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Everything posted by Anime_girl5

  1. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Yeah, I used to watch Heroes alot, it was a pretty good show if you ask me.:catgirl: I stopped watching when I started the moving process, though. Then I started watching Spongebob!!! And cute guys always make a show good!!!:p[/COLOR][/QUOTE] SP Bob is cool! lol my sister loves him. but what kind of person hates Sp bob!? lol yeah cute guys make the show. I just love heroes, idky. theres somthing about it that draws u in. like CSI: Miami! lol:animesmil:catgirl:
  2. Anime_girl5


    Does anyone on here like Heroes? besides me? lol I LOVE Heroes. My dad and I watch it. It's amazing. Not only are theres some cute guys, but the story is awesome. It feels like it took forever for the new season to come back on! stupid writers strike! lol:catgirl::animesmil:p
  3. yeah, I didnt mean that. I Loved their music WAY before that I knew that they are christians. My sister hates nick SOOOO much. shes so weird. lol My mom thinks kev. is ugly. and hes one of the cutest. now is it me? or does frankie look like the dad? and kev. looks alot like the mom. LOL I think thats kinda funny. cause i'm not gay or bi, and kev is still rly cute!:catgirl:
  4. [quote name='Kei'][color=darkblue][size=1]As of right now, Kakashi is not dead, but he did just take a huge gut-check from Pein. Anyhow, it seems like everyone's finally going to get into the game with the battle against Pein. Maybe we'll finally have to shining moments from the other teams at long last. (Though, was it just me, or did you see a noticable lack of Neji in there? He might be on a mission, but it seems wrong for him to miss out on the action.) Also, yes, Gavin, Laser Brain for the lulz and loss.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] OMG yay! ( that hes not dead) thank you for letting me know! Naruto is awesome!:catgirl:
  5. wait! Does Kakashi die!? I hope he doesnt. My bff told me that he does die. I love Kakashi, hes my fave.:catgirl::animecry:
  6. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]*clears throat quietly* She's about 16, and if she's calling you kid it's because your spelling and writing aren't on par with hers. I am way older than you, and I'll call you kid for all the reasons I'd call anyone kid. A diminutive. And I really really REALLY doubt you know more about your religion than anyone else that even cares to know about it. You can't post in a debate 'Because God Says So' because that just won't fly with any skeptic. And talking about witnessing in a thread designed for Intelligent Design and Evolution theories isn't exactly a good idea, nor does it do anything to advance the cause of people who might also be religious. Like. Me.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] 1) everyone has a religion. No matter what they believe. they can say that they dont have one. Even tho they do. 2) I dont care if you call me a kid. I'm sure u are way older than me... but I know shes 16. and I am older. 3) My spelling is for the computer. I dont spell like this for school! It's faster, and better. 4) Actully, there are other people out there who believe what I believe. And they know more about it than I do. I mean as comparing myself to her, and I guess u now. Cause have entered this... But I'm sure that I know more about it than ya'll do. 5) The Bible backs me up. Try reading it. It wouldnt Kill you! I know for a fact that it's right. I wasnt lied to. and I've written papers on other religions, and the Bible backs me up. and has proven people wrong. 6) it feels like I'm getting a bad rep. and dont get christians wrong. right now I'm ticked and tired, but I never give up. Christians try to serve God, and do his will. We spen hours knocking on peoples doors, witnessing. And go to church many times. Btw, I'm not Catholic. Being Catholic is not christian. Theres many diffrent belifes there. 7) I dont think u own the forum... If I wanted to I would witness on here. But I'm smarter than that. :) I know when it is the right time to witness. And nows not the time. If I did witness to you, trust me it wouldnt be on here. btw, I wanna make friends on here. so if I get into fights with any of ya'll. I would rather put friendship over that. :) I just thought that I would say that. :):animeswea:catgirl:
  7. I'm kinda emo/ punk/ rocker/ the beach style. lol, crazy ik. but rly it doesnt look the bad. :D more dark colors than bright. and like shopping at Rave and stores like that. :catgirl:
  8. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]Written by men (carrying the original sin therefore imperfect). Interpreted by men. Dictated by men. An authority over people - don't let authority be the truth, kid. I'm all for religion but organised religion is another thing; if you're going to believe then think about what you're believing in and actually give some kind of evidence, philosophical, scientific or even remotely logical, to back it up. Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Also, I don't think you know if Charles Darwin had any pride of not. You didn't know him, meet him, see him. We can only go off his work - and if coming up with alternatives, whether it be true or false, is pride then nearly everyone is guilty of this little sin. You have your god. I have none. So unless you can come up with something more than just statements, you have very little right to say "it's all just bull" because all that 'bull' is [i]my[/i] belief. You don't hear me saying your belief is 'all bull'. Equal respect kid.[/size][/QUOTE] I have the Bible to back my up 100%. and if u were any more open u would fall apart. LOL sry I just had to say that. anyways... actully, u didnt know charels! no one on this forum did. no one is perfectly right. but I am allowed to go by I have learned. it's part of freedom of speech. U cant back what what you believe. U dont believe that theres a God, so i'm guessing that u dont believe in heaven or hell. man, even tho I dont know u, I would rly hate to see you go to hell. read a track, the bible (KJV) thats all the proof I need. And my religion goes by what God wants. His way! The only right way. " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever belieth in Him shoukd not perish, but have everlasting life" : John 3:16 Dude, I want to witness to you, but u'll get all freaky on me. and this is not exactly the place to witness. My religion is not organised. It's a happy one. The only one you can find peace and happiness. Good luck on finding it anywhere else. because you cant. without Christ you are nothing. and that goes along with everyone. and how old r u? Unless u r WAY older than me, I do not believe that u shall call me a kid. :) but that depnds on u... OH btw! Ths Bible, thats right. Written by men. IN their own words, God guieded their hand. Gave them the knowleg on what to write. all the things in the bible r true. God worked on the earth for 6 days, and took a rest on the 7th, which is a Sunday. dude, I know WAY more about my religion than u'll ever know. See... pretty much the bible was written by God. God made the earth. Simple as that. if you can understand that. well there ya go, somthings wrong. I dont see how someone cant understand sokthing so simple. But for you to really understand it all, you would have to read the bible ( KJV). Btw, in the other Bible's, they're written by man. God says never change my word, and man has. The KJV is the only one that has not been changed. I havce been going to church my whole life. Saved and everything. So trust me I know what I am talking about. Everyone has a voice. I will hear yours... only if you are willing to hear mine. thank you very much....:animesigh
  9. I just found out that they started going out! They cant break up that dang soon! lol I LOVE that pic of joe. amazing! ALL PIX OF JB APPROVED!!!!!!! :D all I know is that they were going out. my sister told me. lol I dont believe rumors... maybe ya'll shouldnt.. lol cause it will mess peoples lives up. which ya'll prob already know that. tee hee, I love JB. I hope i'm not getting a bad rep on this forum. :animesigh
  10. I'm not stupid! and u dont listen then. I believe obama is wrong. and if he wins, america is doomed. Truthfully, I wish Bush could run again ( eve tho he cant) I will stand up for my self from people like u. so what if I missed the point idc. sry that I did. but ik for a fact that I am right about obama. get over it please. I wont post here again, unless I need to. and hopefully I wont have to... thank you very much....:animesigh
  11. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]You can't create something out of nothing, correct. Therefore you cannot have a God. Wait, he was always there, right? Then why is it not possible that some kind of substance, or some other form, was [i]always there[/i]? Or some kind of Prime Mover that [i]isn't[/i] your god? It irritates me when people use the excuse "You can't create something out of nothing, [i]but God[/i]...". Christianity is full of making exceptions to the 'rules' - what's the point of having them? We did not come from 'monkeys' and Time Chaser has already stated - we share a common ancestor. You can look this all up on Wikipedia yourself. And your statement about Darwin has no proof at all and seems more like a little fallacy made up about him than anything else. You know, you don't have to be an atheist to believe in evolution, there's plenty of Christians who believe in it (though whether Darwin is an atheist is something I never looked up myself, best ask someone else).[/size][/QUOTE] from what I have learned they said we came from monkeys. I know what I'm talking about. they gave that whole crap thing about monkeys, to cav men, to humans. it's all bull! Ok ready? 1) theres is a God. He has always been there. And he will always be there. He has never been created, and can never be destroyed. Only God was there, thats it. all alone. no matter, nothing but God! He finally created the world. but Adam and eve, messed up the perfect world by sining. 2) Like I said. Nothing can not be created into somthing. if it's nothing, then it will never be a somthing. For somthing to be created, it has to be created by someone. And thats where God comes in. He created the whole world! Read the Bible, the KJV, and u'll understand. Dont let the foolish world tell you what else. The bible says it all! Ok, Charels Darwin actully did creat evloution. Because he had to much pride. and wanted to be greater than God. ( by which is not possible.) Then he realized that he was wrong, and wanted to take it back. I've done research on it. And like I said, I know what I'm talking about. I wont just go on somthing and start talking, now knowing what I am talking about. That wouldnt only make me look stupid, it would just be plain out right stupid.:animesigh
  12. Saw! I hate the movie saw. it was so annoying. worst bloody movie ever. lol
  13. I wanted to go crazy when I first read this post. But I didnt. lol. Oh I would have never guess that u were a chirstian. ( dont get me wrong) it's hard to find christians these days... thats all i'm sayin. but yeah their dad was a pastor in NJ. so yeah they're christians. they dont believe alot like I do. but oh well, theres alot of things that JB and I would agree on. lol Pic approved! JB SUPER CUTE! for me, Joe, Kevin, then nick. lol to bad joe is taken. ( I am too tho) so i guess it rly doesnt matter. lol:animesigh:catgirl:
  14. Ok i wanna say this to the people who havent voted yet! DONT VOTE FOR OBAMA!!!!! He will ruien america! y vote for the type we're fighting aginst!? truthfully I dont agree with mccain or obama. but mccain over the freak anyday!
  15. God created the world. Theres proof all around you. How could nothing be created into somthing? If we came from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys? wouldnt they be humans like us? I have alot of people mad at me about this. but oh well, idc. lol Theres no big bang. Charels Darwin ( the creator of evolution) said on his death bed that he was wrong, and he wanted to back all that he said. rly idk how he came up with that crap. lol But the Bible is right. God created the whole world, and everything. I wont get deep into it like I ushally do... cause i'm new, and I dont ya'll thinking that I'm rude or somthing. so for now I'm leaving it at that. :):catgirl:
  16. For the people who hate JB: wow, ya'll should be friends with my sister. casue she has no taste. LOL kidding. I wont bash ya'll. even tho I am a HUGE Jb fan. make fun, idc. I'm a christian, they're chirstians, and they rock. they r actully VERY sweet, i've met em. I think they are amazing singers, and amazing people. and they're rly cute. y start this post when u hate em? to me it makes ya look like ya wastin ur time. cause theres more JB lovers than haters. but thats what I think. peace~ P.S, I'm listening to em now! tee hee.:animesigh:animeswea:confused::animestun:
  17. hey! I'm brand new! Amine is amazing. I love it so much. I draw it all the time. I like this board, it seems rly cool. :catgirl::animesmil:p
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