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Everything posted by master_place

  1. Yes there is but I forgot how to do it.
  2. I'm Japanese American. Its illegal to buy from japan and bring it to my home?
  3. I have it and i'm not joking! I decided not to play until christmas. After christmas I could find more info so maybe i could teach everybody more.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goldmaster23 [/i] [B]As alreadly stated, the GS ball can be found only in the Japanese version of Crystal, You're supposed to recieve all 16 badges and then hook up with a friend, etc. The GS ball is supposed to stand for Gold Silver Ball, Considering these are the colours of the 2 games. And the pokemon is the time traveller, Celebi. What else? If you want to know, Celebi and Mew have the exact same Max Stats with: HP:403 Att/Def/Spc/Spd: 298. Hope it sums it up! ^_~ [/B][/QUOTE] just to tell you that you hook up with your cell called mobile system.
  5. the two new legendary bird pokemon in japanese is Latiio(blue) and i forgot the red one
  6. i hate meowth. Hes getting more famous. id want to get rid of meowth so wobuffett would take meowth`s place.
  7. wheres the water water beats rocks!!
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