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Carbon Series

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About Carbon Series

  • Birthday 10/19/1988

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    Carbon Series
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  1. Being British, binge drinking was, well, part of my up bringing :P If you want a nice tasting shot (i assume we're talking shots because they're nearly all foul lol) Aftershock do some tastey flavours (Black Aftershock, being blackcurrant, is rather tastey but they do a few different flavours). Southern Comforts quite mild if you can stomach whiskey, kinda sweet and doesnt strip your throat on the way down. Lastly i'd suggest Port, i've recently started having the odd tipple and from what i can gather its just strong red wine that doesnt taste like vinegar, again its rather sweet and tastey :P
  2. Currently switching between Saints Row 2 (which i've completed soooo not really that much anymore) and Oblivion (since i binned fallout ¬_¬) I desperately need a new game but games cost money...that i dont have. Although i've completed the main quest in oblivion and my guy is, well, amazing, im still finding stuff to do and keep me occupied. Sign of a great game in my mind.
  3. yeah that could be, saying that I played a good stint online yesterday and i didnt have that problem. The online play is absolutely fantastic, i think i like it more because its not modern weapons, dunno why. Either way its definately as good as you'd expect, keeping in mind the previous title. I
  4. I've had a quick go and i must say i agree it does some to handle a lot slower but i dont necessarily think thats a bad thing. I thought it was a bit glitchy with head shots in the first person aiming, im sure i would've had a head shot and the other guys still standing but that could easily just be me lol. And holy crap, the multiplayer split screen mode is disgusting, whoever thought that would be a good idea should be shot. Repeatedly. [img]http://ve3dmedia.ign.com/images/03/31/33147_normal.jpg[/img] split screen or console link its the same. shocking.
  5. [CENTER][B]Maggie Gyllenhaal[/B] [img]http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/lifestyle/images/attachement/jpg/site1/20070904/0013729c050d08470e8123.jpg[/img][/center] I first saw her in The Secretary and although the movie wasnt really on the same wave length as my own sexual preferences, i thought she was pretty damn amazing. She looks all sweet and innocent with a twinge of naughty, mwaha. I must say im not big on celebs but I cant not be attracted x_x.
  6. I dont know if any of you have completed the main quest but my friend recently completed the main quest a couple of days ago and the game just ends. Nothing else happens, the game ends and you have no choice but to start again/from your last save. So just a little warning, if you think you're ending the main quest i'd save before you finish it otherwise thats it boys n girls :/
  7. I must say that before i played it I didnt quite grasp how much this game was going to resemble obvlivion, i mean i had an idea but it actually is just Oblivion with guns. From the menus right down to the droney music in the background. Not that im saying thats a bad thing, not having played the earlier Fallout titles so i wouldnt know how different they are. The one thing that did annoy me though, and this may well just be on the PS3 version but it seems to be full of little glitches. Like when i fast tracked to a place a burned out car flew across the sky and a few times dead bodies that have been there for a while just seem to fly off. I suppose i should've expected it though, i seem to remember Oblivion have some tastey glitches as well. (I still love both Fallout and Oblivion though :P)
  8. Gotta go to jigglyness, the the different images used are blended nicely, contrasting well with the others. Any image depicting some kind of emotion seems to be intensified in black and white anyways so that works well, makes the bones of the image easier to see. If that makes any sense o_O
  9. Well Fallout 3 i believe is available in the UK from the 31st of October and its definately a must buy for myself. I have a PS3 and am finding it difficult to find a release i can sit down with for more than 10 minutes without getting bored. The next couple of months or so hold exciting times for PS3 owners and Fallout 3, as i said, for me is a must. I played Oblivion, then bought the GotY edition with the expansion and that was absolutely fantastic, in fact i still play it from time to time. (did you know that oblivions one of the PS3 platinum games now? shocking lol) But yeah when i heard Bethesda were involved with Fallout i was so happy and cant wait to give it a good seeing to.
  10. Heh, i've made a couple of posts already but i must say i didnt even know this was here lol. Some of you may remember as Kenji/Syn but yeah, been a few years so i thought i'd have a look see at what was goin on. So yeah, hey everyone and I look forward to gettin' to know everyone again.
  11. I had to comment when I saw these, I really like the sharpness and the style overall. The first one's weapons are pretty cool lookin' and I like how you've picked out the highlights on them as well. Definately be checking your devart account out as well :P
  12. I voted for Jigglyness. I was torn between that and Jeremys entry. Angry Barista - For me there just wasnt...well... much of anything to comment on really, did you do draw the ghosts by yourself? Cat - I like the colours but im afraid its just not my thing, i can see you paid attention to detail when picking your stock anime pic though, no pixely jagged edges where you cut it out either. Jeremy - I'd have to disagree with this being creepy, i get it, if i was given this topic i'd have gone the girly route as well haha but unfortunately im not a great fan of the colours and i dont know if i like the colours together. Jiggleyness - I voted for this one, mainly because of the angle and placement. Everything fits, nothing overpowers anything else. The font I like although i think what you actually did with the text is a little mundane but still, it works. I love the colours and I like how the two .. "characters"? .. are almost framed with the deeper more purpley blue behind them.
  13. Real Madrids acceptable ;) lol I know what you mean though, to be honest with you i wasnt overly interested until I was forced to sit down with it for evening and now im just hooked, I love it. Saying that though, Britain has got a pretty large football culture so I guess im a bit biased. Something which i forgot to say before is that i find these games, as entertaining as ( i think ) they are, they lose their charm fairly quickly in single player, I can play against my friends until the cows come home but can i spend an evening on it by myself? Thats another story.
  14. When i first read this thread I thought wow, thats a little harsh, being jailed for spam emails. Yes i know they're annoying but so are many other people, Peter André, Chiko, there are many more who are just as annoying but arent in prison. But to see those statistics, I mean thats a stupid amount of bandwidth for these spam emails, imagine a world where the internet did what it was supposed to do, all the time, reliably. With that in mind maybe jail's just what the doctor ordered.
  15. Well I dont know if any of you are avid Pro Evo fans (or maybe even dreaded Fifa fans lol) but with the recent release of PES09, and, keeping in mind the not so great response from the last PES I wondered if anyone had played a demo or has already baught the new version and to get there views on it. I personally enjoyed the last Pro Evo and still play it, and will most certainly be purchasing the 09 game. So any of you PES fans? and if so, what team do you play as? Just out of interest like :P
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