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Everything posted by sexyjessie4

  1. I am going to go to Grand Valley (in MI) for 2 years, then transfer to University of Texas in Austin and major in International Business there for 2 more years. Then I'm going to get a high-paying job at an international company based in Austin and I'm going to have a mansion on Lake Austin next to Lance Armstrong and I'm going to be traveling alot for my job....yup yup!!
  2. :confused: That is pretty crazy to think about...I mean, if we are all that similar, then why should anyone think that they are better than another person when really, they are just like that person??? Okay maybe that didn't make sense to y'all...but it sounded good in my head.
  3. :D Well, Baby Girl, Baby Kiwi and I have two mutual friends (well....one isn't really our friend anymore....argh:( ) who seem to have a fetish with sneaking out of the house. Hahaha and it seems like they get caught every time!! Here is some advice I have learned from their unfortunate mishaps: 1. Don't stuff your bed with pillows to make it look like you are in there 2. Don't try to push your car down your driveway (especially when you have a very long driveway) 3. Don't have people pick you up w/ their brights on and music blaring when you're "sneaking" out of the house 4. Don't sneak out of your window in the winter when there is snow on the ground (....there are footprints your parents can follow them!!) and 5. When you're caught don't make up elaborate lies about what you were doing out at night especailly if you can't even remember the lie you made up.
  4. haha okay I don't think y'all will like my movies (I've been told I have weird taste in them) but here are my favorites: Meet the Parents, Caddyshack 2, Ocean's Eleven, Final Destination, the Bone Collector, and Dude Where's My Car.....but by far my all-time favorite is 10 Things I Hate About You!!
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i] [B][color=crimson]I definitely have the most lame joke that was ever told. My friend, and yours BabyGirl, told me this a while ago, and she still laughs 'till she cries whenever she hears or tells it. -Why did the first monkey fall out of the tree? Because he was dead. -Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree? Because he was stapled to the first monkey. -Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree? Peer pressure. :rolleyes: I thougth that was the dumbest joke I have ever heard! I'll let BabyGirl tell some of the other lame jokes our friend has told us...:cross: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol lol that joke has caused much laughter in our group of friends...does Master O Beans remember the illustration of this joke at a place of eating called the Italian Oven???? :laugh:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]chris rock is good so isjerry sienfeld but my fav is andrew dice clay yea the dice man [/B][/QUOTE] Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld are my all-time favorite comedians!!!:D
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] I feel exactly the same as you. All of my friends have boyfriends, and lasting relationships.... and for some reason, it's hard for me to have the same. I've been told that I'm just as pretty as them, but I don't get approached... and when I [i]do[/i] get some male attention, they never want to date me, they just want some cheap play, or sex with no strings attached. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow!! That sounds like exactly what I'm thinking!! All of my friends have serious relationships and good boyfriends (that they are always with and it makes me feel ditched...but thats another topic) and its like, why can't I just find a guy to have a serious relationship with? I am ready for one and just can't find the guy. I just want someone to be there for me and stuff and to hang out with (I hate being by myself). I don't know....guys can be jerks though. My ex-boyfriend (who it took me forever to get over...and I really am not totally over him) just told me tonight that I am the girl that he would want to marry and be with for a long time but right now, he's young and he just wants to have fun....I don't know what that means but yeah. So now he is with some girl that he hates just so he can get some whenever he wants....figure that one out. But I'm here for ya girl!!
  8. I did not even crack a smile....that had to be the stupidest thing ever....you people are definitely insane!
  9. Okay...I don't know if this really applies to this whole topic but I just thought about this.....does anyone else remember when they were younger and you'd be at a slumber party or something and you used to think it was a big deal to stay up all night??? Cuz when I was younger me and my friends would be at parties seeing who could stay awake the longest......haha the good times!!
  10. I would absolutely keep the baby!! Everyone has something special about them and everyone deserves the chance to succeed at life even if they are handicapped. This question makes it sound like people who are mentally or physically handicapped are below everyone else and that really is not the case. They are just as important and special as the "normal" people in this world and they are the nicest and most accepting people I know...they don't judge people like everyone judges them and we need more people like that in the world!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B] si. and if you lack in 'good' looks you can make up for it in intelligence and humor, etc. [/B][/QUOTE] That is so true...and if you are a very good-looking person but have a bad personality (you know the stuck-up, conceited, snotty people I'm talking about) it makes you look a lot less attractive than you really are. I know several people who when you first meet them, you think they're gorgeous but then you get to know them and they have just a bad personality and it makes you think they're not that good-looking....haha or at least thats what its like for me!!:)
  12. We had to put my doggie Wicket to sleep over Labor Day weekend this year and although he was a very annoying dog and he barked all the time (I mean he seriously barked nonstop) it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. My mom and I were the ones that took him to the vet and I will never forget that, I was crying uncontrollably and I was surprised by how much I did (and still do) miss him. He was our family pet for 12 years and he always protected us.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]fat chicks seem to like me, so I must not be too bad... :D [/url] [/B][/QUOTE] I think you're a 10!!!! The BFC are 10's!! Yeah!!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] Two girls (A and B) like one guy. That guy knew A first, and he like A . B also like him, and she knew that he like A. B wrote A a letter saying that "she'll die without the guy." Should A let the guy go? [/B][/QUOTE] Both girls should just ditch the guy as soon as they can!! No guy is worth two friends fighting over him...always remember "chicks before dicks". I don't know why it is that girls will always put guys before their friends when their friends are the only ones who are gonna be there for them in the end. But both girls should just forget this guy....I learned an extremely hard lesson by putting a guy before my friend and I will never do it again!
  15. I completely believe in fate...I think that fate hands you every situation but it is up to you how you handle it. Fate determines exactly what situations you are going to encounter in life and all the people that you are going to meet but it is up to you to make the best out of everything.
  16. I confide in my friends...I have a lot of them that I can tell all my problems and things to and I know they'll always be there to help me with them. But there is only one person (who is my best friend in the world) that I can completely trust and I can tell her everything and anything. It always makes me feel better just knowing that somebody will always be there to listen to me!:love:
  17. If my house was on fire I would run in and grab all my photo albums because they are my most prized possession!! They are full of pictures of all my family and friends and everyone whom I love and who have made me who I am now. Looking at those pictures reminds me of all the memories I share with all those people and they make me happy!!!!:)
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