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Everything posted by LoLoLaLoco

  1. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]I do have one question regarding Halloween... [B]How many Jokers did you count?[/b] Original comic book Joker or Jack N's Joker doesn't count. We counted 26 including the silly boy who was still wearing Joker make-up in Primark on Sunday.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Purple"]I saw none. Not a single one. I'm not kidding either[/COLOR]
  2. Alright well my name is Laura I'm 19 at the moment and female. I enjoy anime (mostly shonen) and manga (again mostly shonen) I'm not your normal type of girl as most people will realise. Two years from now I want to have a full time job and still have the mentality of a six year old when it comes to anime and manga. I still hope to be a part of the Oboards and well I'll probably be whining about my age since I'll be old. I hope to earn enough money to go out to Dubai for the summer and see my best friend and her family. I hope I'm not still living at home and if I am I'll probably create a basment and move into it. :L That's all I can think of really so until 2010 LoLo out *zooms off*
  3. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Ok so I have checked and no one else seems to have a thread with this in it. So has anyone read the Manga? There are two volumes out to date, book one focusing on the story of Dante and the second on the story of Virgil. There was said to be a third volume in the works but apparently the creator of the first two volumes has quit the project and the thrid volume is supposed to be taken up by someone else. Any ideas on this?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] Drunk --> huge block party --> more alcohol --> pictures --> facebook --> I realize I look pretty terrible when drunk --> but I leave them up anyway because it was fun.[/font][/QUOTE] Sounds like my kinda halloween, sorta like my own only I don't remember half of it. All in all a good night xD
  5. I don't really have a style as such its just normally whatever the first thing I pick up is, of course my clothes do go through a rigourus testing process. Does it fit? Sorta, going on anyway Does it have any visable stains? nope, score Does it smell? Nope, awesome And that's normally me set for the day. The odd time I actually make an effort my dress sense can range anywhere from punk to loli depending on how I feel...but yeah in general no real style of wearing my clothes, and all my 'outfits' revolve around my jeans.
  6. I forgot to buy candy and emptied the contents of my junk cuboard into two bowls and handed them out to all the little kids (majority Witches). Never [i]ever[/i] forget to buy candy, panic while being a good motivator is not good for the heart. After trick or treating kids, I put a sign on the door saying no one was home and headed to a bar paid my money and after the first three drinks everything is kinda fuzzy....all in all a fuin night had by all
  7. I'm torn between Envy and Ed. Envy is cool, sadisic, crazy and ciminally insane. As well as daym hot. On the other foot Ed is just cool and there's just something about the guy that makes the fangirls (including myself but I'm not the scary 'omgwtfbbq its Ed hes so smexy' kind, heaven forbid) swoon.
  8. I know those types of people, my great granny for example. I could swear that woman is evil incarnite. My grandfather hates her. I might dress up as her this year :L Chibihorsewoman I see your irish, good for you, I'm irish too xD
  9. I loved the anime, the OVAs, the movie and the manga. I think if you like an anime then find the manga you shouldn't just automatically decide the anmie is awful because the manga storyline is a tad different (an extra character or 2 e.g. Ling) if you like the anime you can like the manga as well. If you're able to see the differences and appreciate them then that's great but if you don't see why the anime did one thing whereas the manga did another so be it. It doesn't mean you have to choose one or the other.
  10. I'm reading the original hunchback of Notre dame by Victor Hugo. I've seen the disney movie and some of the older black and white movies but I always wanted to read the book. The stuff disney cuts out of their movies is unreal, just look at anything that was originally a grimm fairy tale, e.g. snow white. In the disney movie the evil stepmother only comes once whereas in the original tale she comes three times. Once with a corset which tries to crush snow whites organs, once with a comb that digs its way into snow whites scalp and then once again with the apple. I'll give credit where credit it due though, disney did a good job of editing snow white to make it suitable for kids. (sorry about the rant) But yeah the original Victor Hugo Hunchback of Notre Dame or [i]Notre-Dame de Paris[/i] as it was originally called is a beautiful novel, and I think I prefer it to the movies.
  11. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"] Yeah:animeblus............................I knew that. I mean, I don't see you as a person who eats little kids, right?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Nah I don't eat kids, I'm too young to eat kids. I'm only 19
  12. Has anyone here on the O ever heard of Josh Groban?
  13. [quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]This looks absolutely horrible, even for a regular movie. >_> [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26728&stc=1&d=1224518691[/img][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] I completly agree with you and the worst thing about it is that it's a big budget movie and that means the annoying action movie fans (you all know the type) will be going to see this movie simply because things blow up (I'm assuming) and there's fighting *le sigh* I only hope it doesn't happen where I live
  14. At the moment I'm really into Jimmy Eat World's Always Be, I really like it I think its a great song. Other than that for when I need to dance around my house like a lunatic I have Breaking Benjimin and the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack
  15. [quote name='Calypso'][COLOR="Sienna"]Scaring little kids??? That's strange..............but okay. I'm gonna be a motorcycle chick this year. I haven't made up my mind yet, though.:animedepr[/COLOR][/QUOTE] By scaring little kids I mean in the normal halloween sense not like purposely going out and giving them an apple with a razor blade in it...that kinda sacaring. I completey decorate my house and go all out
  16. I'm going hair metal this halloween, backcomed hair, tight trousers, big shoes and OTT make up. Can't wait. My favourite holday is halloween, its when I can scare the life out of all the little kids that live close to me without getting in trouble/arrested for it
  17. I always liked Ouran, I thought it was great. I've seen the entire series and I can't wait for the second season we were promised to come out. I want to see how they intend to develop Haruhi's relationship with the twins and Tamaki. Should be a good watch, worth the wait as well hopefully.
  18. No no no no no! That's all wrong. The guy that's playing Goku doesn't look half as buff as he should, and who the blue furry pardon my french fck is Mai? What happened to Chi Chi? I loved her, she was my favourtie character, and one more thing Picallo isn't even green *cries* I hope that movie burns in hell where it belongs.
  19. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"]Calling all Otaku in the Dungannon/Cookstown district area. Are you interested in meeting others like you? I know this is going to sound like a personal ad in a paper but bear with me. If you live in the Dunganon/Cookstown area and you'd be interested in meating other otaku in the area then you may be in luck. A meat and great is being organised over the Christmas period details to follow. So if you'd be interested let me know by replying to this.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. I love Zero Puncuation. I've been watching him a lot since my brother and his friends showed me the tomb raider video. I love his approach to games, I mean if you think everything is awful then when it is you're not disapointed. I know he also points out everything bad about good games but he's a critic so its technically his job so it doesn't really matter if he hates a game
  21. I imported the original Japanese Fatal Frame game, scared the life out of me. Not because I only had a camera and all these zombie things where coming at me, no. And it wasn't the fact that it wasn't censored no. It was both those things combied plus the fact that the game was all in Japanese and I had no idea what anyone was saying. Recently bioshock scares the life out of me, the first level in particular when all I have is a wrench and I'm being attacked left right and centre by splicers and big daddy's. Houndi splicers still scare me no matter what weapon I have equiped, the disappearing and re appearing thing, especially at 3 in the morning in a pitch black room. Not good for my heath I'll say that much.
  22. 80's music can get old fast. But its good for getting you into a party mood. Especially Van Halen, hot for teacher is always a good song for feeling stupid :L
  23. [COLOR="Indigo"]I've always liked Yu-Gi-Oh. I know that even some harcore anime fans will laugh when its brought up but the concept is a good one and if 4kids didn't mess with it I'm sure it would be a whole lot better than it is at the minute. I liked Yu-Gi-Oh (up until capsule monsters, that was just crap) but I mean 4kids do a lot of censoring when it comes to violence in these sorts of things another example is pokemon, I mean there was a lot more voilence in the original Japanese version aired on japanese tv, over here and in the us 4kids got their hands on it and well we get the watered down version. It's worse living in Ireland though, we're not part of the united kingdom really so we don't get a lot of anime and since everything comes down through the US its all censored and filtered to make it "child friendly" because its going on TV during the day when kids watch it. So yeah Yu-Gi-Oh is a great anime a mon avis and if 4kids hadn't gotten its grimy paws into it I'm sure it could have been better, but that's only one person's opinon[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Purple"]Hey all. I'm new to the Otaku board but not so much to forums, I used to post on the VdeioBleach forums so anyone who knows about that might know Ray-Ray (me) I've been listening to the podcast and I thought I'd check out the Forums, so yeah this is me. If you wanna know more just ask I'm happy to answer questions. LoLo away *flys off* [b]Zoom[/b][/COLOR]
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