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Everything posted by dearzhardy

  1. i give your sig a 9/10, because it's cooler then mine.
  2. is anyone one here a jeff hardy fan? i'm a huge fan of his. his rainbowed color hair is awesome.
  3. my obession today would be avenged sevenfold and tokio hotel.
  4. the series that grabbed me from the start was speed grapher and basilisk.
  5. mine would have to be final day by tokio hotel
  6. i give yours a 9 out of ten, it''s dramatic. i like that.
  7. Oboro: In the heat of the Night - E-rotic Yashamaru: Stay Fly - Three 6 mafia Akeginu: Silence - Trance song by Jon the Dentist Ogen: Summer Rain - Carl Thomas Koshiro: Numb - Linkin Park Hotarubi: Silence - Delerium/Sara Maclauchlan
  8. [quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"]Dearz, could you please add a little more to your post? Here at OtakuBoards, we encourage conversation, and your post doesn't really allow for much. Talk about why you're so obsessed with Tokio Hotel, your favorite songs, etc. Welcome to OB![/FONT][/QUOTE] i'm really from fan nation and thats how we do it
  9. the sadest deaths were from basilisk,[spoiler] hotarubi's [/spoiler]made me cry. i'm not kidding. though i loved [spoiler]tenzens[/spoiler] death. he was the one that made every one fight.[spoiler]yashamaru and Saemon[/spoiler] we sad deaths too. [spoiler]Okoi[/spoiler] was one the first one's that were sad. [COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][INDENT]Like I just explained in the other thread dearz, we have [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55649"][U]guidelines[/U][/URL] on how to use spoiler tags, I expect you to start using them. ~Indi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. i just thougt of something,why did [spoiler]ALL the basilisk charters die?[/spoiler] i watch every espisode and i still don't know why. they even [spoiler] killed my favorite charter hotarubi![/spoiler] i loved that show, i wish they would run reruns so that i could watch it. i have the manga but there's things that happen in the anime that don't happen in the manga. still it was a sad sirses.>i can't spell< [COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][INDENT]Just a couple of things to keep in mind [B]dearz[/B]. First we have a thread [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208"][U]directory[/U][/URL] so we ask that you check that [I]before[/I] you make a new thread on a series. Second, we have [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55649"][U]guidelines[/U][/URL] for this section that explain how to use spoiler tags so you don't ruin it for someone who has yet to see the show. I suggest you take the time to review the rules and sticky's for each section. ~Indi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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