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Everything posted by Kastom

  1. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]This is the Internet, all explanations are forgotten as soon as they are read. =P[/FONT][/QUOTE] I don't know exactly why, but your response made me immediately think of [URL="http://xkcd.com/386/"]this xkcd comic[/URL], lol.
  2. All the hard work and effort I put into my explanation...and for naught! *continues to sob*
  3. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]Or, in clearer terms...[/FONT][/QUOTE] I wasn't clear?! *sobs*
  4. [quote name='chibi-master']I can't decide between doing something with the military or law enforcement, or art. I have also been told I would make a great civil rights attorney. But I'm not sure how much I would need algebra or *shivershakequiver* Trigonometry...[/QUOTE] If you ever want to understand how anything in the world works, basic math like that is necessary. And even beyond the whole idea of, "What can I use this equation for IRL?", quite plain and simply, the very concept of [I]how[/I] to solve various math problems, and the thought process involved, is crucial to developing how your brain to be able to handle any sort of problems you may encounter. The systematic and logical approach you take in math can be applied to pretty much any situation in life. While this is more abstract reasoning, it is nonetheless extremely important. There are many transferable skills that one may obtain from math. But overall, basic math is just one of those things that you'll encounter time and again, regardless of what you may be doing with your life. You don't have to go looking for where you'll be able to apply it; it will all creep up on you soon enough.
  5. [B]Crono Trigger[/B] has some of, if not the best MIDI music ever created. [B]Crono Cross[/B] continues with some also extremely epic music. Yasunori Mitsuda is just able to create such an amazing atmosphere I find. Trigger has some of the most epic tunes I have ever heard, that just get you so in the mindset of an epic adventure, while I found that many of the Cross themes resonate with feeling of mystery and wonderment. Whenever I'm in a creative mood, I put on something from one of those two games. And as Japan reminded me from above, [B]Braid[/B] has music that is simply phenomenal. That is music that can tell a story all on its own. But when it comes down to it, who can possibly disagree with hearing a full symphony version of the main [B]Legend of Zelda[/B] theme? As a singular track, I think it may have to be my favourite, simply due to the iconic nature and history it represents (and of course the sheer [I]awesome [/I]it exudes while being played).
  6. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]I shall be going as a lazy college student out for booze. ;)[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That's what I do MOST Saturday nights!
  7. Attending [URL="http://www.youmacon.com/"]Youmacon[/URL] with [URL="http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/conventionist/view/124368/youmacon_2009_information_and_meetup/"]a few other theO members[/URL]. It's going to be awesome.
  8. I'm taking a train down from Eastern Ontario to go to Youmacon next week. Check out theO's [URL="http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/conventionist/view/124368/youmacon_2009_information_and_meetup/"]Conventionist [/URL]for info if you want to meet up with other theO member's going this year.
  9. To me, it just seems overly presumptuous to award something with as much prestige as the Nobel prize to someone that has arguably yet to do anything on an international scale related to "Peace". As a friend of mine put it, "That's like giving someone the Nobel Prize for Physics for saying they WILL come up with a great theory..." Then again, as another friend of quipped in return, "For what you ask? For saving the world from George Bush." *laughs* But really, the simple fact of the matter is that the Nobel Prize is not the type of award that has the reputation for being given out prematurely. Perfect (and famous) example: Albert Einstein. He was not awarded the Nobel Prize for Physic until 1921, and it was primarily for his work on the Photoelectric effect, not his now-better-known General Relativity. And when did he produce his paper on this? 1905. I will be the first to admit that this is a rather extreme example (not to mention slightly difficult to compare due to the varying natures of the awards: Science and "Peace") when compared to many of the other awards given, however even then, Nobel Prizes are, for the most part, not given out in such a seemingly premature manner. While I don't deny that I believe that Barack Obama has in fact done some important and "peaceful" things, overall it still just appears to me to be a rather impulsive decision on the Nobel Committee's part.
  10. 1) Prince Michael II 2) Debbie Rowe
  11. Yeah, so I guess I'm doin' this thing. Whatever it is, I'm game. Hahahahaha...
  12. It really does depend on what type of "scary" you want to talk about here. In terms of more action scary, Dead Space did a pretty good job, and other games like that (RE4, etc.) However the psychological scary is what I am really a fan of, as it truly is more of a horror to play. Eternal Darkness had some things that simply crazed my mind out, what with the truly intriguing insanity meter. But the scariest games I've ever played would definitely be the Chzo Mythos games. They are a series of four point and click adventure games (much like the old Sierra games) made by the infamous Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Seriously, if you ever get the chance, download these games. They are free from his site [url]http://www.fullyramblomatic.com/[/url]. The first one is "5 Days a Stranger".
  13. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]You silly little duckies aren't quite old enough to remember it, but I can't believe no one has mentioned [B]ET[/B] for the Atari. [/FONT][/QUOTE] YES! As soon as I saw this thread, I immediately thought of this game! Man, what a game that was! It was so much fun to play just to laugh at the complete idiocy of it! Just a note: this thread is a little ambiguous, as it's hard to define exactly what each person is going to take "Worst game ever". Hahahaha...ET. I'll never get over. So many people blame it for the great video game crash...
  14. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]I am?! No, I hope not..................I'm not forcing anyone to believe what I believe, I'm just stating what I believe. Not forcing, I think[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Perhaps I just misunderstood you. I apologize. It was just that your speech on said "Armageddon" sounded like you were saying this as though it was a fact. If I merely was over-assuming, I apologize.
  15. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]alot of man's philosphies in life are most often wrong because they are influenced by the philosiphies of others.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Once again, using words like "wrong" just do not work with me. Define "wrong", then talk to me. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"] The only man that could be said to have his own philosphies that was not influence by others is Adam, the first man on earth.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You have every right to believe whatever it is you want to believe. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]As for sheer arrogance, no it isn't. That's like saying trusting in your own philosphies make them right.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't know where this is coming from, but this would be a very fun point to discuss. But I fear I would digress too much from the original argument, so I'll just not get into it here. Maybe I'll start a thread... [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]As for humanity dying out, I deny that claim. There is always going to be someone who's gonna keep humanity alive. The way humanity is going to end is by this famous war that is going to take place near the end of days: Armageddon. And humans will no longer be on earth during this war because they either got taken by God or went to Hell. Simple as that.:catgirl:[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Once again, you can believe whatever you want. Just please, you are doing the thing I detest the most: pushing your opinions onto others as though they are facts.
  16. *sigh* Even the title of this thread disappoints me. It's implying the idea that there is such a thing as "right" and "wrong". I truly can't believe that there's still so much argument over such a menial topic. Apparently the human race shall live in ignorance until we all become extinct. "GRR. Someone is doing something that I don't like! Sure, it's not affecting me in any way shape or form, as it's not hurting me, it's not hurting others, it's not destroying the environment, or doing anything that could possibly affect me in any way, but I think I'll say it's WRONG." Like, I just don't understand what could possibly be the problem here. One of the main things I noticed was that of religion. Which just disappoints me. A bunch of you are talking about religion in this discussion as though anyone cares, or as though it actually matters. Sure, I have my own views on religion. But does anyone care? I highly doubt it. Ok, you're religious, so what? All that means is that you don't actually think of your own philosophies on life, and instead decide to take advice from stories written supposedly a couple of thousand of years ago. Is that supposed to be more overruling than everyone else's own philosophies? That's nothing more than sheer arrogance. Also the talk of sex as procreation, and how, due to the nature of homosexuality, this function will obviously not occur. To that I say, so what? Are you all afraid that everyone will eventually stop having children? If so, the result is simply that humanity dies out. Once again, I say, so what? If it happens, it happens. Humans changed. Whose to say that something that everyone is doing right now will cause humanity to die out in a few thousand years?
  17. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]You think that murdering rape victims is not evil? You think it's funny that I'm offended by female genital mutilation and think the people who practice it are brutal savages? I pity you and your ethically comfortable paraplegia.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I never actually said anything about my views on the specific matter. Personally I want to do whatever I can to do to stop rape, murder, etc., you know, the typical "bad stuff". However, if you open your mind a bit, and look at this whole idea from someone else's point of view you just might see something interesting. Sure, lots of people think that these things are indeed "evil". However, since there are indeed people that do said things, does this not constitute the idea that these people do not think so? So where does this leave us? One person believes that they are good, and some other believes that they are bad. What's the solution? Hard to say. According to you and all human history, it's to kill. Is that not in itself at least somewhat brutal and savage? Personally I have no idea. I just wish that more people would think a little more about others before they kill. On both sides of this argument. On the note of what many others are talking about: It just really seems like most people are trying to say that their way is the right way, regardless of anything else. What if there were some other people that viewed "Westernization" as savage due to the fact there is rape and murder in our society? Should they then in turn attempt to kill us due to our obviously inferior and brutal nature? They are but just making our lives better and protecting themselves are they not? A question I ask everyone here: If there was another society without rape and murder, etc., and they said that they were going to kill us because we are spreading terror amongst their people, would you just accept that? For many people here, your logic dictates that you lie down and allow yourself to be killed, lest you become a hypocrite.
  18. As soon as I saw the topic of this thread, I just knew that somewhere, at least one person would use the words "good" and/or "evil". I love it! It's so amusing that people still believe in the concept of morality and ethics, and are applying them so readily, especially in the midst of heated arguments and discussions. I really find it hilarious that people here are trying to justify their point of view by saying that their own way of life is better than others. You have every right to, as it's obvious, that in [I]your mind[/I], what these people are doing is in fact "evil". Personally, from [I]my point of view[/I], I find it very funny. But really, that's what it all comes down to. [I]Everything is relative[/I]. People always believe that they are "right", and that "others" are wrong. Why? Because they dictate how the world looks to themselves. Hence the reason that two people can view each other as being evil. I really enjoy the amount of generalization that is also going on here. I find it amazing that there are people still using the primitive "them" vs. "us" mindset in daily life. "RAWR. They live in a place that's DIFFERENT than us! That MUST BE WRONG. It MUST be evil! Let's lump everyone that's not us with them!" Like, wow, reading some of these things makes me very amused at the state of the human race. Still, at least there are people like TimeChaser...
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