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Everything posted by Xeiyataiki

  1. *bounces around #28* BISHOUEN! BISHOUNEN! BiShOoOoOuUuUnEn!!! :love: :wigout: :babble: *drowls over bishounen pix*
  2. O.O; ^^;; ooo.... I haven't had a chance to ready very many Ranma ½ mangas.... ='( I mostly buy GW.... *runs off and glomps her GW Graphich Novels and mangas and then puts the down neatly and runs back acting like nothing just happend* hehe :whoops: But I wanna start buying the Ranma ½ Graphic Novels! There's so many of 'em, though! :bawl: :babble:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by darke [/i] [B] YO XEIYATAIKI!! ANOTHER DUO FAN!! YEAH BABY!! ;) HEY EVERYONE: LETS FACE IT: THE OTHER PILOTS ARE GOOD. BUT DUO'S BETTER.:D :D :D [/B][/QUOTE] :blush: :blush: Yeah, DUO RULES!!!! :D ...but Quatre is still mah #1. :whoops: :love: ^^ Duo and Wufei r mah #2z! hehe :box:
  4. lol :laugh: Hmmmmm..... image songs... Ummm... @.@; I'm your friend-Quatre-GW Cat's Delicacy-Merle-Escaflowne Goodbye & Goodluck-Duo-GW ALL of Omi & Aya's [Weiß Kreuz] image songs!! XD Schwartz's theme/image song! [Weiß Kreuz] :blush: I can't think of any others right now but I know I have more!! lol *thinks* ..... CHU-CHU'S SONG!!!!! [Revolutionary Girl Utena] :laugh: :laugh: Chu-chu kicks *****! YEAH! :blush:
  5. :drunk: ....topic...about...08th...no....GW.... :nervous: ...... :bawl: .... :babble: ^^; Zakus r kewl yes they r mmhmm mmhmm mmmhmmm. :babble:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by darke [/i] [B][SIZE=4]DUO!!! HE KICKS A****!!![/SIZE] SHINGAMI RULES!! [/B][/QUOTE] *jumps up and does the wave..... alone :nervous: * DdDdDdUuUuUuUuOoOoOoO!!! :blush: ShInIgAMi!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :D :love:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chibi-Trunks [/i] [B]Where can I see Trigun? I have wanted to see it for a long time, and was told it was on the Action channel, but I can't find it, does digital cable have it? [/B][/QUOTE] O.O;; ...I haven't seen Trigun on the Action channel or any other channel.... ^^;; Maybe it was one of those monthly things? You know, how they show a certian anime every month? ^^;; But those r usually movies or really short series.... @.@; I don't know. ^^;; WOLLLLFFFFFIIIIEEEEE-KKKUUUUNNN!!!! :D:D:D @ MP Vash is cute too hehe. :whoops: *looks at kewl pic of wolfie-kun with cross* :wigout: :love: hehe
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Furball2k1 [/i] [B]Freshmen, group F. Hikaru Gosunkugi. hehe... that's him. however, i dont like him too much... ^^; [/B][/QUOTE] GOSUNKUGI!!!!!! THAT'S HIM!!! :laugh: :laugh: I lub him!! ^.^ He's cute and funny and I kinda feel sorry for him b/c of his 'bad luck' and stuff hehe. :angel:
  9. :D I LOVE Trigun!!! ^.^ WOLFWOOD RULES!!! :blush: :love: Thou VAsh is cute too. ;) I love Wolfie's big cross and how he's a 'not so good priest' haha. :D :D ^.^ WOLFIE-KUN RULES YAY!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]what is your fav type of gundom in 8tmst. i think mine is an i zeon. they have the best woepons and shields they are so cool. but what is yours. [/B][/QUOTE] O.O; ..was the question 'what's ur fav gundam out of all the gundams in 08th MS'? @.@;
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]I'd hate them scenes too! I'm gonna buy a few manga's (hopefully!) at the end of the week [/B][/QUOTE] O.O Kewwlll. :p The Battlefield Pacifist mangas are just coming out. :D:D I got 2 of em outta 5!! YAY! ^.^ They're inbetween the series and EW like BT & GZ and they're really interesting so far! :D :devil: Can't wait to get the rest of 'em ehehehe.
  12. To get US anime I like to go to Suncoast or get 'em online from Animecastle.com or rightstuf.com!! ^.^ Fansubs I get 'em anywhere I can find them at a good price and turn around time. ^^; For Imports EBAY RULES!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! :angel:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soccer 4 Life [/i] [B]Episode: The Gundam Deathscythe When Heero was about to finish releena Duo interfered and shot heero ......(This should be changed).... Instead of shooting Heero he should have shot releena it would have suited him, since he is the god of death :demon: :demon: :naughty:Peace!![/B][/QUOTE] RIGHT ON!!!!!!!! :laugh: ^^ I'd say change the first episode so that Hee-chan HAD shot down that shuttle that Relena was on! :devil: Then she would have never been in the series except that one sceen! MWHAHAHAHAA!!! ....but then all those other ppl would die too..... o.o;; Or I'd change the one episode (can't remember the #... just that it's near the beginning of the series.. ^^; ) where Heero was at that school party and saved Relena!!!!! :flaming: Me hates dat ep.... :bawl: ^^ O, and I'd change the ep when Dorothy stabed MAH Q-chan!!!! >_
  14. I love animecastle.com!!! =D it's the best!!! ^.^ I get most of mine from either Anime Caslte or this lil anime store in the mall here... ^^; It's a lil store that I think only we have... lol =P But it's the BEST and has tons of Anime CDs and other things. ^^ I'd recommend any of the Cowboy Bebop OSTs, Escaflowne's OSTs, lotsa others!!, and if you like game music find the Dance Dance Revolution CDs!!!! MUST BUY!!!!! :D:D:D:D
  15. I like Ryoga (P-chan!!), Shampoo (YAY!!!), and what's that one guy's name?!?! @_@;; The new guy that just appeared in the 6th season of Ranma 1/2 loves Akane and hates Ranma and plays with Voodo Dolls?!?! Ummm... Starts with a "G"!!! >.< I can't think!!! Waaahhh! !_! Anyway, those r mah favs, along with Genma and Kuno!! XD
  16. My.... *sniffles* ...results... :bawl: # 1 Catherine Bloom :therock: # 2 Relena Peacecraft :angry2: # 3 Chang Wufei :laugh: :blush: # 4 Quatre Winner :love: # 5 Dorothy :cussing: # 6 Lady Une # 7 Heero Yuy :smirk: # 8 Treize # 9 Zechs Marquise/Milliardo Peacecraft # 10 Duo Maxwell :love: # 11 Trowa Barton ^^;;
  17. LOL @ Time :box: Mah Favs: Quatre-GW-*drowls* Suuugooiii yo! Duo-GW- HELL YAY! Wufei-GW-KICK ARSE! lol Diana-Turn A-One of the FEW female chars I like! She kicks! lol Meishi-Turn A-*cheers* YAY! Josheph-Turn A-*drowls* yaaayyyy Loran-Turn A- ^_^ He's just so.... YAY! Michell-08th-He's *** seiyuu is YUUKI HIRO!!! YAY!!!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Time Killer [/i] [B]If you like [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] say hay hoo. [/B][/QUOTE] HAY HOO :freak: hehe ^^ He's kewl
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Time Killer [/i] [B]I have never heard of that. Is it magna? [/B][/QUOTE] ^^ Yeah, Ground Zero and Blind Target are mangas of what MIGHT have taken place between GW the series and EW. ^^ It was slow to u? @ ShyGuy lol ^^ Wasn't to me. :) I love it! lol ^^ And if you want lots of action try reading Ground Zero. It's all action! :D ^^;;; Thou... I'm Anti-Relena so I don't like the scenes with her.... ^^;;;
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] I get it now. Thanks a lot! It was driving me insane that I didn't know if it was all the same or not. :worried: [/B][/QUOTE] ^^ Np! That confuses a lot of ppls. ^^;; *bounces around* O and anyone who wants to know how to do the "ß" it's Alt + 225. ^^; If you don't ignore that. lol :p
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Well, we sure did get off topic there... Yeah, the TV series is coming out. I hope they put in all the stuff that's in the manga that they left out of the movie. The movie sort of crashed the storyline and put it to shame. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ehehehe... ^^;; sorry about that. Yeah, I hate it when movies for Mangas do that. :( That happened to another one of my fav animes, Angel Sanctuary... :(
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]I'd think that they'd make 'em smaller-sized...saves material, money, and seems much more likely... *imagines having a human-sized Gundam* :tasty: Mmmmmmmmm[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] lol ^^ U can bet that if the US made them they'd be smaller b/c we're CHEAP. LOL :D :p
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B] yeah..i'm gonna buy it after I buy Lain...:) on e=bay..it's way cheaper....lol there are other animes I'm gonna get too....:) Though isn't WK a more deeper kind of anime? [/B][/QUOTE] O.O LAIN? :D KEWL! ^^ Lain's a REALLY 'deep' anime! ^^ Complex plot hehe. I hear some ppl don't even get the plot unless you watch the whole thing more than once and pay CLOSE attention while u do. ^^ I'M GETTING THAT TOO!! LOL :laugh: ^_^ Weiß's deep. :D Super good! ...not for kids or the weak of heart..... :D VERY GOOD! :) The plot KICKS! lol
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B] really?! Then I wouldn't know it..:( What's it about? is it good? :) [/B][/QUOTE] lol ^^ Actually I'm getting it for X-mas! :) But I've done some research on it before hand as usual... ^^;;; *opens pic and drowls on her keyboard* sssuuuugggooooiiiii naaa....... *blinks and looks at her keyboard* :eek: OPPS! ; *whips off drowl with her shirt sleeve* ^^ eehehehe... For info go [URL=http://kurayami.net/kaikan/]HERE[/URL] !!! *starts to drowl again*
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B] WHOA?! GM/PCA/MS? THAT YOU GIRL? She right...i'm looking up on that anime...it seems great actually..lol If Xeiyataiki is GM/PCA/MS then I owe her a big thankies for introducing me this anime...:) it's another one i'm going to buy! :D [/B][/QUOTE] LOL :D:D:D YAY, it's me!!! ^.^ You're gonna buy it?!?!?! :D:D YAY!!! U'LL LOVE IT! :whoops: It's da bestest! :)
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