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Everything posted by Anime_girl5

  1. I'm part emo. :catgirl: but i'm not depressed. and I dont cut myself. I think that their style ( like their clothes) are really cool. so no problem here!:animesmil
  2. see for that part no one is for sure. but a better trust. thats what I think. :) [QUOTE]What the hell on hot biscuits with a WTF side salad. [/QUOTE] huh? lol intresting... LOL I heard JB is coming out with a book! awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:catgirl::animesmil
  3. thanks guys. [QUOTE]Just ask yourself this: Can you see yourself living without him? If you can, end it. [/QUOTE] I really dont know. I did ask myself... but it's hard to say. it's a yes, and a no. [QUOTE]Give it up. Now. No waiting. Long distance relationships don't usually work[/QUOTE] I was thinking maybe I could break up with him, not long after he leaves, so that way I wouldnt have to face him at church. It would be so weird. [QUOTE]However, I doubt he is, because mister perfect would not say " If I actually get married, I would have to find the perfect girl. Someone different." in any case. [/QUOTE] I know hes not perfect, really there is no perfect guy. when he said that, it really hurt me. because a few months before he started saying that he wants to be with me forever. and that he loves me. I dont know what changed his mind. [QUOTE]1) How old are you? I'm 19 and in a relationship and I'm not sure about getting married and having kids right at the moment. I know it may be something that you may think is cool and that you want for yourself, but you have your whole life ahead of you.[/QUOTE] I'm 17. and I know I have my whole life ahead of me. I have my future planned out.and he was part of it. but because of what he said, it's making me wonder. [QUOTE]2) Did you ever consider your BF's opinions when talking to him about it? As a guy, I have feelings and capable of reasoning about things, and for guys it's not so easy for us to explain emotions and what we are thinking, because we have been programmed to keep things inside of ourselves. So it's easy to say " He has no emotions" because you're not a guy. You can't force him to be emotional. It doesn't work well that way. With guys, you have to give them time to tell you things on their own when they're comfortable. [/QUOTE] Actully yes. We have talked about it. and we were both part of each others plans. but I dont know what happened. I do whatever I can to make him happy. even if i'm hurt. when I ment, "he has not feelings." I mean he always says that. and with pride. I understand how a guy doesnt share his feelings like a girl does. I'm not forcing him to be emotional. Actully, I never talk about it. This would be the first. I give him all the time in the world. I want him to be happy. My mom says by the way he was acting, it sounds like he wants to go ahead and break up with me. If he does, I wish he would. And hes the type of guy who would never hurt me if his life depended on it. I know he really cares for me. But now I see that we are so diffrent, it's hard to explaine. I dont want to break up with him. but really? what else could I do? Korey, I dont know if you have a girlfriend. but lets say that you do. is shes sick, would you call her to check up on her? if you think that you had hurt her feelings, would you make sure that you didnt? would you make her feel wanted? just askin. :) :confused::animedepr
  4. La, la, land- Demi Lavoto this song is crazy! I
  5. Ok, so I need some help. And I'm praying about it. But I also want to get other peoples advice. :animesmil I've been going out with my boyfriend for 8 months. But hes never really acted like a boy friend. Mainly because i'm his first girlfriend, and he really doesnt know how to treat a girl. well today, he came over. we were having a great time. But i've been having seconde thoughts about him. Even tho I claimed to be in love with him, and that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. it all changed today... we were outside talking. And he tells me he doesnt want to get married. He would rather have a girlfriend for life. :animesigh I said thats weird. He said, " I dont want kids." which I already knew that. and I think it's weird because I want kids. He goes, " If I actully get married, I would have to find the perfect girl. someone diffrent." He didnt break up with me. But I've already told him I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. Hes leaving in 3 months to move across the country. I held back the tears and sucked it up, took him home, and cried and told my mom everything. She feels so bad for me. In our relationship i've cried to many times to count. Because hes so weird. what do ya'll think I should do? Suck it up, and go with the three months, forgetting what he said, and just be happy that I have a boyfriend? and break up with him not long after he moves? or... just go ahead and break up with him now and just tell him that we are to diffrent to be together. Ya'll, this dude has no feelings. and hes really weird. I am just stuck in the middle. which sucks big time. I still have feelings for him. But they're not as strong anymore. maybe because he hurt me so badly today... thanks for reading.
  6. [quote name='chibi-master']I have. It's nothing special, really. I don't even like SOS... And I don't think there's too much "true meaning" to their songs. They have carbon copies of all their songs and for some odd reason, make a fortune off of them. No "true meaning" there. No one's trying to. I'm personally just stating my opinion and trying to figure out why some people adore these guys so much. And you know what? I haven't figured it out. And personally...I don't find any of the Jonas Brothers to be attractive. Now please don't go into one of your fangirl rants about how "lovely and perfect" they are. And please don't post their pictures in order to try and persuade me. It doesn't work. EVER (*pokes Lunox*). Orly? Because it sure seems like you were "bashin". Actually, I found it a bit insulting. That's your own opinion and I find it rude that you act like you're speaking for everyone who's posted in the thread.(Quite a bit of whom are "JB haters" or at least dislike the band.)[/QUOTE] Ok then... I think that " people who do not like their music" really shouldnt post. because one day there will some HUGE crazy fan who will love them to death. And will start a fight. I've seen it happen. If you dont understand why people love them so much, just read, and then hopefully you will understand. :) I was not bashin, I was sayin what the "people who do not like their music" sounds like. it's reading a post from a diffrent point of view. btw, JB actully is very open minded. Their sound changes some in their first CD. Kinda to a beach boy sound, then one with alittle hip hop. and Burning up has some rap in it. Now you can not say that they are close minded. Because any person who is close minded would not add those into their music. And it is best that they stay with more of a kid friendly style. Because so many celebs are straying away from what they believe is the christian way. Like Miley Cyrus. Now shes doing porn type pictures. And Jonas Brothers are a good to stick with. Because you know that they wont change their music to somthing you hate. Unless you already hate it, or in some peoples 'words'. 'dont like it'. Thats just what I was thinking when I read this. :) dont get mad. please. :animesmil:catgirl:
  7. Actully I bet if you listen to their first cd, you would understand/ hear the true meaning to their amazing songs. I've been a fan from the start, so pretty it doesnt matter what anyone else says... cause they aint changing my mind... actully love bug does match. The tune matches the time era very well.:smirk:
  8. Actully, season 3 is the best so far! so far whats happened if a huge flip. Th good guys gone bad, bad guy gone good. sylar, wow the secret amazed me when I found out! :animestun
  9. :animesighI saw Love Bug and it was SOOOOO cute!!!! just 2 cute! JB=love! really, I dont see y haters have to post on here. not like anyone wants to read their posts. i'm not bashin, i'm sayin I dont see why.:animedepr
  10. ok this is like really random...but ya know what I think is funny? Lindsay Lohan being gay!!!!:p OMG, idky but it is so funny to me. she's already a slut, what else could she be? OH I KNOW! GAY! LOL I always thought that she was secretly bi or somthin... now she finally came out! I saw a pic of miley kissing another girl. her friend took it, and they were in her house... yeah... but who knows, it could be fake. OMHG I can not wait untill JB's new music vid comes on, "lovebug'. that song is so cute:animesmil:catgirl:
  11. I think chris brown can sing! yeah hes really ugly. but he also can dance! and JT is like freakish to me. hes weird! lol. he was like so much cooler in N'sync... I have Brit's first cd. I liked her A WHOLE lot better when she younger. cause now shes like a slut. ( to me) why do all the good people have to go bad? I also hate miley! SHE SUCKS!:p
  12. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]First of all, it's pretty petty to stoop to personal insults when arguing with someone who has a distaste for a show you like (and even more so when the person in question is considerably older than you and raising a child of her own.) Second: [IMG]http://flapjackfan.com/assets/images/screenshots/several_leagues_under/big/04.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://flapjackfan.com/assets/images/screenshots/thats_a_wrap/big/054.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://flapjackfan.com/assets/images/screenshots/how_the_west_was_fun/big/005.jpg[/IMG] These images are from a show on Cartoon Network called [I]The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack[/I]. Or, as I like to call it, "Spongebob 2.0." It has all the strange visual gags of Spongebob, but it's actually funny. So even in what Spongebob was made for, there are shows that do it better. Plus, he lives in a freakin' whale. Way better than a pineapple. But wait, why the heck is this subject even in this topic. Here, let me try to fix the derailment. [IMG]http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/jonas.gif[/IMG][/FONT][/QUOTE] liking JB or not. I really dont care what you think or say about them. cause whatever ya'll say about them, makes me like them even more! ha ha. they're amazing guys! SP bob is cool. in a weird way... I also LOVE Avatar! Aang rocks!:catgirl:
  13. Until you're mine- Demi Lavoto:catgirl:
  14. LOL. OMG those pix of lovebug are SOOOOOOOO cool/ cute! :catgirl: JB ROX!:animesmil:catgirl: thank you for em.
  15. :pboo whoo for you people who dont like JB! lol I'm a proud JB fan! :D
  16. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]I agree with Anime_girl5. She can still love them although they like Ellen DeGeneres, without supporting her. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] thank you!:animesmil:catgirl:
  17. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] JB likes Ellen DeGeneres. Looks you cannot love them as much anymore. sigh. [/font][/QUOTE] yeah but I like her too. but still it doesnt mean that I support her. idk if they do... I wish they wern't on her show. I didnt watch it... I i didnt want to. lol but I still luv em.:catgirl:
  18. yeah. thats what I read. I never looked at her pix, cause i'm not that type of person. lol yeah, i'm agnst gays... corbin is to cool to be for gays! how dare you corbin!? lol anyways back to JB. they're just awesome:catgirl::animesmil
  19. I saw part of the first ep. and I really liked it! It's seems very cool. I'm into the fantasy stuff. The boy with the snake type thing growing out of his side. that was actully kinda sad. he was so afraid. it was crazy! I've never seen anything like it before. and I loved it!
  20. LOL thats funny. and random! being random is funny! they kinda started heroes from the begging this year. so for you to watch it again, you woudnt be lost for long.
  21. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Hmmm.............. getting a little jealous, are we?:smirk: Zac is a freakin' f a g! And Corbin's for gay?:confused:[/COLOR][/QUOTE] yeah, when Clay Aiken came out, Corbin said good for him. And hes prud that clay came out. and supports him. which I dont agree with. but thats me. :) I dont get jalous. lol I just dont see how he likes vannessa. dude the did nude pix!:animesigh:animestun
  22. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Heck yeah he is!!! And my favorite person is the girl who doesn't feel pain and heals fast. I remember when she first found out and put her hand in the food composer in her sink. That probably explains why I have a phobia of food composers now.............[/COLOR][/QUOTE] yeah chair is awesome. and I luv her in real life. she tried to save the dolphins. which maks her a true hero! lol I love the part when she cut off her toe! that was awesome! super freaky how she grew it back! btw, sylar took her pwers, but she still cant die. it was horrible when he cut her head open!:animesigh:o:animestun
  23. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]CSI: MIAMI I used to watch alot!!!! I remember that...........and the person that doesn't like Spongebob isn't really a happy person if you think about it............:animedepr[/COLOR][/QUOTE] CSI: Miami is awesome! I love it. but heroes is my fave TV show. yeah, SP Bob is cool! tee hee, hes such a trend setter...
  24. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]It's strange, I don't know what their parents look like. Corbin Bleu is cute, I dunno why girls are obsessing over Zac Efron, though.:confused:[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Their mom is so pretty! and she seems sweet. look at the mom and kev. they look alot alike. yeah my sister LOVES zac. but I think corbin is cute. but hes for gays, whuch sucks for us. LOL but zac is cute, he just doesnt have any taste, cause I cant stand vanessa for the life of me! lol
  25. corbin, very cute. lol:animesmil everyone likes someone. but ya have to agree, kev looks like his mom. and frankie looks like the dad. I saw their dad at the concert I went to. and hes short. but so sweet!
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