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Everything posted by Kastom

  1. is in a state of quantum fluctuation. Please do not observe!

  2. Agh, damn. Last year this time I was in Ottawa, so I could've made it. But now I'm in Toronto, and I'd have to take too much time off work.
  3. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]I know what you do with a drunken one.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Now I can't get that song out of my head. :(
  4. Agh, there are so many! This is like the only type of gaming I do on my PC due to the fact that I'm poor and can't afford to upgrade XD Easily one of my favourite series of indie games would be the Chzo Mythos games. They're a series of four point and click adventure games (much in the vein of the old LucasArts games like Monkey Island). 5 Days a Stranger 7 Days a Skeptic Trilby's Notes 6 Days a Sacrifice These are made by the great man that is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw (maker of the Escapist's Zero Punctuation). I will assume that you have all played, or at least know how point and click adventure games go. If not, then I feel old and depressed. Anyways, the main thing I personally liked about them is that they are effing freaky as hell. Very psychological scares here (the type that Yahtzee always says he loves the most). Just note that if you do play them, be prepared for excessive blood and gore. While it's all graphics made in paint basically, it is still pretty freaky, especially combined with the story. Basically, amazing games. Check out his site, FullyRamblomatic.com
  5. Even if you're not a kid, you should be making blanket forts. [IMG]http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/blanket_fort.png[/IMG]
  6. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]Someone in Indiana once tried to pass a law redefining Pi as 4.[/color][/QUOTE] That makes me sad. Both as a Physics student, and as a person who dislikes willful ignorance.
  7. What group did these awards? There are so very many video game awards given out after all.
  8. While I don't agree with extreme forms of patriotism (at least I don't think I do; patriotism is one of the things I am currently sorting out in my head, lol), I say that "aesthetic guidelines" are beyond idiocy, especially when it comes to something as simple as a flag. Sounds like some people need to take a flagpole out of a certain orifice.
  9. I more than made use of my money playing Halo 3 online like a fiend. Pretty much every day last semester, my friends would come over to my apartment after and in between classes, even if it was just for a few quick games. So much fun. Overall, it's just a really well done fun addition. Definitely recommend it, especially for some games.
  10. While we're on the subject of Lufia, anyone else as excited for [URL="http://ds.ign.com/articles/104/1046816p1.html"]THIS [/URL]as I am? The prequel is one of my favourite RPGs.
  11. People love to get angry about things. It passes the time I suppose. I just go by my usual stance of, "Nothing is sacred". What does it matter if you make fun of something? It's just a freaking joke. Get over yourselves.
  12. Yeah, we still got almost two months to go. But I assume it'll probably be something like, "Outside of the dealer's room at noon on Saturday." I'll also get a post of the meetup up on the Conventionist world on theOtaku, just in case there are some other people nearby/going that I don't know about. *laughs* But yep, sounds sweet.
  13. I'm pretty sure it's Otakuthon. And from Montreal to Gatineau is about 2 hours, depending on where you live in Montreal. Do it! You know you want toooo... *laughs* Also, ANOTHER CANADIAN ON HERE?! WHERE HAVE ALL OF YOU BEEN HIDING?! *laughs further* EDIT: Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that not everyone that uses OB uses theO. lol
  14. Oh for sure I'll be cosplaying. I'll be going as Kamina from Gurren Lagann. CC? Niiiiice. She's a pretty sweet character. But yeah, we should try to meet up. Meeting people from the Internet is always great fun. *laughs*
  15. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG THERE IS ACTUALLY SOMEONE ELSE ON HERE THAT IS FROM OTTAWA AREA?!?! I've been ever so lonely these past years... ;_; I am definitely planning on going for at least one of the days. I am currently living just outside of Ottawa, so I'll be driving myself in and out. If it seems good, I may go every day. We should totally meet up or something. Sure, I haven't the slightest clue as to who you are, but you are on here, therefore that's good enough for me. *laughs*
  16. Ahhhh, you're right Beth. I completely forgot about that. I would say the most philosophically deep and life-changing words: "Pants are generally required, but shirts, shirts are always optional." It would save me the pain of years of pointlessly wearing shirts.
  17. I wouldn't tell myself anything. I've had a lot of experiences in life, both good and bad, and I need all of those to be who I am now. I've lived and experienced a lot of things, and I'm happy how it's all turned out. Telling myself to do something differently in life would be the same as saying I'm not happy with who I am today.
  18. Agh, I want to play Dragon Age, but my lappy is in no fit state to run something like that. And it's not the type of game I want to play on console, otherwise I may have already got it for my 360.
  19. Are you going to be staying at a hotel during the con? Or are you going to be going to and from each day you plan on going? If you are staying at a hotel, then there is quite a bit more you need to bring, but here's the stuff I usually have on me during the con: [LIST] [*]Messenger bag [*]Camera [*]Various items such as tape to fix potential at-con cosplay breakings [*]Cellphone [*]Wallet [/LIST] Not much, I know, but I don't like to be weighed down. I usually bring money for food and the like, rather than carry it, but that's just because I want to only have to carry a small bag that doesn't interfere with my cosplay. In terms of money, it depends on several things. Once again, are you staying at a hotel? Are you bringing food, or are you planning on eating out? How many meals will you need to pay for if you are eating out? Also, have you already paid for your con badge, or do you need to buy it when you get there? Other than food and badge money, I can't think of much that is necessary for spending. Everything else is just dependent on how much you [I]want[/I] to spend. One of my cons, I spent around $80 on merch, whereas my last one I only spent about $20. So basically, go through each day you plan on being at the con, and think about what you may need. The key things are: hotel, food, cosplay, and merchandise.
  20. Anyone else here played Borderlands? I don't own it myself (yet), but I played a friend's copy with him, and we spent a good 10 hours straight into the night playing co-op. I have to say that I just find it an overall really well made game. The fact that it is multiplayer immediately makes it epic, especially since it has the options for co-op on one screen and LAN (my two favourite options for playing multiplayer). The item system is oh so much fun and addictive. I'm a major fan of this kind of dynamic items, since you are constantly finding new and interesting things. The RPG element is much more interesting and well-implemented than I thought it was going to be originally, so that immediately made my addiction level for it rise. I love grinding in these styles of games. And the simple fact of the matter is that the actual FPS aspect of the game is really well done. Being a fan of the Halo series, mainly for the control style and gameplay, I was very pleased when I found it handled much the same way (especially the jumping, I love it when a FPS gives you the ability to jump at least moderately well so that you can explore the terrain). My only real qualms with it (at this point, keeping in mind that I haven't played all that much of it yet) would be that there are only the four classes. While they are each extremely varied, and the skill trees are impressively large (another thing I was really pleased to see), I still think it would be better with another class or two. But I suppose that this is only the first game so far (I've heard they are planning this as a series). So what does everyone else think of it?
  21. Well quite plain and simply, there are quite a few things you need to look into then. What kind of games do you like? Are there any specific games exclusive to either system you want? Do you care about Blu-ray? Is price an object here? And if you already have one, then are you willing to spend the money to get a new system? Overall, with the exception of a few things like game exclusives, there really isn't that much of a difference between the two systems.
  22. Plain Cheerios are the greatest cereal ever. Honey Nut is just ruining them by adding extras to it. *laughs*
  23. [quote name='Dragons Wolfie']Well, think about it this way. Their are two possible ways this ban lift could play out. One: When the ban is lifted, a new wave of HIV/AIDs positive people will flood into the US.[/QUOTE] So what, you think that there are hordes of people with HIV banging on the walls of the US, clamouring to get in? [quote name='Dragons Wolfie']The US appears to other countries as a bully. We aren't a bully. The US is the watch dog for the world...[/QUOTE] Hahahahaha, it's so hilarious to actually see someone say this. But I digress. It's good to hear that the ban has been lifted. It struck me as nothing short of paranoid and discriminating when I first heard about the ban. It's not like it could have accomplished much.
  24. Personally I bought an Arcade, and then got a used hard drive. So yeah, I'd say for for the Pro, and save money. The difference really isn't worth it.
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