." Like, I just don't understand what could possibly be the problem here. One of the main things I noticed was that of religion. Which just disappoints me. A bunch of you are talking about religion in this discussion as though anyone cares, or as though it actually matters. Sure, I have my own views on religion. But does anyone care? I highly doubt it. Ok, you're religious, so what? All that means is that you don't actually think of your own philosophies on life, and instead decide to take advice from stories written supposedly a couple of thousand of years ago. Is that supposed to be more overruling than everyone else's own philosophies? That's nothing more than sheer arrogance. Also the talk of sex as procreation, and how, due to the nature of homosexuality, this function will obviously not occur. To that I say, so what? Are you all afraid that everyone will eventually stop having children? If so, the result is simply that humanity dies out. Once again, I say, so what? If it happens, it happens. Humans changed. Whose to say that something that everyone is doing right now will cause humanity to die out in a few thousand years?[/QUOTE]Which is essentially implying that what people are doing, in this case 'having religious beliefs and discussing the merits of what is considered right or wrong'- is in [I]itself[/I] wrong? [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Arial"]When I'm not working (that requires a uniform by the way) I prefer casual clothing such as blue jeans and t-shirts. So long as it's nice and clean, I'm not picky on the style. The only thing I don't like is black. It just absorbs too much heat in the summer in addition to showing any dirt clearly. I have sandals for during the summer, but the rest of the time I wear hiking boots from Red Wings. They work exceptionally well for both work and at home. I have some plain black dress shoes for other occasions. Socks I am extremely picky about. Right now the only thing I'll wear is Thorlo. Depending on what work I'm doing, regular socks just don't cut it. When it comes to suits and dress uniforms, the first is usually just a clean business look, that's one area where black is fine, and the latter is of course what's required for work. I don't really like wearing either one though. [/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Arial"]Since I changed it, I'll post again. I tend to change my avatar to reflect what my current game/interest is. Since I put Tales of Symphonia aside and switched over to Portal, I went and made an avatar to reflect that change. I finally decided on something for a signature, more stuff by Shakespeare. As much as I like Shakespeare's sayings, I really should get around to learning more or actually reading/watching some of his plays. [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Arial"]I'm currently listening to [B]Mother Earth[/B] by Within Temptation. Just something I ran into while browsing online. Not sure if I like it or not. It does have a nice clean sound to it. The vocals are pleasant to listen to, which is always a plus.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Arial"]I've backed off of Tales of Symphonia for a bit, the leveling up was starting to get old. I'll come back to it in a bit I'm sure, that's what I always do. Until I actually do, I've switched to a game I got and installed on my computer several months ago but never bothered to actually play. [B]Portal[/B]. It's turning out to be rather fascinating and humorous with how the game progresses. Nothing like needing to pick up a crate to put on a switch to advance, only it's under a storage drop with a sign on the wall next to it warning about crates dropping from it and crushing your head. I found that wonderfully ironic. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Arial"]An observation first, unrelated to the topic mind you, for Raiha, so if you're not them feel free to skip this part: [spoiler]I think it would be more clear if you didn't bait and switch people in debates Raiha. You know, bait them to see if they are intelligent enough to respond without getting insulted before moving into the topic and actually getting to what you really think.[/spoiler] Okay I'm done, if that's not acceptable and I need to remove it, just let me know since it's not my intent to troll. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, I agree with the sentiment that direct military intervention isn't working out as well as expected. However, peaceful solutions don't work when the other party isn't interest in peace. You can't force someone to play nice or to change and accept what you think they should be doing. I don't mean to be vague, but in general I think the wars get a lot of negative feedback that they don't really deserve. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Arial"]Ignoring all the drama...[SIZE="1"] Because I'm too lazy to respond to it, simple as that [/SIZE] - When it comes down to it, even though I am not a believer of religion, I'm more inclined to agree with what Sabrina said here: [quote]Just as I'm willing to accept that I could be wrong about God existing, I think others need to be willing to accept the possibility that someone who already knows and understands the science that we are still learning about, could exist. [/quote]Now that might seem like a cop out, but I see it as refusing to close the doors on all of the possibilities out there. However, I don't advocate placing ID in schools, yes that's a contradiction, sorry. I base it on those who are a bit wacky when it comes to insisting science (evolution) is wrong. [/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff']Okay the above post makes no sense to me and is badly typed so I'll ignore it just like I ignore most of the GOP[/color][/quote]In all honesty, I had the same thought when I read that post. o_O It certainly will have no impact on who I chose to vote for. I'd need far more than that to change my opinion. Though for some odd reason, I'm now wishing I had seen the debates. Perhaps I should go and see if someone uploaded it to YouTube when I'm done here. [/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Arial"]Coffee is one of those things I have occasionally. I have to be really tired to even consider it. It works well enough, but it tends to leave an after taste that I just don't care for. If I need to wake up, I'm more likely to drink some soda or tea first. [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Arial"]I don't really know the member in question, though other than a few people I don't really know anyone. However, based on their post in the thread about what your avatar and signature says about you. I'm quite sure this is at least fairly close to the member in question. [CENTER][B]TimeChaser:[/b] The[I] real[/I] companion [IMG]http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/1472/goin2tardisb12844890236mh8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Dragon Warrior][size=1]How sad it is, though, that isn't really major news. Chances are he'll be back out on the streets in no time ready to commit some other murder or wild crime. It's as if he's got diplomatic immunity like in Lethal Weapon :P O.J. is a hero to all crazy villains.[/size][/QUOTE]My thoughts exactly, other than that last sentence about being a hero, though if the villains in question really are crazy, why not? Seriously though, it really isn't breaking or major news at all.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]This also leads me to a question for everyone here: How important are the debates to you? I imagine that by the time they roll around, most people have already chosen their candidate. Do the debates sway anyone? Or do they just confirm your original choice?[/font][/QUOTE]It completely depends on the situation. If I am wavering between the two, then the debates are very important. If I am not, then other than to find them amusing, they don't carry much weight. I imagine the debates help people who are still undecided and uncertain as to who they will vote for. So for those who need a bit more to make up their minds, they're just another means to get a feel for the candidates. [QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]Do you think the debates should be held earlier in the campaign? It seems that the final ticket is confirmed so late in the process that people either stop caring or are already too set in their ways. If only they have the final tickets set in stone earlier. I suppose that's tough with the primary system the way it is now.[/font][/QUOTE]It certainly wouldn't hurt, or at least I'd like to think it would not. I believe it would make getting to know who you are considering voting for easier. I'm sure a certain degree of no longer caring does set it. Usually by this point, people know what issues they are for and against so unless the one chosen completely throws you off, there isn't much point in watching since you're unlikely to change who you'll vote for.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Arial"]It does sound like a nice idea, however I do not have an account at theOtaku so I'd be more in favor of using something like AIM since that has no three month requirement to get around. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='SunfallE][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Oh and if you haven't figured it out, this is Beth. [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Ah I see. Darren was pretty easy to spot along with Sabrina but for some reason your user name didn't register. Though once I read your post it made sense. [QUOTE=Ace][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Welcome, Nathan. And may I be the first to say holy crap another Utah member. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE]Thank you. I'm sure it will be interesting around here. I'll have you know that Utah is my current cover and not where I am from. That would be Idaho. I moved to Utah six years ago since there were better job opportunities for the kind of work I do.[/FONT]
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