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About sexyjessie4

  • Birthday 06/04/1984

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  • Biography
    a sexy chica!!!
  • Occupation
    College Girlie

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  1. I am extremely bored since my best friend is hanging out with my boy tonight (arrr!) so I actually read that whole thing, and as much as other people hated it, I thought it was extremely funny and very very true!! But you did make a mistake in saying that guys aren't complicated, because at the very least, guys are equally as complicated as girls are and they play as many games as girls do. And if you don't believe me, I could think of a ton of examples....but yeah this was entertaining and I liked it! :)
  2. Friends are amazing people and I love every single one of mine. I hope that everyone has the chance to have at least one friend who is as awesome as all of mine are. I just realized last night that I truly do have the world's greatest friends and thank my lucky stars every night for them because without them I wouldn't be here today.:)
  3. Hey y'all.....just wanted to let u know that he ended up staying w/ her...but I am fine!! I said goodbye to him and I have no regrets about anything. I haven't felt so relieved and happy in so long....and its all because I finally got up enough strenth to say goodbye. So thanks everyone for all your advice! It all turned out okay in the end!
  4. Well, its not due to the first reason because he's already sleeping w/ her (as Goddess21 so nicely put it, his girlfriend is kind of a ho...lol) and I'd like to think he's not a jerk but he very well could be and I know it sounds like he is....above all I think he's just immature and doesn't know what he wants and doesn't know enough that having a real relationship (me) is more important than just a sex partner (his current girlfriend). So yeah...
  5. Okay, I've talked to this boy so much in the past week and basically he says he is breaking up w/ his girlfriend after prom (which is about 3 weeks away) cause if he did it before it would make everything weird at prom and no matter what he has to go with her. But I think that is stupid and I told him that I don't want to be the girl who is always there for him and just keeps getting hurt and blah blah blah we talked about that for awhile. Yeah, I trust what he says, but also his girlfriend is psycho and I'm seriously scared she'll hurt me when she finds out I'm w/ him. Hmm...thoughts on any of this?
  6. I absolutely hate it when people crack their knuckles or joints or bones of any kind. I also hate it when people bite their fingernails or anywhere near the fingers, or anything that involves them sucking on their fingers. Also, when people chew gum and it makes a slurping loud sound...eew!
  7. Well I'm going to New York City this weekend with Baby Girl, BabyKiwi and Goddess21 so I should have a great time!! I'm looking forward to it and I'll let y'all know about how the situation turned out when I get home...thanks for everything!
  8. Let the "I told ya so's" start rolling in........I don't know how one person can hurt me so much.....if anyone has a cure for tears and a broken heart.....tell me.....:bawl:
  9. I'm 17 (almost 18!) and I live in DeWitt, Michigan (right by Lansing, the capital)....My one piece of advice is to never live in Michigan, it ruins people!! I wish I lived in Texas, I love it there so much!!:D
  10. I saw the new movie and I seriously hated it!! I was lost and didn't really understand what was going on and nothing seemed to connect to each other...so I guess I'm just wondering if I should read the book (is it really that much better than the movie??)
  11. I definitely understand what y'all are saying, and I guess you're right...but...I can't explain it, but I just can't leave the boy. Yeah, he hurt me before, but it would hurt so much if I couldn't be with him....And, the reason he dumped me, well there was a lot of things and I think one of the main things was that we just rushed into it and we weren't completely comfortable with each other then...but that was a long time ago and now we can tlak about anything, which is good for a relationship. I don't know..I really do see your points of view, and I don't know if anyone understands what I mean when I say that I'll like him no matter what and that I think this will work out....but I hope so. (or I just sound plain crazy to y'all!!)
  12. That is a good point...I do trust him though and I honestly think it will be okay...I hope so at least!! *crosses fingers*
  13. Yeah, I know it was wrong to go out on a date w/ him when he is still w/ his girlfriend, but we really were just talking about us and stuff. And I guess I do understand that he doesn't wanna hurt her and all that, but I still think he should break up with her. But anyways, he called me last night after I wrote that post and he said he was breaking up with her for good this time because being with me made him realize how much he still liked me. And as much as I hate his girlfriend, I do feel bad for her.....but I think that things are going to work out!!:love: *Thanks for letting me vent!*
  14. I can tell you that once people betray my trust, I might try to forgive them and I will try to trust them again....but I never forget what they did and it will always be in the back of my mind. When someone betrays my trust it is incredibly hard for them to earn it back and my relationship with that person will never ever be the same...so my advice would be to just try to be honest with people all the time.
  15. I am famous for my sleepwalking and talking in my sleep and one night I wandered downstairs to the kitchen and my brother (thinking I was awake) asked me to get him a glass of water, but instead I grabbed a HUGE knife and started slicing a watermelon. My brother finally realized I was still asleep, and yet he let me keep chopping the watermelon. hahaha
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