I know quite a bit about the show but without specifics, I don't know exactly what you want to know. Anyway, **let's see...** There are 26 episodes thus far, A movie of it is supposed to come to the US theatres soon and is titled: Knockin' on Heaven's Gate (I personally think it will only be shown at select theatres just like Spriggin though)and is supposedly taking place between episodes 22 and 23, Bandai has made a few models of all the main characters for a great price plus they all come in one package...unfortunatly, it's only available in Japan...so far. Also, there are more models and figurines being sold there (including one I really want:Faye) that are higher quality but a lot more expensive naturally. Not to mention, everything else you can think of. But again, most of it is in Japan only. That doesn't mean you can't import the awesome stuff. Anyway, uhh...Spike used to work for the syndicate until he was betrayed by Vicious, Jet Black used to work on "the force", Faye is blessed with extended life, Ein the Welsh Corghi? was used as an experiment and has a special micro or nano chip in him that boosted his intellegence, Ed IS a female who was literally forgotten by her father while doing his job. That's all I can think of for now :D I know a little more than this so if you have more questions.....