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Everything posted by Xeiyataiki

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]Surely you don't expect a 13 year-old to have a credit-card and money to burn online,...do you? [/b] [/B][/QUOTE] lol :rolleyes: I know I didn't when I was 13. lol :p I don't even have a Credit Card, just money orders and some to be X-mas money-- YAY! :D :p
  2. lol ^^ A series that hasn't been released in the US yet. :whoops:
  3. Hmm.... ^_^; I think the gov might have an IDEA of building a real mecha and might try and make one but I don't think they have one now. ^^;; Thou I wonder if they'll be real mechas in the far future. :)
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]As I said in [b]the other X topic on this page[/b], I was thinking about buying it but I bought Akira and the new Nickelback CD instead. Although, now after seeing the endless ramblings of Gendo up there I might actually go back and buy it on payday... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] ^_^ YAY! I saw the X TV series on sell on Ebay last night! :) I was thinking about buying it... ^^;; But then I say 3 other animes that are a "MUST HAVE" on my list so I bought them instead! lol ^^;;; But if I get lotsa X-mas money I'll probably get it too. ^_^
  5. Quatre, Duo, AND Wufei - GW (MWHAHAHAHA) Loran- Turn A Gundam
  6. :box: Has anyone here read Gundam Wing: Ground Zero or Blind Target?? If you have, which do you like best of the two? :)
  7. :nervous: Anyone seen Kaikan Phrase?? :D
  8. GUNDAM kicks Zoid's arse. ^_^ IMHO of course. :)
  9. =D YAY!!! WEIß KREUZ RULES!!!! ^.^ I LOVE that anime! =) Yeah, Weiß/Weiss/Weib is the same thing. "Weiß" is german for "White" and "Kreuz" is greman for "Cross" so the show's called "White Cross". It's spelled different ways because "ß" is "SS" in german so some ppl just type out 'ss'. And some ppl put "b" because they don't know how to do the "ß". ^_^ Hope that helps! Got any Q's on WK, ask me!!! ^.^ WK RULEZ!!!!!
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