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Everything posted by LegendaryLeader

  1. I like to use my trios of Dark Magicians and Blue-eyes White Dragons
  2. Ulitmate Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon Master (just a little long) Fusion Dark Dragon/Legend (Legend a new type) Atk/7000 Def/7000 Red Eyes/Red Eyes/Red Eyes/Lord of Dragons/Metalmorph Flavor Text The ultimate power of the world are wielded with in his crystal
  3. An american duelist at my school told me that a card gave his "Dragon Zombie" the power to regenrate every time it went to the graveyard,but I did resarch and load&behold it olny gave his Zombie 300 Attack & Defense points. Now I do trust all american duelist with japaneses card because I own A few Japan card myself.
  4. Hey thanks Domon for clearing up my confusion. I still can't wait to get my hands on Slipher the Sky Dragon
  5. I done a little research my self. First My friend @ school said that his cousin got his @ a Tornament(sp) Second I thought that they are coming in "mass production" in the Leagacy of Darkness set (the next expan.) Third Now the coming in game, But wouldn't that decrease the value I'm as confused as you guys are :confuse2:.
  6. Dose any one know about the Americian Dark Magian Girl Card I just can't Find it
  7. I was watching the news on the Local T.V. the reported the the Northren lights were spotted in Southren Missouri???????????? My main question is , is that possible, I really want to see them i wish they were around my area.
  8. I have a question for people in the mid U.S.(from Oregon to Maryland) has any one seen the Northren Lights(arua borlie alas) in the klast few night . the reaason I am asking pepole around my area have spotted the light in the last few nights??????
  9. I really like my Sig. (one in the red) I know It's not the best
  10. 1.[b]DIGIMON[/b] 2.Transformers 3.Escaflowna (sp) 4.Medabots(if I ever watch another show) 5.???????????????????????
  11. my opipion(sp) the most Emotional/shocking scene is when Optimus Prime died in Transformers the Movie :bawl: :bawl:
  12. Digimon I am a total Digi- fanic Look at my posts 95% of them are in the Digi Board
  13. What is your Fav. Transformers Generation
  14. Bike not nike. Bike are cheap and the last a long time I hd one pair that lasted juntil my feet grew
  15. I started the 22nd of August 9th grade isn't that bad
  16. Boy I was off was would say around 18 to 19 I guess I was off Happy Birthday Ginny
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